Are you stupid?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I am 54, and have never had a problem with drugs or alcohol, but can no longer buy an insurance policy that takes advanatage of my choices not to get addicted to drugs. I am a man, but cannot buy insurance that does not include prenatal care and a free pap smear.

This is supposed to make me feel good about Obamacare, it just makes me think that the government is stupid.

[ame=]Krauthammer: Jay Carney Is Saying "You're Too Stupid To Understand What You Want" - YouTube[/ame]
Obama Care needs cash to run...
You need to be over insured so they can justify putting their hand in your pocket.
Yet the young and healthy that they need to fund this are allowed to be put on the parents
insurance plan...

Does any of this make sense...
Maybe the explanation is that Obama designed this to fail...
Stupid, lazy, deluded, or sadistic? Has to be one of them. Maybe all of them.

It is the predictable outcome of being trapped in an information bubble and rhetorical echo chamber while spending other peoples money.

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