What are we going to do about this Scientology crap?


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
been watching Leah Remini's show...

I knew Scientology was ripping people off but this is too much.

Their holding people in camps and forcing women to get abortions.

Scientology is a massive Satanic entity in this country.
No reason we should do anything, other than making it possible for people to leave if they want to. People have a right to what ever religious belief they want, no matter how much of a rip off it is.
We do nothing. We help those that are forced to stay in it but leave the rest who choose to stay in it.

I know you conservatives have a hard time grasping the concept of freedom of religion but you can't force people to leave a faith or single out a religion to banned.

The bible isn't too sane either. In fact no religious text is completely rational.
been watching Leah Remini's show...

I knew Scientology was ripping people off but this is too much.

Their holding people in camps and forcing women to get abortions.

Scientology is a massive Satanic entity in this country.
"Satanic"? I think youre mixing up your religions. Satanism is a Christianity thing.
been watching Leah Remini's show...

I knew Scientology was ripping people off but this is too much.

Their holding people in camps and forcing women to get abortions.

Scientology is a massive Satanic entity in this country.

What are we going to do about the Christians too?
Unfortunately, a lot of people can't resist the promise of eternal life, no matter that it sounds too good to be true. When it comes with your own planet (or 72 virgins), the appeal is almost irresistible.
No reason we should do anything, other than making it possible for people to leave if they want to. People have a right to what ever religious belief they want, no matter how much of a rip off it is.
I agree, but to a point....cults should not be tolerated....Jim Jones is an ever present danger when we have liberals in a society.....
Unfortunately, a lot of people can't resist the promise of eternal life, no matter that it sounds too good to be true. When it comes with your own planet (or 72 virgins), the appeal is almost irresistible.

Well, we've seen that the politicians act like the religions, promising things they'll never be able to give, and people buy it time after time after time.
been watching Leah Remini's show...

I knew Scientology was ripping people off but this is too much.

Their holding people in camps and forcing women to get abortions.

Scientology is a massive Satanic entity in this country.

What you are telling me that a religion started by a hack science fiction writer isn't true?

Perish the thought.

The kind of people who get involved in Scientology would just get involved with some other cult, maybe the kind that makes you drink the koolaid.

Just can't get worked up over this. The "Legitimate" religions are just as bad or worse.

(Yes, i'm looking at you, Catholicism!)
No reason we should do anything, other than making it possible for people to leave if they want to. People have a right to what ever religious belief they want, no matter how much of a rip off it is.

Agreed. you go after the coercive tactics that are actually illegal, not the dogma, or even the coercive tactics that are NOT illegal.
Agreed. you go after the coercive tactics that are actually illegal, not the dogma, or even the coercive tactics that are NOT illegal.

When they go after the Catholic Church (an organization that allowed pedophilia to go on at a massive scale) with as much enthusiastic fervor as the fake Sci-Fi Cult, then I'll take you all seriously.

People can leave the Catholic Church anytime they want, hell I'm a lapsed Catholic at best.

Your own petty hatreds make you an unreliable debater on this topic. Well that and your overall twattery.
People can leave the Catholic Church anytime they want, hell I'm a lapsed Catholic at best.

Your own petty hatreds make you an unreliable debater on this topic. Well that and your overall twattery.

Lots of people have left Scientology... not seeing the problem here.

But the Catholic Church really did hide all those pedophiles all those years.

People can leave the Catholic Church anytime they want, hell I'm a lapsed Catholic at best.

Your own petty hatreds make you an unreliable debater on this topic. Well that and your overall twattery.

Lots of people have left Scientology... not seeing the problem here.

But the Catholic Church really did hide all those pedophiles all those years.

And so did Penn State, and the US Gymnasts, and other places. Again, your own bias makes you laser in on one group.
No reason we should do anything, other than making it possible for people to leave if they want to. People have a right to what ever religious belief they want, no matter how much of a rip off it is.
I agree, but to a point....cults should not be tolerated....Jim Jones is an ever present danger when we have liberals in a society.....
Well, why didn't you speak up when the Trump Cult began?

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