US/Taliban Sign historic peace deal

Anything that gets our troops out is a victory, that you cannot see that is a crying shame.

Not really. You see, Victory to me is achieving the objective. Taking the hill, winning the peace, whatever.

Our goal going in there was to 1) Eliminate Al Qaeda and 2) Remove their Taliban enablers from power.

Now, Bush, Obama and Trump ALL failed to defeat the Taliban, and the corrupt and inept characters they put up lost any chance of uniting the people there. Besides the Taliban, the "legitimate" Afghan Government recently broke up into three factions. Once we are gone, I give it about a year before the Taliban is running the country again. Maybe Al Qaeda will go back, but given they've set up shop in Yemen, Syria, Libya and Iraq, maybe not.

Now, nothing wrong with giving up when there's no fucking point, but no, not going to let Trump spin this as "Winning".
Anything that gets our troops out is a victory, that you cannot see that is a crying shame.

Not really. You see, Victory to me is achieving the objective. Taking the hill, winning the peace, whatever.

Our goal going in there was to 1) Eliminate Al Qaeda and 2) Remove their Taliban enablers from power.

Now, Bush, Obama and Trump ALL failed to defeat the Taliban, and the corrupt and inept characters they put up lost any chance of uniting the people there. Besides the Taliban, the "legitimate" Afghan Government recently broke up into three factions. Once we are gone, I give it about a year before the Taliban is running the country again. Maybe Al Qaeda will go back, but given they've set up shop in Yemen, Syria, Libya and Iraq, maybe not.

Now, nothing wrong with giving up when there's no fucking point, but no, not going to let Trump spin this as "Winning".
You never get predictions right because you are incapable of clear thought. Your mind is truly a trainwreck.
All the democrats running for 2020 have said they would end the war in Afghanistan so now I suppose we can expect democrats to call TRUMP reckless and irresponsible for pulling US troops out and ending the war.
18 years and we are leaving with the guys we were fighting still in power. How you call it a win is a sign you’re crazy.

The only “win” is we’re leaving. Something we could have done on day one of the blob’s Presidency. He gets zero credit

Why didn't Obama do it?
US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone

The United States signed a historic peace treaty with Taliban militants on Saturday, aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan that began after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

What say you all?

I say well done Mr Trump if this gets our troops out of the country and we quit losing our service member for no reason whatsoever.

Though I am disappointed to read that they plan to leave troops there, but we as a country just cannot stand to not have troops in half the countries in the world.
Will Americans accept women being executed on soccer fields again?

Do we have the resolve to stay out of a failed Afghan state under the control of the Taliban?

That and worse will happen should American and NATO forces leave Afghanistan, in addition to the end of other types of non-military aid and support.

We stood by and did nothing while genocide occurred in Central Africa.

The justification for staying in Afghanistan is to prevent terrorist organizations from finding refuge again, creating a threat to America and its interests.

The US getting involved in Iraq and Afghanistan being a mistake is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

That both are failed, illegal wars is also a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

There are no good options or outcomes for these reckless, irresponsible misadventures in the ME.
Why didn't Obama do it?

Because people like you would have screamed he was a secret Muslim helping our enemies.

All the democrats running for 2020 have said they would end the war in Afghanistan so now I suppose we can expect democrats to call TRUMP reckless and irresponsible for pulling US troops out and ending the war.

Actually, most people didn't even know that we are still in Afghanistan and it won't be much of an issue one way or the other.
US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone

The United States signed a historic peace treaty with Taliban militants on Saturday, aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan that began after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

What say you all?

I say well done Mr Trump if this gets our troops out of the country and we quit losing our service member for no reason whatsoever.

Though I am disappointed to read that they plan to leave troops there, but we as a country just cannot stand to not have troops in half the countries in the world.
Will Americans accept women being executed on soccer fields again?

Do we have the resolve to stay out of a failed Afghan state under the control of the Taliban?

That and worse will happen should American and NATO forces leave Afghanistan, in addition to the end of other types of non-military aid and support.

We stood by and did nothing while genocide occurred in Central Africa.

The justification for staying in Afghanistan is to prevent terrorist organizations from finding refuge again, creating a threat to America and its interests.

The US getting involved in Iraq and Afghanistan being a mistake is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

That both are failed, illegal wars is also a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

There are no good options or outcomes for these reckless, irresponsible misadventures in the ME.
As long as what happens in shitholes stays in shitholes like Afghanistan and Africa, I couldn't give a rat's ass. Al Queda is gone and so should we.
America joins the loser category, along with the Greeks, British, and Russians, for failing to conquer the Afghan people and exiting the country with tail tucked between its legs. .. :cool:
We will maintain a presence there for the indefinite future. Not sure how you equate that to the single Brit that was allowed to limp out of Afghanistan in 1842.
al-Qaeda never had more than 200 soldiers in Afghanistan, and the Taliban had no Air force or Navy.
But our government claimed we had to fight them over there, so we wouldn't be invaded over here. ... :cuckoo:
The Taliban was allowing AQ to train for terrorist acts on the US from Afghanistan.

That doesnt happen any more. They do it from elsewhere if at all.
That is what staying in Afghanistan all these years has cost us.
And Trump is putting an end to it.
Not entirely, We are leaving 8,000 troops to support the Afghan government forces, and releasing 5,000 Taliban.

US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone
As part of the agreement, the U.S. is drawing back a number of the approximately 13,000 troops stationed there, although more than 8,000 will remain to ensure certain counter-terrorism conditions are met by the Taliban.

Another condition of the agreement calls for the release of 5,000 Taliban members from Afghan-run jails, although it was not clear if the Afghan government will comply with that.

A senior administration official told reporters earlier this week that the deal "explicitly mentions al Qaeda" and calls for the Taliban to cut all ties. The U.S. is also working for a "complete ceasefire" which will be discussed in Oslo on March 10.​
One hopes this treaty will mark the real end to that war and all it's casualties on all sides. I'd just as soon see ALL of our guys outta there, but this is still a good thing to give peace chance.
Agreed, but when you have the combination of pure 7th century zealots, incompetent Afghan leadership and uncommitted Afghan military, I'm not optimistic. it doesn't look promising.

Yeah, I know but when we took out Soleimani with that drone missile, I think that got a lot of people's attention over there. If you fuck with us then you could be on the receiving end of another one of those. They do have a number of crazy zealot bastards over there for sure, but at least it might work until a democrat gets back in the WH.
18 years and we are leaving with the guys we were fighting still in power. How you call it a win is a sign you’re crazy.

The only “win” is we’re leaving. Something we could have done on day one of the blob’s Presidency. He gets zero credit

Why didn't Obama do it?

The process started under Obama:
bd8c7f38-d81e-11e2-a016-92547bf094cc_story.html was controversial....This Trump tweet about Obama negotiating with the Taliban has aged terribly

I think it was a long process of changing expectations for the reality on the ground. This paragraph kind of sums it up:

The U.S. Once Wanted Peace in Afghanistan
For George W. Bush, the goal was the destruction of al-Qaeda, the total defeat of the Taliban, and a “stable and free and peaceful” Afghanistan. For Barack Obama, it was a degraded Taliban that could be reasoned with but would have to renounce violence, respect women, and abide by the Afghan constitution. For Donald Trump, it was just a reduction in violence and a clear path to the door—the Afghans themselves would have to figure out the rest.
I think it was a long process of changing expectations for the reality on the ground. This paragraph kind of sums it up:

The U.S. Once Wanted Peace in Afghanistan
For George W. Bush, the goal was the destruction of al-Qaeda, the total defeat of the Taliban, and a “stable and free and peaceful” Afghanistan. For Barack Obama, it was a degraded Taliban that could be reasoned with but would have to renounce violence, respect women, and abide by the Afghan constitution. For Donald Trump, it was just a reduction in violence and a clear path to the door—the Afghans themselves would have to figure out the rest.

I would say "lowered expectations", but the problem goes back to Jimmy Carter. We've been involved with Afghanistan's civil War since 1980 when Jimmy Carter had the brilliant idea of arming Afghans to fight the Russians who were propping up a Communist government. Then the CIA realized they really, really didn't understand the culture, so we outsourced the fighting to Arab fanatics like Bin Laden. Easier to do that than to have guys learn to speak Pushtan or Uzbek.

Trump is just kicking the can down the road until after the election, knowing damned well that the Taliban will topple our allies five minutes after we leave.
18 years and we are leaving with the guys we were fighting still in power. How you call it a win is a sign you’re crazy.

The only “win” is we’re leaving. Something we could have done on day one of the blob’s Presidency. He gets zero credit

Why didn't Obama do it?

Good question.
18 years and we are leaving with the guys we were fighting still in power. How you call it a win is a sign you’re crazy.

The only “win” is we’re leaving. Something we could have done on day one of the blob’s Presidency. He gets zero credit

Why didn't Obama do it?

Same question I asked in 2012.

Santorum, Kiss Your Good Reputation Bye-bye: Romney to get More 'Aggressive'

I think it was a long process of changing expectations for the reality on the ground. This paragraph kind of sums it up:

The U.S. Once Wanted Peace in Afghanistan
For George W. Bush, the goal was the destruction of al-Qaeda, the total defeat of the Taliban, and a “stable and free and peaceful” Afghanistan. For Barack Obama, it was a degraded Taliban that could be reasoned with but would have to renounce violence, respect women, and abide by the Afghan constitution. For Donald Trump, it was just a reduction in violence and a clear path to the door—the Afghans themselves would have to figure out the rest.

I would say "lowered expectations", but the problem goes back to Jimmy Carter. We've been involved with Afghanistan's civil War since 1980 when Jimmy Carter had the brilliant idea of arming Afghans to fight the Russians who were propping up a Communist government. Then the CIA realized they really, really didn't understand the culture, so we outsourced the fighting to Arab fanatics like Bin Laden. Easier to do that than to have guys learn to speak Pushtan or Uzbek.

Trump is just kicking the can down the road until after the election, knowing damned well that the Taliban will topple our allies five minutes after we leave.

They’ll do way before then. Iran has shown the blob can’t make the hard calls.

The thing is...if the do completely eradicate whatever authority is

Why is it taking 18 months?
What you think about this depends greatly on ones political affiliation. Maybe this will change Afghanistan for the better though it's just as likely if not more so it will breakdown into civil and tribal warfare again in any event I doubt any other President Republican or Democrat counld have worked out anything any better.

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