China’s envoy says ‘significant gap’ between Kyiv and Moscow on peace talks


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
China’s envoy says ‘significant gap’ between Kyiv and Moscow on peace talks
Speaking to the media after his latest European tour, Li Hui expresses hope that both sides might come together.

Remote : Fri, 22 Mar 2024 04:42:25 +0000
Local : 2024-03-22(Friday) 05 : 42 : 25
Found via World Headlines on

so, the Chinese can't "hack" the situation in Ukraine into a peace deal either.
maybe we ought to team up with the Chinese and Russians, to pressure Zelensky into giving part of his country to the Russians.

some sort of comprehensive deal should be made that sees to it that neither the Russians nor Ukrainians get the weaponry and ammo that will prolong this conflict to span decades. i got this idea from a Fox News interview with former President Trump by the way.

coz when you starve armies of their arms, you push the politicians who are involved into the negotiating rooms again.
to deny the citizenry their safety in long wars (with kickbacks for the lucky and the corrupt alike), to impose the draft on your own people, to send all of these people to their deaths while that clearly wasn't necessary - Ukrainian leaders could have chosen exile and shelter but nooooo they had to drag their entire population into a very long nasty war, it all smells like the work that Demons love to see.

i think regular referendums on whether or not to continue the war, are not too much to ask for.
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China’s envoy says ‘significant gap’ between Kyiv and Moscow on peace talks
Speaking to the media after his latest European tour, Li Hui expresses hope that both sides might come together.

Remote : Fri, 22 Mar 2024 04:42:25 +0000
Local : 2024-03-22(Friday) 05 : 42 : 25
Found via World Headlines on

so, the Chinese can't "hack" the situation in Ukraine into a peace deal either.
maybe we ought to team up with the Chinese and Russians, to pressure Zelensky into giving part of his country to the Russians.

some sort of comprehensive deal should be made that sees to it that neither the Russians nor Ukrainians get the weaponry and ammo that will prolong this conflict to span decades. i got this idea from a Fox News interview with former President Trump by the way.

coz when you starve armies of their arms, you push the politicians who are involved into the negotiating rooms again.
to deny the citizenry their safety in long wars (with kickbacks for the lucky), is really Demon-ish if you ask me.

Last year, I think it was, Xi told his people he would make peace. And he couldn't, and went away silently. I think Xi doesn't like Putin, but realizes he needs Putin to play the anti-US game.

Russia's idea of peace is one where Putin comes out of it looking good. He'll want all the areas he controls and the areas of the Donbas he doesn't control. He might also ask for money to leave the Ukraine.

The Ukraine want all their country back, including the Crimea. To lose the Crimea and those areas Putin put into Russia would be a loss of face he won't accept.

China didn't want the war in the first place, it's been disrupting their money making schemes.
Russia is never going to leave Crimea. Never. This would be akin to asking the US to give up its navel base at Gitmo. Folks need to get real.

I doubt they will leave the Donbas either, given that Kyiv and the West were shitty and unreliable partner in the Minsk treaties. . NATO and the west purposely WANTED this war, they had admitted it, and thus, provoked it. They admited they had never intended to keep their side in those treaties, but had used it as a pretense to prepare for this war. . one which Putin had never wanted, nor had he ever intended to fight. . . but now it is here?

So. . unless they give something massive in penance to Russia for all the losses that Putin has suffered? Since the Russians are now winning? I don't see them stopping until they have taken Odessa and Kharkiv. Nor do I see them really particularly interested in making a super bloody attept at Kyiv, but that is what MUST be done to end this.. . . and it has already been indicated that this stoopid comedian will flee to S. America or the US.

What a disaster.
China wants this to continue for as long as possible to drain all ammunition and equipment from the west. . in the event it needs to invade Taiwan.

. . that is looking increasingly unlikely though, as it has now ownership of a majority of the politicians in the legislative body of Taiwan.

Why go to war with western democracies. . when you can just buy them???

. . as we now see from our own administration and the circus with those foreign influence hearings we had.

We are now willing to be sold out, and some folks really will put their heads in the sand and put party over nation. . .
You are on a roll apparently retired Moderator Beale .

My exact sentiments point for point, both posts .
I would only emphasise that the chances of Russia vacating Crimea and also Donbass are both zero.imho.
Both Russia and China are strategically far more savvy and play the long game very cleverly .

I perhaps judge Odessa to be a greater problem --- when Russia presumably takes it later this year it might prompt lots of NATO noise as the US has invested a great deal into Romania--- slap next door --- and will be fearful of Russia creating a land bridge with Transnistria and Moldova . This would effectively be the end of Ukraine as a country , perhaps leaving Kyiv as an enclave under some sort of Russian military influence .
A ghastly blow to the US and British who use Ukraine as a refuse tip .
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