US/Taliban Sign historic peace deal

While reading the news article, I noticed a reference to an outfit call "white turban". From the context, they are some sort of Taliban affiliate and they were bragging about kicking our butts. I had never heard of them and did an internet search. My first attempt met with "no page available". I changed search engines. The next thing I ran into was etsy trying to sell me white turbans. Hard head that I am, I continued my search. A window popped up asking me to certify than I was older than 13. I clicked yes and another window popped up telling me I had to register an account to continue. It finally got through even my thick scull and I backed out of the search.
Anyone: What is the white turban?
US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone

Good for America, so the left will hate this, right?

If Obama did this they would love it.
It isn't going to last that long while Pompeo is around.

They’ll do way before then. Iran has shown the blob can’t make the hard calls.

What hard calls are you referring to?

Attacking Iran for shelling our base in any meaningful way that is a deterrent to further attacks. Letting Kim undress him in negotiations where they still are launching rockets, etc....

I don't know what Kim has to do with Iran, but are you saying Trump should have escalated things with Iran after the hit on our base?
I guess. We've just pretty much turned the country over to the Taliban after spending trillions of dollars there.

Graveyard of Empires, indeed.

Of course, the Trump cult will turn an abject surrender into a "victory".

Yes. because Bush and obozo didn’t have 17 years to clean it up. You are so disingenuous.
They’ll do way before then. Iran has shown the blob can’t make the hard calls.

What hard calls are you referring to?

Attacking Iran for shelling our base in any meaningful way that is a deterrent to further attacks. Letting Kim undress him in negotiations where they still are launching rockets, etc....

I don't know what Kim has to do with Iran, but are you saying Trump should have escalated things with Iran after the hit on our base?

Yes. A proportional response.

Kim hasn’t given up anything in his negotiations with the blob. According to the blob, the dictator of NK and the POTUS fell in love.
While reading the news article, I noticed a reference to an outfit call "white turban". From the context, they are some sort of Taliban affiliate and they were bragging about kicking our butts. I had never heard of them and did an internet search. My first attempt met with "no page available". I changed search engines. The next thing I ran into was etsy trying to sell me white turbans. Hard head that I am, I continued my search. A window popped up asking me to certify than I was older than 13. I clicked yes and another window popped up telling me I had to register an account to continue. It finally got through even my thick scull and I backed out of the search.
Anyone: What is the white turban?
Direct descendants of the prophet Mohammed
America joins the loser category, along with the Greeks, British, and Russians, for failing to conquer the Afghan people and exiting the country with tail tucked between its legs. .. :cool:
Was never our intention to “conquer” the country. All we needed to do was kill lots of Muslims and make them understand their place in the world.
I would say "lowered expectations", but the problem goes back to Jimmy Carter. We've been involved with Afghanistan's civil War since 1980 when Jimmy Carter had the brilliant idea of arming Afghans to fight the Russians who were propping up a Communist government.
Surely, as the historian you profess to be, you realize that Cater began arming Afghans in the 1970s.
Yes. because Bush and obozo didn’t have 17 years to clean it up. You are so disingenuous.

I've been critical of Obama's handling of Afghanistan. And Bush's.

Let's start with Bush. Bush went in. Good call. That's where Al Qaeda was. Then he stopped in 2002, redirected the military to start planning for his revenge war in Iraq. Took his eye off the ball. The Taliban was able to regroup, the people we backed turned out to be notoriously corrupt (Karzai's brother made a fortune pumping out heroin to the west) and by 2009, we were in a worse state.

My problem with Obama was that he didn't take a fresh look. His Rhetoric was that Iraq was the war of choice, but Afghanistan was the war of necessity. so he did the surge. The problem was that Karzai stole the 2009 election and pretty much any facade that we were promoting democracy over there went right out the window. People started remembering the Taliban as the "Good Old Days". I mean, yeah, it sucked that everyone had to wear a Bhurka and such, but it wasn't chaos like it is now.

The thing is, Afghanistan has been pretty much in a state of Civil War since 1979. Afghanistan was never a "nation", it was a buffer zone between the British and Russian Empires. There are no "Afghans" there are Pushtans, Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc. all of whom have their own tribal interests... The Russians threw everything they had into the place and couldn't bring it to heel, what did we think we were going to accomplish?
Historians had labeled Afghanistan as the, "grave yard of empires", long before the U.S. military involvement in that country.

The Afghan people have a proud history of repelling invaders for thousands of years that defines their culture. It is said that an Afghan baby is born with a weapon in his hand.

Which is why posters here that say all we needed to do was kill more Afghans to win the war are clueless to the reality of Afghanistan and its people. ... :cool:
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US signs historic peace deal with Taliban, Pompeo strikes cautious tone

Good for America, so the left will hate this, right?

If Obama did this they would love it.

Looks like the left isn't the only ones criticizing this deal.

John Bolton blasts Trump's 'Obama-style' Taliban deal
Only the weapons manufacturers and their mouth pieces want endless War...........If after 2 decades Afghanistan can't stand on it's on.........then it deserves to fall..........

Afghanistan is simply a battlefield..........where Radicals go to fight us from other countries...........And we fight the War like the game Tag...............If you touch the Tree you are SAFE...........Other countries filter in an endless supply of fighters without paying a price for it................Which is why we lose Wars..........

Pakistan is where the Taliban continue to come from................Pakistan hid OBL.........They never paid a price for it............

Iran allowed their Proxies into the region, and weapons............and they never paid a price for it............This guarantees endless War..............A losing equation ALWAYS.

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