MAGA loyalist Kid Rock used ‘n-word’ and ‘waved gun’ at Rolling Stone journalist


Kid Rock playing Robbie (his real name) in the movie Joe Dirt was good. I also like his duet with Hank Jr. on
In Country Music You Just Can't say the F-Word.

Even if all of your homies are in cell block six, what the hell is a Bawitdaba?
Singer, songwriter and Donald Trump ally Kid Rock fervently defended and promoted his political beliefs in an inflammatory interview with Rolling Stone magazine in which he used racist language, allegedly wielded a gun at a journalist and made sweeping negative generalizations about groups of people.

Kid Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, has spent the last couple of years using his platform to advocate for the conservative agenda and pledging his support for Mr Trump.

At times, he has invoked volatile rhetoric including spewing a homophobic slur on stage.

“I got a f*ing god* gun right here if I need it,” Rock shouted while waving a black handgun around, Rolling Stone reported.

Rock also said that he believes the 2020 presidential election was stolen, described migrants as “murderers” and “rapists” and used the “n-word” multiple times.

Nothing like a first-class Trump Humper.

They say that alcohol will make you say the things you are really thinking.
Nothing like a bullshit story.
Oh yea, he said what he meant and now Trump Humpers are trying to make excuses for this racist clown.
Trump was never given a chance. These charlatans are running out of money for their agendas. Many cities are treading water and they may have some growth. The resources though needed comes more and more from the regional, state and federal taxing authorities. If you paid a quarter to cross a bridge in the 1960's and it is nearing ten dollars today, then you know we are slowly losing control of our economic system. We need to pay our way and have manufacturing return and purchase products made here. This would make us appreciate the realities and slow down the accusations.
Trump was never given a chance. These charlatans are running out of money for their agendas. Many cities are treading water and they may have some growth. The resources though needed comes more and more from the regional, state and federal taxing authorities. If you paid a quarter to cross a bridge in the 1960's and it is nearing ten dollars today, then you know we are slowly losing control of our economic system. We need to pay our way and have manufacturing return and purchase products made here. This would make us appreciate the realities and slow down the accusations.
Your Orange God claimed he was going to make all those things happen.
You can't even afford groceries. You blaming illegals for that, aren't you, lazy ass?
You're getting your brandon fuckups mixed up.... the paralyzing inflation is caused by your stammering shit clown printing and giving away money like it's Monopoly cash. Buying votes and funding his money laundering operations overseas doesn't help.

The open border that's letting in millions to form terror cells and kill/rape American citizens is a DIFFERENT fuckup.

Let's call them fuckup A and fuckup B in the future so an unemployable shitstain like you can pretend to understand them. You have nothing to worry about - I will fund your EBT card every month, and illegals aren't going to mess with ugly, broke people.
You're getting your brandon fuckups mixed up.... the paralyzing inflation is caused by your stammering shit clown printing and giving away money like it's Monopoly cash. Buying votes and funding his money laundering operations overseas doesn't help.

The open border that's letting in millions to form terror cells and kill/rape American citizens is a DIFFERENT fuckup.

Let's call them fuckup A and fuckup B in the future so an unemployable shitstain like you can pretend to understand them. You have nothing to worry about - I will fund your EBT card every month, and illegals aren't going to mess with ugly, broke people.
How to say you're broke without actually saying it..

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