Trump Ranks Himself Just Behind Lincoln. Seriously.

David Axelrod‏Verified account @davidaxelrod

David Axelrod Retweeted Fox News

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -The late, great Abraham Lincoln

David Axelrod added,


Fox NewsVerified account @FoxNews
.@POTUS: "With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that's ever held this office"
5:14 PM - 25 Jul 2017
David Axelrod‏Verified account @davidaxelrod

David Axelrod Retweeted Fox News

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -The late, great Abraham Lincoln

David Axelrod added,


Fox NewsVerified account @FoxNews
.@POTUS: "With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that's ever held this office"
5:14 PM - 25 Jul 2017

You sound a little angry snowflake. Remember we're here for you.
You sound a little angry snowflake. Remember we're here for you.
You post very stupid and you seem to be a Trump Rube submissive...there is no help for that condition.....put your head in the toilet and flush

Never fear Trump is working for you too.
Be afraid be very afraid a man who just had to pay $25 million to the victims of one of his scam is working more scams to enrich himself the way I think Trump supporters should "Go Fuck themselves"....
You sound a little angry snowflake. Remember we're here for you.
You post very stupid and you seem to be a Trump Rube submissive...there is no help for that condition.....put your head in the toilet and flush

Never fear Trump is working for you too.
Be afraid be very afraid a man who just had to pay $25 million to the victims of one of his scam is working more scams to enrich himself the way I think Trump supporters should "Go Fuck themselves"....

You are one funny individual.
George Washington was not very Presidential

He tended to Tweet too much
“Hey look ― great schools, smart guy ― it’s so easy to act presidential.”

President Donald Trump told supporters in Youngstown, Ohio, on Tuesday night that “it’s so easy” for him to act presidential ― it’s just not what’s required for him to accomplish his goals.

In fact, he said, he could act more presidential than any other former U.S. president, except for “the late, great Abraham Lincoln.”

“Sometimes, they say, ‘He doesn’t act presidential,’” Trump said of his critics. “And I say, ’Hey look ― great schools, smart guy ― it’s so easy to act presidential. But that’s not going to get it done. ... With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office. That I can tell you. It’s real easy.”

More: Trump Ranks Himself Just Behind Lincoln. Seriously.

We should all be afraid. Very afraid. This delusional psycho has control of our nuclear weapons. Also, via his usual innuendo - he has even hinted about him being on Mt. Rushmore. Oh. My. God.
Washington Redskin
Lincoln was a shitty president... overstepped on a regular basis. Suspended habeas corpus - unforgivable
… And we have that
Lincoln: Four score and seven years ago.....
Jefferson: All men are created equal
FDR: The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself
JFK: Ask not, what your country can do for you....

Trump: I like to grab their pussies

Trump is right, it is not even close
The conservatives are becoming more delusional as each day passes. It is the same with their paranoia, each condition feeds off the other and are spiraling out of control. The conservatives, first voting for the Big Orange Idiot, and then constantly defending all of his stupidity provides conclusive evidence.

Sadly, most people who need help for mental deterioration are unaware of their problem, and instead, see it as changes in those around them. Add to this the conservatives' immense pride in their own willful ignorance coupled with their arrogance as self-proclaimed experts in everything, makes them unable to see the truth in any issue that involves politics, economics, foreign affairs, or many other issues in a long and varied list.

In the past fifty or so years, conservatism has become synonymous with greed, a total absence of ethics, compassion, and empathy, and an overwhelming need to install an oligarchy as a replacement for the government designed by the Founding Fathers.

Unfortunately, the same problems ailing conservatives outlined in the second paragraph above, convinces them they are experts constitutional law and are able to read the thoughts of the Founding Fathers. This is the arrogance mentioned and has the conservatives firmly believing that creating an oligarchy is the future envisioned by the Founders.

People of reason, however, are certain the Founding Fathers never planned the U.S. government be controlled by a handful of billionaires, despite the absolute sureness of the conservatives.


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Everything above is much to difficult for conservatives to understand. So all they can do is laugh in prideful ignorance.

The blueprint for socialism is hell, The Bible says hell is going to be full of souls...
Actually Lincoln was one of the worst Presidents in history. Do yer research.
sic semper Trump stooge

Breaking away today from gaming news, something a tad more important for those who may be still under the false illusion that the 16th President of the United States of America was anything but a tyrant. If anything, we should have tracked down John Wilkes Booth and rewarded him with a *medal* Thanks to FancySoapsMan.
I'm dead serious.

What have you heard about Lincoln? He stopped slavery. He saved the Union. He was shot while watching a play. And probably you've heard this in church: was a great Christian leader. Time to dig in here, shall we?

Slavery: Abe Lincoln could have cared less about slavery (to an extent). Repeated time and time again, he wanted to save the Union rather than help blacks get out of a sticky situation. "But Bessen, he gave a political speech saying he thought slavery was evil!". True, but Clinton gave a speech to the American people that he didn't know what the word "is" meant. Bush Sr. gave a speech saying that he would "not raise taxes". Obama said he would bring "unity" to the two parties. It's a political speech. OnAugust 22, 1862, Lincoln said these words:

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union."

What did Lincoln think of black people? He didn't think too much of them. We'll get deeper into this in a moment. First, let's hear what this idiot had to say regarding this race he cared to "save":

"I am not now, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social or political equality of the white and black races. I am not now nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor of intermarriages with white people. There is a physical difference between the white and the black races which will forever forbid the two races living together on social or political equality. There must be a position of superior and inferior, and I am in favor of assigning the superior position to the white man." -1858

"I thought that in your struggle for the Union, to whatever extent the negroes should cease helping the enemy, to that extent it weakened the enemy in his resistance to you. Do you think differently? I thought that whatever negroes can be got to do as soldiers, leaves just so much less for white soldiers to do, in saving the Union. Does it appear otherwise to you? But negroes, like other people, act upon motives. Why should they do any thing for us, if we will do nothing for them?" -August 26, 1863

I don't know if you understand the last statement. That's what we consider "cannon fodder". In other words, let's make blacks think they're getting something when actually we're using them to protect whites against attacks. Strong words.

I know this may be shocking but there were black Confederate soldiers who joined to protect their businesses. Wait, what? Obviously they'd join the northern states in the fight to free the slaves, right? Wrong. It was illegal for blacks to own businesses in the north in almost all states. It was not illegal in the south. Black women actually owned businesses in the south such as in Louisiana. By Lincoln coming in to shake things up, he put some of these businesses out of order through murder.

Back to Lincoln, and one of the most shocking revelations to his racist behavior is his vision to ship all of the blacks out of America. You know, that saying "Ship 'em back to Africa!". That was a common northern idea and Lincoln very much supported this idea. Take for example his meeting with five black men (includingFrederick Douglass) in Washington D.C. onAugust 14, 1862. Lincoln suggested for them to move to Liberia. Not shocking, giving his state of Illinois refused to allow freed blacks into their state. Luckily, there was a reporter on scene as Lincoln gave his hate-fueled message to these men. This is a good quote from his ramblings:

"We look to our condition, owing to the existence of the two races on this continent. I need not recount to you the effects upon white men, growing out of the institution of Slavery. I believe in its general evil effects on the white race. See our present condition---the country engaged in war!---our white men cutting one another's throats, none knowing how far it will extend; and then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or the other. Nevertheless, I repeat, without the institution of Slavery and the colored race as a basis, the war could not have an existence."

I really hope you caught that. Frederick Douglas sure did. He was outraged that Lincoln claims that blacks started the war and it was time for them to go home.

I've read some historian thoughts on Lincoln's colonization crap, and I have to wonder how many racist historians we have. Some of them have stated "Well, everyone was racist back then.", which is a lie, since Lincoln had to face debates with people that were against slavery and colonization. It never ceases to amaze me that people will protect the evil of someone if they like that person.

Those of you who are under the spell that Lincoln was some hero, when he was not.

Lincoln broke the Constitution more times than you can shake a stick at. This includes prison without a trial, the destruction freedom of speech, and the murder of innocent so the railroad companies could survive.

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