Tax increases; Unemployment; Benefits; Welfare; Politics........


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

While there I visited an old aquaintance. As I said, I worked as a police ofc at APD years ago. Had a store owner near Jonesboro who I became friends with, mostly after responding to calls in the area, and his store's coffee was always fresh.

Anyway, I went in to say hi, and he was working the cash register. Which was odd:eusa_eh:

A brief history.....he usually employs 10-15 part timers. He offers them 40 hours, but none take it. I asked him why? He said none want full time w/ benefits, b/c if they did, they'd be booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing and free healthcare from gov't. BUT they needed to show social services an attempt at employment, so 1-2 shifts a week is all they wanted. Go figure.

So I said "Hey, why are you on the register? An employee quit?"

And he said "Yeah, they always do, just this time I haven't hired replacements." I asked why not, since he has to work the shift himself now? "Because man, my taxes might be getting jacked up in January. Gotta wait and see if I can afford it."

And there you have it. He is a private owner of this business (a gas station/restaurant type biz). He lives comfortably. Not a millionaire. But he owns a boat and a couple cars, has a nice family he speaks of. He could hire that employee, and if taxes go up, just sell a boat or car to make it equal. But he won't.

And meanwhile, more employees will bitch about benefits the gov't wont give them......while refusing to work 40 hours delivering pizzas or any other job that is available, but just dont feel like doing.
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

All credibility is shot when you actually lead off with a statement like this. Seriously?:confused:
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

All credibility is shot when you actually lead off with a statement like this. Seriously?:confused:

Whose credibility? Mine? Or the left wing nuts who in 2004 said I'd be dead in global warming heat waves by 2010?

Oh well. Guess the moral of the story was impossible to negate. Raising taxes, on anyone, will cause only 2 things:

1- Less people being hired
2- More $$$ flowing into the government
Surely there are some illegals in Atlanta who would love to work. :eusa_whistle:

Probably. But my friend is law abiding, and thus will not hire them. He really would hire someone full time w/ benefits. But he can't find anyone in that part of town (Jonesboro) who will take it. All his temps, some who are great employees when they are there, tell him that a 40 hr w/ benefits job would pay equal or less than the gov't, and benefits are the same. So why work 40 when you can work 10 and get same net $$$ in hand and free food and healthcare?
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

While there I visited an old aquaintance. As I said, I worked as a police ofc at APD years ago. Had a store owner near Jonesboro who I became friends with, mostly after responding to calls in the area, and his store's coffee was always fresh.

Anyway, I went in to say hi, and he was working the cash register. Which was odd:eusa_eh:

A brief history.....he usually employs 10-15 part timers. He offers them 40 hours, but none take it. I asked him why? He said none want full time w/ benefits, b/c if they did, they'd be booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing and free healthcare from gov't. BUT they needed to show social services an attempt at employment, so 1-2 shifts a week is all they wanted. Go figure.

So I said "Hey, why are you on the register? An employee quit?"

And he said "Yeah, they always do, just this time I haven't hired replacements." I asked why not, since he has to work the shift himself now? "Because man, my taxes might be getting jacked up in January. Gotta wait and see if I can afford it."

And there you have it. He is a private owner of this business (a gas station/restaurant type biz). He lives comfortably. Not a millionaire. But he owns a boat and a couple cars, has a nice family he speaks of. He could hire that employee, and if taxes go up, just sell a boat or car to make it equal. But he won't.

And meanwhile, more employees will bitch about benefits the gov't wont give them......while refusing to work 40 hours delivering pizzas or any other job that is available, but just dont feel like doing.

How dare this rich SOB have the nerve to offer a job to somebody....and for what purpose
well to get even filthy richer of course.

Good for those people who spit in his eye and told him to take that job and shove it.Who the hell does he think he is to cramp the style of the people who Ed Shultz of MSNBC and that crowd just simply adore....Oh and that gentleman from Florida the former congressman Alan Grayson.Wait till he hears what this shop owner tried to pull.

To those folks who are part of the new America The Libs in this country are trying to create....well here's to you....:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

All credibility is shot when you actually lead off with a statement like this. Seriously?:confused:

Whose credibility? Mine? Or the left wing nuts who in 2004 said I'd be dead in global warming heat waves by 2010?

Oh well. Guess the moral of the story was impossible to negate. Raising taxes, on anyone, will cause only 2 things:

1- Less people being hired
2- More $$$ flowing into the government

Well yours, but anyone who told you that (if it was actually said to you) is also an idiot.
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

All credibility is shot when you actually lead off with a statement like this. Seriously?:confused:

Whose credibility? Mine? Or the left wing nuts who in 2004 said I'd be dead in global warming heat waves by 2010?

Oh well. Guess the moral of the story was impossible to negate. Raising taxes, on anyone, will cause only 2 things:

1- Less people being hired
2- More $$$ flowing into the government

How come Americans aren't being hired now since the lower tax rate is still in place for all Americans? Kinda throws a wrench in to that whole "eye-opening" story you shared with us.
The list is growing longer and longer of stories like this.I hope this represents a very small sampling of how the unemployed are dealing with this tough Obama,Pelosi,Reed economy.Maybe it is what it is.This is an indication of how people act in a Liberal society.
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

While there I visited an old aquaintance. As I said, I worked as a police ofc at APD years ago. Had a store owner near Jonesboro who I became friends with, mostly after responding to calls in the area, and his store's coffee was always fresh.

Anyway, I went in to say hi, and he was working the cash register. Which was odd:eusa_eh:

A brief history.....he usually employs 10-15 part timers. He offers them 40 hours, but none take it. I asked him why? He said none want full time w/ benefits, b/c if they did, they'd be booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing and free healthcare from gov't. BUT they needed to show social services an attempt at employment, so 1-2 shifts a week is all they wanted. Go figure.
That is the way the greedy bastards write the laws, so he suffers because of it. The part time worker can move on to another short job, and stay home and watch TV.

So I said "Hey, why are you on the register? An employee quit?"

And he said "Yeah, they always do, just this time I haven't hired replacements." I asked why not, since he has to work the shift himself now? "Because man, my taxes might be getting jacked up in January. Gotta wait and see if I can afford it."

And there you have it. He is a private owner of this business (a gas station/restaurant type biz). He lives comfortably. Not a millionaire. But he owns a boat and a couple cars, has a nice family he speaks of. He could hire that employee, and if taxes go up, just sell a boat or car to make it equal. But he won't.

And meanwhile, more employees will bitch about benefits the gov't wont give them......while refusing to work 40 hours delivering pizzas or any other job that is available, but just dont feel like doing.

I think they get benefits, if what you say is correct. I don't see the problem, as the greedy bastards at the top make the rules,...........they just play their game like the rich folks do.
The list is growing longer and longer of stories like this.I hope this represents a very small sampling of how the unemployed are dealing with this tough Obama,Pelosi,Reed economy.Maybe it is what it is.This is an indication of how people act in a Liberal society.

Yes, I can see you begging for Socialist programs to fix the broken CON American system. Tsk!!

No, in the Liberal society these people would have jobs, be going through training, and doing apprenticeship on jobs, or going to school. ONLY in America do we have these problems thanks to greedy assed cons.
The list is growing longer and longer of stories like this.I hope this represents a very small sampling of how the unemployed are dealing with this tough Obama,Pelosi,Reed economy.Maybe it is what it is.This is an indication of how people act in a Liberal society.

Yes, I can see you begging for Socialist programs to fix the broken CON American system. Tsk!!

No, in the Liberal society these people would have jobs, be going through training, and doing apprenticeship on jobs, or going to school. ONLY in America do we have these problems thanks to greedy assed cons.

Who's stopping these folks from getting training.Go ahead and go to school that's what they are there for.Go to the library on the way back from cashing that unemployment check.Do a little reading on maybe how to change careers.Ask some one in the area if you can spend a day or two a week hanging about trying to learn a craft of some kind.

But if you want to stay home and watch TV all day and count the days till the next check.
Well????? :(
The list is growing longer and longer of stories like this.I hope this represents a very small sampling of how the unemployed are dealing with this tough Obama,Pelosi,Reed economy.Maybe it is what it is.This is an indication of how people act in a Liberal society.

Yes, I can see you begging for Socialist programs to fix the broken CON American system. Tsk!!

No, in the Liberal society these people would have jobs, be going through training, and doing apprenticeship on jobs, or going to school. ONLY in America do we have these problems thanks to greedy assed cons.

Who's stopping these folks from getting training.Go ahead and go to school that's what they are there for.Go to the library on the way back from cashing that unemployment check.Do a little reading on maybe how to change careers.Ask some one in the area if you can spend a day or two a week hanging about trying to learn a craft of some kind.

But if you want to stay home and watch TV all day and count the days till the next check.
Well????? :(

Ahh, raspberry doesn't know that socialist programs are paid through taxes, and not the capitalist way of denying due to wealth. Tsk!!! Do a lil reading on the German socialist programs designed to put workers into employment, then cry capitalist while you pay 99+ weeks of unemployment to millions of Losers like yourself. LMAO!!! Raspberry, you make my day.:lol:

Ohh, and by the way Raspberry, you can't intimidate me with wealth little worm. I retired at 45 in 1990, and have been on vacation while you are still working your ass off in that bump & grind, kiss those asses job of yours. Now go wash your tongue, it smells like your boss's asshole, from way over here..........LMAO!! :lol::lol:
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Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

While there I visited an old aquaintance. As I said, I worked as a police ofc at APD years ago. Had a store owner near Jonesboro who I became friends with, mostly after responding to calls in the area, and his store's coffee was always fresh.

Anyway, I went in to say hi, and he was working the cash register. Which was odd:eusa_eh:

A brief history.....he usually employs 10-15 part timers. He offers them 40 hours, but none take it. I asked him why? He said none want full time w/ benefits, b/c if they did, they'd be booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing and free healthcare from gov't. BUT they needed to show social services an attempt at employment, so 1-2 shifts a week is all they wanted. Go figure.

So I said "Hey, why are you on the register? An employee quit?"

And he said "Yeah, they always do, just this time I haven't hired replacements." I asked why not, since he has to work the shift himself now? "Because man, my taxes might be getting jacked up in January. Gotta wait and see if I can afford it."

And there you have it. He is a private owner of this business (a gas station/restaurant type biz). He lives comfortably. Not a millionaire. But he owns a boat and a couple cars, has a nice family he speaks of. He could hire that employee, and if taxes go up, just sell a boat or car to make it equal. But he won't.

And meanwhile, more employees will bitch about benefits the gov't wont give them......while refusing to work 40 hours delivering pizzas or any other job that is available, but just dont feel like doing.

That is such bullshit. We have the lowest tax rates in 80 years. Even letting the Bush tax cuts expire and they would still be the lowest.

Gawd you guys are dumb. I know you guys just make up these stories out of thin air. They're too stupid to be real.

The ONLY thing that will improve the economy is demand. Putting the money into the hands of the rich ensures we will never have unemployment less than 9%.
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

While there I visited an old aquaintance. As I said, I worked as a police ofc at APD years ago. Had a store owner near Jonesboro who I became friends with, mostly after responding to calls in the area, and his store's coffee was always fresh.

Anyway, I went in to say hi, and he was working the cash register. Which was odd:eusa_eh:

A brief history.....he usually employs 10-15 part timers. He offers them 40 hours, but none take it. I asked him why? He said none want full time w/ benefits, b/c if they did, they'd be booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing and free healthcare from gov't. BUT they needed to show social services an attempt at employment, so 1-2 shifts a week is all they wanted. Go figure.

So I said "Hey, why are you on the register? An employee quit?"

And he said "Yeah, they always do, just this time I haven't hired replacements." I asked why not, since he has to work the shift himself now? "Because man, my taxes might be getting jacked up in January. Gotta wait and see if I can afford it."

And there you have it. He is a private owner of this business (a gas station/restaurant type biz). He lives comfortably. Not a millionaire. But he owns a boat and a couple cars, has a nice family he speaks of. He could hire that employee, and if taxes go up, just sell a boat or car to make it equal. But he won't.

And meanwhile, more employees will bitch about benefits the gov't wont give them......while refusing to work 40 hours delivering pizzas or any other job that is available, but just dont feel like doing.

working 40 hours doesn't get you "booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing....". In fact, in most states failing to meet the work requirement will lead to you losing some benefits.

But hey, if the story makes you feel good...
I don't believe this story at all.

You don't? Why not? Which part? The flying attack dinosaurs? The alien invaders? The sports team what went 500-0 in 50 years? The 43 supermodels I took home?, not that kind of stuff.

You don't believe the part about a guy who owns a small business, who is waiting until after Jan 1 to hire b/c he's not sure what the tax rates will be?

Yeah. Thats SO unbelievable!!!! Or maybe you dont believe the part about a white cop years ago befriending a black store owner in Jonesboro, GA, right???

Curious to see which part of this modest, but often common, story I shared about my trip to Atlanta. It's SO far fetched, right?
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

While there I visited an old aquaintance. As I said, I worked as a police ofc at APD years ago. Had a store owner near Jonesboro who I became friends with, mostly after responding to calls in the area, and his store's coffee was always fresh.

Anyway, I went in to say hi, and he was working the cash register. Which was odd:eusa_eh:

A brief history.....he usually employs 10-15 part timers. He offers them 40 hours, but none take it. I asked him why? He said none want full time w/ benefits, b/c if they did, they'd be booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing and free healthcare from gov't. BUT they needed to show social services an attempt at employment, so 1-2 shifts a week is all they wanted. Go figure.

So I said "Hey, why are you on the register? An employee quit?"

And he said "Yeah, they always do, just this time I haven't hired replacements." I asked why not, since he has to work the shift himself now? "Because man, my taxes might be getting jacked up in January. Gotta wait and see if I can afford it."

And there you have it. He is a private owner of this business (a gas station/restaurant type biz). He lives comfortably. Not a millionaire. But he owns a boat and a couple cars, has a nice family he speaks of. He could hire that employee, and if taxes go up, just sell a boat or car to make it equal. But he won't.

And meanwhile, more employees will bitch about benefits the gov't wont give them......while refusing to work 40 hours delivering pizzas or any other job that is available, but just dont feel like doing.

working 40 hours doesn't get you "booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing....". In fact, in most states failing to meet the work requirement will lead to you losing some benefits.

But hey, if the story makes you feel good...

Um....yeah dude, it does. If a person in Georgia works 40 hours a week, gets benefits, they'll be booted off their entitlements. Maybe not entirely, depending on a case by case as far as # of children, hardships, etc.

But an employee working for this guy would prob make $25-28 a year, and he offers employee health insurance. But few would take it. B/c thats enough in most states to get your benefits from Big Daddy Gov't removed, as that person is now self-sufficient.

And there is a work requirement to get it. Thats why he can only seem to get a handful of 10-15 employees who all want only 1-2 shifts a week, but can't get full timers. They are trying to meet their work req, in order to keep welfare, food stamps, free housing, medicare, etc.
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

While there I visited an old aquaintance. As I said, I worked as a police ofc at APD years ago. Had a store owner near Jonesboro who I became friends with, mostly after responding to calls in the area, and his store's coffee was always fresh.

Anyway, I went in to say hi, and he was working the cash register. Which was odd:eusa_eh:

A brief history.....he usually employs 10-15 part timers. He offers them 40 hours, but none take it. I asked him why? He said none want full time w/ benefits, b/c if they did, they'd be booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing and free healthcare from gov't. BUT they needed to show social services an attempt at employment, so 1-2 shifts a week is all they wanted. Go figure.

So I said "Hey, why are you on the register? An employee quit?"

And he said "Yeah, they always do, just this time I haven't hired replacements." I asked why not, since he has to work the shift himself now? "Because man, my taxes might be getting jacked up in January. Gotta wait and see if I can afford it."

And there you have it. He is a private owner of this business (a gas station/restaurant type biz). He lives comfortably. Not a millionaire. But he owns a boat and a couple cars, has a nice family he speaks of. He could hire that employee, and if taxes go up, just sell a boat or car to make it equal. But he won't.

And meanwhile, more employees will bitch about benefits the gov't wont give them......while refusing to work 40 hours delivering pizzas or any other job that is available, but just dont feel like doing.

That is such bullshit. We have the lowest tax rates in 80 years. Even letting the Bush tax cuts expire and they would still be the lowest.

Gawd you guys are dumb. I know you guys just make up these stories out of thin air. They're too stupid to be real.

The ONLY thing that will improve the economy is demand. Putting the money into the hands of the rich ensures we will never have unemployment less than 9%.

But Bush put money in the hands of the rich, AND the middle class, in 01 and 03. And unemployment was 5% or lower under Bush. So your last sentence is proven incorrect.

But, I'm quite suprised how many lefties are coming out in mass to attack the story I shared, saying it's not real, made up, etc, etc.

Really? Because I figured it would bore people to death. It aint that crazy a story. I was hesitant to post it, b/c I figured most would say "No sh**, no news there", but am suprised how many just dont believe it.

Then again, it shows how lefties view the world. They can't fathom how small business runs, thus, can't believe a story like this is true, when in fact it's being repeated at almost every small business in your own town.

But none of it matters now. Obama cut taxes for the rich last night. The Republicans have punked this man so badly, and they aren't even sworn in yet.
Just returned from a not so wonderful trip to Atlanta. Went to watch SEC champ game, wasn't a good game. Was very cold outside. Thought global warming was supposed to fix that. Anyway......

While there I visited an old aquaintance. As I said, I worked as a police ofc at APD years ago. Had a store owner near Jonesboro who I became friends with, mostly after responding to calls in the area, and his store's coffee was always fresh.

Anyway, I went in to say hi, and he was working the cash register. Which was odd:eusa_eh:

A brief history.....he usually employs 10-15 part timers. He offers them 40 hours, but none take it. I asked him why? He said none want full time w/ benefits, b/c if they did, they'd be booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing and free healthcare from gov't. BUT they needed to show social services an attempt at employment, so 1-2 shifts a week is all they wanted. Go figure.

So I said "Hey, why are you on the register? An employee quit?"

And he said "Yeah, they always do, just this time I haven't hired replacements." I asked why not, since he has to work the shift himself now? "Because man, my taxes might be getting jacked up in January. Gotta wait and see if I can afford it."

And there you have it. He is a private owner of this business (a gas station/restaurant type biz). He lives comfortably. Not a millionaire. But he owns a boat and a couple cars, has a nice family he speaks of. He could hire that employee, and if taxes go up, just sell a boat or car to make it equal. But he won't.

And meanwhile, more employees will bitch about benefits the gov't wont give them......while refusing to work 40 hours delivering pizzas or any other job that is available, but just dont feel like doing.

working 40 hours doesn't get you "booted off welfare, food stamps, free housing....". In fact, in most states failing to meet the work requirement will lead to you losing some benefits.

But hey, if the story makes you feel good...

Um....yeah dude, it does. If a person in Georgia works 40 hours a week, gets benefits, they'll be booted off their entitlements. Maybe not entirely, depending on a case by case as far as # of children, hardships, etc.

But an employee working for this guy would prob make $25-28 a year, and he offers employee health insurance. But few would take it. B/c thats enough in most states to get your benefits from Big Daddy Gov't removed, as that person is now self-sufficient.

And there is a work requirement to get it. Thats why he can only seem to get a handful of 10-15 employees who all want only 1-2 shifts a week, but can't get full timers. They are trying to meet their work req, in order to keep welfare, food stamps, free housing, medicare, etc.

I think you're full of beans, sport.

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