States with teachers unions have the best test scores


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Now conservative governors and mayors want to abolish teachers' right to due process, their seniority, and -- in some states -- their collective bargaining rights. Right-to-work states do not have higher scores than states with strong unions. Actually, the states with the highest performance on national tests are Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Vermont, and New Hampshire, where teachers belong to unions that bargain collectively for their members.

Unions actively lobby to increase education funding and reduce class size, so conservative governors who want to slash education spending feel the need to reduce their clout. This silences the best organized opposition to education cuts.

There has recently been a national furor about school reform. One must wonder how it is possible to talk of improving schools while cutting funding, demoralizing teachers, cutting scholarships to college, and increasing class sizes.

The real story in Madison is not just about unions trying to protect their members' hard-won rights. It is about teachers who are fed up with attacks on their profession. A large group of National Board Certified teachers -- teachers from many states who have passed rigorous examinations by an independent national board -- is organizing a march on Washington in July. The events in Madison are sure to multiply their numbers.

Why America's teachers are enraged -
You are opening up a nasty bag of worms by going that route man.

But you opened it. Look at the demographics of those states vs the demographics of the bottom 10.

Then, compare each school district within each right to work state, and compare the in-state demographics.

You'll learn unions have nothing to do with it.
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

No, it's a well documented but contraversial study, group of studies, that links test scores to race. He opened this box, now he's gonna have to discuss it.

Almost 60% of African Americans live in the South, where most low test scoring states are, and are also non-union.

The correlation is with race and test scores, not unions. Which, btw, also goes along a poverty/test score study.
He also fails to realize that just because it's a right to work state doesn't mean it's TEACHERS aren't unionized.

South Carolina is an extreme right to work state.

Yet, it's teachers are union:

Ooops. There goes his entire premise.
And another state with poor test scores..........with a teachers union, Georgia: `Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) 

Oh and one of the worst performing academic areas in the nation...New Orleans: United Teachers of New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yep, New Orleans Teachers Union.,

So, what was his premise again? Becauase the horribly performing states and cities are ALSO unionized for teachers.

The only correlation for poor academics are race and poverty. Teachers unions hurt good and bad school systems equally.

Next topic?
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

What a self-righteous fucktard.
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

That is bullshit. Pure. Simple. Bullshit.
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

Yes, I'm sure you are,, and this explains the massive failures in unionized liberalland how exactly?
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

That is bullshit. Pure. Simple. Bullshit.

More of the "we're so smart because we get it" nonsense. Childish idiots.
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

Yes, I'm sure you are,, and this explains the massive failures in unionized liberalland how exactly?

You have a Wisconsin governor who is fiscally irresponsible and sent the state and its people into a black hole, and then you say liberals failed "massively?" LMAO!!! Your an imbecile.
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

That is bullshit. Pure. Simple. Bullshit.

More of the "we're so smart because we get it" nonsense. Childish idiots.

I think they actually believe that because some liberals are intelligent (and they are) that somehow makes them all smart. :lol: Stupidity is bipartisan.
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

Yes, I'm sure you are,, and this explains the massive failures in unionized liberalland how exactly?

You have a Wisconsin governor who is fiscally irresponsible and sent the state and its people into a black hole, and then you say liberals failed "massively?" LMAO!!! Your an imbecile.

No, I'm afraid it's you who is the imbecile. but that's life innit?
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

Yes, I'm sure you are,, and this explains the massive failures in unionized liberalland how exactly?

You have a Wisconsin governor who is fiscally irresponsible and sent the state and its people into a black hole, and then you say liberals failed "massively?" LMAO!!! Your an imbecile.

In six weeks he managed to destroy a state?

Hey Cuyo.... I thought you said liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives.... where the fuck are the smart liberals? Because Shittoe here is lowering the collective IQ of liberals disproportionately. :lol:
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

That is bullshit. Pure. Simple. Bullshit.

Not to mention arrogant as Hell.
Correlation does not suggest causation. In this case, bucs is right. Liberals are generally more intelligent than conservatives; Liberals tend to be pro-union. Hence, there is a noticeable correlation, but it is not necessarily because one causes the other.

Yes, I'm sure you are,, and this explains the massive failures in unionized liberalland how exactly?

You have a Wisconsin governor who is fiscally irresponsible and sent the state and its people into a black hole, and then you say liberals failed "massively?" LMAO!!! Your an imbecile.

Let me try to explain to you what your teacher failed to splain.. "Your" is a possessive as in "your ass" your ass belongs to you. You're an imbecile is descriptive and a combination of the words "you" and "are". Do you think you can remember this for more than 5 seconds being that you as a liberal "tend to be generally more intelligent than a conservative"?
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Yes, I'm sure you are,, and this explains the massive failures in unionized liberalland how exactly?

You have a Wisconsin governor who is fiscally irresponsible and sent the state and its people into a black hole, and then you say liberals failed "massively?" LMAO!!! Your an imbecile.

Let me try to explain to you what your teacher failed to splain.. "Your" is a possessive as in "your ass" your ass belongs to you. You're an imbecile is descriptive and a combination of the words "you" and "are". Do you think you can remember this for more than 5 seconds being that you as a liberal "tend to be generally more intelligent than a conservative"?

I'm still trying to get my head around the thought process that concludes that a union who's sole purpose is to protect it's members somehow produces better education. There's no limit to the intellectual dishonesty of these folks. Perhaps they're not quite as smart as they think.

Aren't conservatives against public schools altogether?

Yes, but most of them at least have enough brain cells not to declare so openly, because they know it's lunacy.

Public Schools are the most prominent example of socialism we have in this country. Conservatives almost universally are opposed to ANYTHING socialist (except the military)

...therefore, yes, of course they are opposed to the public schools.

If Conservatives were ever able to get into real power (which thank goodness they never will) they would get rid of public schools altogether.

You have to realize that the lunacy of conservatism sometimes doesn't show itself that well, but that's only because they rarely if ever get enough power to actually implement their agenda.
Aren't conservatives against public schools altogether?

Yes, but most of them at least have enough brain cells not to declare so openly, because they know it's lunacy.

Public Schools are the most prominent example of socialism we have in this country. Conservatives almost universally are opposed to ANYTHING socialist (except the military)

...therefore, yes, of course they are opposed to the public schools.

If Conservatives were ever able to get into real power (which thank goodness they never will) they would get rid of public schools altogether.

You have to realize that the lunacy of conservatism sometimes doesn't show itself that well, but that's only because they rarely if ever get enough power to actually implement their agenda.

OMG... the stupidity knows no bounds.


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