RFK Jr.'s Conservative/Centrist Positions -- You Will Probably Be Surprised

Below are most of RFK Jr.'s conservative/centrist positions. They are not all of his positions. He holds many liberal positions as well, but he holds enough conservative/centrist positions that he should be an appealing alternative for many voters who are turned off by Biden and Trump.

-- He opposes federal funding for sanctuary cities.

-- He supports stronger border security, including the deployment of military units to the border, and has condemned Biden's open-borders policy.

-- He supports requiring immigrants to pass a citizenship test before they can become citizens.

-- He supports banning immigration from high-risk countries until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists.

-- He opposes allowing illegal immigrants to vote.

-- He opposes defunding the police and argues that police funding should be increased in high-crime areas.

-- He opposes allowing victims of gun violence to sue gun manufacturers.

-- He opposes efforts to reduce our support for Israel and argues that we should be giving Israel more aid and support.

-- He supports requiring a photo ID to vote.

-- He opposes lowering the minimum age for voting.

-- He opposes--yes, opposes--raising the corporate income tax rate.

-- He opposes--yes, opposes--raising the capital gains tax, correctly noting that this will discourage investment.

-- He supports ending the federal gasoline tax.

-- He opposes--yes, opposes--affirmative action programs.

-- He opposes federal tax breaks for people who buy electric vehicles.

-- He supports raising tariffs on China.

-- He believes labor unions should have their powers limited, including the power of collective bargaining in some cases.

-- He opposes Common Core education standards.

-- He supports charter schools.

-- He opposes the use of mail-in ballots except for voters who are physically incapable of making it to a polling location.

-- He believes there should be more restrictions on receiving welfare benefits, including the requiring of drug testing to receive benefits.

-- He opposes adding further restrictions on the current process of buying a gun.

-- He opposes a mandatory federal buy-back of assault weapons.

-- He opposes allowing minors to receive gender-transition treatment or surgery.

-- He opposes adding gender identity to anti-discrimination laws.

-- He opposes allowing biological males to compete in female sports.

-- He opposed the banning of religious gatherings during the pandemic.

-- He supports term limits for members of Congress.

-- He opposes forcing religious organizations to include free birth control in their employee health insurance plans.

-- He supports a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks.

-- He opposes removing references to God from our currently, federal buildings, and national monuments.

You can look up all of his known positions here: LINK. This page lists all of his known positions on the issues listed on the page. To see his positions on a certain issue, click on the tab for that issue.
Your citation is bogus.

I saw him interviewed the other day for the first time in some detail.
I had no idea previous, this guy is nuts.
So you went running to Wikipedia and liked what you found. Did it ever occur to you to check a different source? Do you usually rely on Wikipedia for your information? That would explain a lot. A few quick facts:

I got to Wiki for brief stuff... I don't really want to spend a lot of time on the crazy that is JFK conspiracy theories.

Now, if you want a WELL RESEARCHED view, these two videos have it pretty much covered.

* The majority of JFK assassination researchers accept the HSCA's acoustical evidence. It's only "widely considered to be discredited" among those who still accept the Warren Report.

A majority of Bigfoot researchers accept the Gimlin-Paterson film as real. Even though the guy who wore the ape suit has confessed that it was all faked.

LOL! How would you, a Communist and Mao lover, know anything about serious historical research? With all the laughable howlers that you have posted in this forum and for which you have been skewered, who in the world are you to be calling any theory "crazy"?

And, actually, there are only a few conspiracy theories that I accept. You, on the other hand, embrace all kinds of nutty conspiracy theories--you just don't call them conspiracy theories.

I don't love Mao, I just understand he created modern China. So do most Chinese people. Through my wife, I have a whole slew of new Chinese relatives. Many of whom lived in China when Mao was in charge. Even though they have little love for XI and his current lot, they still revere Mao.

You see, this is the kind of ignorance I'm talking about. It's like what a Flat Earther says when faced with satellite photos of the Earth. Since you won't read anything that you know contradicts your hodge-podge alternative reality, you scoff at the known field of hypno-programming.

Hey, guy, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure this out. Sirhan Squared was a Palestinian and RFK was pro-Zionist and the Arabs just got their asses handed to them in the Six Day War.
Oh dear, another "Conservatives, for the love of God, vote for RFK instead" thread.

Leaving aside your silly verbiage, I guess your partisan blinders caused you to miss this statement in the very first paragraph of the OP:

". . . he holds enough conservative/centrist positions that he should be an appealing alternative for many voters who are turned off by Biden and Trump."

About 50% of Americans are moderates to varying degrees; another 25% are ardent liberals; and the remaining 25% are ardent conservatives. Some surveys report a slightly different breakdown but show essentially the same thing: that at least a solid plurality of Americans are neither staunchly liberal nor staunchly conservative.

The point of my OP is to show that RFK Jr. is an appealing candidate for Americans who are somewhere in the middle and who are turned off by both Trump and Biden.
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Holy shit, this guy is crazy. Even for a Mormon.

LOL! Okay, so you consider these to be "crazier opinions"?! Here are some truly crazy opinions, all of which you have expressed in this forum:

-- Mao Tse Tung (one of the biggest mass murderers in human history) was a great leader who brought peace and stability to China.

-- Red China was less oppressive than Free China.

There wasn't a "Free China". there was Nationalist China, which was so fascistic that it was considered for Axis Membership (before Hitler realized Japan had a Navy and could actually threaten his enemies). And it remained a fascist state in Taiwan until Chiang took a well-deserved dirt nap.

Again, talk to some Chinese about what they feel about Mao vs. Chiang.

-- Joseph Stalin was a capable leader who did much good for the Russian people.

-- FDR wasn't keen to help the Soviet Union.

-- All Russia got out of her participation in the Pacific War was half of Sakhalin Island.

I guess they got some really cool Islands, too? Here's the thing, Russia herself didn't take anything that didn't already belong to her. She did support Communists in setting up their own governments, of course, in Korea, China, etc. (not to mention Eastern Europe.)

Yeap, I do indeed believe that. I invited you to respond to two of my articles on the OJ case, but you declined to do so. The jury in OJ's criminal trial found him not guilty. A large segment of the black community still believes that OJ is innocent.

A jury found him innocent as a big old "Fuck you" to the LAPD. The fact that Darden and Clark were a couple of affirmative action hires didn't help. They were used to just bullying people with public defenders into taking guilty pleas. They never encountered lawyers who fought back.

But OJ totally did it. He's all but admitted he did it.


Polls show that about 68% of Americans believe OJ is guilty. How many Americans do you think believe Mao Tse Tung was a great leader who brought peace and stability to China?
It really doesn't matter what Americans think of Mao. It matters what Chinese think of Mao.

Well, well, so you've finally dropped the lie that I said the Nanking Massacre was "not that bad."

Anyway, many scholars argue that Iris Chang's claim that at least 300,000 Chinese were murdered in the Nanking Massacre is a severe exaggeration. The 300,000-plus figure was the invention of wartime Chinese propaganda.

And Iris Chang's comparison of the Nanking Massacre to the Holocaust was obscene, not to mention unfounded.

Actually, what Japan did in China is just as bad as what Germany did in Europe. The only difference is the Chinese don't run Hollywood to remind us every five minutes.

I realize that to you, a Maoist Communist and an FDR worshipper, the idea that Japan had valid reasons for bombing Pearl Harbor in response to FDR's draconian sanctions and provocations is unthinkable, not to mention the fact that admitting that Japan had valid cause to bomb Pearl Harbor is not the same thing as saying they should have done so or that they were morally right in doing so.

No, Japan was engaged in a war of aggression against China, which had been condemned by the League of Nations. (Japan's response- quit the League of Nations). It wasn't just the US that sanctioned Japan, it was also the United Kingdom.

Quite a few people back then and now believe that FDR behaved unreasonably and recklessly in rejecting Japan's numerous peace offers and in refusing to lift his severe sanctions on Japan (yet he imposed no sanctions on the Soviet Union for its atrocious oppression of its own people in the 1930s and its rape of Eastern Europe in early 1945).

You don't negotiate with aggressors. Ever.

The USSR was oppressing it's own people, and that was horrible, but we really didn't have much of an economic relationship with them to start with. As for after 1945, all the countries the USSR occuppied had been part of the Axis. (Except Poland). Cry me a fucking river that the countries that helped Hitler were getting a boot to the neck.

We sanctioned Japan because they were slaughtering millions of Chinese. This was the right thing to do.

The Japanese still try to act like they did nothing bad.

I don't take a position on who downed TWA 800, but I definitely reject the government's absurd explanation that a spark in the center fuel tank blew up the plane. Hundreds of witnesses, from several different locations, saw a missile streaking toward the plane just before it exploded.

Many relatives of the TWA 800 victims believe the U.S. Navy accidentally shot down the plane during a missile training exercise. As I said, I'm agnostic about who shot down the plane, but it is possible that the shootdown was a tragic accident during a military training exercise, an exercise that we know was taking place at the time. However, it is entirely plausible that radical Muslim terrorists shot down the plane. A radical Muslim group took credit for downing the airliner, but the Clinton administration ignored this fact.

Except they recovered the wreckage, and there was no sign of a missile strike. They did have a black box that showed a surge in the electrical system right before the explosion, though.
LOL! Okay, so you consider these to be "crazier opinions"?! Here are some truly crazy opinions, all of which you have expressed in this forum:

-- Mao Tse Tung (one of the biggest mass murderers in human history) was a great leader who brought peace and stability to China.

-- Red China was less oppressive than Free China.

-- Joseph Stalin was a capable leader who did much good for the Russian people.

-- FDR wasn't keen to help the Soviet Union.

-- All Russia got out of her participation in the Pacific War was half of Sakhalin Island.

This is just a small sample of the bizarre claims you have posted in this forum.

Now, let's take a look at your list:

Yeap, I do indeed believe that. I invited you to respond to two of my articles on the OJ case, but you declined to do so. The jury in OJ's criminal trial found him not guilty. A large segment of the black community still believes that OJ is innocent.

Polls show that about 68% of Americans believe OJ is guilty. How many Americans do you think believe Mao Tse Tung was a great leader who brought peace and stability to China?

Well, well, so you've finally dropped the lie that I said the Nanking Massacre was "not that bad."

Anyway, many scholars argue that Iris Chang's claim that at least 300,000 Chinese were murdered in the Nanking Massacre is a severe exaggeration. The 300,000-plus figure was the invention of wartime Chinese propaganda.

And Iris Chang's comparison of the Nanking Massacre to the Holocaust was obscene, not to mention unfounded.

The primary sources on Nanking's population when the Japanese arrived overwhelmingly confirm the fact that there were no more than about 200,000-225,000 people left in Nanking before the massacre started. For the sake of others, here is a small part of the evidence that I presented to you on this point in our thread on the massacre:

Some of the considerable evidence that Nanking’s population was only around 200,000 when the Japanese occupied the city comes from the 1939 book Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone, prepared by Shuhsi Hsu, an adviser to the Nationalist Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and produced under the auspices of the Council of International Affairs in Chunking (which was then the Nationalist capital). Six of the documents mention the city’s population as of December 17 to December 27, and all six put the population at 200,000 (pp. 17-18, 20, 48-49; see also Shigenobu Tomisawa, Using Primary Sources to Clarify the Nanking Incident, p. 24, available at http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL02_1/57_S4.pdf)

Three additional sources support the 200,000 figure: (1) James Espy, vice-consul at the American Embassy, sent a report to the U.S. State Department shortly after the Japanese arrived and stated therein that Nanking’s population was 200,000 (IMTFE transcript, CE 328, p. 4468); (2) John Rabe likewise said the population was 200,000 soon after the city fell (The Good German of Nanking, p. 52); and (3) even Harold Timperly’s overtly anti-Japanese report on the events in Nanking, titled What War Means, put the city’s population at 200,000 as of December 24, nearly two weeks after the Japanese captured the city (pp. 22-23).

The obvious and crucial point is this: Since Nanking’s population was 150,000 to 200,000 as of late November, two weeks before the Japanese arrived, and was 200,000 as of December 21, eight days after the city fell, and was 221,000 in March, three months after the city fell, there is no way the Japanese killed 300,000 people in Nanking.

I realize that to you, a Maoist Communist and an FDR worshipper, the idea that Japan had valid reasons for bombing Pearl Harbor in response to FDR's draconian sanctions and provocations is unthinkable, not to mention the fact that admitting that Japan had valid cause to bomb Pearl Harbor is not the same thing as saying they should have done so or that they were morally right in doing so.

Quite a few people back then and now believe that FDR behaved unreasonably and recklessly in rejecting Japan's numerous peace offers and in refusing to lift his severe sanctions on Japan (yet he imposed no sanctions on the Soviet Union for its atrocious oppression of its own people in the 1930s and its rape of Eastern Europe in early 1945).

I don't take a position on who downed TWA 800, but I definitely reject the government's absurd explanation that a spark in the center fuel tank blew up the plane. Hundreds of witnesses, from several different locations, saw a missile streaking toward the plane just before it exploded.

Many relatives of the TWA 800 victims believe the U.S. Navy accidentally shot down the plane during a missile training exercise. As I said, I'm agnostic about who shot down the plane, but it is possible that the shootdown was a tragic accident during a military training exercise, an exercise that we know was taking place at the time. However, it is entirely plausible that radical Muslim terrorists shot down the plane. A radical Muslim group took credit for downing the airliner, but the Clinton administration ignored this fact.

My TWA 800 website

You're absolutely right that I believe the Vietnam War was a good idea, as do about 90% of the Vietnam veterans who have taken part in surveys on the issue, as do nearly all military historians who have written about the war, as do a sizable chunk of the American people even today.

But, naturally, to you, a Marxist Maoist, trying to prevent North Vietnam from raping and absorbing South Vietnam was a terrible idea, even a "crazy" idea.

LOL! You think this is a "crazy" idea? About half the country in 1864 believed that McClellan was not only a competent general but an outstanding general. Robert E. Lee said that McClellan was the best Union general he faced. Ulysses S. Grant praised McClellan's generalship, as did many other Union officers, including Robert Gould Shaw, George Armstrong Custer, George Meade, Henry Thomas, and Alan Pinkerton (the head of the Union Intelligence Service). Many scholars, including some military historians, have argued that McClellan was a very capable general. I'm guessing you're basing your position on Wikipedia.

Why don't you respond to my article on McClellan? Here it is:

Answering Some Criticisms of General George B. McClellan

Well, of course a Marxist Maoist and FDR worshipper such as yourself is going to accept the liberal line that McCarthy never identified a single Communist, that everyone he accused was innocent, and that there was no serious Soviet penetration of the U.S. Government. Umm, heard of the Venona decrypts?

What you really mean by "crazy" is "unacceptable to liberals."

I know you have read next to nothing about McCarthy. I know you'll never read them, but for the sake of others, here are some scholarly books that defend McCarthy:

Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator, by Dr. Arthur Hermann.

Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy, by M. Stanton Evans.

McCarthy and His Enemies, by William F. Buckley and Brent Bozell (available for free online: LINK).

Here's my website on McCarthy:

Senator Joseph McCarthy and "McCarthyism": What Are the Facts?
This is some serious twisted shit.
Your citation is bogus.

I saw him interviewed the other day for the first time in some detail.
I had no idea previous, this guy is nuts.

No, my citation is not bogus. It is based on statements that RFK Jr. himself has made.

RFKJr. is calypso crazy.

No, you're just a blind partisan who uses this kind of extreme rhetoric to attack candidates you don't like. Holding a minority opinion does not automatically make one "crazy." If so, you're crazy for being part of the small minority of the Western world that still buys the Warren Commission's lone-gunman theory.
Except they recovered the wreckage, and there was no sign of a missile strike.
You really should stop running to Wikipedia. The wreckage contained several indications of a missile strike.

They did have a black box that showed a surge in the electrical system right before the explosion, though.
Wrong again. The electrical surge did not occur "right before the explosion." 3-4 seconds of the end of the flight data recorder tape are missing.

I don't love Mao, I just understand he created modern China.
#Royal_Backpedalling. This verbiage bears little resemblance to your previous effusive praise of Mao.

In our first exchanges on Mao in another thread, when I mentioned that Mao was one of the worst mass murderers in human history, you denied it. When I presented a ton of evidence to prove my point, you offered some bland, very mild criticism of Mao but still insisted that he brought peace and stability to China and that he was less oppressive than Chiang Kai-shek.

No one but a Marxist Maoist would make such pathetic statements.

So do most Chinese people. Through my wife, I have a whole slew of new Chinese relatives. Many of whom lived in China when Mao was in charge. Even though they have little love for XI and his current lot, they still revere Mao.
Well, of course your relatives are Marxist Maoists like you. How could anyone "revere" a tyrant who murdered at least 20 million people and sent millions more to concentration camps? Your love of Communist tyrants seems to run in your family.

Now, you see, it just so happens that I have a lot of Chinese relatives too, because my oldest son married a Chinese national who became a citizen just a few years ago. Moreover, her parents have lived with her and my oldest son for most of the last three years. All of them despise Mao and regard him as a murderer and a tyrant.

Mao made Hitler look like an amateur when it came to mass murder oppression, yet even while back-peddling from your earlier effusive praise of him, it's still clear that you think highly of him.

There wasn't a "Free China". there was Nationalist China, which was so fascistic that it was considered for Axis Membership (before Hitler realized Japan had a Navy and could actually threaten his enemies). And it remained a fascist state in Taiwan until Chiang took a well-deserved dirt nap.
Yeap, you're a Marxist Maoist. This is the standard Chinese Communist line about Chiang and Free China (Taiwan), and it mirrors your comments about Free China in our first discussion, where you said that Red China was less oppressive than Taiwan.

No one but a Marxist Maoist would make such an astounding, obscene, and bogus claim.

The fact that you peddle scurrilous Communist propaganda discredits you and disqualifies you from serious discussion. Your obscene Maoist drivel is just as bad as, if not much worse than, neo-Nazi drivel that defends Hitler and argues that the Third Reich was not as oppressive as Poland or France.

Taiwan certainly had its faults, but it was far less oppressive and more open than Red China. I know you'll never read them, but, for the sake of others, here are some articles on Red China and Taiwan:

Mike does know a lot of stuff, but his linkage is wobbly, sometimes way wobbly. He is almost as wobbly as David Barton on some of it.
Below are most of RFK Jr.'s conservative/centrist positions. They are not all of his positions. He holds many liberal positions as well, but he holds enough conservative/centrist positions that he should be an appealing alternative for many voters who are turned off by Biden and Trump.

-- He opposes federal funding for sanctuary cities.

-- He supports stronger border security, including the deployment of military units to the border, and has condemned Biden's open-borders policy.

-- He supports requiring immigrants to pass a citizenship test before they can become citizens.

-- He supports banning immigration from high-risk countries until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists.

-- He opposes allowing illegal immigrants to vote.

-- He opposes defunding the police and argues that police funding should be increased in high-crime areas.

-- He opposes allowing victims of gun violence to sue gun manufacturers.

-- He opposes efforts to reduce our support for Israel and argues that we should be giving Israel more aid and support.

-- He supports requiring a photo ID to vote.

-- He opposes lowering the minimum age for voting.

-- He opposes--yes, opposes--raising the corporate income tax rate.

-- He opposes--yes, opposes--raising the capital gains tax, correctly noting that this will discourage investment.

-- He supports ending the federal gasoline tax.

-- He opposes--yes, opposes--affirmative action programs.

-- He opposes federal tax breaks for people who buy electric vehicles.

-- He supports raising tariffs on China.

-- He believes labor unions should have their powers limited, including the power of collective bargaining in some cases.

-- He opposes Common Core education standards.

-- He supports charter schools.

-- He opposes the use of mail-in ballots except for voters who are physically incapable of making it to a polling location.

-- He believes there should be more restrictions on receiving welfare benefits, including the requiring of drug testing to receive benefits.

-- He opposes adding further restrictions on the current process of buying a gun.

-- He opposes a mandatory federal buy-back of assault weapons.

-- He opposes allowing minors to receive gender-transition treatment or surgery.

-- He opposes adding gender identity to anti-discrimination laws.

-- He opposes allowing biological males to compete in female sports.

-- He opposed the banning of religious gatherings during the pandemic.

-- He supports term limits for members of Congress.

-- He opposes forcing religious organizations to include free birth control in their employee health insurance plans.

-- He supports a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks.

-- He opposes removing references to God from our currently, federal buildings, and national monuments.

You can look up all of his known positions here: LINK. This page lists all of his known positions on the issues listed on the page. To see his positions on a certain issue, click on the tab for that issue.
The sticky wicket is that he chose a running mate who is the polar opposite of almost all those things. Which begs the question. How sincere is RFK Jr when he says all that if he did?
Wrong again. The electrical surge did not occur "right before the explosion." 3-4 seconds of the end of the flight data recorder tape are missing.

Uh, the plane blew up... of course there was going to be some damage to the tape.

But it blew up because of a design flaw. Which is why every plane of that model was reworked to correct the flaw. Something they wouldn't have done if it was a missile.

Also, if it was a Navy Missile, every sailor on that ship kept quiet about it? That sounds... kind of difficult to believe. Someone would have blabbed.

In our first exchanges on Mao in another thread, when I mentioned that Mao was one of the worst mass murderers in human history, you denied it. When I presented a ton of evidence to prove my point, you offered some bland, very mild criticism of Mao but still insisted that he brought peace and stability to China and that he was less oppressive than Chiang Kai-shek.

Uh, yeah, here's the thing. The only way you get to those Bircher numbers with Mao is if you count the famines. Famines show mismanagement, but they aren't genocide or mass murder.

Well, of course your relatives are Marxist Maoists like you. How could anyone "revere" a tyrant who murdered at least 20 million people and sent millions more to concentration camps? Your love of Communist tyrants seems to run in your family.

My wife and her family are CHINESE. Also, it's against the rules to attack family, so this is your only warning.

Yeap, you're a Marxist Maoist. This is the standard Chinese Communist line about Chiang and Free China (Taiwan), and it mirrors your comments about Free China in our first discussion, where you said that Red China was less oppressive than Taiwan.

Taiwan wasn't free, it was a fascist dictatorship. Chiang was an absolute piece of shit who ignored the Japanese rampaging across his country because he wanted to Hunt down Mao and other political opponents. His own generals literally had to take him hostage to get him to do his job.

Chiang was notoriously corrupt, and was considered the most useless of the allied leaders, which is why FDR, Churchill and Stalin largely ignored him while making post-war plans. General Stillwell referred to him as "Peanut", and other diplomats in China gave him nicknames like "Cash My Check".

But we supported him, like we supported a lot of nasty dictators during the Cold War. Now, Communism isn't really a thing anymore, but most of these countries remember what we did to them.
Taiwan certainly had its faults, but it was far less oppressive and more open than Red China. I know you'll never read them, but, for the sake of others, here are some articles on Red China and Taiwan:

Well, it's kind of hard to take your sources seriously when they contradict each other. One says that the death toll from the Great Leap was 30 million, another says it was 45 million. Same thing with your source on the Cultural Revolution, which low end, 750,000, high end 3 million.

Obviously, you won't hold Trump accountable for Covid-19 and 1 million deaths, but you will blame Mao for the Great Leap Forward, which was caused by a variety of factors, including climate, the "Four Pests Program" causing an explosion in the insect population, overreporting of rice yields, and so on.

But the biggest problem you have is that you have no concept of Chinese History, and how the Century of Humiliation before Mao (Starting with the Opium Wars, where White People insisted on their right to sell drugs to Chinese) affected Chinese culture. By the 1930's, China was a mess of warlordism, corruption, and poverty.

Mao, despite all his screwup (and there were many) turned China from a shattered country into a great power. This is why Chinese still revere him to this very day.
This is a shamefully distorted, selective attack on RFK Jr., and three of your attacks are on positions that are held by millions of other people.

This statement is especially rich: "though the federal government’s Warren Commission convened to study the killing found that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone when he shot JFK in 1963."

The Warren Commission?!! You're citing the discredited, farcical Warren Commission, three of whose seven members we now know did not even agree with the Commission's two central claims?!

I know you live in an alternative reality from the rest of us, but even you should know that in 1977-1979 the House Select Committee on Assassinations reinvestigated the JFK case and rejected the Warren Commission's lone-gunman fantasy and found that two gunmen fired at JFK, that a gunman fired from the grassy knoll in front of JFK's limo, that Jack Ruby had extensive Mafia ties, that Ruby lied about how he entered the police basement to shoot Oswald and about why he shot Oswald, that Ruby made disturbing phone calls to high-level Mafia contacts in the weeks before the assassination, that Ruby's FBI polygraph indicated he lied when he said he was not part of a conspiracy, that someone impersonated Oswald in Mexico City weeks before the assassination, and that the Warren Commission's investigation was flawed and incomplete.

And RFK Jr. is on very solid ground in doubting that Sirhan shot his father. I know you've read nothing on this case, either, but here's a summary of some of the problems with the case against Sirhan from my RFK assassination website:

In 2004, an audio tape of RFK's assassination surfaced. Five audio experts who have analyzed the tape have found that it contains more gunshots than Sirhan's 8-bullet handgun could have fired.

One of those experts, Philip Van Praag, a world-renowned expert in audio recording and audio-recording technology, found there are two groups of two shots on the tape that come within 150 milliseconds of each other, far too fast for all of them to have been fired by Sirhan's gun. Van Praag determined that there are 13 shots on the tape.

FBI documents released under the Freedom of Information Act prove that at least 13 bullets were fired, which is five more bullets than Sirhan's gun could have fired.

Sirhan was pinned down after firing no more than three shots, and probably only two shots. But three shots hit RFK and one shot went through his clothing.

Furthermore, the three shots that hit RFK were all fired at a sharply upward angle, yet by all accounts Sirhan's gun was never fired at any such angle.

As surprising as this might sound, there is credible evidence that Sirhan was not even firing real bullets but was firing blanks. It is logical to assume that the other gunman, who planned on shooting RFK from behind, would have wanted to ensure that he was not hit by gunfire from Sirhan. Loading Sirhan's gun with blanks would have been the easiest and best way to do this.

One of the world's leading experts on hypnosis, Dr. Daniel Brown of Harvard University, interviewed and tested Sirhan for years, and concluded that Sirhan was hypno-programmed to fire at RFK, and that this was why Sirhan had no memory of shooting RFK and why he could not remember several key periods of time leading up to the assassination. Dr. Brown provided a detailed report on his findings in his sworn statement for Sirhan's 2011 appeal (his statement is linked above in the Articles section under the title "Evidence that Sirhan Was Hypno-Programmed to Fire at RFK").
I give you credit for trying to deal with JoeB131

He’s one of the most vulgar posters on this site. Constantly launching lies and personal attacks about other posters. I put him on ignore long ago… he’s incapable of conversing civilly.
I like RFK Jr…. Tough to see him winning the race though. But perhaps he can get 10 or 15% and make some grounds for a future third-party candidate?

He can take away votes from both Trump and Biden.
RFKJr. is calypso crazy.
Our economy is terrible under Biden. The cost of a home has doubled under Biden, the cost of a home loan interest rate has tripled under Biden. Those are the facts and it has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat.

I would vote Democrat, but today’s Democrat party doesn’t care about the middle-class anymore. They’re distracting people with the race issues which is an insult, the my insult our police officers, who are white and Black people. They are against the police and other American establishments.

RFK junior is talking about things to help the middle class. Bringing up the point that half of the American people can’t afford any $1000 emergency. We never hear Biden talk about that. He bombards us with nonsense about foreign wars that don’t affect America or race division.
I give you credit for trying to deal with @JoeB131

He’s one of the most vulgar posters on this site. Constantly launching lies and personal attacks about other posters. I put him on ignore long ago… he’s incapable of conversing civilly.

Translating, I outed you as a Russian Troll a long time ago, Fyodor.

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