Sex: Missionary

See, Bonzi, all you have to do is bring up shit like this and these old men are cumming in their pants. I am telling you, again, that you need to start a paid web cam site. You don't need to show sex. You probably don't need to be naked. Honestly, after seeing your photo yesterday I am scared to think about what may be lurking under your clothing. But these old fuckers don't care.

At most you can let the old fuckers glimpse your tits while getting dressed. $39.99/mo. plus a one time registration fee. You can make good money just from these rubes on here. You have got a good following.

Hubby will not need to know about it. If he asks you what that thing is on your monitor (the web cam) just tell him it's a new dildo and you want to try it out with him. He will turn around, walk out the door, and never mention it again.

You know that you will get at least 20 web cam subscriptions instantly due to your USMB notoriety. That's 800.00/mo. of disposable income that you will have to fund your prescription drug habit. There's nothing more enabling for a drug user than having a secret, stream of income.

I am serious about this. Let's talk.

It's a trap Bonzi!

ZackB runs a 1-976-TALKDIRTYTOME phone call center. You will be pimped out.

Not to worry - men are stupid, they think because a woman talks sex they are horny or desperate.
Men... so moronic!

Yeah...usually it is just boredom...

Something to do between job searches. I have a call in 2 hours to "improve" my resume. It must really suck cause I never get called in for interviews......
They will probably suggest that you delete certain resume' items like "Excellent Fellatio Administrator" and "Likes it Doggy Style."

both are lies so, not good to lie on your resume...
They feel it's disgusting to discuss it. ?
They would have to explain to you why.

I don't find it disgusting at all.
No. I'm alone <wink wink>
You might think you are alone.

We are all right here watching you.

Your camera is on.


If that were true, no one would be talking to me.
I have my glasses on and hair pulled back... totally gross! Here, I'll take a pic... ;)

I was hoping for the housecoat, curlers and face cream

I don't think I own any one of those things! I know I don't!
Do you have a red wig?
We go from a casual conversation on missionary position to role playing.

Well - some love money some not so much...

If it becomes a responsibility or work, I will lose interest fast.....
Well - some love money some not so much...

If it becomes a responsibility or work, I will lose interest fast.....
You are being selfish. What if I had a cure for cancer but I was just a hobby chemist who did not care about money? Even if I gave away the formula it would still have to be monetized to finance development, marketing and distribution.

You are selfishly holding onto a commodity that is in demand. I am not so sure that Jesus would approve of that!
Oh there is plenty out there! I'm sure no one is being deprived!!!
It must be "Weird Wednesday" on the fourth floor in ward three. The nurses haven't handed out medications yet. I'm now wondering what "Tantalizing Thursday" will bring. ( It has to be something in the water that's bringing on these topics of discussion. )

Nah, I believe Bonzi wrote the thread with you in mind and was wondering if you ever enjoyed the pleasure of sex, and no you raping your hand is not consider sex...

:banana: :banana2: :banana:

Sure it can be fun. I like seeing the upper deck bounce around a bit and I'm also watching for the facial flush that lets me know the train is traveling properly down the track, so to speak.

leg position varies. sometimes I'm paying no attention to that at all, but there are plenty of options there, really, depending on what you're trying to do. Drying to get max penetration- do this. Trying to find hit the g-spot- do that. Normally early in a relationship I'll play with that and rotate her hips around a bit to see how she reacts to various things. Once I know what she likes I'll generally go back to it.

I've known some women that preferred this position and some that preferred another to seal the deal for them, so I guess it comes down to the individual.
Is there anything a woman does during sex that is a DISTRACTION or something you don't like?
Is there anything a woman does during sex that is a DISTRACTION or something you don't like?

Never stick your finger in my ass... Yes, I knew a woman that would try but it was attempted only once. Also let me know when it is that time of month because I hate bloody Mary and one lass did that to me and it pissed me off...
I have no one PM'ing me so I think they are happy
Is there anything a woman does during sex that is a DISTRACTION or something you don't like?

Never stick your finger in my ass... Yes, I knew a woman that would try but it was attempted only once. Also let me know when it is that time of month because I hate bloody Mary and one lass did that to me and it pissed me off...
That is so fucking gross. I did this chick once during Aunt Flo's visit, but I was aware of it. I was horrified when I actually saw my cock covered in blood.... COVERED in blood. It gives me the creeps to this day.
Is there anything a woman does during sex that is a DISTRACTION or something you don't like?

bad fuck face. I had a girl that used to stick the tip of her tongue on her bottom teeth and bulge the rest out. Instant turn off. I told her flat out about it after rolling off of her for the third or fourth time and she fixed that.

I had another woman that smoked like a fuckin chimney so her noises sounded like a dude. She got dumped for it, as I simply could not deal with that. Cute girl- 5 foot nothing and maybe 90 lbs, but in the dark I might as well have been fucking some dude named Bruno.

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