Sanders, Cuba and Nazi Germany.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As Bernie Sanders enjoys adoring, godlike status in some areas, reasonable citizens are left wondering how in hell this happened? Sanders defended Fidel Castro on the CBS program 60 Minutes, saying that Castro wasn’t all bad because he supported literacy programs for a largely illiterate population. Sanders, along with many in the US, seems unable to put two and two together to figure out that political propaganda is weakened by groups that cannot read it.

People who are being dispossessed of their land and personal property, murdered, imprisoned and tortured need to be persuaded by the written word to understand why the government is good and freedom is bad. Freedom is bad in the minds of people like Sanders and Castro because some might get an advantage on others.

Sanders, who is apparently one of those contemporary Jewish Atheists, likely sees no comparison between Castro’s grandiose government-imposed social justice and Hitler’s oppression and annihilation of Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Poles, Afro Germans, Russians and others that threatened the plan. Sanders and the Castro’s are ideological Darwinists while Hitler and his henchmen were racial Darwinists.

Hitler focused his liquidation efforts on racial and ethnic inheritance while Sanders and the Castro’s adjust their crosshairs for any that resist educational and political indoctrination. In Sander’s world of ultimate, centrally imposed fairness, there would few African Americans on US basketball, football, and baseball teams because they make up only about twelve percent of the population. It doesn’t matter that blacks work twice as hard as whites to get on these teams-it’s black privilege and that is not fair.

It’s all about dictated fairness in Sander’s world and losers everywhere who bet wrong see a savior in Sanders who tells them that their failures are not their own, they are the fault of those who win and the government is here to make those winners pay for those failures. It’s a flaw of freedom that Sanders and other historical oppressors have exploited since the beginning.

Commentator Chis Mathews may be onto something with Sanders and his “get the winners” populism. When winners win, we all win-that’s America. When no one is allowed to win you get Venezuela, once one of the richest countries in South America, now a starving third world hell hole-But it is fair, oh, so fair.

Sanders and Cuba are no better than Nazi Germany.
As Bernie Sanders enjoys adoring, godlike status in some areas, reasonable citizens are left wondering how in hell this happened?
Most Americans say the same about Trump. The country has just lost its mind, maybe.
Ah... the joy of being a Sanders supporter...

As Bernie Sanders enjoys adoring, godlike status in some areas, reasonable citizens are left wondering how in hell this happened? Sanders defended Fidel Castro on the CBS program 60 Minutes, saying that Castro wasn’t all bad because he supported literacy programs for a largely illiterate population. Sanders, along with many in the US, seems unable to put two and two together to figure out that political propaganda is weakened by groups that cannot read it.

People who are being dispossessed of their land and personal property, murdered, imprisoned and tortured need to be persuaded by the written word to understand why the government is good and freedom is bad. Freedom is bad in the minds of people like Sanders and Castro because some might get an advantage on others.

Sanders, who is apparently one of those contemporary Jewish Atheists, likely sees no comparison between Castro’s grandiose government-imposed social justice and Hitler’s oppression and annihilation of Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Poles, Afro Germans, Russians and others that threatened the plan. Sanders and the Castro’s are ideological Darwinists while Hitler and his henchmen were racial Darwinists.

Hitler focused his liquidation efforts on racial and ethnic inheritance while Sanders and the Castro’s adjust their crosshairs for any that resist educational and political indoctrination. In Sander’s world of ultimate, centrally imposed fairness, there would few African Americans on US basketball, football, and baseball teams because they make up only about twelve percent of the population. It doesn’t matter that blacks work twice as hard as whites to get on these teams-it’s black privilege and that is not fair.

It’s all about dictated fairness in Sander’s world and losers everywhere who bet wrong see a savior in Sanders who tells them that their failures are not their own, they are the fault of those who win and the government is here to make those winners pay for those failures. It’s a flaw of freedom that Sanders and other historical oppressors have exploited since the beginning.

Commentator Chis Mathews may be onto something with Sanders and his “get the winners” populism. When winners win, we all win-that’s America. When no one is allowed to win you get Venezuela, once one of the richest countries in South America, now a starving third world hell hole-But it is fair, oh, so fair.

Sanders and Cuba are no better than Nazi Germany.

There is no confusion.......

"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for ~good men~ to do nothing"

DONE..and there you are.
As Bernie Sanders enjoys adoring, godlike status in some areas, reasonable citizens are left wondering how in hell this happened? Sanders defended Fidel Castro on the CBS program 60 Minutes, saying that Castro wasn’t all bad because he supported literacy programs for a largely illiterate population. Sanders, along with many in the US, seems unable to put two and two together to figure out that political propaganda is weakened by groups that cannot read it.

People who are being dispossessed of their land and personal property, murdered, imprisoned and tortured need to be persuaded by the written word to understand why the government is good and freedom is bad. Freedom is bad in the minds of people like Sanders and Castro because some might get an advantage on others.

Sanders, who is apparently one of those contemporary Jewish Atheists, likely sees no comparison between Castro’s grandiose government-imposed social justice and Hitler’s oppression and annihilation of Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Poles, Afro Germans, Russians and others that threatened the plan. Sanders and the Castro’s are ideological Darwinists while Hitler and his henchmen were racial Darwinists.

Hitler focused his liquidation efforts on racial and ethnic inheritance while Sanders and the Castro’s adjust their crosshairs for any that resist educational and political indoctrination. In Sander’s world of ultimate, centrally imposed fairness, there would few African Americans on US basketball, football, and baseball teams because they make up only about twelve percent of the population. It doesn’t matter that blacks work twice as hard as whites to get on these teams-it’s black privilege and that is not fair.

It’s all about dictated fairness in Sander’s world and losers everywhere who bet wrong see a savior in Sanders who tells them that their failures are not their own, they are the fault of those who win and the government is here to make those winners pay for those failures. It’s a flaw of freedom that Sanders and other historical oppressors have exploited since the beginning.

Commentator Chis Mathews may be onto something with Sanders and his “get the winners” populism. When winners win, we all win-that’s America. When no one is allowed to win you get Venezuela, once one of the richest countries in South America, now a starving third world hell hole-But it is fair, oh, so fair.

Sanders and Cuba are no better than Nazi Germany.

Anytime anyone ever rises up to represent the unsubstantial people, the masses, they're a target, this is no different than it ever was except for the fact that he's not been assassinated yet. And yeah, when it unites America's "left" and "right", then it has been recognized as a threat to the aristocracy by the aristocracy.

And actually, when the US repeatedly attempts to destabilize a nation with coups and assassination attempts on another duly elected nation's leaders we get Venezuela, Honduras, migration northwards and all the rest.

People who say Trump and Sanders are the same.......

1). Don't treasure freedom
2). Have never respected the US Constitution
3). Have shit for brains
The US has not had a legal constitutional war since WWII, that's how much the US respects its constitution.
People who say Trump and Sanders are the same.......

1). Don't treasure freedom
2). Have never respected the US Constitution
3). Have shit for brains

send trump the memo - the fat bastard needs to work on those.
As Bernie Sanders enjoys adoring, godlike status in some areas, reasonable citizens are left wondering how in hell this happened? Sanders defended Fidel Castro on the CBS program 60 Minutes, saying that Castro wasn’t all bad because he supported literacy programs for a largely illiterate population. Sanders, along with many in the US, seems unable to put two and two together to figure out that political propaganda is weakened by groups that cannot read it.

People who are being dispossessed of their land and personal property, murdered, imprisoned and tortured need to be persuaded by the written word to understand why the government is good and freedom is bad. Freedom is bad in the minds of people like Sanders and Castro because some might get an advantage on others.

Sanders, who is apparently one of those contemporary Jewish Atheists, likely sees no comparison between Castro’s grandiose government-imposed social justice and Hitler’s oppression and annihilation of Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Poles, Afro Germans, Russians and others that threatened the plan. Sanders and the Castro’s are ideological Darwinists while Hitler and his henchmen were racial Darwinists.

Hitler focused his liquidation efforts on racial and ethnic inheritance while Sanders and the Castro’s adjust their crosshairs for any that resist educational and political indoctrination. In Sander’s world of ultimate, centrally imposed fairness, there would few African Americans on US basketball, football, and baseball teams because they make up only about twelve percent of the population. It doesn’t matter that blacks work twice as hard as whites to get on these teams-it’s black privilege and that is not fair.

It’s all about dictated fairness in Sander’s world and losers everywhere who bet wrong see a savior in Sanders who tells them that their failures are not their own, they are the fault of those who win and the government is here to make those winners pay for those failures. It’s a flaw of freedom that Sanders and other historical oppressors have exploited since the beginning.

Commentator Chis Mathews may be onto something with Sanders and his “get the winners” populism. When winners win, we all win-that’s America. When no one is allowed to win you get Venezuela, once one of the richest countries in South America, now a starving third world hell hole-But it is fair, oh, so fair.

Sanders and Cuba are no better than Nazi Germany.

Anytime anyone ever rises up to represent the unsubstantial people, the masses, they're a target, this is no different than it ever was except for the fact that he's not been assassinated yet. And yeah, when it unites America's "left" and "right", then it has been recognized as a threat to the aristocracy by the aristocracy.

And actually, when the US repeatedly attempts to destabilize a nation with coups and assassination attempts on another duly elected nation's leaders we get Venezuela, Honduras, migration northwards and all the rest.

Bernie not only exposes his own raging ignorance but also that of his Democrat Socialist comrades who are now caught between a rock and a hard place … to defend his stupidity or repudiate it.

This is why Sanders' comments on Cuba's education, health care have caused outrage in Florida
MIAMI — Carmen Peláez, a Cuban American playwright and filmmaker — as well as an active Democrat — said she was “gobsmacked” when she heard presidential candidate Bernie Sanders praise Cuba’s education and health care system during a "60 Minutes" interview Sunday night.

“I was amazed he was arrogant enough to equivocate on behalf of a Communist revolution, considering he needs Florida to win,” said Peláez, who's also a writer and has been previously published in NBC Latino.
Is there no one on this board to come forward and defend Bernie Sanders for his look on the sunny side of Castro's bloody authoritarian regime? He's going to be the nominee unless he drops dead.

How the hell did the democratic party get to the point where this Woodstock warrior got his hands on the controls? What happened to that party?
in Castro's childhood, only 20 percent of Cubans around him knew how to read and write.

its all about self-esteem. an illiterate person is a guy on the last rung of the social ladder, a man who has to ask someone to write a letter to his girlfriend
As Bernie Sanders enjoys adoring, godlike status in some areas, reasonable citizens are left wondering how in hell this happened?
Most Americans say the same about Trump. The country has just lost its mind, maybe.
Unfortunately, that does appear to be the case. Hopefully this is temporary, because it ain't good.
As Bernie Sanders enjoys adoring, godlike status in some areas, reasonable citizens are left wondering how in hell this happened?
Most Americans say the same about Trump. The country has just lost its mind, maybe.

And those that do are morons. You guys can't name one actual thing Trump has done, or said in support of totalitarian or authoritarian beliefs.........and no, he didn't say nazis were good in Charlottesville, that is a lie you asshats keep telling.

Sanders is exactly what they mean when they say "useful idiot...." He has supported mass murdering regimes his entire life....he is a dunce....a fool of the worst sort.
Is there no one on this board to come forward and defend Bernie Sanders for his look on the sunny side of Castro's bloody authoritarian regime? He's going to be the nominee unless he drops dead.

How the hell did the democratic party get to the point where this Woodstock warrior got his hands on the controls? What happened to that party?

The castro regime is also homophobic........where are the lgbtqxyz123 community to protest that? They jump whenever someone even thinks it is a bad idea for men to pee in front of little girls....where are they now?

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