obama birth certificate issue may not be dead...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012 - YouTube!

i know... but the evidence is mounting. the mainstream media is complicit and corrupt.

the obamas may be connected somehow to bill ayers, bernardine dhorn and the chicago way, and may not be as pure as the media has portrayed him to be.

see you in conspiracy theories because this will never be "current events" or politics or even recognised by obama moderated forums (not this one). google is burning up since last night. it will be interesting to see how the "trusted news agencies" find their way back.

my website WashingtonAmerica.Com

incidentally, now all you have to do is google the words "birth certificate" and use search tool "past week" or "two days" or "past 24 hours". and it's all about obama... the subject is being ingrained in our national history. there is no turning back. congress should investigate before the election... my guess is that "president" obama won't be on some ballots this fall.
watch the way google arranges the results sometimes to favor obama's making it a joke. this is no joke folks...

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Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012 - YouTube!

i know... but the evidence is mounting. the mainstream media is complicit and corrupt.

the obamas may be connected somehow the the chicago way, and may not be as pure as the media portrayed him to be.

see you in conspiracy theories because this will never be "current events" or politics or even recognised by obama moderated forums (not this one). google is burning up since last night. it will be interesting to see how the "trusted news agencies" find their way back.

my website WashingtonAmerica.Com

You just have to ask yourself.....

When was the last time the left presented an issue honestly.

I can not recall a single time. You?
Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012 - YouTube!

i know... but the evidence is mounting. the mainstream media is complicit and corrupt.

the obamas may be connected somehow to bill ayers, bernardine dhorn and the chicago way, and may not be as pure as the media portrayed him to be.

see you in conspiracy theories because this will never be "current events" or politics or even recognised by obama moderated forums (not this one). google is burning up since last night. it will be interesting to see how the "trusted news agencies" find their way back.

my website WashingtonAmerica.Com

It's FINALLY happened! The GOP is SO scared of the bullshit candidates they have running, that they have turned back to this....WOW...
Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012 - YouTube!

i know... but the evidence is mounting. the mainstream media is complicit and corrupt.

the obamas may be connected somehow to bill ayers, bernardine dhorn and the chicago way, and may not be as pure as the media has portrayed him to be.

see you in conspiracy theories because this will never be "current events" or politics or even recognised by obama moderated forums (not this one). google is burning up since last night. it will be interesting to see how the "trusted news agencies" find their way back.

my website WashingtonAmerica.Com

Forensic experts have determined a couple elements of the 'photocopy' the Obama graphics team released were forged.

Come clean, Hussein.
Hmm..what's the difference between McCain and Obama.

Well McCain really wasn't born in this country..and the GOP ran him anyway.

Oh yeah..and McCain is white.
Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012 - YouTube!

i know... but the evidence is mounting. the mainstream media is complicit and corrupt.

the obamas may be connected somehow to bill ayers, bernardine dhorn and the chicago way, and may not be as pure as the media portrayed him to be.

see you in conspiracy theories because this will never be "current events" or politics or even recognised by obama moderated forums (not this one). google is burning up since last night. it will be interesting to see how the "trusted news agencies" find their way back.

my website WashingtonAmerica.Com

It's FINALLY happened! The GOP is SO scared of the bullshit candidates they have running, that they have turned back to this....WOW...

Yes, the moron in the OP certainly represents the entire GOP.... just like Rdean and TM represent the entire left. :rolleyes:
Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012 - YouTube!

i know... but the evidence is mounting. the mainstream media is complicit and corrupt.

the obamas may be connected somehow to bill ayers, bernardine dhorn and the chicago way, and may not be as pure as the media has portrayed him to be.

see you in conspiracy theories because this will never be "current events" or politics or even recognised by obama moderated forums (not this one). google is burning up since last night. it will be interesting to see how the "trusted news agencies" find their way back.

my website WashingtonAmerica.Com

incidentally, now all you have to do is google the words "birth certificate" and use search tool "past week" or "two days" or "past 24 hours". the subject is being ingrained in our national history. there is no turning back. congress should investigate before the election... my guess is that "president" obama won't be on some ballots this fall.

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Hmm..what's the difference between McCain and Obama.

Well McCain really wasn't born in this country..and the GOP ran him anyway.

Oh yeah..and McCain is white.

and you're vanilla... a true coward race baiter shallow...
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Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012 - YouTube!

i know... but the evidence is mounting. the mainstream media is complicit and corrupt.

the obamas may be connected somehow to bill ayers, bernardine dhorn and the chicago way, and may not be as pure as the media portrayed him to be.

see you in conspiracy theories because this will never be "current events" or politics or even recognised by obama moderated forums (not this one). google is burning up since last night. it will be interesting to see how the "trusted news agencies" find their way back.

my website WashingtonAmerica.Com

It's FINALLY happened! The GOP is SO scared of the bullshit candidates they have running, that they have turned back to this....WOW...

Yes, the moron in the OP certainly represents the entire GOP.... just like Rdean and TM represent the entire left. :rolleyes:

just like you represent nobody... and will always be a nobody...
Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012 - YouTube!

i know... but the evidence is mounting. the mainstream media is complicit and corrupt.

the obamas may be connected somehow to bill ayers, bernardine dhorn and the chicago way, and may not be as pure as the media portrayed him to be.

see you in conspiracy theories because this will never be "current events" or politics or even recognised by obama moderated forums (not this one). google is burning up since last night. it will be interesting to see how the "trusted news agencies" find their way back.

my website WashingtonAmerica.Com

It's FINALLY happened! The GOP is SO scared of the bullshit candidates they have running, that they have turned back to this....WOW...

It only make me afraid to vote for Romney in the fall. This goes beyond holding ones nose. I might have to cover my eyes and whoops, Obama grabbed another vote.

Damn you socialists and your army of sabortuers working in the Republican party!
Come on guys how many times do we have to go over this. There isn't a better all-American story than that of the Hussein and his parents. Mama was so patriotic she took a Russian class in 1960. There she met a wonderful African man. She got impregnated and then 3 months later married him only to find out he already had a wife and child back in Kenya. But his first wife gave him permission to marry a second wife, so it was all good. She gave birth to Barack Hussein Obama in August of 1961, reportedly 'while attending the University of Hawaii'...even though she never enrolled for the spring of '61 semester.

Lets all just accept the fact that he is a bastard child of an African polygamist, and of a mother who was not too fond of Christians. If that isn't 'All-American' I don't know what is!
I watched the video in the OP.

Can someone explain to me how a document that has been scanned into a computer would come up as layers upon layers rather than just the single image that was scanned?

My daughter scanned in a pic she drew and while she can brighten it or color it or resize it, etc., it's just one image, there aren't any 'layers' to it.

The investigator is saying that Obama's BC is in 8 or 9 links and layers and that each layer can be taken apart on the computer . . that the entire document was built and exists in cyberspace, never a 'real' document was scanned in.

They compared it to a controlled document that was scanned in and the two are not the same.

How can that be?

Didn't Trump's wailing about this have Obama reveal this BC just before . . like a day or two before . . OBL was killed? I remember the BC was a big deal then bang, OBL was dead and no more BC talk. It all just seemed to disappear.

Now this?
Come on guys how many times do we have to go over this. There isn't a better all-American story than that of the Hussein and his parents. Mama was so patriotic she took a Russian class in 1960. There she met a wonderful African man. She got impregnated and then 3 months later married him only to find out he already had a wife and child back in Kenya. But his first wife gave him permission to marry a second wife, so it was all good. She gave birth to Barack Hussein Obama in August of 1961, reportedly 'while attending the University of Hawaii'...even though she never enrolled for the spring of '61 semester.

Lets all just accept the fact that he is a bastard child of an African polygamist, and of a mother who was not too fond of Christians. If that isn't 'All-American' I don't know what is!
Mama was so patriotic she took a Russian class in 1960.
Was she working for the KGB too?
Come on guys how many times do we have to go over this. There isn't a better all-American story than that of the Hussein and his parents. Mama was so patriotic she took a Russian class in 1960. There she met a wonderful African man. She got impregnated and then 3 months later married him only to find out he already had a wife and child back in Kenya. But his first wife gave him permission to marry a second wife, so it was all good. She gave birth to Barack Hussein Obama in August of 1961, reportedly 'while attending the University of Hawaii'...even though she never enrolled for the spring of '61 semester.

Lets all just accept the fact that he is a bastard child of an African polygamist, and of a mother who was not too fond of Christians. If that isn't 'All-American' I don't know what is!

with all due respect... until we get it right...

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