Nugent Blames Sandy Hook Shooting On Spiritually Bankrupt/Politically Correct Society

I'd rather be lectured to about morality by Charles Manson than Ted Nugent.

You prefer a cold-blooded murderer who wanted to incite a race war to an outspoken American? That says a lot.

Shame that some don't see the connection between the breakdown of the family, the moral decline and the immunity to suffering and the increased violence.

Think about what we have today that we didn't have decades ago. The great welfare state and expanding government trying to think for people. Personal responsibility flying out the window and people believing they are owed something because they are victims.

The guy who did the shooting felt he was a victim. He didn't get the attention he thought he deserved and went off the deep end. He was taught he was special just for existing and when he grew up and found out he wasn't so special, he couldn't handle it.

There are more and more individuals who simply do not mature mentally. No one challenges them or even disciplines them. Maybe if we worried more about teaching children to eventually become independent instead of giving them gold stars for getting dressed in the morning, they would grow up to be responsible adults. Now, they're taught that they are entitled to a good life and it's someone else's fault if they don't get it.

The kid was miserable and blamed his mom and the school. He wanted everyone to be miserable.

Political correctness stifles people. It's gone too far. Like it or not, people have a right to say what they want, or at least used to, and mature people knew to ignore them. People these days kill others over words and sometimes people can get fired or arrested over words. Hate speech?

Don't insult Muslims, they will kill you. Don't insult gangs, like New BP, or they will threaten to kill you. You are always wrong because you used your words in a way they didn't like.

The Fort Hood shooter wasn't vilified by the media. They made it sound like society created him, probably because someone hurt his Muslim feelings.

No one has any good reason to murder innocents. Evil people will always do evil by any means necessary, yet we can't ban every conceivable means of carrying out an attack.

There are a lot of idiots on both sides of the political fence, though only one side seems to be held accountable for their words and deeds. When I see an administration move this quickly to further their gun control agenda, I know they are striking while the iron is still hot and people are still in too much shock to realize that the government is really trying to trample rights. And it's not even a real solution, just another move toward the fundamental transformation of America using a tragedy.
Nugent was around this area last summer at the place where all the old broken down bands on the has-been circuit play.

He needs to focus on that. Get out there and play your dopey has-been music for the 50 and 60 somethings who can't get the past out of their heads.

Thankfully, he lives in the United States and is free to say whatever he wants despite what you think
Nugent was around this area last summer at the place where all the old broken down bands on the has-been circuit play.

He needs to focus on that. Get out there and play your dopey has-been music for the 50 and 60 somethings who can't get the past out of their heads.

Thankfully, he lives in the United States and is free to say whatever he wants despite what you think

You're right. I can't force him to stop making a fool of himself. Him or you.
Nugent was around this area last summer at the place where all the old broken down bands on the has-been circuit play.

He needs to focus on that. Get out there and play your dopey has-been music for the 50 and 60 somethings who can't get the past out of their heads.

Thankfully, he lives in the United States and is free to say whatever he wants despite what you think

You're right. I can't force him to stop making a fool of himself. Him or you.
If you can't help yourself, it is kind of silly to presume to force others.
LOL, Nugent sure knows how to get under a lefties skin..:lol:

mention God and they go all goofy
By Cavan Sieczkowski

Conservative rocker Ted Nugent believes the Newtown, Conn., shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School is the result of pervasive "spiritual bankruptcy" and a "politically correct" mentality in American culture.

Nugent penned a response to the Sandy Hook shooting, which left six school employees and 20 children dead, in an editorial for The Washington Times. In the piece, Nugent shifts blame from lax gun control, poor mental health programs, inadequate security at schools and violence in the media to the moral decay of society.

Via The Washington Times:

The ugly and dangerous truth is that we live in an embarrassing, politically correct culture that exalts and rejoices in the bizarre; aggressively promotes an “anything goes” value system; and vilifies, condemns and mocks traditional societal values and customs at every opportunity.

We’ve embraced a culture of contempt that attacks the very institutions that make for a healthy and strong society, and then we’re shocked when it spirals out of control. The only thing I’m shocked about is that anybody is shocked.​

More: Ted Nugent Blames Sandy Hook Shooting On Spiritually Bankrupt, Politically Correct Society
Funny since he projects being spiritually bankrupt and practically has sex with his guns on stage.

Well maybe ironic is the word. It certainly isn't funny that he's using these deaths to further his stupid agenda.
LOL, I've seen Nugent in concert never seen him have sex with a gun..too bad I missed that one

good grief, :cuckoo:
Thank you Ted for speaking the truth.

That's why progressives hate Uncle Ted so much, the truth burns their ass.

"If you aren't pissing off the idiots then chances are you're an idiot" lol

They hate to have their fuck ups exposed. They shun the truth like a vampire shuns daylight. When you expose them, they know it, and they have a classic melt down and immediately revert to their idol Saul Alinsky's tactics. Many examples of that right here in this thread.
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The federal Government is Lakhota's god, especially Obama..

sad empty life
I'd rather be lectured to about morality by Charles Manson than Ted Nugent.

Good one, under mason there would be alot more shootings, which i'm sure would make the liberals happy. If enough of them maybe you could finally ban gun. Thanks for showing the lefts true colors.
I bet they cheered when they heard this fat ass commie speak..maybe he'll make another crockmentary that they can go pay him for his wisdom all the while he takes their money to the bank

Michael Moore: Americans’ desire to own guns stems from racial fears

8:03 PM 12/20
Friday night, on the heels of last week’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., the left-leaning Current TV is planning to air progressive filmmaker Michael Moore’s ten-year-old Columbine documentary “Bowling for Columbine,” with Moore revisiting the film to accuse American gun-owners of being motivated by racial fears.

Gun ownership, Moore said, “cuts down to the heart of our race problem that we still haven’t resolved.”

all of it here
Read more: Michael Moore: American desire to own guns stems from racism | The Daily Caller
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Ted Nugent was spot on.. as usual liberals are wrong.

Adam Lanza's former classmate reveals Sandy Hook gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' | Mail Online
Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil - National Crime |

Released this morning: Maniac was a satanist.. Something you liberal trumpet- Hating God, booing him.. removing him from your platform, schools, etc.

Again, since you're apparently too stupid not to bray your nonsense all over the place: god cannot be 'removed' from anything.

Does it hurt? Being so transparently stupid and shallow?
Ted Nugent was spot on.. as usual liberals are wrong.

Adam Lanza's former classmate reveals Sandy Hook gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' | Mail Online
Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil - National Crime |

Released this morning: Maniac was a satanist.. Something you liberal trumpet- Hating God, booing him.. removing him from your platform, schools, etc.

Again, since you're apparently too stupid not to bray your nonsense all over the place: god cannot be 'removed' from anything.

Does it hurt? Being so transparently stupid and shallow?

Why are you continually calling me names for posting facts to back up my premise? Is it difficult to prove your argument? Do you have some kind of stake in providing cover for satanism? The boy practiced and worshipped satan.. It's a fact.. Also, facts bear out ritualistic killings.
I'd rather be lectured to about morality by Charles Manson than Ted Nugent.

Good one, under mason there would be alot more shootings, which i'm sure would make the liberals happy. If enough of them maybe you could finally ban gun. Thanks for showing the lefts true colors.

The Manson family mostly hacked their victims to death, which is something liberals approve of.
I'd rather be lectured to about morality by Charles Manson than Ted Nugent.

Good one, under mason there would be alot more shootings, which i'm sure would make the liberals happy. If enough of them maybe you could finally ban gun. Thanks for showing the lefts true colors.

The Manson family mostly hacked their victims to death, which is something liberals approve of.

Yeah, they killed a pregnant woman too you know they approve of that.
Ted Nugent was spot on.. as usual liberals are wrong.

Adam Lanza's former classmate reveals Sandy Hook gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' | Mail Online
Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil - National Crime |

Released this morning: Maniac was a satanist.. Something you liberal trumpet- Hating God, booing him.. removing him from your platform, schools, etc.

Again, since you're apparently too stupid not to bray your nonsense all over the place: god cannot be 'removed' from anything.

Does it hurt? Being so transparently stupid and shallow?

Why are you continually calling me names for posting facts to back up my premise? Is it difficult to prove your argument? Do you have some kind of stake in providing cover for satanism? The boy practiced and worshipped satan.. It's a fact.. Also, facts bear out ritualistic killings.

A. Your 'premise', as it were, has not been supported by any facts.
B. Correlation does not imply causation
C. Ritualistic killings are extraordinarily rare and are irrelevant to both this matter and what you're trying to propose.

My argument isn't difficult to prove. It's the above three points.

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