Nugent Blames Sandy Hook Shooting On Spiritually Bankrupt/Politically Correct Society

I bet they cheered when they heard this fat ass commie speak..maybe he'll make another crockmentary that they can go pay him for his wisdom all the while he takes their money to the bank

Michael Moore: Americans’ desire to own guns stems from racial fears

8:03 PM 12/20
Friday night, on the heels of last week’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., the left-leaning Current TV is planning to air progressive filmmaker Michael Moore’s ten-year-old Columbine documentary “Bowling for Columbine,” with Moore revisiting the film to accuse American gun-owners of being motivated by racial fears.

Gun ownership, Moore said, “cuts down to the heart of our race problem that we still haven’t resolved.”

all of it here
Read more: Michael Moore: American desire to own guns stems from racism | The Daily Caller

He does have a point. Where does most of the violent crime in the country come from?
Again, since you're apparently too stupid not to bray your nonsense all over the place: god cannot be 'removed' from anything.

Does it hurt? Being so transparently stupid and shallow?

Why are you continually calling me names for posting facts to back up my premise? Is it difficult to prove your argument? Do you have some kind of stake in providing cover for satanism? The boy practiced and worshipped satan.. It's a fact.. Also, facts bear out ritualistic killings.

A. Your 'premise', as it were, has not been supported by any facts.
B. Correlation does not imply causation
C. Ritualistic killings are extraordinarily rare and are irrelevant to both this matter and what you're trying to propose.

My argument isn't difficult to prove. It's the above three points.

The above individual would have us believe that satanism has no influence on the mentally ill. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ted Nugent was spot on.. as usual liberals are wrong.

Adam Lanza's former classmate reveals Sandy Hook gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' | Mail Online
Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil - National Crime |

Released this morning: Maniac was a satanist.. Something you liberals trumpet- Hating God, booing him.. removing him from your platform, schools, etc.

Wow...the equivalent of the Enquirer. That's credible. .
Ted Nugent was spot on.. as usual liberals are wrong.

Adam Lanza's former classmate reveals Sandy Hook gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' | Mail Online
Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil - National Crime |

Released this morning: Maniac was a satanist.. Something you liberals trumpet- Hating God, booing him.. removing him from your platform, schools, etc.

Wow...the equivalent of the Enquirer. That's credible. .

Nothing new.. A liberal blaming the source of reported news which doesn't change the facts provided by anyone. It's really a shame that you continue to use those same propaganda tactics instead of facing the truth..but then again no one expects liberals to show any frame or reference regarding intellectually integrity, what so ever. The truth and liberalism are complete opposites.
Ted Nugent was spot on.. as usual liberals are wrong.

Adam Lanza's former classmate reveals Sandy Hook gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' | Mail Online
Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil - National Crime |

Released this morning: Maniac was a satanist.. Something you liberals trumpet- Hating God, booing him.. removing him from your platform, schools, etc.

Wow...the equivalent of the Enquirer. That's credible. .

Nothing new.. A liberal blaming the source of reported news which doesn't change the facts provided by anyone. It's really a shame that you continue to use those same propaganda tactics instead of facing the truth..but then again no one expects liberals to show any frame or reference regarding intellectually integrity, what so ever. The truth and liberalism are complete opposites.

If you could even pull a Fox link out for this one it would give it a little credibility, but you can't.

This is grocery store rag mag shit.
Wow...the equivalent of the Enquirer. That's credible. .

Nothing new.. A liberal blaming the source of reported news which doesn't change the facts provided by anyone. It's really a shame that you continue to use those same propaganda tactics instead of facing the truth..but then again no one expects liberals to show any frame or reference regarding intellectually integrity, what so ever. The truth and liberalism are complete opposites.

If you could even pull a Fox link out for this one it would give it a little credibility, but you can't.

This is grocery store rag mag shit.

Top News Today | Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil (Video) |
'I am the devil': Former classmate reveals school gunman Adam Lanza had 'online devil worshiping page.' | Opinion - Conservative
[ame=]Adam Lanza Was a Satanist -Connecticut Kindergarten Massacre - YouTube[/ame]
Pundit Press: Classmate: Adam Lanza was Devil Worshiper, Had Website Devoted to Satan
Sandy Hook Murderer Adam Lanza Was A Satanist Today December 19 2012
Adam Lanza Worshipped The Devil, Says Former Classmate - I4U News

NOW WHAT????????????
Ted Nugent was spot on.. as usual liberals are wrong.

Adam Lanza's former classmate reveals Sandy Hook gunman had 'online devil worshiping page' | Mail Online
Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil - National Crime |

Released this morning: Maniac was a satanist.. Something you liberals trumpet- Hating God, booing him.. removing him from your platform, schools, etc.

Wow...the equivalent of the Enquirer. That's credible. .

That's what progressives screamed when they reported on John Edwards too....
It's nice that conservatives cuddle up to a man that throat fucked a 12 year old girl.

Cool beans.

who the hell is cuddling up with this person?
You Democrats don't just cuddle up with someone who fucks interns as young as his daughter, YOU ELECT them to office

now really gives us all a damn break, Nugent is as free to say what he wants as any of you on this board
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Why is the WA Times publishing a Nugent editorial? Do they really give him that much respect?
Why is the WA Times publishing a Nugent editorial? Do they really give him that much respect?

holy smokes..
didn't see you bitch about the NYslimes publishing how Scott was a black Republican token
Nothing new.. A liberal blaming the source of reported news which doesn't change the facts provided by anyone. It's really a shame that you continue to use those same propaganda tactics instead of facing the truth..but then again no one expects liberals to show any frame or reference regarding intellectually integrity, what so ever. The truth and liberalism are complete opposites.

If you could even pull a Fox link out for this one it would give it a little credibility, but you can't.

This is grocery store rag mag shit.

Top News Today | Former classmate: Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza worshipped the devil (Video) |
'I am the devil': Former classmate reveals school gunman Adam Lanza had 'online devil worshiping page.' | Opinion - Conservative
[ame=]Adam Lanza Was a Satanist -Connecticut Kindergarten Massacre - YouTube[/ame]
Pundit Press: Classmate: Adam Lanza was Devil Worshiper, Had Website Devoted to Satan
Sandy Hook Murderer Adam Lanza Was A Satanist Today December 19 2012
Adam Lanza Worshipped The Devil, Says Former Classmate - I4U News

NOW WHAT????????????

Now I'm waiting for a credible source...still.
Forget the source, consider the statement. Many people feel this way. Consider this: The 2nd Amendment is 221 years old. Only in the last 46 years (starting with the University of Texas Shooting) have we had instances of corrupt individuals grabbing a gun and shooting innocent fellow citizens on a mass basis. Why is that? How frequent did this occur between 1791 and 1966 vs. 1966 and 2012? THEORY: These incidents were less frequent because if someone wanted to do that or tried to do that, they were shot dead by a fellow citizen bearing arms.

Yeah, there was no Rosewood back in the "good ole' days".............. right? Read this for more information:
Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

East St. Louis Riot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I bet they cheered when they heard this fat ass commie speak..maybe he'll make another crockmentary that they can go pay him for his wisdom all the while he takes their money to the bank

Michael Moore: Americans’ desire to own guns stems from racial fears

8:03 PM 12/20
Friday night, on the heels of last week’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., the left-leaning Current TV is planning to air progressive filmmaker Michael Moore’s ten-year-old Columbine documentary “Bowling for Columbine,” with Moore revisiting the film to accuse American gun-owners of being motivated by racial fears.

Gun ownership, Moore said, “cuts down to the heart of our race problem that we still haven’t resolved.”

all of it here
Read more: Michael Moore: American desire to own guns stems from racism | The Daily Caller

Well, there more to what he said. I have no problem with this excerpt:

"I think we’re a very frightened people,” Moore said. “I think we’ve been frightened ever since we landed on these shores. We were frightened of the native people.; we were frightened of the slaves we brought over, as we should have been. And those in power have known how to manipulate us with fear. And we’ve started wars over being told lies about, you know — whether it was in the Spanish-American War, the Mexican-American War. You can go through so many of these wars we’ve been in throughout history — right up through the Iraq War — where we’re just lied to because those in power knew if they just put enough fear out there. And the best kind of fear is the one that has the kernel of truth, so you have 9/11 happened — that’s a real incident, nearly 3,000 people lose their lives. Very easy at that point to use that fact in a way to tell a fiction.”

I somewhat disagree with this excerpt:
"“And I was fascinated in that subject when making ‘Bowling for Columbine,’ of how fear is used to the point where everybody feels like they’ve got to have a gun in the house. Now, not every house has a gun but we’ve got over a quarter-billion guns in people’s homes. And they’re mostly in the suburbs and rural areas where there is virtually no crime and no murder. So why is that? What are they really afraid of? What do they think of — who’s going to break into the house? Do they think it’s little freckled-face Jimmy down the street? I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s who they’re afraid of. And it cuts down to the heart of our race problem that we still haven’t resolved. And I thought it would be interesting to take a look at that in the movie.”

Read more: Michael Moore: American desire to own guns stems from racism | The Daily Caller

I don't think that racial fears are the sole reason for gun ownership, I think that there are a variety of factors and reasons for people's desire to own firearms.
I bet they cheered when they heard this fat ass commie speak..maybe he'll make another crockmentary that they can go pay him for his wisdom all the while he takes their money to the bank

Michael Moore: Americans’ desire to own guns stems from racial fears

8:03 PM 12/20
Friday night, on the heels of last week’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., the left-leaning Current TV is planning to air progressive filmmaker Michael Moore’s ten-year-old Columbine documentary “Bowling for Columbine,” with Moore revisiting the film to accuse American gun-owners of being motivated by racial fears.

Gun ownership, Moore said, “cuts down to the heart of our race problem that we still haven’t resolved.”

all of it here
Read more: Michael Moore: American desire to own guns stems from racism | The Daily Caller

Well, there more to what he said. I have no problem with this excerpt:

"I think we’re a very frightened people,” Moore said. “I think we’ve been frightened ever since we landed on these shores. We were frightened of the native people.; we were frightened of the slaves we brought over, as we should have been. And those in power have known how to manipulate us with fear. And we’ve started wars over being told lies about, you know — whether it was in the Spanish-American War, the Mexican-American War. You can go through so many of these wars we’ve been in throughout history — right up through the Iraq War — where we’re just lied to because those in power knew if they just put enough fear out there. And the best kind of fear is the one that has the kernel of truth, so you have 9/11 happened — that’s a real incident, nearly 3,000 people lose their lives. Very easy at that point to use that fact in a way to tell a fiction.”

I somewhat disagree with this excerpt:
"“And I was fascinated in that subject when making ‘Bowling for Columbine,’ of how fear is used to the point where everybody feels like they’ve got to have a gun in the house. Now, not every house has a gun but we’ve got over a quarter-billion guns in people’s homes. And they’re mostly in the suburbs and rural areas where there is virtually no crime and no murder. So why is that? What are they really afraid of? What do they think of — who’s going to break into the house? Do they think it’s little freckled-face Jimmy down the street? I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s who they’re afraid of. And it cuts down to the heart of our race problem that we still haven’t resolved. And I thought it would be interesting to take a look at that in the movie.”

Read more: Michael Moore: American desire to own guns stems from racism | The Daily Caller

I don't think that racial fears are the sole reason for gun ownership, I think that there are a variety of factors and reasons for people's desire to own firearms.

fine and he is free to say whatever he wants, not that I listen to blowhard as much as the left obsesses over Nugent...jeeze
We look at it this way..there's virtually no crime in those areas, and we are able to leave our doors unlocked and the keys in the car...because we are armed.

I've lived in rural areas all my life. I was raised in households where guns were kept by every door, under the beds, in the closets. We all had guns..and we had guns in our cars.

We also have dogs that are protective, and which will keep you in your car until you're invited out.

Trust me, we aren't scared. We work hard for what we have, and we protect it, and in the country, everybody knows this. We are respectful of each other, of each others' property. Our land is not your land...when you open the gate, you are there only because we want you there.
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