Need to bring back the draft

Hate thefuck volunterr miltary

I wentthrought the draft lottery in 1972

Draft — Ayn Rand Lexicon

Of all the statist violations of individual rights in a mixed economy, the military draft is the worst. It is an abrogation of rights. It negates man’s fundamental right—the right to life—and establishes the fundamental principle of statism: that a man’s life belongs to the state, and the state may claim it by compelling him to sacrifice it in battle. Once that principle is accepted, the rest is only a matter of time.

If the state may force a man to risk death or hideous maiming and crippling, in a war declared at the state’s discretion, for a cause he may neither approve of nor even understand, if his consent is not required to send him into unspeakable martyrdom—then, in principle, all rights are negated in that state, and its government is not man’s protector any longer. What else is there left to protect?
Itok my chances with the lottery ... drew around350

Wopuld havepreferred a universal draft anyway................................
I was ready to serve.

Registered forthe draft with the Selective Service

Bring back the draft.
Still have my draft card somewhere.

Recall going down to the Selective Service O ffice shortly after I turned 19

Bring back the draft
who are we fighting ??

Haventfoughtanybody since Nam -even that was questionable/................
I sweated the process out....

Hate the volunteer military -always have -always will.......................................
Why draft when there is a waiting list to get in all branches?

Our present all-volunteer military is as professional and proficient as ever.
Freedom should be reinstated.

No wait...that's right...we cannot reinstate what we never had, can we?

Never mind.

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