Is the conservative banning on Facebook helping dems win elections?

Two years ago most young average Americans newsfeeds included Milo destroying democrats in debates, freedom fighter Tommy Robinson, the great Alex jones, and countless other conservatives kicking ass online that were slowly eliminated from Facebook Twitter and alpha rhythmed out of the system.

and we see very conservative Democrats winning that’s ok I guess.. but Democrat party was getting beat up every day and the millions of kids were watching it!

they were saying that that generation was gonna be the most conservative in the history of America

Facebook was going to have none of that!
Trump needs to bring back the public square which is now FACEBOOK! Defend free speech!
Bring our boys home

There is no "freedom of speech" which allows you to lie about and denigrate others, which is what these alt-right wingers do. Nor is there "freedom of speech" to promote hate based on lies and conspiracy theories. "Freedom of speech" as defined in the Constitution is the freedom to criticize the government and seek redress for your grievances, without fear of arrest or retritbution. Something that the President of the United States would do well to remember when he threatens people who are testifying to the crimes he's committing as President.

But Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you're free to publish lies, like the Biden Conspiracy theories currently being promoted by the President and his allies, because they're not true. We have an entire public record of Biden's actions in the Ukraine which completely refute all of these baseless stories. You can't call the Sandy Hook families "crisis actors" because that's not true.

People are being harmed and now killed because your President, and a good percentage of the population has been lied to by Republicans for so long, that they no longer recognize truth or facts, i.e. 30% of Republicans STILL believe that Barrack Obama was born in Kenya. People are dying in Syria while the President sends troops to protect the oil, but not your allies. People died in the Ukraine while the President tried to force Zelensky to investigate Biden.

One need only look at how quickly Trump's Ukrainian Conspiracy fell apart to realize how impossible for all of these "conspiracy theories" promoted by Alex Jones, Rudy Guliani, and Donald Trump, could be true. Even with the relative handful of people involved in this mess, or who knew of it, the story got out and quickly. The "Deep State" isn't some vast cabal of liberals out to destroy the President, but rather a large dedicated group of civil servants who have spent their entire adult lives working in service to their country and who will not tolerate the corruption and abuses of this President.

There are always those who come forward to expose the plots. ALWAYS. There's always someone who has an attack of conscience or who really, really meant it when they promised to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The true believers will not be deterred, and they're all coming out of the woodwork.

The conspiracy theorists don't get to lie to the American public with impunity. We've seen where that leads. Republicans could try telling the truth, and coming up with policies instead of attacking their opponents to mask their dearth of policy ideas.
I’m confused, because over 90% of daily violent crimes are happening in towns with democrat policies
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats


So again what are you talking about?

The reason you're confused is because your first sentence is a lie. When your entire post is premises on a lie, it's no wonder you're confused. You Russians are being given false information.

Crime is tied to poverty. The higher the levels of poverty, the higher the levels of crime. This has nothing to do with democratic cities or republican cities. There are few Republican cities because Republicans are utterly incapable of getting anything done, and city government has to get stuff done - more than any other branch of government. Republican policies don't work for people. Never have, never will.
Well this is awkward you liberals claim towns in red states have the highest level of poverty in the world but everybody owns a gun there’s no shootings there’s no crime. ..

again Get an education before you can posting on here

You might take your own advice Ray. Your ignorance of economic and social issues is astounding.

That's not true. Overwhelmingly, the more guns in a state, the higher the levels of murder and violent gun crime. Every state that has passed "stand your ground" laws, has seen an increase in the numbers of murders in those states. New York City state has the strictest gun laws in the US, and the NYC has the lowest rate of murder and violent crime of all large cities in the USA.

Because of the poverty and the opiod crisis, rural America is now experiencing the highest levels of violent cime in the US - higher than in inner cities.

You are responding to somebody else. But since you called me out, I'll reply:

So where was the last mass murder? The FBI considers a mass murder of four or more people, and wouldn't you know it, it happened last night in California; California, who has seen a surge in gun incidents. Four killed and six others wounded.

Guns are not the problem--people are the problem. If you went to a nice middle-class suburb, and created a law all households must possess a firearm, their crime rate won't change one bit. If you go to lower class cities, create a law against all firearms, their crime rate won't change either.

Now what does Stand Your Ground laws have to do with the murder rate? After all, the people who stand their ground are the victims, not the attackers. And given the fact CCW holders are rated the most law abiding citizens in our country, your association makes zero sense.
But was it advertised as a public square do they advertise to the left wing as a public square for them to push their agenda yes or no

And Budweiser is advertised King of beers...does not make it true
Are you comparing our Bill of Rights to what a bear says about their motto? Lol wow
But was it advertised as a public square do they advertise to the left wing as a public square for them to push their agenda yes or no

And Budweiser is advertised King of beers...does not make it true
Are you comparing our Bill of Rights to what a bear says about their motto? Lol wow

No, I am comparing two advertising slogans...since you brought it up
Facebook advertised as a public square people join for that reason and they should be allowed to hear all sides of the story. Or have a warning sign we are a left-wing campaign machine

Budweiser advertised as the King of Beers. They should have a warning sign their beer is piss water...

I think all American made beer is.
And Budweiser is advertised King of beers...does not make it true
Are you comparing our Bill of Rights to what a bear says about their motto? Lol wow
And Budweiser is advertised King of beers...does not make it true
Are you comparing our Bill of Rights to what a bear says about their motto? Lol wow

No, I am comparing two advertising slogans...since you brought it up
Facebook advertised as a public square people join for that reason and they should be allowed to hear all sides of the story. Or have a warning sign we are a left-wing campaign machine

Budweiser advertised as the King of Beers. They should have a warning sign their beer is piss water...

I think all American made beer is.

Then you need to come for a visit. There are at least a dozen micro breweries within a 30 mile radius that make simply amazing beer
I don't think you understand what freedom of the press really means.

Apparently you don't understand what the concept of the press really means. What we have today is largely not the neutal press it is supposed to be so my contention is that the 1st amendment doesn't really come into play.

If you think that the printed media at the founding, or during the first contested election, all the way to todays elections, were ever neutral, then you simply do not have an accurate view of history. We do have a history of trying to enforce the airing of opposition views on public airwaves such as Radio and Television, but that was when we had only a few national broadcasters. Today with such eclectic sources of information at our fingertips, such restrictions or regulations are obsolete.
the great Alex jones,

I was with you up to here. That nut makes conservatives look foolish with his asinine conspiracy BULLSHIT.

FOR YEARS he spout off about Sandy Hook being a hoax. The man is a walking disgrace. The fact that he aligns with me politically does not give a free pass to trash the conservative movement with his nonsense.
Two years ago most young average Americans newsfeeds included Milo destroying democrats in debates, freedom fighter Tommy Robinson, the great Alex jones, and countless other conservatives kicking ass online that were slowly eliminated from Facebook Twitter and alpha rhythmed out of the system.

and we see very conservative Democrats winning that’s ok I guess.. but Democrat party was getting beat up every day and the millions of kids were watching it!

they were saying that that generation was gonna be the most conservative in the history of America

Facebook was going to have none of that!
Trump needs to bring back the public square which is now FACEBOOK! Defend free speech!
Bring our boys home

There is no "freedom of speech" which allows you to lie about and denigrate others, which is what these alt-right wingers do. Nor is there "freedom of speech" to promote hate based on lies and conspiracy theories. "Freedom of speech" as defined in the Constitution is the freedom to criticize the government and seek redress for your grievances, without fear of arrest or retritbution. Something that the President of the United States would do well to remember when he threatens people who are testifying to the crimes he's committing as President.

But Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you're free to publish lies, like the Biden Conspiracy theories currently being promoted by the President and his allies, because they're not true. We have an entire public record of Biden's actions in the Ukraine which completely refute all of these baseless stories. You can't call the Sandy Hook families "crisis actors" because that's not true.

People are being harmed and now killed because your President, and a good percentage of the population has been lied to by Republicans for so long, that they no longer recognize truth or facts, i.e. 30% of Republicans STILL believe that Barrack Obama was born in Kenya. People are dying in Syria while the President sends troops to protect the oil, but not your allies. People died in the Ukraine while the President tried to force Zelensky to investigate Biden.

One need only look at how quickly Trump's Ukrainian Conspiracy fell apart to realize how impossible for all of these "conspiracy theories" promoted by Alex Jones, Rudy Guliani, and Donald Trump, could be true. Even with the relative handful of people involved in this mess, or who knew of it, the story got out and quickly. The "Deep State" isn't some vast cabal of liberals out to destroy the President, but rather a large dedicated group of civil servants who have spent their entire adult lives working in service to their country and who will not tolerate the corruption and abuses of this President.

There are always those who come forward to expose the plots. ALWAYS. There's always someone who has an attack of conscience or who really, really meant it when they promised to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The true believers will not be deterred, and they're all coming out of the woodwork.

The conspiracy theorists don't get to lie to the American public with impunity. We've seen where that leads. Republicans could try telling the truth, and coming up with policies instead of attacking their opponents to mask their dearth of policy ideas.
I’m confused, because over 90% of daily violent crimes are happening in towns with democrat policies
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats


So again what are you talking about?

The reason you're confused is because your first sentence is a lie. When your entire post is premises on a lie, it's no wonder you're confused. You Russians are being given false information.

Crime is tied to poverty. The higher the levels of poverty, the higher the levels of crime. This has nothing to do with democratic cities or republican cities. There are few Republican cities because Republicans are utterly incapable of getting anything done, and city government has to get stuff done - more than any other branch of government. Republican policies don't work for people. Never have, never will.
Well this is awkward you liberals claim towns in red states have the highest level of poverty in the world but everybody owns a gun there’s no shootings there’s no crime. ..

again Get an education before you can posting on here

You might take your own advice Ray. Your ignorance of economic and social issues is astounding.

That's not true. Overwhelmingly, the more guns in a state, the higher the levels of murder and violent gun crime. Every state that has passed "stand your ground" laws, has seen an increase in the numbers of murders in those states. New York City state has the strictest gun laws in the US, and the NYC has the lowest rate of murder and violent crime of all large cities in the USA.

Because of the poverty and the opiod crisis, rural America is now experiencing the highest levels of violent cime in the US - higher than in inner cities.
The poorest town in America is Betty Ville Kentucky almost every citizen owns a gun there’s been three murders in a past 20 years

you are a idiot
You don’t have a right to be hosted on another’s server. Stop whining and start your own social media platforms. It should an instant success consderied how oppressed conservatives are all over social media, but requires too work, time, and, money which is why see fools rushing for moar gubmint interference.

There is a social media website for conservatives. It's However it's never going to be as large as the people who got in on the ground floor. Nobody will ever beat Twitter or Facebook. They got too large before anybody else got into the game.

Seems odd that folks would continue to support a business they feel that discriminates against people like themselves. The best way to harm Facebook is to hit them where it hurts: their pocket. Forsake your accounts and go to a rival site instead. There isn’t any need to get the big gubmint involved.

Trust me, if I could move all my friends and family to another site, I would do so in a minute. But FB is not really political. It's more family oriented, so even if you leave, many won't follow you because of their lack of interest in politics.

It's not too odd that people would want to support a business that discriminates against them. Look at the 50's and 60's when blacks weren't served at various restaurants. Look at the gays who sued bakeries and photographers to force them to cater their gay weddings. So this really isn't unique.

Refusing to leave FB for one reason(s) or another just isn’t a very compelling reason for more government intrusion. Nobody has the right to a social media account on this nation and the push to make it so gives me much pause.
Two years ago most young average Americans newsfeeds included Milo destroying democrats in debates, freedom fighter Tommy Robinson, the great Alex jones, and countless other conservatives kicking ass online that were slowly eliminated from Facebook Twitter and alpha rhythmed out of the system.

and we see very conservative Democrats winning that’s ok I guess.. but Democrat party was getting beat up every day and the millions of kids were watching it!

they were saying that that generation was gonna be the most conservative in the history of America

Facebook was going to have none of that!
Trump needs to bring back the public square which is now FACEBOOK! Defend free speech!
Bring our boys home

Did you ever think for one minute that when a post shows up on someones feed on FB that person can report it as spam or offensive and that is why you are banned? I get shit all the time on my feed and I report as spam and I'm sure millions others do too.
You big crybaby. I have NEVER reported ANYTING on Facebook. Go hide in your safe space
You don’t have a right to be hosted on another’s server. Stop whining and start your own social media platforms. It should an instant success consderied how oppressed conservatives are all over social media, but requires too work, time, and, money which is why see fools rushing for moar gubmint interference.

There is a social media website for conservatives. It's However it's never going to be as large as the people who got in on the ground floor. Nobody will ever beat Twitter or Facebook. They got too large before anybody else got into the game.

Seems odd that folks would continue to support a business they feel that discriminates against people like themselves. The best way to harm Facebook is to hit them where it hurts: their pocket. Forsake your accounts and go to a rival site instead. There isn’t any need to get the big gubmint involved.

Trust me, if I could move all my friends and family to another site, I would do so in a minute. But FB is not really political. It's more family oriented, so even if you leave, many won't follow you because of their lack of interest in politics.

It's not too odd that people would want to support a business that discriminates against them. Look at the 50's and 60's when blacks weren't served at various restaurants. Look at the gays who sued bakeries and photographers to force them to cater their gay weddings. So this really isn't unique.

Refusing to leave FB for one reason(s) or another just isn’t a very compelling reason for more government intrusion. Nobody has the right to a social media account on this nation and the push to make it so gives me much pause.

I agree with you there. But then again, it's comparable to the argument that no business should be allowed to refuse service to anybody they desire, either by race, religion, political affiliation, sexual preference, or anybody they don't want to serve.

Would you support that?
Are you comparing our Bill of Rights to what a bear says about their motto? Lol wow
Are you comparing our Bill of Rights to what a bear says about their motto? Lol wow

No, I am comparing two advertising slogans...since you brought it up
Facebook advertised as a public square people join for that reason and they should be allowed to hear all sides of the story. Or have a warning sign we are a left-wing campaign machine

Budweiser advertised as the King of Beers. They should have a warning sign their beer is piss water...

I think all American made beer is.

Then you need to come for a visit. There are at least a dozen micro breweries within a 30 mile radius that make simply amazing beer

American beer is restricted by alcohol content, and that's why we can't make a good beer. So I buy imported, even though there are some restrictions on that too. At least it has some taste to it.
No, I am comparing two advertising slogans...since you brought it up
Facebook advertised as a public square people join for that reason and they should be allowed to hear all sides of the story. Or have a warning sign we are a left-wing campaign machine

Budweiser advertised as the King of Beers. They should have a warning sign their beer is piss water...

I think all American made beer is.

Then you need to come for a visit. There are at least a dozen micro breweries within a 30 mile radius that make simply amazing beer

American beer is restricted by alcohol content, and that's why we can't make a good beer. So I buy imported, even though there are some restrictions on that too. At least it has some taste to it.
You need to try some trillium
I’d like to see prohibition come back,
Beer is destroying Boston
There is no "freedom of speech" which allows you to lie about and denigrate others, which is what these alt-right wingers do. Nor is there "freedom of speech" to promote hate based on lies and conspiracy theories. "Freedom of speech" as defined in the Constitution is the freedom to criticize the government and seek redress for your grievances, without fear of arrest or retritbution [sic]. Something that the President of the United States would do well to remember when he threatens people who are testifying to the crimes he's committing as President.

But Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you're free to publish lies, like the Biden Conspiracy theories currently being promoted by the President and his allies, because they're not true. We have an entire public record of Biden's actions in the Ukraine which completely refute all of these baseless stories. You can't call the Sandy Hook families "crisis actors" because that's not true.

So, “freedom of speech”, applies, then, only to government-approved and sanctioned “truths”?

“Freedom of speech” covers falsely accusing the President of certain crimes, but it does not co0ver pointing out that some of his accusers are apparently guilty of the very crimes of which they are falsely accusing the President?

Your take on the subject sounds like something straight out of the writings of George Orwell.
You don’t have a right to be hosted on another’s server. Stop whining and start your own social media platforms. It should an instant success consderied how oppressed conservatives are all over social media, but requires too work, time, and, money which is why see fools rushing for moar gubmint interference.

There is a social media website for conservatives. It's However it's never going to be as large as the people who got in on the ground floor. Nobody will ever beat Twitter or Facebook. They got too large before anybody else got into the game.

Seems odd that folks would continue to support a business they feel that discriminates against people like themselves. The best way to harm Facebook is to hit them where it hurts: their pocket. Forsake your accounts and go to a rival site instead. There isn’t any need to get the big gubmint involved.

Trust me, if I could move all my friends and family to another site, I would do so in a minute. But FB is not really political. It's more family oriented, so even if you leave, many won't follow you because of their lack of interest in politics.

It's not too odd that people would want to support a business that discriminates against them. Look at the 50's and 60's when blacks weren't served at various restaurants. Look at the gays who sued bakeries and photographers to force them to cater their gay weddings. So this really isn't unique.

Refusing to leave FB for one reason(s) or another just isn’t a very compelling reason for more government intrusion. Nobody has the right to a social media account on this nation and the push to make it so gives me much pause.

I agree with you there. But then again, it's comparable to the argument that no business should be allowed to refuse service to anybody they desire, either by race, religion, political affiliation, sexual preference, or anybody they don't want to serve.

Would you support that?

I’ve made my feelings on public accommodation laws quite known. I believe any business should be allowed to serve (or not serve) any person as they see fit. Nobody should be forced by the government to do business with each other. It’s time for these laws to be scrapped entirely.
Two years ago most young average Americans newsfeeds included Milo destroying democrats in debates, freedom fighter Tommy Robinson, the great Alex jones, and countless other conservatives kicking ass online that were slowly eliminated from Facebook Twitter and alpha rhythmed out of the system.

and we see very conservative Democrats winning that’s ok I guess.. but Democrat party was getting beat up every day and the millions of kids were watching it!

they were saying that that generation was gonna be the most conservative in the history of America

Facebook was going to have none of that!
Trump needs to bring back the public square which is now FACEBOOK! Defend free speech!
Bring our boys home

Another winger word salad from the resident USMB 6-year-old. No cookie this time. Having the entire American public losing all confidence in your Virus' policies must be rough. Since his criminal activities are being uncovered on the daily, The Virus will eventually lose his 2020 election. He might even be impeached and removed before that comes to fruition. So we need to save those cookies for Americans we approve of, because those cookies are expensive, kid.

Your cult is dying faster than I presumed. My condolences. :auiqs.jpg: Your whining and constant denial of reality is the nectar of the gods. It feeds me. Please keep it up.

Here's a life hack for you: stop taking Ambien before you post.
Two years ago most young average Americans newsfeeds included Milo destroying democrats in debates, freedom fighter Tommy Robinson, the great Alex jones, and countless other conservatives kicking ass online that were slowly eliminated from Facebook Twitter and alpha rhythmed out of the system.

and we see very conservative Democrats winning that’s ok I guess.. but Democrat party was getting beat up every day and the millions of kids were watching it!

they were saying that that generation was gonna be the most conservative in the history of America

Facebook was going to have none of that!
Trump needs to bring back the public square which is now FACEBOOK! Defend free speech!
Bring our boys home

Another winger word salad from the resident USMB 6-year-old. No cookie this time. Having the entire American public losing all confidence in your Virus' policies must be rough. Since his criminal activities are being uncovered on the daily, The Virus will eventually lose his 2020 election. He might even be impeached and removed before that comes to fruition. So we need to save those cookies for Americans we approve of, because those cookies are expensive, kid.

Your cult is dying faster than I presumed. My condolences. :auiqs.jpg: Your whining and constant denial of reality is the nectar of the gods. It feeds me. Please keep it up.

Here's a life hack for you: stop taking Ambien before you post.
Holy trigger bat man! Lol
Two years ago most young average Americans newsfeeds included Milo destroying democrats in debates, freedom fighter Tommy Robinson, the great Alex jones, and countless other conservatives kicking ass online that were slowly eliminated from Facebook Twitter and alpha rhythmed out of the system.

and we see very conservative Democrats winning that’s ok I guess.. but Democrat party was getting beat up every day and the millions of kids were watching it!

they were saying that that generation was gonna be the most conservative in the history of America

Facebook was going to have none of that!
Trump needs to bring back the public square which is now FACEBOOK! Defend free speech!
Bring our boys home

Another winger word salad from the resident USMB 6-year-old. No cookie this time. Having the entire American public losing all confidence in your Virus' policies must be rough. Since his criminal activities are being uncovered on the daily, The Virus will eventually lose his 2020 election. He might even be impeached and removed before that comes to fruition. So we need to save those cookies for Americans we approve of, because those cookies are expensive, kid.

Your cult is dying faster than I presumed. My condolences. :auiqs.jpg: Your whining and constant denial of reality is the nectar of the gods. It feeds me. Please keep it up.

Here's a life hack for you: stop taking Ambien before you post.
Holy trigger bat man! Lol

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