The Definition of Insanity

The country was not founded by white people either. Shouldn't have bought us over here. Should have done your own labor. But your ancestors were too lazy and shiftless to do hard work.
No stryker, this is not fake news. Learn the real history of this country. Not the history whites have forced everybody to repeat.
And none of you links proved your claims as to the percentage of over all spending. Also the majority of police spending comes from State level governments, not the feds.

States spend on education too. So then once again, the fact remains that we spend too much to kill amd punish when we should spend more on education and health care.
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The country was not founded by white people either. Shouldn't have bought us over here. Should have done your own labor. But your ancestors were too lazy and shiftless to do hard work.
Except for the handful of Southern Colonies/States, most of this country's founding and work/labor was done mostly by "white folk" not blacks. And even then, most whites living in the South pre-1860s didn't own slaves, black or any other color and had to do their own hard work. Most of "you" were brought over by the Spanish and Portuguese and only about one out of ten came to the 13 English colonies.

Weren't very many blacks out here in the PNW 100-180 years ago when the trees were being dropped and the land cleared.

FWIW,, I think many in this nation would be willing to pay your one-way fare back to over there.

BTW, my ancestors were all over in the Old World, other sides of the oceans, until about 120-130 years ago.
No stryker, this is not fake news. Learn the real history of this country. Not the history whites have forced everybody to repeat.
90+% of what you present can only be tagged as "fake news". Only other negative tag is the thumbs down, which isn't very precise either. Nor do we have a bull shyte tag to use.
As for real history, you are the one grossly short in that department. As well as some other K-12 basics like sciences, math, geography, economics, etc.
I did. Again, social security is taken out of our checks. It isour money being returned to us. Medicare is a premium taken out of a persons social ecurity check to pay for medical services needed. So as I have stated, we can cut 2/3rds of our miitary spending and stil spend more money on the military than anyone else.

Try not believing the shit you were taught about blacks. We are capable of reading and comprehending information.
Try not wrapping yourself with other blacks. Most of them I've known and worked with were more educated and smarter than you. Not to mention also had more honesty and integrity.

You could be purple with green poka-dots and I'd still call you out on the piles of BS you shovel out.

It's not a matter of color, it's a matter of ignorance and lack of common sense and intelligence on your part. Plus the fact you flunked the Dale Carnegie course.
90+% of what you present can only be tagged as "fake news". Only other negative tag is the thumbs down, which isn't very precise either. Nor do we have a bull shyte tag to use.
As for real history, you are the one grossly short in that department. As well as some other K-12 basics like sciences, math, geography, economics, etc.
Yeah right. Everything I say has been accurate. You just can't face the truth.
Try not wrapping yourself with other blacks. Most of them I've known and worked with were more educated and smarter than you. Not to mention also had more honesty and integrity.

You could be purple with green poka-dots and I'd still call you out on the piles of BS you shovel out.

It's not a matter of color, it's a matter of ignorance and lack of common sense and intelligence on your part. Plus the fact you flunked the Dale Carnegie course.
Try not describing imaginary black people to me. Any black person who would agree with you has no intelligence or integrity. Dalle Carnegie? Ha! All you want is a black boot licking sellout and I'm not that. I don't seem to have a problem with the other blacks who are here. So then whatever black person you say you know, has never discussed race honestly with you.
Try not describing imaginary black people to me. Any black person who would agree with you has no intelligence or integrity. Dalle Carnigie? Ha! Al yu wantis a black boot licking sellout and I'm not that.
Well Komrade "IM2" they also happen to be conservatives and honest working people and their intelligence and integrity is light years beyond yours.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" is clearly a skill you never understood or acquired.

You are a negative personality and likely a bitter ner-do-well also.
Without victim mentality, you have none.
States spend on education too. So then once again, the fact remains that we spend tooi much to kill amd punish when we should spend more on education and health care.

And you claimed it was the republicans that believe in just throwing money at a problem, PROJECTION MUCH??? And just so you know, money does not equal positive outcomes. Many school districts that spend less per student, gets much better outcomes than districts that spend much more. Read and learn.

It's not the money a school gets, it's how they spend it. Also parental involvement in their children's education is a huge factor in outcomes, regardless of the total spent per student.

Except for the handful of Southern Colonies/States, most of this country's founding and work/labor was done mostly by "white folk" not blacks. And even then, most whites living in the South pre-1860s didn't own slaves, black or any other color and had to do their own hard work. Most of "you" were brought over by the Spanish and Portuguese and only about one out of ten came to the 13 English colonies.

Weren't very many blacks out here in the PNW 100-180 years ago when the trees were being dropped and the land cleared.

FWIW,, I think many in this nation would be willing to pay your one-way fare back to over there.
BTW, my ancestors were all over in the Old World, other sides of the oceans, until about 120-130 years ago.
You are wrong once again. So let me be blunt with you white man, I was born in this country which means I have a first amendment right to air my greivance with this government. You white right wing pussies whine all day about the government. You whine despite being given ever break the givernment has given. You whine about ---- you imagine. So then if there is ANYBODY who needs the one way ticket back someplace its you and every other whining right wing a-hole like you. My family has been here more than 300 years, so then if there is ANYBODY who has the right to talk, it's me and every other black descendant of slaves in this country. We have more of a right than you. So you go buy that ticket and stick it....
Well Komrade "IM2" they also happen to be conservatives and honest working people and their intelligence and integrity is light years beyond yours.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" is clearly a skill you never understood or acquired.

You are a negative personality and likely a bitter ner-do-well also.
Without victim mentality, you have none.
If they are right wing blacks who are like you, they are not honest wth themselves. I have friends all over this country. My personality has allowed me to make changes in places others could not. My personality has helped build 3 different non profits. My personality has me respected in my town and in much of this state. What's a victim mentality bitch? Standing up to racists and pointing out racism is not victimhood. Victimhood is exemplified in the blacks you claim are your friends who just shut up and take it. F that.
You are wrong once again. So let me be blunt with you white man, I was born in this country which means I have a first amendment right to air my greivance with this government. You white right wing pussies whine all day about the government. You whine despite being given ever break the givernment has given. You whine about ---- you imagine. So then if there is ANYBODY who needs the one way ticket back someplace its you and every other whining right wing a-hole like you. My family has been here more than 300 years, so then if there is ANYBODY who has the right to talk, it's me and every other black descendant of slaves in this country. We have more of a right than you. So you go buy that ticket and stick it....
"The problem is they confuse their Right to Speak with their desire to be heard and heeded."

I never said you couldn't speak. I've said you were wrong, incomplete, out of touch with reality, inaccurate, ignorant, full of BS, and a whole other short comings.

Keep on talking all you want. You just dig yourself into a deeper shit hole and finding new ways to chase others away from your cause and agenda.

YOU are your own worse enemy Komrade "IM2". :rolleyes:
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result. It is time to do something else.

Odd that you recognise the futility of your obsessive posting but still continue to be sick all over us every day .

So why are you not insane but others showing identical symptoms are ?
Probably a futile question to ask someone so out of touch of full reality
When stryker has no rebuuttal, he hits the fake news button.
"Fake news" and "disagree"(thumbs down) are the only two choices for a negative tag to a post.
Repeating what I've already said and didn't sink into your limited grasp is a waste of my time and effort. Why make the same rebuttal more than once?
Most of what you present is so in error it would take a semester length course to counter your ignorance and delusions.

Here is a large "hint"; you are nothing but "Fake News". Full of it and spewing out all orifices.
"The problem is they confuse their Right to Speak with their desire to be heard and heeded."

I never said you couldn't speak. I've said you were wrong, incomplete, out of touch with reality, inaccurate, ignorant, full of BS, and a whole other short comings.

Keep on talking all you want. You just dig yourself into a deeper shit hole and finding new ways to chase others away from your cause and agenda.

YOU are your own worse enemy Komrade "IM2". :rolleyes:
The probem with your opinion is that the things I have said are accurate. My cause? You got that wrong. It is our cause. You have a responsibility to end the racism you believe and practice. Whites who think lie you must be out of your mind to say what you are saying here. Whites can imagine things to get angry about and eveybody is supposed to get angry with you. Look at January 6th, whites who think like you were mad about something one man made up that was not even real. But I am supposed to speak nicely in ways that please whitey in order for " my cause" to be recognized. Stop smoking meth because the time of taking nicely to whites who think like you is over. We've tried that for over 300 years.

It didn't work.
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Odd that you recognise the futility of your obsessive posting but still continue to be sick all over us every day .

So why are you not insane but others showing identical symptoms are ?
Probably a futile question to ask someone so out of touch of full reality
More gaslighting from the clown car.
If there is anybody here who believes that, then they need to go see a psychiatrist. It's pure white racist arrogance to believe that blacks actually love the racism we face and woud rather not address it.
Hmmm…IDK, it is the internet…plenty of posers around. If there were only a way you could prove it…😒
"Fake news" and "disagree"(thumbs down) are the only two choices for a negative tag to a post.
Repeating what I've already said and didn't sink into your limited grasp is a waste of my time and effort. Why make the same rebuttal more than once?
Most of what you present is so in error it would take a semester length course to counter your ignorance and delusions.

Here is a large "hint"; you are nothing but "Fake News". Full of it and spewing out all orifices.
You have made no rebuttal because you can't. For example I said I have a first Amendment right. You said that was fake news. The problem with that is, I do have a first amendment right. I said my familiy has been here over 300 years. I descended from slaves, so then my family has been here over 300 years. And yours has not. So then I do have more of a right to speak as an American than you do.

You say that 90 percent of the work in Amerca was done by whites. Thats laughable since whites not only could own slaves, they could rent them. And you might want to go look at the history of Virgnia to understand just how prolific slavery was. Your entire argument is "I am white and I say so." And that's not good enough.

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