Has America arrived at the need for dictatorship?

A government never plays by the own rules. To govern is a job.
You didn´t understand.
Merkel-Regime under pressure: Bundestag-report says strikes on Syria violated international law
Merkel-Regime impeached over violations regarding Syria-participation
Merkel-Roach says "Army of Islam" ain´t terrorists but civilians
Merkel Regime behind Islamist truck attack in Berlin

Those are clear indicators for a regime. A regime that even supports Islamist terrorists. Disgusting! Merkel must go!

I don't read Nazi-articles which start with names like "Merkle-regime" or "Merkel roach". Angela Merkel is an honorable politician since decades - and she is since a very long time now chancellor of my federal republic of Germany. We discuss in Germany serious problem in context with the German and European politics around the problem "refugees". All this discussions have to do with pragmatic problems.

Wat has this to do with nukes? We close our nuclear power plants step by step. And because of the catastrophe in Fukushima we made some steps a little earlier ("vorgezogen"). Germany transforms the whole system of energy management and production into a system which is sustainable and more in harmony with the natural processes of planet Earth. Althought the Green Party is now not in the government this way will be continued.
At our cost. Guess how many wind wheels you´ll need to supply 40 million electric cars and even - like in France - electric house heating. No, Fukushima is not a reason to ban nuclear power plants.

It was the reason for the word "vorgezogen" what means to go some steps earlier and faster. And we will close all our nuclear power plants. This discussion is over.

It is a reason to put them under government control. I remember the paranoia in Germany - and only in Germany - when the Geiger counters were sold out. Absurd!

Let me say it this way: It makes for me not a big sense to discuss the very complex German politics around nuclear power plants with someone who has not a big idea about Germany and confuses the problems Chernobyl, Fukushima and nukes. Very short: We found out nuclear power is no solution for nothing. The dangers of this form to produce energy are not in a good relation with the chances of this form of energy.

Values are in lots of cases worldwide and for centuries and millenniums the same values.
It is the values set by the government. What a hap!

You seem not to know what are values. The Americans government nor any organization or institution in the USA at all (nor worldwide) is able to decide torture is good thing if it is good for the United States to torture. It will never be good for the USA to do so and every government which propagates such values is just simple criminal.

You have a Trump - what's much pinker than pinkest, I guess. So what kind of dictator is your favorite dictator? You?
No, I have a Merkel.

You are for sure not a German.

And yes, of course I am my favorite dictator. It is in my best political interest. Unrealistic but I trust myself the most.

I got a new delivery of exchange brains. Perhaps you should buy one. Take a cheap one with construction problems then you are not shocked about how clear some people are able to think, who are using a premium model.

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Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
/——/ Good thing we don’t live in a democracy.

Good thing you aren't smart enough to understand how a Republic can be just as oppressive as a Democracy.

It doesn't really make much difference if you vote directly to steal my money or if you vote for a representative to do it, does it? I still lose my money and you get your greedy little welfare check, don't you?
/----/ I'm still waiting for my first welfare check to arrive. I never applied, never needed it, never wanted it and would never take it. I'm retired and a short term options trader so if I need money I just write a spread or a covered call. BTW, a democracy is just mob rule. In a Republic, we can remove those politicians from office.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
Those wealthy asshats want the US to be just like the 1880's again.
/——/ You Poor asshats want America to be like the 1200’s again, all injuns and buffalos.

You are confused.

I want America to be free. Not a socialist shithole.

You inability to understand the difference speaks volumes of your ignorance of the concept of Liberty.

There is really not much difference in a monarch of 1200 taking my labor away by force and some greedy little shithead in 2018 using democracy to take it away by force. The results are pretty much the same.
/----/ Pick up a history book. There were no Monarch's in America in the 1200s or since.
I had a solution for this in my book "Keepers of the Unpopular Truth"
Where our technology is allowing us the capability for individual citizens to vote on each issue not as a party line, thus truly being by the people not thwarted by obstructionist acts and it's up to parties to convey their position well enough to get the majority votes of each individual issue. But this would require the FCC to strictly regulate news that violates their licensing by manipulating news through propaganda and and defamation which sways those votes through controling media thus narratives influencing voting on individual issues. Of course both partiless voting and regulated broadcasts would eliminate many of the media gimicks.
The whole system has to be updated due to fillibusters destroying the ability for the people to get their needs andxwants met and done.
Equal Access rights (like to debates) to more parties.
Maybe enact Fillibuster rules, like since the minority party claims majority should be able to pass legistlation then that majority parties majority vote should count as passed legistlation, like when courts/ judges can be utilized to declare voting is being supressed by obstruction spiteful down the line voting it can enact that special rule.
Majority rule is almost as bad as a Dictatorship some Liberal in California doesn't have the same values as a Conservative in rural Alabama. I don't want NY and California dictating what they think is best for me.
** Disclaimer: I am neither personally advocating for a dictator/monarch nor do I in any way support the implementation of such in our great nation. This is purely an Intellectual exercise suggested in the face of current issues.

Wise men have interpreted dreams
And the Gods have laughed . . .

~Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Can the radical ideological division between political parties and thus the American people be traced to the root of our two party system? Would the elimination of the bi-partisan Congress alleviate the inability of our government to swiftly legislate the most important issues of our time?

Immigration. Healthcare. Trade. Corruption. Lobbying. Campaign donations. Foreign Policy. Taxes.

The above issues along with many others have stalled in Congress for ages over the steep ideological and even personal differences between sides within the House and Senate. We watch daily as individual US Representatives obstruct the progress of important bills for a plethora of reasons, many of which are never made transparent to the people. Congressmen and Senators submit their voting behaviors to party peer pressure, inclusion of perks for their own states and districts, lobbyist money and scientific and law enforcement committee reports spun with political seasoning just to name a few.

Wouldn't the whole process be easier and much faster if partisan politics played less of a role? What if there were only one party? Wouldn't it be incredible to watch the most important issues of our age solved in a span of time relevant to the pressing needs of the people?

We see political games played out repeatedly both in the media and the Congress while tens of millions of Americans suffer. Our Representatives earn excellent salaries and some of the best perks and benefits our nation has to offer. How can they truly represent our needs when their honorable duty has been popularized, monetized, commercialized? Isn't it time to cut out the middle men and women?

How would the people control such an individual--a dictator? An election every ten years? Presidents seem to be on the verge of great accomplishment only to have them cut short by pesky elections. Put the power of the active duty military in the hands of the people? Call him what? A Constitutional Monocrat? Emperor President? An oversight court?

Please offer up your thoughts on the matter.

Term limits would fix it.
With all the craziness during the Clinton years and the financial malaise of the Hussein years nobody ever, ever, ever talked seriously about the viability of a freaking dictatorship. The hypocrite left is truly going insane with hatred and anger over an election a year and a half ago.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
/——/ Good thing we don’t live in a democracy.

Good thing you aren't smart enough to understand how a Republic can be just as oppressive as a Democracy.

It doesn't really make much difference if you vote directly to steal my money or if you vote for a representative to do it, does it? I still lose my money and you get your greedy little welfare check, don't you?
/----/ I'm still waiting for my first welfare check to arrive. I never applied, never needed it, never wanted it and would never take it. I'm retired and a short term options trader so if I need money I just write a spread or a covered call. BTW, a democracy is just mob rule. In a Republic, we can remove those politicians from office.

If you are not receiving welfare then stop being an idiot and supporting an oppressive system that has the filthy government taking your money and giving it away to welfare queens and special interest groups.

Only a moron would be in favor of that. You know, a Liberal.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
Those wealthy asshats want the US to be just like the 1880's again.
/——/ You Poor asshats want America to be like the 1200’s again, all injuns and buffalos.

You are confused.

I want America to be free. Not a socialist shithole.

You inability to understand the difference speaks volumes of your ignorance of the concept of Liberty.

There is really not much difference in a monarch of 1200 taking my labor away by force and some greedy little shithead in 2018 using democracy to take it away by force. The results are pretty much the same.
/----/ Pick up a history book. There were no Monarch's in America in the 1200s or since.

LOL! Stop being a dumbass. It just makes you look like a fool when you post silly crap like that.
Our history is a long one, with far more instances of comprismise than partisan animosity. This went out the window, and I can even tell you when. It was when Bill Clinton was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached. It happened right after the Democrats lost control of the House thanks to Newt and the Contract with America. After that, the Democratic Party set out on a policy of vengeance. When Al Gore lost the election, that vengeance was delayed, and increased. .

My 87 yo mother, a lifelong Democrat says exactly the same thing. According to her the Democrats will never forgive the Republicans for impeaching Bill Clinton...and the 'grievances' have escalated from there. She doesn't approve of their scorch and burn policy, however. Mom does dispute that political emotions run higher today - being able to recall family members refusing to share a meal with other family members over politics. There was sound wisdom in the old saying - politics and religion should not be discussed in polite society.

In time the animosity shown by a few, became the pattern of both. No longer were the parties content to have minor squabbles over basic ideals. Now, it was all about destroying, not defeating, the opposition. In the last twenty years, the parties have become mockeries of their former selves. Democrats are opposed to anything that the Republicans are for. Republicans are opposed to anything the Democrats are for. It isn’t about fixing problems, or finding solutions, it’s about smashing your opponent over the head and stomping them to death, and then desecrating the grave.

As a recovering liberal (one mugged by reality as Irving Krystal would say) and still registered Democrat - imo, the parties are not equal in vindictiveness. It was astounding how quickly during the 60's the Dem leadership began its march to the Left and many of us in the center found ourselves labeled rightwing 'extremists' when in reality we stood firmly in the center where we'd always been.

Yes, there are extremists on the right. They may be loud, but they are few and have little role on the national stage. Highly visible Democrats on the other hand openly denigrate and demean, call for public confrontation directed not just toward their political opponents (bad enough), but toward the American people who support the opposition. Obama was a master at this...it continues with others today. I do not see any moral equivalent between the behavior of the leadership of the left and that of the right.

The behavior of the leadership, the tone taken matters...as a recovering liberal, I still speak the language - and suspect the reason the left hate Trump so is that they see in him some of themselves...and that is his unforgivable sin. Positive outlook for the nation be damned.

I don't think we're doomed - any more than the rest of the world is doomed - though on reflection guess that's not exactly a ringing endorsement for a bright future. ;)
Has America arrived at the need for dictatorship?

Republicans think so.
I had a solution for this in my book "Keepers of the Unpopular Truth"
Where our technology is allowing us the capability for individual citizens to vote on each issue not as a party line, thus truly being by the people not thwarted by obstructionist acts and it's up to parties to convey their position well enough to get the majority votes of each individual issue. But this would require the FCC to strictly regulate news that violates their licensing by manipulating news through propaganda and and defamation which sways those votes through controling media thus narratives influencing voting on individual issues. Of course both partiless voting and regulated broadcasts would eliminate many of the media gimicks.
The whole system has to be updated due to fillibusters destroying the ability for the people to get their needs andxwants met and done.
Equal Access rights (like to debates) to more parties.
Maybe enact Fillibuster rules, like since the minority party claims majority should be able to pass legistlation then that majority parties majority vote should count as passed legistlation, like when courts/ judges can be utilized to declare voting is being supressed by obstruction spiteful down the line voting it can enact that special rule.
Majority rule is almost as bad as a Dictatorship some Liberal in California doesn't have the same values as a Conservative in rural Alabama. I don't want NY and California dictating what they think is best for me.
When it comes to individual policies majority of the nation is centrist and
the extreme is minority, their representatives just never follow what the populace wants which is the problem this changes, taking back the rights of the people not to be puppets of a propaganda campaign.
I don't read Nazi-articles which start with names like "Merkle-regime" or "Merkel roach". Angela Merkel is an honorable politician since decades - and she is since a very long time now chancellor of my federal republic of Germany. We discuss in Germany serious problem in context with the German and European politics around the problem "refugees". All this discussions have to do with pragmatic problems.
Good tinfoil of yours but it won´t help creating a better reality.

V-Mann soll Amri-Gruppe angestachelt haben

Let me say it this way: It makes for me not a big sense to discuss the very complex German politics around nuclear power plants with someone who has not a big idea about Germany and confuses the problems Chernobyl, Fukushima and nukes. Very short: We found out nuclear power is no solution for nothing. The dangers of this form to produce energy are not in a good relation with the chances of this form of energy.
It started with green big shots sitting on huge stock packages. This time is over as Chinese companies take over. But we have to pay the price for this madness. Lunatics everywhere who try to impose their "morals" on us. This pseudo-green nonsense only harms the citizens and economy. 5 DM per liter is just another example for why this freaks are just dangerous.

You seem not to know what are values. The Americans government nor any organization or institution in the USA at all (nor worldwide) is able to decide torture is good thing if it is good for the United States to torture. It will never be good for the USA to do so and every government which propagates such values is just simple criminal.

You are for sure not a German.
Und du bist sicher der Karamba.

I got a new delivery of exchange brains. Perhaps you should buy one. Take a cheap one with construction problems then you are not shocked about how clear some people are able to think, who are using a premium model.

Imagination. When it comes to politics, many Germans suddenly sound like really dumb kindergarden children.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
Those wealthy asshats want the US to be just like the 1880's again.
/——/ You Poor asshats want America to be like the 1200’s again, all injuns and buffalos.

You are confused.

I want America to be free. Not a socialist shithole.

You inability to understand the difference speaks volumes of your ignorance of the concept of Liberty.

There is really not much difference in a monarch of 1200 taking my labor away by force and some greedy little shithead in 2018 using democracy to take it away by force. The results are pretty much the same.
/----/ Pick up a history book. There were no Monarch's in America in the 1200s or since.

LOL! Stop being a dumbass. It just makes you look like a fool when you post silly crap like that.
/——/ I’m talking about the 1200s in America. I don’t know WTF you’re talking about.
** Disclaimer: I am neither personally advocating for a dictator/monarch nor do I in any way support the implementation of such in our great nation. This is purely an Intellectual exercise suggested in the face of current issues.

Wise men have interpreted dreams
And the Gods have laughed . . .

~Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Can the radical ideological division between political parties and thus the American people be traced to the root of our two party system? Would the elimination of the bi-partisan Congress alleviate the inability of our government to swiftly legislate the most important issues of our time?

Immigration. Healthcare. Trade. Corruption. Lobbying. Campaign donations. Foreign Policy. Taxes.

The above issues along with many others have stalled in Congress for ages over the steep ideological and even personal differences between sides within the House and Senate. We watch daily as individual US Representatives obstruct the progress of important bills for a plethora of reasons, many of which are never made transparent to the people. Congressmen and Senators submit their voting behaviors to party peer pressure, inclusion of perks for their own states and districts, lobbyist money and scientific and law enforcement committee reports spun with political seasoning just to name a few.

Wouldn't the whole process be easier and much faster if partisan politics played less of a role? What if there were only one party? Wouldn't it be incredible to watch the most important issues of our age solved in a span of time relevant to the pressing needs of the people?

We see political games played out repeatedly both in the media and the Congress while tens of millions of Americans suffer. Our Representatives earn excellent salaries and some of the best perks and benefits our nation has to offer. How can they truly represent our needs when their honorable duty has been popularized, monetized, commercialized? Isn't it time to cut out the middle men and women?

How would the people control such an individual--a dictator? An election every ten years? Presidents seem to be on the verge of great accomplishment only to have them cut short by pesky elections. Put the power of the active duty military in the hands of the people? Call him what? A Constitutional Monocrat? Emperor President? An oversight court?

Please offer up your thoughts on the matter.

Term limits would fix it.
/——-/ The problems with term limits is the very politicians who would implement it would all lose their jobs. And the other issue is that some voters (not all) say We like our guy, but term limits for all the rest of the scoundrel.
Those wealthy asshats want the US to be just like the 1880's again.
/——/ You Poor asshats want America to be like the 1200’s again, all injuns and buffalos.

You are confused.

I want America to be free. Not a socialist shithole.

You inability to understand the difference speaks volumes of your ignorance of the concept of Liberty.

There is really not much difference in a monarch of 1200 taking my labor away by force and some greedy little shithead in 2018 using democracy to take it away by force. The results are pretty much the same.
/----/ Pick up a history book. There were no Monarch's in America in the 1200s or since.

LOL! Stop being a dumbass. It just makes you look like a fool when you post silly crap like that.
/——/ I’m talking about the 1200s in America. I don’t know WTF you’re talking about.

Stop being a fucking idiot. It just makes you look like more of a fool than we already think you are.
This is just an exercise to provoke thought and hopefully untie some members here behind the idea that dictatorships are a really bad idea, what we can do to prevent that and what can be done to lower the tone of division between our political parties and citizens so we can get stuff done.
An excellent idea, thanks.

The worst part of this lousy situation is that we've done this to ourselves, we've chosen to act like this, we have put ourselves into this mess. No one forced us.

I think this is going to keep getting worse long before it gets any better, if ever. On one hand, I think our system has enough checks & balances to avoid a dictatorship, regardless of some of the silly hyperbole we're hearing. On the other hand, we've become so shallow and tribal that there's a long way still to fall.
The mess would disappear overnight if we just kicked every Democrat out of the country.
Our history is a long one, with far more instances of comprismise than partisan animosity. This went out the window, and I can even tell you when. It was when Bill Clinton was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached. It happened right after the Democrats lost control of the House thanks to Newt and the Contract with America. After that, the Democratic Party set out on a policy of vengeance. When Al Gore lost the election, that vengeance was delayed, and increased. .

My 87 yo mother, a lifelong Democrat says exactly the same thing. According to her the Democrats will never forgive the Republicans for impeaching Bill Clinton...and the 'grievances' have escalated from there. She doesn't approve of their scorch and burn policy, however. Mom does dispute that political emotions run higher today - being able to recall family members refusing to share a meal with other family members over politics. There was sound wisdom in the old saying - politics and religion should not be discussed in polite society.

In time the animosity shown by a few, became the pattern of both. No longer were the parties content to have minor squabbles over basic ideals. Now, it was all about destroying, not defeating, the opposition. In the last twenty years, the parties have become mockeries of their former selves. Democrats are opposed to anything that the Republicans are for. Republicans are opposed to anything the Democrats are for. It isn’t about fixing problems, or finding solutions, it’s about smashing your opponent over the head and stomping them to death, and then desecrating the grave.

As a recovering liberal (one mugged by reality as Irving Krystal would say) and still registered Democrat - imo, the parties are not equal in vindictiveness. It was astounding how quickly during the 60's the Dem leadership began its march to the Left and many of us in the center found ourselves labeled rightwing 'extremists' when in reality we stood firmly in the center where we'd always been.

Yes, there are extremists on the right. They may be loud, but they are few and have little role on the national stage. Highly visible Democrats on the other hand openly denigrate and demean, call for public confrontation directed not just toward their political opponents (bad enough), but toward the American people who support the opposition. Obama was a master at this...it continues with others today. I do not see any moral equivalent between the behavior of the leadership of the left and that of the right.

The behavior of the leadership, the tone taken matters...as a recovering liberal, I still speak the language - and suspect the reason the left hate Trump so is that they see in him some of themselves...and that is his unforgivable sin. Positive outlook for the nation be damned.

I don't think we're doomed - any more than the rest of the world is doomed - though on reflection guess that's not exactly a ringing endorsement for a bright future. ;)

Where you fall on the spectrum depends not on the national scale, but on your regional, or local standards. By Georgia standards, where I live, especially rural Georgia standards, I am rather Liberal. By the standards of San Francisco, or New York City, I am a raging right wing gun toting bible thumping redneck.

I’m a member of the ACLU, and the NRA. I am a staunch defender of Civil Rights, in everyone, and for everyone. Those civil rights include the Second Amendment.

When the Democrats regained the majority in 2006, I wondered how long it would last. It wasn’t long. The reason? The far left took control behind Nancy Pelosi, and began pushing the extreme. Vengeance for Newt and Clinton. But the problem is that many of those Democrats that helped get the majority in Congress were from the rural areas like mine. We had a Democrat elected, to the shock and disbelief of the Republicans. John Barrow served for a long time, finally losing in 2015. After years of warning that the extreme Left would cause the Rural Democrats to lose, it happened. But it didn’t happen a little at a time, it happened. In waves. Every time it happened, those left extremists all had the same response, good riddance to the moderates. There was no place for them in the Modern Democratic Party.

Bill Clinton was elected by the Big Tent. Al Gore wasn’t. Obama was not. Obama was the lesser of two evils twice running.

The extreme right in the same time has been sort of fading away. By extreme right I mean racists and the more violent members. Partially it is because those days are long gone, and partially it is because the modern world does not work that way. Oh there are plenty on here, but I think they are running about trying to justify their existence by recruiting which doesn’t work.

Those are the idiots who if they need open heart surgery will choose a doctor based upon color and genetic history of the name. Instead of going for the best, regardless of all other considerations, they’ll find some reason to disqualify the ones with too much melatonin in the skin, or with a potentially Jewish surname. In other words, they are dying off.

Part of the failure of the Democrats is that they don’t know when to stop. Take any issue when the public seems to be on their side, and they quickly rush past the reasonable into insane. Then they blame the Right for turning the public against them. I’ll take an easy one. Guns.

Generally speaking, the public is in favor of universal background checks. I’m not, but that is because of other issues I’ll get to if you desire. The Democrats have that. They could run with it. But then they demand more. A ban on high capacity magazines, not so supported. A ban on the cosmetic showing their ignorance of weapons. All of this does nothing to further their support and soon people are against gun control issues again because the Democrats didn’t know when to quit.

Every issue is the same. They could claim a bunch of short simple victories, but they want the entire thing, not a victory.

I don’t know who their strategists are but someone should beat them behind the shed and replace them with reasonable people.

In a way, they are alienating the people the same way the racists religious intolerance idiots did in their time. Those idiots out protesting funerals over homosexuality are so discredited now as to be the punch line of a joke. There just aren’t many left, their own actions insured they would never gain in public support.

The left is doing the same damned thing. Demanding that anyone who isn’t a Republican believe the extremist views of the far left. The worst are the ones who rush out to quote a Bible passage to justify their insane intolerance. They have become the Religious Right and John Birch Society nuts of thirty years ago.

I have believed a Civil War is coming. I really don’t want to see it. I don’t want to see either side win. Neither side should win. They are both unworthy of leading the people.
A very good read, Savannah. I sit here reading, nodding my head in agreement with your perspective. Thank you.

Hope you don't mind but I picked out just a few things to respond to, not for any particular reason other than I'm so heartily in agreement.

When the Democrats regained the majority in 2006, I wondered how long it would last. It wasn’t long. The reason? The far left took control behind Nancy Pelosi, and began pushing the extreme. Vengeance for Newt and Clinton. But the problem is that many of those Democrats that helped get the majority in Congress were from the rural areas like mine. We had a Democrat elected, to the shock and disbelief of the Republicans. John Barrow served for a long time, finally losing in 2015. After years of warning that the extreme Left would cause the Rural Democrats to lose, it happened. But it didn’t happen a little at a time, it happened. In waves. Every time it happened, those left extremists all had the same response, good riddance to the moderates. There was no place for them in the Modern Democratic Party.

I remember well the campaigns of '06. The Democrats ran on transparency in government and fiscal responsibility - none of which transpired. I also remember when many of the Blue Dogs lost their seats in 2010 - and you're right, the Dems response was 'good riddance'. I agree that there is no room for moderates in the Modern Democratic Party.

Part of the failure of the Democrats is that they don’t know when to stop. Take any issue when the public seems to be on their side, and they quickly rush past the reasonable into insane. Then they blame the Right for turning the public against them. I’ll take an easy one. Guns.

Generally speaking, the public is in favor of universal background checks. I’m not, but that is because of other issues I’ll get to if you desire. The Democrats have that. They could run with it. But then they demand more. A ban on high capacity magazines, not so supported. A ban on the cosmetic showing their ignorance of weapons. All of this does nothing to further their support and soon people are against gun control issues again because the Democrats didn’t know when to quit.

Again, you express precisely my thoughts.

I have believed a Civil War is coming. I really don’t want to see it. I don’t want to see either side win. Neither side should win. They are both unworthy of leading the people.

I hope you're wrong about a coming Civil War and that cooler, wiser heads will prevail.

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