Has "It's the Culture, Stupid" replaced "It's the Economy, Stupid"?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Fareed Zakaria has a new book out that proposes a fundamental change in Americans' priorities, and (I don't know if he meant to do this) also goes a long way in explaining the rise and staying power of the MAGA movement.

In short, he believes that the cultural issues -- particularly (a) immigration/the border and (b) gender, are now more primary political movers than the economy used to be.

He also uses a very important term to describe this: "Backlash". I couldn't agree more, and I think it's key. I spent my first few years on this board concentrating on the tactics of the Left and how they'd create a -- wait for it -- backlash, and sure as hell, here we are.

I hadn't really thought about how the cultural issues have replaced the economy as #1, but I think he may be right.

Most voters, except those comfortable enough to not be affected by economic swings, will vote with their pocket book.

Voters may have, and loudlyespouse, strongly held cultural opinions ... but economy will always win out and the candidate that convinces voters they will issue in a better economy than the other guy will be the winner.

Think, for example, of gay marriage and the way in which marriage rights were something that was not even discussed 20 years ago or even 10 years ago. They weren't mainstream in the political agenda. And now many, many countries have equalized gay marriage, although affluent countries are still going through that process. Similarly, tolerance of homosexuality, ideas that women should have equal values, secular values as well, the idea that religion is no longer central to people's lives. So those are values which are shifting.

Those people that are benefiting from these shifts take them for granted as they grow in their status and their power, but there's been a tipping point when those groups and the values around them are no longer being reflected and, what's more, they can't even talk about them.

Think, for example, of gay marriage and the way in which marriage rights were something that was not even discussed 20 years ago or even 10 years ago. They weren't mainstream in the political agenda. And now many, many countries have equalized gay marriage, although affluent countries are still going through that process. Similarly, tolerance of homosexuality, ideas that women should have equal values, secular values as well, the idea that religion is no longer central to people's lives. So those are values which are shifting.

Those people that are benefiting from these shifts take them for granted as they grow in their status and their power, but there's been a tipping point when those groups and the values around them are no longer being reflected and, what's more, they can't even talk about them.

So you hope degeneracy and moral decline is an 'improvement' and it should continue. No surprise there.
Fareed Zakaria has a new book out that proposes a fundamental change in Americans' priorities, and (I don't know if he meant to do this) also goes a long way in explaining the rise and staying power of the MAGA movement.

In short, he believes that the cultural issues -- particularly (a) immigration/the border and (b) gender, are now more primary political movers than the economy used to be.

He also uses a very important term to describe this: "Backlash". I couldn't agree more, and I think it's key. I spent my first few years on this board concentrating on the tactics of the Left and how they'd create a -- wait for it -- backlash, and sure as hell, here we are.

I hadn't really thought about how the cultural issues have replaced the economy as #1, but I think he may be right.

I have skimmed this, I will probably come back and watch the whole thing later, maybe not.

This guy is one of the CIA's best propagandists.

He really hides how much he hates America, very well. They ought to give him an Emmy IMO. From the 20 minutes I did watch, skipping around, a lot of good information about the agenda here.

Top notch post Mac, thanks a lot.

"Large national surveys conducted by the American Enterprise Institute suggest Trump’s supporters are actually quite content with American economic life but highly reactive to elite dominance of American cultural life."

I've often said that the Left absolutely refuses to admit the role that the cultural issues played in the rise of Trump. That would mean that they actually played a significant role in MAGA in general. Pretty ironic. But all one has to do is listen to what much of the Right have been saying for the last couple of decades, and it's pretty clear. That's the backlash. But one does have to actually listen.
Fareed Zakaria has a new book out that proposes a fundamental change in Americans' priorities, and (I don't know if he meant to do this) also goes a long way in explaining the rise and staying power of the MAGA movement.

In short, he believes that the cultural issues -- particularly (a) immigration/the border and (b) gender, are now more primary political movers than the economy used to be.

He also uses a very important term to describe this: "Backlash". I couldn't agree more, and I think it's key. I spent my first few years on this board concentrating on the tactics of the Left and how they'd create a -- wait for it -- backlash, and sure as hell, here we are.

I hadn't really thought about how the cultural issues have replaced the economy as #1, but I think he may be right.

Fareed Zakaria has a new book out that proposes a fundamental change in Americans' priorities, and (I don't know if he meant to do this) also goes a long way in explaining the rise and staying power of the MAGA movement.

In short, he believes that the cultural issues -- particularly (a) immigration/the border and (b) gender, are now more primary political movers than the economy used to be.

He also uses a very important term to describe this: "Backlash". I couldn't agree more, and I think it's key. I spent my first few years on this board concentrating on the tactics of the Left and how they'd create a -- wait for it -- backlash, and sure as hell, here we are.

I hadn't really thought about how the cultural issues have replaced the economy as #1, but I think he may be right.

It's not that deep, Mac, and no one needs to listen to some guy drone on about it for an hour.

1. Your weekly trip to Target now costs twice as much AND

2. You can't let your 12 go to the women's bathroom alone because there might be a dude in there pretending to be a woman

The Left did BOTH of these things, yes, and they will lose hugely because of it. About time.
Most Americans don't want the "fundamental change" that the demented LEFT are completely FORCING on us.
Our culture is all about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Freedom of choice, and that of all individuals.
We DON'T WANT your collectivism; your communism; your Marxist BULLSHIT that doesn't work and is the exact antithesis of our Constitution.
So yeah, it IS the culture, dumbass.

"Large national surveys conducted by the American Enterprise Institute suggest Trump’s supporters are actually quite content with American economic life but highly reactive to elite dominance of American cultural life."

I've often said that the Left absolutely refuses to admit the role that the cultural issues played in the rise of Trump. That would mean that they actually played a significant role in MAGA in general. Pretty ironic. But all one has to do is listen to what much of the Right have been saying for the last couple of decades, and it's pretty clear. That's the backlash. But one does have to actually listen.
No Mac. What you're really trying to say is that people who care about these issues shouldn't fight for them because they upset bigots and racists. Maybe that matters to a soft ass moderate like you but I'm happy to have that fight with them. Bigots and racists should be beaten to a pulp until they get the message that their kind isn't wanted or appreciated.
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No Mac. What you're really trying to say is that people who care about these issues shouldn't fight for them because they upset bigots and racists. Maybe that matters to a soft ass moderate like you but I'm happy to have that fight with them. Bigots and racists should be beaten to a pulp until they get the message that they're kind isn't wanted or appreciated.
good luck with that cg.....bigots and racist have been here forever and i dont think they will ever disappear....to many people cant handle a different person living among them....
good luck with that cg.....bigots and racist have been here forever and i dont think they will ever disappear....to many people cant handle a different person living among them....
That's a defeated attitude. I wasn't born or raised to be that soft. Maybe eliminated entirely is too much to ask for but marginalized into political and cultural irrelevance? I don't see why that's not possible.
Since when is the leftist dem sanctioned invasion by millions of illegals considered a "cultural issue"?

I don't have a problem with hispanic culture (better than black culture) I just have a problem with them being here at all uninvited.

Not counting empty words, what has either party done to stop the tide of illegals?
good luck with that cg.....bigots and racist have been here forever and i dont think they will ever disappear....to many people cant handle a different person living among them....

They have always been here and always will be....but it is only in the last 8ish years they had a leader that made their way of thinking publicly acceptable again.

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