Has America arrived at the need for dictatorship?

A government never plays by the own rules. To govern is a job.
You didn´t understand.
Merkel-Regime under pressure: Bundestag-report says strikes on Syria violated international law
Merkel-Regime impeached over violations regarding Syria-participation
Merkel-Roach says "Army of Islam" ain´t terrorists but civilians
Merkel Regime behind Islamist truck attack in Berlin

Those are clear indicators for a regime. A regime that even supports Islamist terrorists. Disgusting! Merkel must go!

Wat has this to do with nukes? We close our nuclear power plants step by step. And because of the catastrophe in Fukushima we made some steps a little earlier ("vorgezogen"). Germany transforms the whole system of energy management and production into a system which is sustainable and more in harmony with the natural processes of planet Earth. Althought the Green Party is now not in the government this way will be continued.
At our cost. Guess how many wind wheels you´ll need to supply 40 million electric cars and even - like in France - electric house heating. No, Fukushima is not a reason to ban nuclear power plants. It is a reason to put them under government control. I remember the paranoia in Germany - and only in Germany - when the Geiger counters were sold out. Absurd!

Values are in lots of cases worldwide and for centuries and millenniums the same values.
It is the values set by the government. What a hap!

You have a Trump - what's much pinker than pinkest, I guess. So what kind of dictator is your favorite dictator? You?
No, I have a Merkel. And yes, of course I am my favorite dictator. It is in my best political interest. Unrealistic but I trust myself the most.
No, America is in the need, desperate need, of compromise.

Our history is a long one, with far more instances of comprismise than partisan animosity. This went out the window, and I can even tell you when. It was when Bill Clinton was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached. It happened right after the Democrats lost control of the House thanks to Newt and the Contract with America. After that, the Democratic Party set out on a policy of vengeance. When Al Gore lost the election, that vengeance was delayed, and increased.

In time the animosity shown by a few, became the pattern of both. No longer were the parties content to have minor squabbles over basic ideals. Now, it was all about destroying, not defeating, the opposition. In the last twenty years, the parties have become mockeries of their former selves. Democrats are opposed to anything that the Republicans are for. Republicans are opposed to anything the Democrats are for. It isn’t about fixing problems, or finding solutions, it’s about smashing your opponent over the head and stomping them to death, and then desecrating the grave.

Each incident of revenge drives the opposition into a desperate retaliation, which ups the animosity.

If the political parties were children, hopefully the adults would say get over it. Shake hands and make up and get over it. But they aren’t children, they are the adults, and it is reaching the point of no return. It may have gone past that point.

Each side is drawing up lines, preparing defenses, and planning attacks. At this point, it may be hopeless, civil war is almost certain. It is certain if we don’t learn to get along.

Look at the Immigration debate. Trump said he would sign legislation from Congress. All Congress has to do is come up with a plan, any plan, that is semi reasonable and the problem is solved. Nope. No solutions for them. The Democrats won’t take the win, because it might make Trump look better. They want the issue to bash the enemy, Republicans, and especially Trump, over the head with.

Honestly, if I was the President, and this crap was going on. I’d veto the budget, and leave town. There simply is no way for Congress to override the veto, they won’t agree to anything that the enemy wants. Granted the Country would fall into chaos, but at least when it was all over, and some order had been restored, there would be a defining ideal to unify us. There isn’t now.

Every single day, all over the internet, not just here. We are seeing everyone and their cousin defined as traitors, enemies, and all that. All the hatred, all the animosity, it isn’t going away until we want it to. Liberals and Progressives want to destroy the Conservatives. Conservatives reacting to the hatred, want the same thing. It doesn’t matter who started it. It doesn’t matter who said or did what. Either we start to get along, or we will tear it all apart.

Many of you would prefer to tear it all apart rather than let the enemy have anything. That is the lack of compromise. The thing that allowed the country to move forward, the thing that made us a beacon of freedom. We did not hate our citizens who were different parties. We did not hate them. We disagreed with them, but we found issues of common ideals to work with. Now, there are no issues on which the Democrats and Republicans can agree on. I bet fights would break out if we discussed the difference between night and day.

The nation is doomed. You can blame them. You can blame those idiots who are from different areas. If you want to know who is really to blame. Look in the mirror. Look to the party you support. They’re all to blame. A pox on both their houses.

Yeah, I’m serious. I would veto the budget and leave town. Not resign, just go home and see what happened. The idiots in Congress couldn’t even get Impeachment proceedings going without a budget.
...Can the radical ideological division between political parties and thus the American people be traced to the root of our two party system?

I think it can be traced to the root of our founding. Samuel Adams stood on the steps of State House in Philadelphia nearly 240 years ago and spoke these harsh words, 'If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, - go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!' - iBoston.org
I hear that as - better to risk all for (individual) freedom than to be well fed in captivity (government largesse).

For the most part, Americans base ideology is shared, imho - a goal of 'Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness', The debate/conflict is centered around the role of a centralized government in achieving that goal - should the federal government protect or provide.

We bemoan the loss of civil discourse, but at a time when discourse was civil (if it ever really existed) there was marked inequity between classes of people. Our language was more genteel, but was life? I have several old newspapers, from the 40's - the letters to the editor are revealing - with a change of names they could have been written today. FDR was either loved or hated, praised or vilified, pretty much along party lines.

I think we naturally gravitate to like-minds, or causes - sometimes blindly without rational thought, sometimes with a burning sense of injustice that too often results in justice for some but injustice for others - it's a curse of the ages. I don't think it would matter if there were ten parties, other than the vitriol might be diluted somewhat.

Would the elimination of the bi-partisan Congress alleviate the inability of our government to swiftly legislate the most important issues of our time?

Yes...but at what cost?

Swift legislation at the federal level was never the design of the framers of the Constitution. They realized that the broader the scope of power, the less our liberty is subjected to the whims of a few. Some of our civil disagreement is over how much government is too much. Our problem is not under-legislation at the federal level, it's over legislation...and arbitrary enforcement.

We can tweak, but in my opinion eliminating the legislative branch would be a fatal error - the best of intentions would devolve into an oligarchy - if we're lucky. Do we sacrifice the imperfect practical for the illusion of the 'ideal'?

When it comes to the affairs of mankind, there's nothing new under the sun - the years change, our nature does not.

Excerpt from Kipling's 'The Gods of the Copybook Headings'

"As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!"

Thank you.

This is also what I had hoped would come out in this thread the exact reasons why we as a nation cannot, must not drastically alter either of the three branches regardless of how deep the surface insanity gets. The machinery of American government is slow but it is slow for many a rational purpose. Everyone it seems wants immediate solutions to today's crises, yet few understand the consequences of the quick fix. It all works in a very weird and clunky way, yet there's much grace and complexity to be understood. Excellent demonstration of just that I might add.

And I agree an individual American's life be largely goal oriented. Spheres within spheres; family, profession, pursuits of fancy--gardening, fishing, orienteering or maybe surfing pundit videos. Looking up from the ground of citizenry can be enlightening but there's that crook we get in necks when staring for too long. But lucky for us America is one of the great sandboxes where expectations of happiness can be assumed without too harsh a rebuke even if they're slightly realistic. We don't always get what expect from our government but it can better than okay sometimes.

Definitely a curse of ages the inability to satisfy all. Now drowning out the perhaps smaller voices is much more difficult with the advent of social media. All voices can carry powerful weight and can also pull various basis in many directions, divide and amalgamate them into countless never before seen movements.

Speaking of nothing new under the sun, can you believe how close we've come to repeating a European fascist state? Although not in the way the media thinks. The parallels are there or rather many of the causes: mass cultural replacement, outrage in face of seemingly forced change, migration . . .

Thanks again for the great post
No, America is in the need, desperate need, of compromise.

Our history is a long one, with far more instances of comprismise than partisan animosity. This went out the window, and I can even tell you when. It was when Bill Clinton was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached. It happened right after the Democrats lost control of the House thanks to Newt and the Contract with America. After that, the Democratic Party set out on a policy of vengeance. When Al Gore lost the election, that vengeance was delayed, and increased.

In time the animosity shown by a few, became the pattern of both. No longer were the parties content to have minor squabbles over basic ideals. Now, it was all about destroying, not defeating, the opposition. In the last twenty years, the parties have become mockeries of their former selves. Democrats are opposed to anything that the Republicans are for. Republicans are opposed to anything the Democrats are for. It isn’t about fixing problems, or finding solutions, it’s about smashing your opponent over the head and stomping them to death, and then desecrating the grave.

Each incident of revenge drives the opposition into a desperate retaliation, which ups the animosity.

If the political parties were children, hopefully the adults would say get over it. Shake hands and make up and get over it. But they aren’t children, they are the adults, and it is reaching the point of no return. It may have gone past that point.

Each side is drawing up lines, preparing defenses, and planning attacks. At this point, it may be hopeless, civil war is almost certain. It is certain if we don’t learn to get along.

Look at the Immigration debate. Trump said he would sign legislation from Congress. All Congress has to do is come up with a plan, any plan, that is semi reasonable and the problem is solved. Nope. No solutions for them. The Democrats won’t take the win, because it might make Trump look better. They want the issue to bash the enemy, Republicans, and especially Trump, over the head with.

Honestly, if I was the President, and this crap was going on. I’d veto the budget, and leave town. There simply is no way for Congress to override the veto, they won’t agree to anything that the enemy wants. Granted the Country would fall into chaos, but at least when it was all over, and some order had been restored, there would be a defining ideal to unify us. There isn’t now.

Every single day, all over the internet, not just here. We are seeing everyone and their cousin defined as traitors, enemies, and all that. All the hatred, all the animosity, it isn’t going away until we want it to. Liberals and Progressives want to destroy the Conservatives. Conservatives reacting to the hatred, want the same thing. It doesn’t matter who started it. It doesn’t matter who said or did what. Either we start to get along, or we will tear it all apart.

Many of you would prefer to tear it all apart rather than let the enemy have anything. That is the lack of compromise. The thing that allowed the country to move forward, the thing that made us a beacon of freedom. We did not hate our citizens who were different parties. We did not hate them. We disagreed with them, but we found issues of common ideals to work with. Now, there are no issues on which the Democrats and Republicans can agree on. I bet fights would break out if we discussed the difference between night and day.

The nation is doomed. You can blame them. You can blame those idiots who are from different areas. If you want to know who is really to blame. Look in the mirror. Look to the party you support. They’re all to blame. A pox on both their houses.

Yeah, I’m serious. I would veto the budget and leave town. Not resign, just go home and see what happened. The idiots in Congress couldn’t even get Impeachment proceedings going without a budget.

First rate explanation of exactly what America needs^^

Compromise. How long has it been? I think you laid out the best case yet for why we do not need a dictatorship but could use some real unity. Seems the Right and Left really are operating on a paradigm of mutually assured destruction and you nailed it with your illustration of just that.

What pulls us back from the brink this time? What gets everyone to step back and let the frying pan cool down? We can't hardly unplug everyone from the internet and I don't know about you but there don't seem to be that many great campaigns in plain view for real, rational conversations and debate.

Seems to all boil down to grinding three hundred million individual axes while looking for trees to cut down in a desert. I wish we could pamphlet up your post and airdrop it across the country. But again, everyone is plugged in 24/7 and the smoke coming out of their ears is really becoming noticeable.

If we can all get along in one post on this board maybe there's some hope left.
No, America is in the need, desperate need, of compromise.

Our history is a long one, with far more instances of comprismise than partisan animosity. This went out the window, and I can even tell you when. It was when Bill Clinton was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached. It happened right after the Democrats lost control of the House thanks to Newt and the Contract with America. After that, the Democratic Party set out on a policy of vengeance. When Al Gore lost the election, that vengeance was delayed, and increased.

In time the animosity shown by a few, became the pattern of both. No longer were the parties content to have minor squabbles over basic ideals. Now, it was all about destroying, not defeating, the opposition. In the last twenty years, the parties have become mockeries of their former selves. Democrats are opposed to anything that the Republicans are for. Republicans are opposed to anything the Democrats are for. It isn’t about fixing problems, or finding solutions, it’s about smashing your opponent over the head and stomping them to death, and then desecrating the grave.

Each incident of revenge drives the opposition into a desperate retaliation, which ups the animosity.

If the political parties were children, hopefully the adults would say get over it. Shake hands and make up and get over it. But they aren’t children, they are the adults, and it is reaching the point of no return. It may have gone past that point.

Each side is drawing up lines, preparing defenses, and planning attacks. At this point, it may be hopeless, civil war is almost certain. It is certain if we don’t learn to get along.

Look at the Immigration debate. Trump said he would sign legislation from Congress. All Congress has to do is come up with a plan, any plan, that is semi reasonable and the problem is solved. Nope. No solutions for them. The Democrats won’t take the win, because it might make Trump look better. They want the issue to bash the enemy, Republicans, and especially Trump, over the head with.

Honestly, if I was the President, and this crap was going on. I’d veto the budget, and leave town. There simply is no way for Congress to override the veto, they won’t agree to anything that the enemy wants. Granted the Country would fall into chaos, but at least when it was all over, and some order had been restored, there would be a defining ideal to unify us. There isn’t now.

Every single day, all over the internet, not just here. We are seeing everyone and their cousin defined as traitors, enemies, and all that. All the hatred, all the animosity, it isn’t going away until we want it to. Liberals and Progressives want to destroy the Conservatives. Conservatives reacting to the hatred, want the same thing. It doesn’t matter who started it. It doesn’t matter who said or did what. Either we start to get along, or we will tear it all apart.

Many of you would prefer to tear it all apart rather than let the enemy have anything. That is the lack of compromise. The thing that allowed the country to move forward, the thing that made us a beacon of freedom. We did not hate our citizens who were different parties. We did not hate them. We disagreed with them, but we found issues of common ideals to work with. Now, there are no issues on which the Democrats and Republicans can agree on. I bet fights would break out if we discussed the difference between night and day.

The nation is doomed. You can blame them. You can blame those idiots who are from different areas. If you want to know who is really to blame. Look in the mirror. Look to the party you support. They’re all to blame. A pox on both their houses.

Yeah, I’m serious. I would veto the budget and leave town. Not resign, just go home and see what happened. The idiots in Congress couldn’t even get Impeachment proceedings going without a budget.

First rate explanation of exactly what America needs^^

Compromise. How long has it been? I think you laid out the best case yet for why we do not need a dictatorship but could use some real unity. Seems the Right and Left really are operating on a paradigm of mutually assured destruction and you nailed it with your illustration of just that.

What pulls us back from the brink this time? What gets everyone to step back and let the frying pan cool down? We can't hardly unplug everyone from the internet and I don't know about you but there don't seem to be that many great campaigns in plain view for real, rational conversations and debate.

Seems to all boil down to grinding three hundred million individual axes while looking for trees to cut down in a desert. I wish we could pamphlet up your post and airdrop it across the country. But again, everyone is plugged in 24/7 and the smoke coming out of their ears is really becoming noticeable.

If we can all get along in one post on this board maybe there's some hope left.

Probably catching some hot grease on the belly or other bodily parts. :)
** Disclaimer: I am neither personally advocating for a dictator/monarch nor do I in any way support the implementation of such in our great nation. This is purely an Intellectual exercise suggested in the face of current issues.

Wise men have interpreted dreams
And the Gods have laughed . . .

~Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Can the radical ideological division between political parties and thus the American people be traced to the root of our two party system? Would the elimination of the bi-partisan Congress alleviate the inability of our government to swiftly legislate the most important issues of our time?

Immigration. Healthcare. Trade. Corruption. Lobbying. Campaign donations. Foreign Policy. Taxes.

The above issues along with many others have stalled in Congress for ages over the steep ideological and even personal differences between sides within the House and Senate. We watch daily as individual US Representatives obstruct the progress of important bills for a plethora of reasons, many of which are never made transparent to the people. Congressmen and Senators submit their voting behaviors to party peer pressure, inclusion of perks for their own states and districts, lobbyist money and scientific and law enforcement committee reports spun with political seasoning just to name a few.

Wouldn't the whole process be easier and much faster if partisan politics played less of a role? What if there were only one party? Wouldn't it be incredible to watch the most important issues of our age solved in a span of time relevant to the pressing needs of the people?

We see political games played out repeatedly both in the media and the Congress while tens of millions of Americans suffer. Our Representatives earn excellent salaries and some of the best perks and benefits our nation has to offer. How can they truly represent our needs when their honorable duty has been popularized, monetized, commercialized? Isn't it time to cut out the middle men and women?

How would the people control such an individual--a dictator? An election every ten years? Presidents seem to be on the verge of great accomplishment only to have them cut short by pesky elections. Put the power of the active duty military in the hands of the people? Call him what? A Constitutional Monocrat? Emperor President? An oversight court?

Please offer up your thoughts on the matter.
/——/ It’s obvious that every man, woman and child be allowed to vote in the US Presidential elections. The UN will monitor the voting and be the final authority in the results that will be kept secret. Anyone questioning the results will be immediately imprisoned and all personal property will be seized and used to fund the Teachers Union Pension. Only then will we live in harmony and save the environment. Implement this plan now.
I calculated 80% of all US-Americans did not vote for president Trump.

I would suggest: "Every human being one vote". I would say: Parents should vote for their children and all children should get more and more possibilities to vote with their growing age on their own.

And in other democracies in the world Trump had not won, because he had not more than 50% of the votes. He had to make a coalition first with one of the more little political parties first. Mrs. Clinton had more votes and I guess she had also a better chance to make a coalition with one of the more little parties of the USA.

Thought provoking for sure. But how do we account for manipulation at polling places and possible electronic warfare interference by foreign powers?

Through Block chain?
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
Those wealthy asshats want the US to be just like the 1880's again.
No. What we need is self government.

Until men can govern themselves they have no qualifications to govern others
No, America is in the need, desperate need, of compromise.

Our history is a long one, with far more instances of comprismise than partisan animosity. This went out the window, and I can even tell you when. It was when Bill Clinton was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached. It happened right after the Democrats lost control of the House thanks to Newt and the Contract with America. After that, the Democratic Party set out on a policy of vengeance. When Al Gore lost the election, that vengeance was delayed, and increased.

In time the animosity shown by a few, became the pattern of both. No longer were the parties content to have minor squabbles over basic ideals. Now, it was all about destroying, not defeating, the opposition. In the last twenty years, the parties have become mockeries of their former selves. Democrats are opposed to anything that the Republicans are for. Republicans are opposed to anything the Democrats are for. It isn’t about fixing problems, or finding solutions, it’s about smashing your opponent over the head and stomping them to death, and then desecrating the grave.

Each incident of revenge drives the opposition into a desperate retaliation, which ups the animosity.

If the political parties were children, hopefully the adults would say get over it. Shake hands and make up and get over it. But they aren’t children, they are the adults, and it is reaching the point of no return. It may have gone past that point.

Each side is drawing up lines, preparing defenses, and planning attacks. At this point, it may be hopeless, civil war is almost certain. It is certain if we don’t learn to get along.

Look at the Immigration debate. Trump said he would sign legislation from Congress. All Congress has to do is come up with a plan, any plan, that is semi reasonable and the problem is solved. Nope. No solutions for them. The Democrats won’t take the win, because it might make Trump look better. They want the issue to bash the enemy, Republicans, and especially Trump, over the head with.

Honestly, if I was the President, and this crap was going on. I’d veto the budget, and leave town. There simply is no way for Congress to override the veto, they won’t agree to anything that the enemy wants. Granted the Country would fall into chaos, but at least when it was all over, and some order had been restored, there would be a defining ideal to unify us. There isn’t now.

Every single day, all over the internet, not just here. We are seeing everyone and their cousin defined as traitors, enemies, and all that. All the hatred, all the animosity, it isn’t going away until we want it to. Liberals and Progressives want to destroy the Conservatives. Conservatives reacting to the hatred, want the same thing. It doesn’t matter who started it. It doesn’t matter who said or did what. Either we start to get along, or we will tear it all apart.

Many of you would prefer to tear it all apart rather than let the enemy have anything. That is the lack of compromise. The thing that allowed the country to move forward, the thing that made us a beacon of freedom. We did not hate our citizens who were different parties. We did not hate them. We disagreed with them, but we found issues of common ideals to work with. Now, there are no issues on which the Democrats and Republicans can agree on. I bet fights would break out if we discussed the difference between night and day.

The nation is doomed. You can blame them. You can blame those idiots who are from different areas. If you want to know who is really to blame. Look in the mirror. Look to the party you support. They’re all to blame. A pox on both their houses.

Yeah, I’m serious. I would veto the budget and leave town. Not resign, just go home and see what happened. The idiots in Congress couldn’t even get Impeachment proceedings going without a budget.

First rate explanation of exactly what America needs^^

Compromise. How long has it been? I think you laid out the best case yet for why we do not need a dictatorship but could use some real unity. Seems the Right and Left really are operating on a paradigm of mutually assured destruction and you nailed it with your illustration of just that.

What pulls us back from the brink this time? What gets everyone to step back and let the frying pan cool down? We can't hardly unplug everyone from the internet and I don't know about you but there don't seem to be that many great campaigns in plain view for real, rational conversations and debate.

Seems to all boil down to grinding three hundred million individual axes while looking for trees to cut down in a desert. I wish we could pamphlet up your post and airdrop it across the country. But again, everyone is plugged in 24/7 and the smoke coming out of their ears is really becoming noticeable.

If we can all get along in one post on this board maybe there's some hope left.

Probably catching some hot grease on the belly or other bodily parts. :)
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.

Excellent example of the denial of totalitarianism even in the face of recognizing much of what could be made better in America today. It's very refreshing to see my fellow Americans insist on the worth of our government despite perceptions of injustice and this political battlefield.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
Those wealthy asshats want the US to be just like the 1880's again.

You mean like the wealthy people in the US on Wall Street and Hollywood and Silicon Valley that supported Socialist Obama in 2008, 2012 and that piece of Left Wing shit Crooked Hillary in 2016?
No, America is in the need, desperate need, of compromise.

Our history is a long one, with far more instances of comprismise than partisan animosity. This went out the window, and I can even tell you when. It was when Bill Clinton was impeached. Not removed from office, but impeached. It happened right after the Democrats lost control of the House thanks to Newt and the Contract with America. After that, the Democratic Party set out on a policy of vengeance. When Al Gore lost the election, that vengeance was delayed, and increased.

In time the animosity shown by a few, became the pattern of both. No longer were the parties content to have minor squabbles over basic ideals. Now, it was all about destroying, not defeating, the opposition. In the last twenty years, the parties have become mockeries of their former selves. Democrats are opposed to anything that the Republicans are for. Republicans are opposed to anything the Democrats are for. It isn’t about fixing problems, or finding solutions, it’s about smashing your opponent over the head and stomping them to death, and then desecrating the grave.

Each incident of revenge drives the opposition into a desperate retaliation, which ups the animosity.

If the political parties were children, hopefully the adults would say get over it. Shake hands and make up and get over it. But they aren’t children, they are the adults, and it is reaching the point of no return. It may have gone past that point.

Each side is drawing up lines, preparing defenses, and planning attacks. At this point, it may be hopeless, civil war is almost certain. It is certain if we don’t learn to get along.

Look at the Immigration debate. Trump said he would sign legislation from Congress. All Congress has to do is come up with a plan, any plan, that is semi reasonable and the problem is solved. Nope. No solutions for them. The Democrats won’t take the win, because it might make Trump look better. They want the issue to bash the enemy, Republicans, and especially Trump, over the head with.

Honestly, if I was the President, and this crap was going on. I’d veto the budget, and leave town. There simply is no way for Congress to override the veto, they won’t agree to anything that the enemy wants. Granted the Country would fall into chaos, but at least when it was all over, and some order had been restored, there would be a defining ideal to unify us. There isn’t now.

Every single day, all over the internet, not just here. We are seeing everyone and their cousin defined as traitors, enemies, and all that. All the hatred, all the animosity, it isn’t going away until we want it to. Liberals and Progressives want to destroy the Conservatives. Conservatives reacting to the hatred, want the same thing. It doesn’t matter who started it. It doesn’t matter who said or did what. Either we start to get along, or we will tear it all apart.

Many of you would prefer to tear it all apart rather than let the enemy have anything. That is the lack of compromise. The thing that allowed the country to move forward, the thing that made us a beacon of freedom. We did not hate our citizens who were different parties. We did not hate them. We disagreed with them, but we found issues of common ideals to work with. Now, there are no issues on which the Democrats and Republicans can agree on. I bet fights would break out if we discussed the difference between night and day.

The nation is doomed. You can blame them. You can blame those idiots who are from different areas. If you want to know who is really to blame. Look in the mirror. Look to the party you support. They’re all to blame. A pox on both their houses.

Yeah, I’m serious. I would veto the budget and leave town. Not resign, just go home and see what happened. The idiots in Congress couldn’t even get Impeachment proceedings going without a budget.

First rate explanation of exactly what America needs^^

Compromise. How long has it been? I think you laid out the best case yet for why we do not need a dictatorship but could use some real unity. Seems the Right and Left really are operating on a paradigm of mutually assured destruction and you nailed it with your illustration of just that.

What pulls us back from the brink this time? What gets everyone to step back and let the frying pan cool down? We can't hardly unplug everyone from the internet and I don't know about you but there don't seem to be that many great campaigns in plain view for real, rational conversations and debate.

Seems to all boil down to grinding three hundred million individual axes while looking for trees to cut down in a desert. I wish we could pamphlet up your post and airdrop it across the country. But again, everyone is plugged in 24/7 and the smoke coming out of their ears is really becoming noticeable.

If we can all get along in one post on this board maybe there's some hope left.

Probably catching some hot grease on the belly or other bodily parts. :)
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.

Excellent example of the denial of totalitarianism even in the face of recognizing much of what could be made better in America today. It's very refreshing to see my fellow Americans insist on the worth of our government despite perceptions of injustice and this political battlefield.

Injustice is having the filthy government take my hard earned money by force and then giving it to some worthless third generation welfare queen or some asshole Illegal alien.

Injustice is Obama taking my money and giving it away to GM and Solyndra.

Injustice is the oppressive anti right to keep and bear arms laws.

Injustice is making me have to pay for somebody else's health care.

Injustice is laws telling me who I must hire, bake a cake for and sell my house to and other politically correct bullshit.

There is a legitimate role for government. Defense, police, courts etc. However, this bloated $4 trillion a year bloated debt ridden welfare state has robbed us all of our Liberties.

Government always sucks. The US government really sucks.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
Those wealthy asshats want the US to be just like the 1880's again.
/——/ You Poor asshats want America to be like the 1200’s again, all injuns and buffalos.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
/——/ Good thing we don’t live in a democracy.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
Those wealthy asshats want the US to be just like the 1880's again.
/——/ You Poor asshats want America to be like the 1200’s again, all injuns and buffalos.

You are confused.

I want America to be free. Not a socialist shithole.

You inability to understand the difference speaks volumes of your ignorance of the concept of Liberty.

There is really not much difference in a monarch of 1200 taking my labor away by force and some greedy little shithead in 2018 using democracy to take it away by force. The results are pretty much the same.
Democracy sucks when the greedy 51%find out that they can use the government to steal from the other 49%.

Dictatorship of course is not the answer.

Our Republic form of government with a Bill of Rights is a great model, however, our BORs is not strong enough.

We need a stronger BORs that protects us from government oppression, excessive taxation, over regulation and the taking of our money to be distributed to welfare queens.

Our Liberties like the right to keep and bear arms should be protected much more than they are now.

Penalties for abuse of our rights should be severe.

Government can work if it is used for the right things. However, this massive bloated debt ridden liberty robbing monstrosity we have now is an abomination.
/——/ Good thing we don’t live in a democracy.

Good thing you aren't smart enough to understand how a Republic can be just as oppressive as a Democracy.

It doesn't really make much difference if you vote directly to steal my money or if you vote for a representative to do it, does it? I still lose my money and you get your greedy little welfare check, don't you?

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