
1. Lest any conclude that this thread is too....Manichean....let's see the response of the Left/Liberals to this:

a. In 1982, in his speech to the British parliament, he predicted that communism was destined to be shortly 'on the ash-heap of history.'

b. In his 1983 speech to the National Association of Evangelicals, he described the Soviet Union as 'an evil empire.'

2. The left was apoplectic in the face of such a clear definition of the Soviet Union.

a. Henry Steel Commager: “…the worst presidential speech in American history,…No other presidential speech has ever so flagrantly allied the government with religion.”

b. “… Reagan's "red-baiting" and "bellicose" rhetoric, as it was branded in the press, elicited widespread disapproval from the pundits. Then-New Republic editor Hendrik Hertzberg told The Washington Post that "words like that frighten the American public and antagonize the Soviets," condemning the speech as "not presidential." Reagan: On the right side of history

c. Lest one think that Reagan’s stance was the same as previous President’s, consider this from Seweryn Bialer of Columbia University:
Sovietologist Seweryn Bialer of Columbia University reported: “…such language stunned and humiliated the Soviet leaders . . . [who] believe that President Reagan is determined to deny the Soviet Union nothing less than its legitimacy and status as a global power . . . status . . . they thought had been conceded once and for all by Reagan's predecessors.”
Seweryn Bialer, "Danger in Moscow", the New York Review of Books, February 16, 1984.

What's the correct term to use for those who support and apologize for evil?

3. Reagan’s rhetoric disturbed the left because it made the moral case for anticommunism; liberals thought they had convinced everyone who mattered that anticommunism was the thing to be feared.

Why? Fear! After all, communism was certainly not worse than nuclear war, after all, ‘better Red than dead,’ right? Let’s not antagonize the collectivists.

And, so....we find Ronald Reagan subjected to the same sort of lies and contumely as an earlier American hero.....

...Senator Joseph McCarthy.
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.
Of the assassination attempt on his life on March 30, 1981, Ronald Reagan wrote in his personal diary, “Getting shot hurts. Still my fear was growing because no matter how hard I tried to breathe, it seemed I was getting less and less air. I focused on that tiled ceiling and prayed. But I realized I couldn’t ask for God’s help while at the same time I felt hatred for the mixed up young man who had shot me. Isn’t that the meaning of the lost sheep? We are all God’s children and therefore equally beloved by Him. I began to pray for his soul and that he would find his way back to the fold.”
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation
I think Trump is a forgiving man as well. I think that's one of the reasons the left can't wrap their collective hive brain around him. He can debate people and assert that they are wrong, wrong, wrong...but then turn around the next day and have a pleasant conversation with them and say nice things about them. They see that as hypocritical. I see it as forgiving and Christ-like.
Lol the walking orange sack of 7 deadly sins is "Christ-like"
Sure, when he forgives people.

Anti-Christians don't understand the concept. I forgive your stupidity.
  1. “Between 1974 and 1980, while the United States wallowed in post-Vietnam angst, 10 countries had fallen into the Soviet orbit: South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South Yemen, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Grenada and Afghanistan. Never had the Soviets lost an inch of real estate to the West. The Brezhnev Doctrine stated simply that once a country went Communist, it would stay Communist. In other words, the Soviet empire would continue to advance and gain territory…” "How the East Was Won"
2. The 39th President, Carter, picked up the banner of communism that had been dropped after communism's truest champion, the 32nd President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had passed on.

Roosevelt's successor, Harry Truman learned of communism's goals and nature via the Venona Papers, and soon reversed Roosevelt's obedience to Joseph Stalin.

Ronald Reagan, number 40, trampled on communism's banner, and rolled back the gains that Roosevelt had bequeathed the Bolsheviks.

And he did so without firing a shot.

Now...the 'wisdom' of Jimmy Carter:

1. Jimmy Carter began his presidency at Notre Dame with a speech that included “…We are now free of that inordinate fear of Communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us in our fear.”

Democrats never seem to either recognize evil, nor have a problem with it.
They were not all under Soviet orbit of control, a couple were independent and one had Chinese influence...

Now you can tell us what benefits that FDR gave the Bolsheviks..
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????

Civil Rights.
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????

Civil Rights.

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????

Try to be articulate......and then watch me rip you a new one.
1. Is 'evil' too strong a term for the belief system that opposes conservatism?


Just as out political system is binary....when one votes Democrat or Republican, one is of necessity, aligning with and giving one's political power to that which most closely represents ones wishes and views for society.

2. And on that basis, it is fair to state that the banner of the Left, of evil, is carried by the Democrat Party. It is the party that hates America, American values, traditions and history. It teaches every misstep in our past, and ignores or makes allowances for enemies of America.
It advances politically by spotlighting grievances and victimhood of every group, always separating Americans rather than uniting them.

3. Liberals, Democrats in education and media make the case for evil.

The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.”
From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

4. Far too often heroes who stand clearly against evil are absent from the scene, or soft pedal their objections. Not Ronald Reagan.

In his 1975 speech to CPAC Ronald Reagan said that, “Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people”.

5. Richard V. Allen was United States National Security Advisor to President Ronald Reagan. He first met Reagan in 1977, at which time, Allen later wrote, Reagan said something that "literally changed my life." Reagan said "My theory of the Cold War is that we win and they lose."
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.

Seems that, effortlessly, I've already put you in your place:
"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????

Simply by demanding you explain the syncretic phrase you attempted to insert I forced you to admit that it was the attempt by the brainless to pretend to know something.
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.

Seems that, effortlessly, I've already put you in your place:
"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????

Simply by demanding you explain the syncretic phrase you attempted to insert I forced you to admit that it was the attempt by the brainless to pretend to know something.

Tell me why you pro lifers said ok for a women to have an abortion in case of rape??? Tell me why that is?
With a body-count of 50 million unborn human beings through abortion over the last 40 years, I'd have to say yes: Liberalism is inherently evil. It far surpasses the evil of Nazi Germany which exterminated 6 million Jews,and is vying for first place place with the Communist ideology, which has exterminated over a hundred million.

The only thing I'd add to your post is the inclusion of Liberalism's predecessors....Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.....

It's the reason why I wrote 'Leftists' in the OP.

I love how you put people in a box and label them. You forgot about JFK, and I suspect the John Birch Society was behind it. You know those radical right wing capitalist who hated the RC philosophy of socialism.

Now you just lay back and be a pacifist the way the Evan and Fundies tell you to be and let them control your brain while they get richer and richer. Soon you will be washing their feet.

Seems that, effortlessly, I've already put you in your place:
"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????

Simply by demanding you explain the syncretic phrase you attempted to insert I forced you to admit that it was the attempt by the brainless to pretend to know something.

Tell me why you pro lifers said ok for a women to have an abortion in case of rape??? Tell me why that is?

Seems that, effortlessly, I've already put you in your place:
"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

What the heck is that?????

What is "RC"?

What is its relationship to socialism?

You did post "...the RC philosophy of socialism.".....didn't you?
RC, Catholics are by nature more into civil rights, and fairness. The KKK is an Evan Fundy thing.

You also like to tell people how to think and control their behavior.
RC, Catholics are by nature more into civil rights, and fairness. The KKK is an Evan Fundy thing.

You also like to tell people how to think and control their behavior.

1. You wrote this:
"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

Your explanation for said posting is that Christianity is somehow related to socialism....a conflation which does not exist.

2. Now you attempt to pretend that either socialism or Christianity is synonymous with "civil rights, and fairness."
Another fabrication.

3. And this lie: "The KKK is an Evan Fundy thing."
a. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

b. Democrat/Liberal icon Franklin Roosevelt made his first Supreme Court nominee a KKKer, Hugo Black

c. Slavery, segregation and second class citizenship is the province of the Democrat Party, one known as the enemy of Christianity.

Sooo....which are you more of today....an imbecile or a liar?

4. I wrote this:
Try to be articulate......and then watch me rip you a new one.
And, now.....I will do so:
Socialism has nothing......nothing.....to do with the Bible nor with Christianity.
Take notes:
An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

The Bible advocates generosity.

These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

The motivation to give and share originates in compassion, as 1 John 3:17 indicates—but there is choice involved.

With socialism, it is the opposite.
Redistribution of wealth is always by force of government. The government simply uses its overwhelming power to take what it thinks is “fair” from the “givers.” Is God a Socialist?

Generosity is based on choice....on free will....the cornerstone of Judeo-Christian tradition.
Not so with any of these six: Socialism, Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, or Progressivism.

Now, you're dismissed.
Lying is a sin.
Go forth and sin no more.
We both know there is a lot of difference between most Catholics and most Evans and fundamentalist. Don't try and deny it.

We need to pay taxes due to keeping the US running. Get use to it. You have a body , INSURE it.
We both know there is a lot of difference between most Catholics and most Evans and fundamentalist. Don't try and deny it.

So sorry, dunce.

I'm not allowing you to squirm out from under this absurd attempted lie:

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."
There are lots of ways to judge evil vs good.
Perhaps we can use the 'Gates Test,' the view that was used to judge Cuba...
"When the gates go up, do people rush in, or rush out."

The Berlin Wall was another kind of gate...

"At the start of the film, all Cold War dynamics are in place, with state actors killing anyone who tries to escape and spies and counterspies working their networks. To seek an end to the wall or to attempt to transverse it brought a death sentence. Real-life figures list 134 deaths trying to escape, but many estimate far more. The toll on civilization where it once thrived was far higher."
Atomic Blonde Is a Serious Anti-Communist Historical Drama | Jeffrey A. Tucker

See where Ronald Reagan fits in here?
"Poll: Almost 60 Percent Of Democrats Think Socialism Is Great For America"
Poll: Almost 60 Percent Of Democrats Think Socialism Is Great For America

"The poverty, despotism, corruption, and despair are palpable in the scenes from socialist/communist East Germany. The film tells the bitter truth that today’s fashionable socialist left so conveniently forgets. You can talk all you want about glorious socialist ideals but, in practice, socialism (because it is literally impossible to realize as an ideal) degenerates into top-down control by a police state charged with suppressing dissent. It’s not fancy; it’s just life lived on the other side of a huge wall, staring down the barrel of a gun everywhere you turned.

It matters because the East/West division after World War II provided a case study in free vs unfree economies."
Atomic Blonde Is a Serious Anti-Communist Historical Drama | Jeffrey A. Tucker

How and when did Democrats learn to embrace evil?

Government schooling.
We both know there is a lot of difference between most Catholics and most Evans and fundamentalist. Don't try and deny it.

So sorry, dunce.

I'm not allowing you to squirm out from under this absurd attempted lie:

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

the monastic life------is entirely SOCIALISTIC ---. Socialism has definite roots in Christianity and Judaism.
The tithe as a religious requirement is also a socialist concept. In agriculture the gleaners corner REQUIRE-
MENT is also a form of socialism There are societies that are entirely NON-SOCIALISTIC having no actual
material "sharing" laws and religious requirements? I cannot think of any
We both know there is a lot of difference between most Catholics and most Evans and fundamentalist. Don't try and deny it.

So sorry, dunce.

I'm not allowing you to squirm out from under this absurd attempted lie:

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

the monastic life------is entirely SOCIALISTIC ---. Socialism has definite roots in Christianity and Judaism.
The tithe as a religious requirement is also a socialist concept. In agriculture the gleaners corner REQUIRE-
MENT is also a form of socialism There are societies that are entirely NON-SOCIALISTIC having no actual
material "sharing" laws and religious requirements? I cannot think of any


The issue is whether socialism is advanced, by the Bible, as authorized by Socialists, Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Fascists, and Nazis.
It isn't.

"The tithe as a religious requirement is also a socialist concept."

Time for me to teach you today's lesson:
Let's go forward with the point, and underscore that the Bible, rather than authorizing taking from some and giving to others, via governmental intimidation or incarceration, prescribes a very different solution.

A form of giving..."tithing".... "is not for the poor! It is for specific individuals who could not provide for themselves because of specific circumstances. This “welfare” was for the Levites, because they did not own any land; for foreigners who temporarily needed aid while in the nation; for the fatherless, who were too young to provide for themselves and did not have family to take care of them; and for widows who likewise were too old to work or had no family to support them.

...tithe was not given to able-bodied men and women who were capable of working. For able-bodied people, God’s welfare system is—work. How different from modern social welfare programs!

In fact, the Bible is clear that people should be rewarded by what they contribute to society.

The Bible is specific about what God expects of able-bodied members of society. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul said, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat”

The Bible is filled with many such admonitions to work and provide for your family.“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (1 Timothy 5:8)." Is God a Socialist?

So....redistribution is not charity a la the Bible....it is theft

And the welfare system endorsed by scripture is .....personal responsibility, and earning.

The Liberal welfare system.....socialism writ large......is clearly unrelated to the Bible.
We both know there is a lot of difference between most Catholics and most Evans and fundamentalist. Don't try and deny it.

So sorry, dunce.

I'm not allowing you to squirm out from under this absurd attempted lie:

"...the RC philosophy of socialism."

the monastic life------is entirely SOCIALISTIC ---. Socialism has definite roots in Christianity and Judaism.
The tithe as a religious requirement is also a socialist concept. In agriculture the gleaners corner REQUIRE-
MENT is also a form of socialism There are societies that are entirely NON-SOCIALISTIC having no actual
material "sharing" laws and religious requirements? I cannot think of any

"In agriculture the gleaners corner REQUIRE-
MENT is also a form of socialism."


In your post we find Reagan's truth:
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

There's no socialism in the Bible.

Ungleaned fields are left for the poor (Leviticus 19:10). Wealthy people are not to harvest every last bit of their crops—and poor people are required to work to collect their food."
Is God a Socialist?

So....in the Bible we do not find support for communism, nor socialism....but rules that "preserve private incentive. No need for government-enforced wealth redistribution. No need for bureaucrats to decide how much wealth is one’s “fair share.” Ibid.

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