Every Black Male Should Have a White Woman....

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....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


Just one. You are going to bring them out of the woodwork with this post...lol. on a serious note, plain and simple, people are generally inclined to want to experience what they are told is forbidden.

The media driven fear/hatred of black males is a contributor to (some not all) white females seeking out black men. I'm a little older than you, so my own experience was a little different.

My lone experience with a white female was when I was a teenager back in the 60's. Of course, back then it was a pivotal time in history. MLK, Malcolm X, the original Black Panthers, the US Organization, the SLA were on the scene and a slew of other cultural and political changes were in motion at that time.

My Dad had gotten promoted from being a teacher to being a school principal, and we moved into a neighborhood that was predominately white(which is a story within itself).

There was 1 friendly white family that lived across the street from us, and they had a daughter who was very friendly.

So one day after I got home from football practice at school, and my parents and hers were still at work, she rang our doorbell and asked If I wanted to listen to some records or watch television. So I let her in and we did just that. We talked for awhile and she told me that she was not afraid of me and thought that "I was cool"...lol.

A little later my parents got home and when they walked in, they both totally freaked out. My Dad shouted at me "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET KILLED?!"

He sent her home right away, and then he proceeded to lecture me about how what happened to Emmitt Till could happen to me.

I had never before seen him genuinely afraid, which was strange. But I will never forget it.

Long story short, for the next 2 years until I graduated from high school that cute little white girl showed up on my doorstep every afternoon and went home just before my parents came home...lol. actually I'm still friends with her to this day and we talk by phone from time to time about how the world seems to have gone backwards as opposed to forward.

She is married to a white male, who probably knows nothing about me, which is probably good for him.

What I learned from that experience is that not all white people even back then, were hateful bigots and she learned that I was not really dangerous at all.
Yeah I learned the same thing about whites and I also learned a lot about myself. in my 20's things were a little different. White women were/are more brazen about it now days. They openly solicit Black men now. I can understand the sentiment of your parents as that is the same thing my coach would tell us. My parents were extremely upset the time I brought a white girl over. Not because she was a bad person but because of what they had known about the dangers of such relationships. I told them things were different now. Not a lot as far as the reactions of white males go but they are afraid to actually act on those feelings today.

One of the things I learned was that no matter how understanding the white woman may be she would never be able to understand me completely because she simply wasnt a Black person. I remember before I got into IT I was dating this one white girl that had her mind blown by the racism directed at me. I was moving from one city to the next and the white men spread the word about me. The ones that worked in the area told her mother I was coming and to keep her away from me. Well of course you know that really peaked her curiosity so she took it upon herself to show me around when i got there. She told me all the things that they were telling her and gave me the names of the guys. Some of the I white guys I had never gotten the impression they were racists but the statements they made to her left no doubt. She said she was shocked but didnt think most white men were like that. I told her I had a lifetime of experiences that proved her wrong. She had the hardest time accepting that most whites harbor at least a little racists beliefs so we eventually split a year later.

BTW I saw Birth of A Nation last night with my daughters. Brilliant movie.

What you are describing is exactly what most younger black men that I know describe to me now.

Back in my 20's, a relationship with a white female was certainly a career killer as well as cause for negative scrutiny even within your own family, not to mention the risk of altercations in public with people like some of those who post in this very forum.

One of my brothers in law is married to a white female who has been well accepted into our family as well as him into hers.

Ironically, her family detests her ex who was white and fits the label that some of those who post here like to apply to black males in general.

"Unemployable, uneducated and irresponsible".

At the end of the day though, the vast majority of people still date and marry intra racially, and it is likely that in a country that has a history like America that has a much less progressive racial culture and climate than many other countries, that will probably always be the norm.

You're right that Birth of Nation (the current version) is in fact an excellent movie, and it's release date will likely have some impact on the upcoming election, if anything, younger black voters should watch the 1916 version then compare it to today's version. As I tell my grandchildren:

"You can't not know what happened behind you and be able to clearly understand what is happening in front of you right now."

If you have not done so yet, I would also recommend that you see "13th" on Netflix.
I was on a hiking trail last summer and I shared a patch of shade with two cowboys. They were riding horses. Cowboys hats, boots, whispy beards, they probably enjoyed their country music. They happened to be black. I imagined that they fit right in in the rural community they rode out from.

Our differences are primarily cultural.

Our differences are genetic and cultural, and blacks themselves like to emphasize it
Yo dick ain't bid enough!

....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?


All negroes should be dead. Preferable through impalement.
It sounds like you gained a lot of insight into the irrational fear of KKK members and then extended that to all White men. The "broad brush" strikes again.

The ubiquitous "broad brush" is often applied to black men in this forum far more frequently.....you know, ""uneducated, unemployable, irresponsible"....etc, etc, etc.
It sounds like you gained a lot of insight into the irrational fear of KKK members and then extended that to all White men. The "broad brush" strikes again.

The ubiquitous "broad brush" is often applied to black men in this forum far more frequently.....you know, ""uneducated, unemployable, irresponsible"....etc, etc, etc.

I use statistical reality as my broad brush, like 40% of black males do not graduate high school, 6% of 18-64 year olds are currently in jail, 34% of black men are ex offenders compared with 12% of all other men, 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock, 84% of kids with a black father receive some sort of welfare, 82% percent of crime involving blacks and whites is a black on white crime, black men are 5-6 times more likely to commit violent crime than white men, and black men score lower on all standardized academic tests.

Statisically speaking, black men are a dumb, violent, and irresponsible group as measured against whites.
When black men marry, 86% have a black wife, 7% have a white wife. Black man with at white woman are a very small fraction of the overall marriages in the US, contrary to what liars like asslips and dripping poop claim.
It sounds like you gained a lot of insight into the irrational fear of KKK members and then extended that to all White men. The "broad brush" strikes again.

The ubiquitous "broad brush" is often applied to black men in this forum far more frequently.....you know, ""uneducated, unemployable, irresponsible"....etc, etc, etc.

I use statistical reality as my broad brush, like 40% of black males do not graduate high school, 6% of 18-64 year olds are currently in jail, 34% of black men are ex offenders compared with 12% of all other men, 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock, 84% of kids with a black father receive some sort of welfare, 82% percent of crime involving blacks and whites is a black on white crime, black men are 5-6 times more likely to commit violent crime than white men, and black men score lower on all standardized academic tests.

Statisically speaking, black men are aw dumb, violent, and irresponsible group as measured against whites.

And where do you get your "statistics" from, Stormfront?

For starters,
According to the U.S. Department of education the high school graduation rate for black students was nearly 70% between 2014 and 2015.
It sounds like you gained a lot of insight into the irrational fear of KKK members and then extended that to all White men. The "broad brush" strikes again.

The ubiquitous "broad brush" is often applied to black men in this forum far more frequently.....you know, ""uneducated, unemployable, irresponsible"....etc, etc, etc.

I use statistical reality as my broad brush, like 40% of black males do not graduate high school, 6% of 18-64 year olds are currently in jail, 34% of black men are ex offenders compared with 12% of all other men, 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock, 84% of kids with a black father receive some sort of welfare, 82% percent of crime involving blacks and whites is a black on white crime, black men are 5-6 times more likely to commit violent crime than white men, and black men score lower on all standardized academic tests.

Statisically speaking, black men are aw dumb, violent, and irresponsible group as measured against whites.

And where do you get your "statistics" from, Stormfront?

For starters,
According to the U.S. Department of education the high school graduation rate for black students was nearly 70% between 2014 and 2015.

'for starters'? continue on please, I'll look at the 30% number for sure, I was using old 2012 data from liberal rags, and that is nothing to celebrate moron, a 30% drop out rate still sucks and is far worse than whites

so discredit this you ignorant fuck

BlackDemographics.com | Black Male Statistics



First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites
New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime

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It sounds like you gained a lot of insight into the irrational fear of KKK members and then extended that to all White men. The "broad brush" strikes again.

The ubiquitous "broad brush" is often applied to black men in this forum far more frequently.....you know, ""uneducated, unemployable, irresponsible"....etc, etc, etc.

I use statistical reality as my broad brush, like 40% of black males do not graduate high school, 6% of 18-64 year olds are currently in jail, 34% of black men are ex offenders compared with 12% of all other men, 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock, 84% of kids with a black father receive some sort of welfare, 82% percent of crime involving blacks and whites is a black on white crime, black men are 5-6 times more likely to commit violent crime than white men, and black men score lower on all standardized academic tests.

Statisically speaking, black men are aw dumb, violent, and irresponsible group as measured against whites.

And where do you get your "statistics" from, Stormfront?

For starters,
According to the U.S. Department of education the high school graduation rate for black students was nearly 70% between 2014 and 2015.

'for starters'? continue on please, I'll look at the 30% number for sure, I was using old 2012 data from liberal rags, and that is nothing to celebrate moron, a 30% drop out rate still sucks and is far worse than whites

so discredit this you ignorant fuck

BlackDemographics.com | Black Male Statistics



First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites
New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime

Who is celebrating? You knuckle dragging, inbred, cretin.

All that I did was point out that one of your "statistics" was wrong.....and apparently that struck a nerve.

My guess is that you are one of the "white dropouts", and your self esteem is not based on any personal accomplishments....but the accomplishments of even the marginal ones within your race.

I will address the rest of your cut and paste "reporting" when I find the time.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

Why is it an irrational fear?

And she sounds very liberal to me. Maybe it wasn't that she was white or a female maybe it was that she was a liberal? I would have agreed with a lot of what you had to say too. I also saw a black friend in college get radicalized by the brothers our freshman year. He came in not a racist and left one.

And I notice you say at this time in your life you had an irrational fear of whites too. Or was your fear not rational? Oh and don't confuse your HATE of whites with Fear. We sometimes hate and fear what we do not know. But I notice you won't admit fearing whites. Instead you use the word hate. Go ahead, admit it. You once feared us. Admit it.

And so did you bang her?

PS. I also notice she got to blame white men. Basically excusing herself from being a little eichmann who benefitted from white priviledge too.
When black men marry, 86% have a black wife, 7% have a white wife. Black man with at white woman are a very small fraction of the overall marriages in the US, contrary to what liars like asslips and dripping poop claim.
True. Black guys rarely marry white women because they know for a fact Black women are better looking and stronger. However that doesnt mean Black men dont fuck a lot of white women. I married a Black woman and by far I have had sex with more white women than any other race simply because of how sexually aggressive they are.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

Why is it an irrational fear?

And she sounds very liberal to me. Maybe it wasn't that she was white or a female maybe it was that she was a liberal? I would have agreed with a lot of what you had to say too. I also saw a black friend in college get radicalized by the brothers our freshman year. He came in not a racist and left one.

And I notice you say at this time in your life you had an irrational fear of whites too. Or was your fear not rational? Oh and don't confuse your HATE of whites with Fear. We sometimes hate and fear what we do not know. But I notice you won't admit fearing whites. Instead you use the word hate. Go ahead, admit it. You once feared us. Admit it.

And so did you bang her?

PS. I also notice she got to blame white men. Basically excusing herself from being a little eichmann who benefitted from white priviledge too.
Its irrational because white mens behavior is probably what gets white women so curious. If white guys simply had less of an inferiority complex they wouldn't try so hard to keep their women from straying. Life tip. Never tell a woman what she shouldnt, cant, or better not do. She will do it just to see why you dont want her to.

Yes I had sex with her but that was after she pointed out my hypocrisy.

I've never had any fear of white people. Where I grew up they were the minority and very timid. I dont know why you say I hate whites. I dont hate them anymore. That would take too much valuable energy I could be using to assist my people.
....in their lives at one point in time past the age of 18. Get your mind out of the bedroom. Not like that. Personally, I found it very enlightening talking to white women once I got over hating white people. I was forced to pair up with this white girl from Louisiana when I had moved past basic training and into the phase of my military career when i was being trained for my MOS in communications security field. The talks we had regarding race were very frank and open. I was amazed that she easily spoke of the fears white males had of Black males. She should have known. Her father was a member of he KKK and she had heard all the horror stories since she was young enough to remember. It all made sense to me now that she explained the irrational fear white males have of Black males.

Sometimes I look back on that experience as a very "fork in the road" moment in my life. What if I had never met her? Would my oldest daughter have been born? would I have even met my Black wife? I wonder what makes most white women different from their male counter parts? Is it because they have witnessed up close and personal the fragile white male ego?

Why is it an irrational fear?

And she sounds very liberal to me. Maybe it wasn't that she was white or a female maybe it was that she was a liberal? I would have agreed with a lot of what you had to say too. I also saw a black friend in college get radicalized by the brothers our freshman year. He came in not a racist and left one.

And I notice you say at this time in your life you had an irrational fear of whites too. Or was your fear not rational? Oh and don't confuse your HATE of whites with Fear. We sometimes hate and fear what we do not know. But I notice you won't admit fearing whites. Instead you use the word hate. Go ahead, admit it. You once feared us. Admit it.

And so did you bang her?

PS. I also notice she got to blame white men. Basically excusing herself from being a little eichmann who benefitted from white priviledge too.
Its irrational because white mens behavior is probably what gets white women so curious. If white guys simply had less of an inferiority complex they wouldn't try so hard to keep their women from straying. Life tip. Never tell a woman what she shouldnt, cant, or better not do. She will do it just to see why you dont want her to.

Yes I had sex with her but that was after she pointed out my hypocrisy.

I've never had any fear of white people. Where I grew up they were the minority and very timid. I dont know why you say I hate whites. I dont hate them anymore. That would take too much valuable energy I could be using to assist my people.
Are you kidding me the black community looks down on any black women who date white men.

I know because I dated a black woman who told me how blacks talk about this sort of thing.

Your women hate you black men dating white women.

So how come black women don't date white guys? Please tell me it's because they aren't attracted to us. Bullshit. It's easier to score an Arab girl.

The only ones more racist are Indians from India. They won't date anyone but Indians.

And notice a lot of rich whites don't date black women? It's because black women aren't a status symbol. It's the white guys choice.
It sounds like you gained a lot of insight into the irrational fear of KKK members and then extended that to all White men. The "broad brush" strikes again.

The ubiquitous "broad brush" is often applied to black men in this forum far more frequently.....you know, ""uneducated, unemployable, irresponsible"....etc, etc, etc.

I use statistical reality as my broad brush, like 40% of black males do not graduate high school, 6% of 18-64 year olds are currently in jail, 34% of black men are ex offenders compared with 12% of all other men, 70% of black kids are born out of wedlock, 84% of kids with a black father receive some sort of welfare, 82% percent of crime involving blacks and whites is a black on white crime, black men are 5-6 times more likely to commit violent crime than white men, and black men score lower on all standardized academic tests.

Statisically speaking, black men are aw dumb, violent, and irresponsible group as measured against whites.

And where do you get your "statistics" from, Stormfront?

For starters,
According to the U.S. Department of education the high school graduation rate for black students was nearly 70% between 2014 and 2015.

'for starters'? continue on please, I'll look at the 30% number for sure, I was using old 2012 data from liberal rags, and that is nothing to celebrate moron, a 30% drop out rate still sucks and is far worse than whites

so discredit this you ignorant fuck

BlackDemographics.com | Black Male Statistics



First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites
New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime

Who is celebrating? You knuckle dragging, inbred, cretin.

All that I did was point out that one of your "statistics" was wrong.....and apparently that struck a nerve.

My guess is that you are one of the "white dropouts", and your self esteem is not based on any personal accomplishments....but the accomplishments of even the marginal ones within your race.

I will address the rest of your cut and paste "reporting" when I find the time.

I posted the stats because I said that is how I form opinions, from reality. Never claimed more than that, and the stats show black men suck. Can't wait to see how you 'address' known reality.
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