Don't Forget To Set Your Clocks Back!!!

Great that means one more hour to look at your avatar, Xotoxi.
Great that means one more hour to look at your avatar, Xotoxi.

And technically, that is incorrect, since we don't change the clocks until after midnight. Therefore, Halloween still ends in 1.75 hours.
We in Western Australia don't have to worry about clock forward, clock back, clock foward.......because the hicks here voted down daylight savings.

They thought if we had it their cows would go mad and their curtains would burst into flames.

It is a rich, if dumb culture.
We in Western Australia don't have to worry about clock forward, clock back, clock foward.......because the hicks here voted down daylight savings.

They thought if we had it their cows would go mad and their curtains would burst into flames.

It is a rich, if dumb culture.

Do you guys just twist your sundials a little?
Would those be accurate at that longitude/latitude?

I think they probably use hourglasses.
Had all of our clocks set back before dark yesterday. The only one I don't change is the one beside my bed. I never use it anyway except to look at it and groan when my two very cute very fuzzy little alarm clocks wake me up around 4:30 a.m. because they feel that is the perfect time for breakfast everyday. This way I'll always feel I'm actually getting an hour more sleep than I actually am. And no I don't go back to bed. That is not allowed in the Kingdom of the fuzzy alarm clocks.
I actually set my alarm for 2am so that I could wake up and set all of my clocks back.

Unfortunately, an hour after I did that, I was again woken up by my alarm at 2am.
We have an analog clock in the studio. Ya know, big hand, little hand and everything. It's controlled by a satellite so it's always dead on accurate. The satellite (or whatever it is) sends down a signal every 30 minutes for the clock to adjust a smidge one way or the other.

Well, come daylight saving time, it also adjusts automatically. Except it only goes forward, so last night it goes forward 23 hours. It's kind of freaky to watch the hands start spinning like something out of the exorcist when it does its thing.

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