Doesn't this war just breed more terrorism and ensure the lose of American Life?

Originally posted by nycflasher
My understanding is that while we could have captured OBL then, for example, APPARENTLY the proof wasn't there. Certainly it would have been if the attack had occured earlier.

That's what I meant. Bush will get some credit just for being a wartime President.

Huh? What do you think Clinton would have done different from 9/12 on had he been president?
Originally posted by nycflasher
My understanding is that while we could have captured OBL then, for example, APPARENTLY the proof wasn't there. Certainly it would have been if the attack had occured earlier.

That's what I meant. Bush will get some credit just for being a wartime President.

Are you tipsy? What the hell are you trying to get across?

The 1993 WTC bombing was enough to get OBL on. Clinton just looked at everything in legal terms. The Islamists declared war on the USA many, many years ago. We just never saw fit to believe them even after they had attacked us several times.

But again, what in the hell are you trying to say?
Originally posted by freeandfun1
Are you tipsy? What the hell are you trying to get across?

The 1993 WTC bombing was enough to get OBL on. Clinton just looked at everything in legal terms. The Islamists declared war on the USA many, many years ago. We just never saw fit to believe them even after they had attacked us several times.

But again, what in the hell are you trying to say?

re: "So Bush is "doing" something - bringing the war TO them."

I'm saying that the Iraqi invasion was a direct result of 9/11.
The proof wasn't there? HUH?

Read "Losing bin Laden," by Richard Miniter. If that doesn't do it, I'll try to get Monsoor Ijaz to call you up & walk you through it, step by step, play by play, ok?


To start, I'd like to let you know that we don't beat women. You liberals are the ones who rape them [Clinton/Juanita Broaddrick] & kill them [Teddy Kennedy/Mary Jo Kopechne]. Also, was I the only one who caught your disgusting anti-Jewish remark about "banking?" As always, count on the liberal to blurt out their hidden racism.

Now that I cleared THAT up for you, let's proceed.........

So, we need to bribe terrorists & their supporter nations? Why, to build schools? Ummm, they don't need the money, for they already HAVE built the schools they desire: Madrassas.

Build up their infrastructure[ schools, electricity grids, water supply, hospitals, etc...]? What the bloody hell do you think we are doing in Afghanistan & Iraq? HUH? Well? For the fuc&ing love of Joss! You liberals aren't content to socialize America, making the majority of people dependent on the public dole, NOW you want us to extend welfare to illegals AND terrorists. I guess, then, you could make ALL of them citizens & make sure they vote for Kerry & other liberal Democrats, right?

As for the whole "You can't justify killing innocent people to stop the killing of innocent people."?????


Does Dresden ring a bell? Hiroshima? Both terrible events, but it was required to save the rest of the world of innocent people. If one million people can be saved by the death of one thousand, it is just a pro-con numbers game. I know that really shocks you "idealists," but that is a little thing we REALISTS call reality! Yeah, it's an ugly, violent world, but we, America, are trying to civilize it & make it a better place. You liberals just TALK about it, we actually DO it! The nerve of Bush! Didn't he realize that the liberal Democrats only voted to depose Saddam, they didn't actually MEAN it. It was meant to make them look tough & feel better about themselves, but they- like France, Germany, Russia, the U.N., AND Saddam- didn't actually think President Bush would go THROUGH with it! The NERVE! Next, they are going to be shocked when President Bush continues to keep us safe, because we all know that the Kerry campaign & anti-preemptive liberals WANT us, NEED us to get hit, again.

LMFAO- I LOVE how liberals talk about Rush & Ann Coulter as "hateful," but they never read or listen to them- if they do, they simply put on the intellectual blinders. I suppose it's the fact that they use a brilliant & lethal combo of humor, insight, & seering intelligence to question the liberal orthodoxy & the LMM. Hey, I thought you "idealistic" liberals were ALL about questioning things? I mean, that's what your goofy fuc&ing bumper stickers say, right? Oh, that's right! Question everything........AS LONG AS IT SUPPORTS LIBERALISM & BASHES BUSH & REPUBLICAN IDEOLOGY!

Actually, most of the time Ann & Rush simply use the liberals' OWN words AGAINST them. And while we're on the subject, if one REALLY wants to hear true, unadulterated HATE SPEECH, just listen to the venomous tirades of pukes like Kerry, Hillary, Dean, Teddy "The Killer" Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Jesse Jackson, Al "I created the Internet" Gore, Charlie Wrangle, Tom Daschle and the list just goes on & on & on. Liberals, NOT Republicans are the TRUE haters; Haters of the truth, haters of America.
Originally posted by Insertalias

The problem with killing innocent people is that those peope have famlies and friends that now believe that their relative/loved one is/are dead because of US aggresion. Those families and friends know people and those people feel the same way about American Liberation that the famlies do too. This oppinion is spread through out and is used to supplement the already existing distast for the US. This information, twisted through the rotting grapevine, changes the mind of Mohamad bin Zakowi Allah Jihad (imagenary character) from wanting to work at the oil drilling company to wanting to fight for his country/people/lifestyle.

So let me get this straight... "it's OK to KILL INNOCENT AMERICANS but it's not OK to retaliate with the most precise fighting Army in the world"?

Therein lies the flaw of your thinking. You speak in terms as if we started this fight. News flast liberal.... "WE DIDN'T"!

The knocking down of the World Trade Centers was the WORST DISASTER to hit America in it's HISTORY, and you suck ass liberals STILL want to KISS THE TERRORISTS ASSES??!!

Holy shit am I glad you people aren't in charge. There would probably have been a few more 9/11's since then if Al Bore had been elected. And if Lurch gets elected, I guess we'll go back to spineless terrorist ASS KISSING once again like we did with bubba clinton, and we'll have more terrorist shit going on here in America AGAIN!

Liberals like yourself and your appeasement train of thought make me sick.
I am just checking in to see what you guys had to reply. I will resspond in depth later tonight for now I have to go work. Any further replies I would like to request you stop calling me one of those liberals. My signature suggests that I don't support ither party that is controled by the Ivy leauge frat boys of America. If you haven't heard any Bill Hicks I suggest you download his stuff or look into it. He is dead but his philosophy is not only hilarious but raises many interesting points of view. My party according to Bill Hicks, is the people who hate people society.
Originally posted by Insertalias
I am just checking in to see what you guys had to reply. I will resspond in depth later tonight for now I have to go work. Any further replies I would like to request you stop calling me one of those liberals. My signature suggests that I don't support ither party that is controled by the Ivy leauge frat boys of America. If you haven't heard any Bill Hicks I suggest you download his stuff or look into it. He is dead but his philosophy is not only hilarious but raises many interesting points of view. My party according to Bill Hicks, is the people who hate people society.

Lovely..... :rolleyes:
Why is it disgusting to say that a group of peoples is inclined to be good at something? Black people are inclined to be good at sports, I said it I am a racist. NO...It was an uncalled for generalization I'll admit, but when I said that it was mostly to drive home the whole money analogy with a connection to Israel's agresive policy which has proved as fruitless as our apperant attempts at appeasement. When you make a generalization about us liberals, (even though i am not one), you are doing the same thing, generalizing something to try to make a point.

And another thing :read:

not all of my suggestions include "kissing the terrorist's ass's." General public opinion of America being honest and friendly in those counties is going to shrink the terrorist's breading ground. I am not suggesting we give money or aid to terrorist, I am suggesting we eliminate the terrorist's motives by helping countries progress and by improving public oppinion, possibly through propaganda and possibly through blarringly appearant, wide spread charitable acts towards hungry muslim nations. If we witness an improved standard of living in these terrorist nests we would see a lot fewer people willing to give thier lives to hate.
Besides not all terrorists live in Iraq, and we are not going to invade everysingle country that ever sprouted a terrorist. If you argue that our decisive actions persuaded governmets to stop "harboring" terrorists this is looked at by masses of the desperate public as American domination, giving them even more reason to wanna sacrifise their lives to kill anything having to do with America. Perhaps we can agree that the U.S. could be doing more to help global public oppinion?

Of course it is ok for us to kill them if they kill us, but we have to know exactly who the 'they" is, otherwise we are as bad as they are. To people across this country, and especially to people in countries where our name leaves a bad taste in mouths, it appears as if America is the world's most powerful hypocrite.

Good night I am going to bed now.:eek: I will respond next when I respond next, I can not spend my whole life in front of a screen waiting for your guys to respond. I guess what I am trying to say is that this relationship is moving too fast for me. I know how much you guys like to think that you scare me away with your unwillingness to understand anyone else's point of view but you really just spend way too much time on the board.
Originally posted by Insertalias
Why is it disgusting to say that a group of peoples is inclined to be good at something? Black people are inclined to be good at sports, I said it I am a racist. NO...It was an uncalled for generalization I'll admit, but when I said that it was mostly to drive home the whole money analogy with a connection to Israel's agresive policy which has proved as fruitless as our apperant attempts at appeasement. When you make a generalization about us liberals, (even though i am not one), you are doing the same thing, generalizing something to try to make a point.

And another thing :read:

not all of my suggestions include "kissing the terrorist's ass's." General public opinion of America being honest and friendly in those counties is going to shrink the terrorist's breading ground. I am not suggesting we give money or aid to terrorist, I am suggesting we eliminate the terrorist's motives by helping countries progress and by improving public oppinion, possibly through propaganda and possibly through blarringly appearant, wide spread charitable acts towards hungry muslim nations. If we witness an improved standard of living in these terrorist nests we would see a lot fewer people willing to give thier lives to hate.
Besides not all terrorists live in Iraq, and we are not going to invade everysingle country that ever sprouted a terrorist. If you argue that our decisive actions persuaded governmets to stop "harboring" terrorists this is looked at by masses of the desperate public as American domination, giving them even more reason to wanna sacrifise their lives to kill anything having to do with America. Perhaps we can agree that the U.S. could be doing more to help global public oppinion?

Of course it is ok for us to kill them if they kill us, but we have to know exactly who the 'they" is, otherwise we are as bad as they are. To people across this country, and especially to people in countries where our name leaves a bad taste in mouths, it appears as if America is the world's most powerful hypocrite.

Good night I am going to bed now.:eek: I will respond next when I respond next, I can not spend my whole life in front of a screen waiting for your guys to respond. I guess what I am trying to say is that this relationship is moving too fast for me. I know how much you guys like to think that you scare me away with your unwillingness to understand anyone else's point of view but you really just spend way too much time on the board.

You just don't get it. Conditions are poor in those countries because that's how the tyrannical fundamentalist regimes want it. From an economic standpoint, economic development is stifled when all commerce is directed and controlled by totalitarian thugs. Regardeless of our good intentions, nothing short of regime change will ever help these people. Aid will never get to the people as long as the warlords intercept it at the border; regardless of how much we send they will still just divide it amongst their friends and sell the rest at exorbitant fees on their local blackmarket, not caring if the people starve, especially if the starving are members of an opposing sect of islam. Did you see black hawk down? Think of the opening scenes of the tyrant's henchmen stealing the food trucks out of the people's possession with their automatic rifles. "Hey, that's just how tribalism works, that's how these people are.", liberals like you might say. Bullshit. You, sir, are a racist.

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