Do you believe or not believe in God?

Which best describes you:

  • Agnostic

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Theist

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 27.8%

  • Total voters
If I believed it existed I would rather go there than Heaven, it sounds like it would be more fun.:eusa_pray:
I just do not understand you guys when you say things like that. Even if you do not believe, why would you make a statement like that? Why would you say that if there was a hell you would like to go there because it sounds like fun? Does burning forever amuse you? Or being around every child molester and killer sound like fun to you? Why would you say something like that? I have always wanted to ask when I hear someone say something like that, because with the question of it being real, brings the question of who would be there being real as well. So why would people want to go be with those people who were sent there? I really would like to know. Also, I hope I spelled every word correctly for you so you would get the point of the question and not my spelling.
I just do not understand you guys when you say things like that. Even if you do not believe, why would you make a statement like that? Why would you say that if there was a hell you would like to go there because it sounds like fun? Does burning forever amuse you? Or being around every child molester and killer sound like fun to you? Why would you say something like that? I have always wanted to ask when I hear someone say something like that, because with the question of it being real, brings the question of who would be there being real as well. So why would people want to go be with those people who were sent there? I really would like to know. Also, I hope I spelled every word correctly for you so you would get the point of the question and not my spelling.

You will find the people that attack your spelling do so because they generally lack the ability to attck your post. So they try to divert the point away from what you said to how you spelled the words.

Liberals have another tactic they use as well. Attacking the messenger rather then the message. They can not refute certain things and so instead try to discredit the person posting the information. You can catch them at it all the time.
I just do not understand you guys when you say things like that. Even if you do not believe, why would you make a statement like that? Why would you say that if there was a hell you would like to go there because it sounds like fun? Does burning forever amuse you? Or being around every child molester and killer sound like fun to you? Why would you say something like that? I have always wanted to ask when I hear someone say something like that, because with the question of it being real, brings the question of who would be there being real as well. So why would people want to go be with those people who were sent there? I really would like to know. Also, I hope I spelled every word correctly for you so you would get the point of the question and not my spelling.

The thing is Jimmy, no-one and I mean absolutely no-one has been to Heaven or Hell so don't you think it's about time you stopped talking about something neither you nor anyone else, living or dead has any verified first hand information or proof of?
Hypothetically speaking, if I have lived my life so badly that I deserve Hell as a punishment, I say, bring it on.Has it not occurred to you that people are capable of living a good life without believing in God?
When you question your faith, as all good theists will do at least once in their lives, I hope you reach a satisfactory conclusion.
You will find the people that attack your spelling do so because they generally lack the ability to attck your post. So they try to divert the point away from what you said to how you spelled the words.

Liberals have another tactic they use as well. Attacking the messenger rather then the message. They can not refute certain things and so instead try to discredit the person posting the information. You can catch them at it all the time.

You must be the most liberal of liberals.
You will find the people that attack your spelling do so because they generally lack the ability to attck your post. So they try to divert the point away from what you said to how you spelled the words.

Liberals have another tactic they use as well. Attacking the messenger rather then the message. They can not refute certain things and so instead try to discredit the person posting the information. You can catch them at it all the time.

thank god you are innocent of blaming the messenger, rgs!

You will find the people that attack your spelling do so because they generally lack the ability to attck your post. So they try to divert the point away from what you said to how you spelled the words.

Liberals have another tactic they use as well. Attacking the messenger rather then the message. They can not refute certain things and so instead try to discredit the person posting the information. You can catch them at it all the time.
You are so right. I have been reading your posts and reply’s as well here, and I find that I agree with so much that you say. They go after you just as much as they do me here, just don’t let them get you down, and know “as I do” that what you are saying is so true, and all they want to do as the devils puppet, is try to distract with things that mean nothing at all. Thank you for your message. May God bless you.
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The thing is Jimmy, no-one and I mean absolutely no-one has been to Heaven or Hell so don't you think it's about time you stopped talking about something neither you nor anyone else, living or dead has any verified first hand information or proof of?
Hypothetically speaking, if I have lived my life so badly that I deserve Hell as a punishment, I say, bring it on.Has it not occurred to you that people are capable of living a good life without believing in God?
When you question your faith, as all good theists will do at least once in their lives, I hope you reach a satisfactory conclusion.
I do not doubt that you live a good life. That’s why I asked that question. Why would anyone want to go to hell as apposed to heaven, if either place exists. I believe that there is a heaven and hell. To be exact, there are three heavens. But anyway, back to what I am talking about here, you said that no one has ever been to heaven or hell and came back to confirm or deny the fact of either. But you are wrong about that, but I could tell you that all day, you would just reject the source. Jesus, when he died on the cross, came back three days later to prove heaven does exist. But I am sure that you will not take that as proof. The logic of you all saying that there is know God because you can not see him or touch him is absurd. I guess with that thinking you could say that Hitler did not exist, or Lincoln, or anyone who has lived, because the only proof that we have is something that someone wrote about them. Maybe that proof is ok with you all, because the fact of their living dose not require you to be accountable for your actions. Being that God holds us accountable, people make up the fact that he does not exist, and because that is easer to do then to have faith, that’s what people do. When the day comes, and we do stand before God, I hope that you all have a better answer then “I could not see you“, when he asks “why did you reject me“. Because that is when he will say “that because you did not know me on earth, I do not know you now“. And that’s the sad fact, I do not want anyone going to hell, but I am sure that God will say those words to someone, I just hope it will not be you, or anyone else here. God bless us all.
You must be the most liberal of liberals.
When did he attack you? He posted a message to me, but you saw to it that you would attack him on the post. So all I see is where he is right. You guys are the ones on the attack. Why is that? Is it that you are scared that we may be right? Maybe you will have to account for you actions. I know that you do not have to believe in God to be a good person, But we are all sinners, and you do have to believe in God to be washed of those sins. I am sorry, I have to speak the truth about what I see.

yea, SCARED that you might be right! THATS the ticket...





You are both LOLz.
I am so glad you admitted you are afraid. That is the first step to recovery. Admitting your fear will help you realize that what you fear is changeable. Just do the opposite of what you are doing now, and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. Then you should have nothing to fear anymore, because with him there is no fear, without him is the most of fear. :eusa_angel:
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I am so glad you admitted you are afraid.

RetiredGySgt failed to mention that the other thing that the mentally deficient around here do, is non-sequitur into false accusations when they cannot address the point.

That is the first step to recovery.

Recover from....laughing?

Admitting your fear will help you realize that what you fear is changeable.

What admission? What fear?

Just do the opposite of what you are doing now, and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.

I roundly reject your blood-thirsty and sadistic religion of human sacrifice. I am an enemy to your tyrannical god of torture and human suffering.

AND I SWEAR, if you offer me salvation through the blood of of the Lord, Jesus Christ(TM), I'll say "NO THANK YOU" to this offer to expunge my sins in the blood of an innocent, nor shall I place upon him the burdens of sins he has not committed. In other words, I refuse to make a sacrificial animal of any human being -- including Jesus.

Then you should have nothing to fear anymore, because with him there is no fear, without him is the most of fear. :eusa_angel:

I have nothing to fear as it is.
RetiredGySgt failed to mention that the other thing that the mentally deficient around here do, is non-sequitur into false accusations when they cannot address the point.

Recover from....laughing?

What admission? What fear?

I roundly reject your blood-thirsty and sadistic religion of human sacrifice. I am an enemy to your tyrannical god of torture and human suffering.

AND I SWEAR, if you offer me salvation through the blood of of the Lord, Jesus Christ(TM), I'll say "NO THANK YOU" to this offer to expunge my sins in the blood of an innocent, nor shall I place upon him the burdens of sins he has not committed. In other words, I refuse to make a sacrificial animal of any human being -- including Jesus.

I have nothing to fear as it is.
See I told you that once you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior that you would not have anything to fear. I am so glad you are doing so well on your knew life as a devoted Christen. God Bless
See I told you that once you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior that you would not have anything to fear. I am so glad you are doing so well on your knew life as a devoted Christen. God Bless
Yet I still reject YOUR Jesus, the anti-Christ, who is the tyrannical god of torture and human suffering.
Yet I still reject YOUR Jesus, the anti-Christ, who is the tyrannical god of torture and human suffering.
OK, I will quit playing with words with you now. I will just say that who ever you are out there, I will pray for you. There is no need for your reply, unless it is something good, Because I already know what you are going to say based on your past reply.