Do you believe or not believe in God?

Which best describes you:

  • Agnostic

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Theist

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 27.8%

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There is proof of God. The proof is that God told the people of the old testament that the son of God would be born to a virgin mother, and that he would be sent to die for the sins of the people, so that they would be able to go to heaven. Then a man was born to a virgin mother, and his name was Jesus. Jesus walked the earth and proved time and again that he was the son of God. But you wont believe that because you say that you cant see, hear, or touch him. You say that God is only a myth for that reason. You say that if we had proof we would not be having this conversation. Well if that were the case, why don’t we question the fact that George Washington existed? The only proof of him was what people wrote. Your answers for putting our God down are not good enough. He has proved to us he is the Lord, and he proved it to you also, But satin has closed your eyes to see it, and made you deaf to hear it. May God open your eyes and ears soon so that you will know the truth.

The Bible is inerrant because it says it is inerrant? :eusa_hand:

Why do certain people have difficulty separating faith from fact?

By the by, the old testament does not say the messiah will be born to a virgin. In Hebrew it says the messiah will be born to a woman of purity. Not the same thing. The old testament also says when the messiah comes, the temple has to be rebuilt and after he will be a messianic king bringing a thousand years of peace.

Not quite what's happened.

I have no problem with what you believe. But it certainly isn't "proven".

Just saying.... .
The Bible is inerrant because it says it is inerrant? :eusa_hand:

Why do certain people have difficulty separating faith from fact?

By the by, the old testament does not say the messiah will be born to a virgin. In Hebrew it says the messiah will be born to a woman of purity. Not the same thing. The old testament also says when the messiah comes, the temple has to be rebuilt and after he will be a messianic king bringing a thousand years of peace.

Not quite what's happened.

I have no problem with what you believe. But it certainly isn't "proven".

Just saying.... .
What you are speaking of is when Jesus comes back after the seven year tribulation time. Then he will set up his thrown and rule for 1000 years. This is the time we as christens are waiting for. And to you all who spoke of my spelling mistake, I wrote those replies around 4:00am and was half asleep. I am sorry I made a mistake, however you all know who I was speaking of, and my mistake dose not take away from the message

What you are speaking of is when Jesus comes back after the seven year tribulation time. Then he will set up his thrown and rule for 1000 years. This is the time we as christens are waiting for.

Only 1000 years?


Why not forever?
What you are speaking of is when Jesus comes back after the seven year tribulation time. Then he will set up his thrown and rule for 1000 years. This is the time we as christens are waiting for.

"Only 1000 years?


Why not forever?"

And will it be a constitutional monarchy or absolute rule? These are questions that need to be asked.
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I am sorry but this Jimmy character is either a child, an immigrant, an illiterate idiot, or a troll.His grasp of the English language is pretty basic and he seems to be deliberately pushing buttons.
I would like you all to know that Jesus dose love each and every one of us!! Those of us that question him and those of us that are sure of him, he loves us all. That fact is more important then my spelling mistake, more important then my education or my age (34 today 06-15!!) and more important then how I can tell you that he loves you. That fact that he loves you is the most important fact that I can say, one that you all should know and be thankful of. Because it is his love that makes it possible for us all to one day be with him in heaven. Praise Gods holy name forever!!
I could not have said it any better myself. I would like for you to know however Mr. shogun and Mr. Loki, God dose still love you no matter what you do. He will always be there for you when even your closest friends and family members wont be.

It's rather clear to me that YOUR "loving" God will be there to throw me in the firey pit for not believing in Him when my closest friends and family members won't be--but it's not because YOUR God loves me...

All you have to do is ask for his help and open your heart and you will feel his love for you. Your problems in life wont haunt you anymore because you have the Lord that will help you thru any thing that may come up in your life. He will always be there for you, And just when you need him most will you find that out.

And if you don't "feel His 'love' for you"; the firey pit--because He loves you. Yes, we all understand.

Till then while you try to live this life without him and wonder why you are having so many troubles, Just remember that he is always there waiting for you.

Yes, we all understand the God of human misery created the suffering that He leverages to obtain your soul, so there's no wonder why there are "troubles" or why He's there waiting.

Anything built with the foundation of God will last forever, with out God however it is domed to fail.

This is true, but no for your God. Satan will fail.

Here’s the truth for you. Hell was not created for us here on earth, it was created for stain himself.

Your "truth" does not change the salient fact that YOUR God intends to inflict eterna agony upon those who do not believe in Him into hell.

However because satin knows what will become of him, he tries to prevent others from coming to Christ by doing evil, and making you believe it came from God. And because you have not read the bible to know the truth of what is really going on, you believe the lie stain put before you.

First, I HAVE read the Bible, and secondly you should keep in mind that YOU are the one believing, and propagating the lie that a loving God would torture a non-believer.

We Christians are here to tell you what’s happing and hope that you will not take our word for it, but read the bible and pray to know the truth.

You're certainly not Christian, and you should read the Bible yourself--until you understand the truth.

That is what God told us to do, we are to testify where ever and whenever we can. That is our job.

Yes, it is patently clear that YOUR God Satan has chrged with the task of false testament, to alienate good people from the loving God by making them fear Him.

Being the satin dose control some of your minds so well, You will not read the bible nor pray for the truth, therefore you are destined to the same future that satin is.

Again, I have read the Bible. I suggest you do so, this time without the fear and loathing of others that Satan has put in your heart. Satan is controlling YOUR mind.

That is why God has given to you so many opportunity’s to know the truth, and made a way for your sins to be forgiven.

Yes, but Satan will not forgive you for not believing in him--if you fail to obey him, he will torture you forever in the firey pit--your deeds do not matter to Satan, ONLY belief in himn, and obediance to his will.

Because he know what satin is doing, But HE LOVES YOU and wants you to have the chance to go to heaven.

Your God certainly knows what Satan is doing, he IS Satan.

However he wants it to be your choice, God wants you to come to him because you want to, not because he makes you.

That is certainly a difference between a loving God and YOUR God.

God is all powerful and can do anything he wants, he created you so he could make you believe, But he gives you that choice, and will reward you for the right choice should you make it.

The loving God is all powerful, but YOUR God is not. Because the loving God is all powerful, He does not require you to believe in Him as YOUR God does. Because the loving God is all powerful, could throw you into hell for not believing in Him, but he won't, because HE LOVES YOU.

YOUR God will throw you in hell wether you believe in him or not, no matter how many you manage to alienate from the true God of love and forgiveness, because YOUR GOD HATES YOU.

I have a question for you, You keep speaking of this god of love and peace, But you say that my God is bloodthirsty, and a God of human suffering and misery. What is it that your god of love and peace would do with child molesters?

I don't know--that is between God and the child molesters. It is also beside the point that you clear do not wish to discuss what YOUR God of human suffering would do to them, which is throw them in the firey pit of hell because he hates every one of us, but particularly those of us that do not love him; those of us who do not believe in him.

Is you god of love and peace all-powerful?

I suppose so.

If so then would he allow those who commit murders and other awful crimes on his people into his kingdom? what ever or where ever that is.

If He has forgiven them, I would suppose so.

You see, my God is of love and peace, but he gives you choices and if you are evil and turn your back on him, you have in fact placed yourself in that pit of fire, he did not send you there.

That is the sadistic lie your God of Human suffering and eternal torture tells; "I, who is so much stronger than you, who you are so powerless against; am not putting you there--you're doing this to yourself."

So if your so called god of love and peace exists, tell me about him. I would love to know what other god people have made up to compare with the one and only true God, the God of Gods and King of Kings, My God Jesus Christ.

YOUR God is Satan.

God did not make that firey pit, satin did.

<a href="">WRONG, Mr.Because-you-haven't-read-the-Bible-you-don't-know-the-truth.</a> The firey pit was created for YOUR God, Satan--not by him.

I would like you all to know that Jesus dose love each and every one of us!! Those of us that question him and those of us that are sure of him, he loves us all.

This is not true of YOUR Jesus, who you have already said intends to thow unbeleivers in the firey pit. YOUR Jesus hates every one of us.

My Jesus will probably forgive you though, for telling everyone that doesn't belive in Him that He will inflict endless suffing upon them.

That fact is more important then my spelling mistake, more important then my education or my age (34 today 06-15!!) and more important then how I can tell you that he loves you. That fact that he loves you is the most important fact that I can say, one that you all should know and be thankful of. Because it is his love that makes it possible for us all to one day be with him in heaven. Praise Gods holy name forever!!

I reject your vain, sadistict God of human misery...I will not praise him, but you can. Knock yourself out--it's your bithday.
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I don't believe in God, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, I can't believe in someone I haven't seen. Lets face it - there isn't actually any proof God exists. All we have is a belief, a faith that He exists, and for me, faith alone simply isn't enough.

Secondly, I haven't exactly met many Christians who actually show respect for others - especially those people who are 'different', ie: homosexuals.
All the Christians I have met waste no time in telling me I am going to Hell because I don't believe in God, and because I am gay. Apparently, God hates me and will punish me by sending me to Hell after my death.

I can't believe in a God who holds such hatred and judgement toward someone like myself.
Anyone is free to judge me - after they have met me. Don't presume to know all about me when you don't even know my name. Don't presume to hate me when you refuse to learn the first thing about me.

I could possibly believe in a God if God were more loving and accepting toward people like myself, but until such time, I just can't believe. I'm sorry.
I would like you all to know that Jesus dose love each and every one of us!! Those of us that question him and those of us that are sure of him, he loves us all. That fact is more important then my spelling mistake, more important then my education or my age (34 today 06-15!!) and more important then how I can tell you that he loves you. That fact that he loves you is the most important fact that I can say, one that you all should know and be thankful of. Because it is his love that makes it possible for us all to one day be with him in heaven. Praise Gods holy name forever!!

Happy Birthday, Jimmy.

May age bring you wisdom.
did Macaroni tell you to that spelling satan correctly is listed on the third golden disk or something?

<table id="entries" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="index"> 2. </td> <td class="word"> Satin </td> <td> <table class="thumbs" id="thumbs_table_539157" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td> </td> <td id="thumbs_string_539157"> 25 up, 22 down </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td class="text" colspan="2"> 1) An utterly horrible misspelling of the word "Satan". Anyone who uses the word "satin" in any other context besides, "Oh, what lovely satin sheets you have!" should not be allowed the privilege of breathing and shout be shot, or beaten to death with a pentacle. they seem to like those a lot. (The worst part is that I've seen satan spelled with an I more than I've seen it the correct way.
(urban dictionary, lol)
I don't believe in God, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, I can't believe in someone I haven't seen. Lets face it - there isn't actually any proof God exists. All we have is a belief, a faith that He exists, and for me, faith alone simply isn't enough.

Secondly, I haven't exactly met many Christians who actually show respect for others - especially those people who are 'different', ie: homosexuals.
All the Christians I have met waste no time in telling me I am going to Hell because I don't believe in God, and because I am gay. Apparently, God hates me and will punish me by sending me to Hell after my death.

I can't believe in a God who holds such hatred and judgement toward someone like myself.
Anyone is free to judge me - after they have met me. Don't presume to know all about me when you don't even know my name. Don't presume to hate me when you refuse to learn the first thing about me.

I could possibly believe in a God if God were more loving and accepting toward people like myself, but until such time, I just can't believe. I'm sorry.
I am a christen, and I do respect you. Your way of living life is not by your choose, I don&#8217;t believe. Therefore I don&#8217;t think you will go to hell for living the way God created you. I know that I differ with many christens in that belief, but I cant see God sending you to hell for something you cannot help. Now saying that I am not implying that your lifestyle is something that should be shameful or something that is wrong with you that you cannot help. I believe God created us all in his image and all he creates is good. If there are people that are gay, he must have created them and I don&#8217;t see him throwing them in hell because they are living the lifestyle that they were born with. I am not gay, but I do respect you for being true to yourself and others. I am sure that it has not been an easy road. What I would like for you to know is that God dose love you, The christens that have told you that you are going to hell are wrong for doing so because God has told us not to judge anyone, He is the judge. God also told us to love everyone even our enemy&#8217;s, So those who have said they hate you just because you may be gay are also wrong for that as well. I am so sorry for the christens that treated you that way. I would hope that they would take time to read there bible and see that there job is to love and teach of Gods love, Not preach hate and not to judge anyone. I am sure that they might have lost out on a good friend.
I don't believe in God, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, I can't believe in someone I haven't seen. Lets face it - there isn't actually any proof God exists. All we have is a belief, a faith that He exists, and for me, faith alone simply isn't enough.

Secondly, I haven't exactly met many Christians who actually show respect for others - especially those people who are 'different', ie: homosexuals.
All the Christians I have met waste no time in telling me I am going to Hell because I don't believe in God, and because I am gay. Apparently, God hates me and will punish me by sending me to Hell after my death.

I can't believe in a God who holds such hatred and judgement toward someone like myself.
Anyone is free to judge me - after they have met me. Don't presume to know all about me when you don't even know my name. Don't presume to hate me when you refuse to learn the first thing about me.

I could possibly believe in a God if God were more loving and accepting toward people like myself, but until such time, I just can't believe. I'm sorry.

You have never met me either so I guess I do not exist? Or the other billions that you have never met? They are all figments of our imagination? As for Hatred, God hates no one. Whom ever taught you that is a liar. Some people that CHOSE evil over good will be condemned to permanent death but that will be their choice.

Satan rules Earth. There is no Hell. When you die you do not go to heaven or Hell. Until the final Judgement day you are simply dead.
It's rather clear to me that YOUR "loving" God will be there to throw me in the firey pit for not believing in Him when my closest friends and family members won't be--but it's not because YOUR God loves me...

And if you don't "feel His 'love' for you"; the firey pit--because He loves you. Yes, we all understand.

Yes, we all understand the God of human misery created the suffering that He leverages to obtain your soul, so there's no wonder why there are "troubles" or why He's there waiting.

This is true, but no for your God. Satan will fail.

Your "truth" does not change the salient fact that YOUR God intends to inflict eterna agony upon those who do not believe in Him into hell.

First, I HAVE read the Bible, and secondly you should keep in mind that YOU are the one believing, and propagating the lie that a loving God would torture a non-believer.

You're certainly not Christian, and you should read the Bible yourself--until you understand the truth.

Yes, it is patently clear that YOUR God Satan has chrged with the task of false testament, to alienate good people from the loving God by making them fear Him.

Again, I have read the Bible. I suggest you do so, this time without the fear and loathing of others that Satan has put in your heart. Satan is controlling YOUR mind.

Yes, but Satan will not forgive you for not believing in him--if you fail to obey him, he will torture you forever in the firey pit--your deeds do not matter to Satan, ONLY belief in himn, and obediance to his will.

Your God certainly knows what Satan is doing, he IS Satan.

That is certainly a difference between a loving God and YOUR God.

The loving God is all powerful, but YOUR God is not. Because the loving God is all powerful, He does not require you to believe in Him as YOUR God does. Because the loving God is all powerful, could throw you into hell for not believing in Him, but he won't, because HE LOVES YOU.

YOUR God will throw you in hell wether you believe in him or not, no matter how many you manage to alienate from the true God of love and forgiveness, because YOUR GOD HATES YOU.

I don't know--that is between God and the child molesters. It is also beside the point that you clear do not wish to discuss what YOUR God of human suffering would do to them, which is throw them in the firey pit of hell because he hates every one of us, but particularly those of us that do not love him; those of us who do not believe in him.

I suppose so.

If He has forgiven them, I would suppose so.

That is the sadistic lie your God of Human suffering and eternal torture tells; "I, who is so much stronger than you, who you are so powerless against; am not putting you there--you're doing this to yourself."

YOUR God is Satan.

<a href="">WRONG, Mr.Because-you-haven't-read-the-Bible-you-don't-know-the-truth.</a> The firey pit was created for YOUR God, Satan--not by him.

This is not true of YOUR Jesus, who you have already said intends to thow unbeleivers in the firey pit. YOUR Jesus hates every one of us.

My Jesus will probably forgive you though, for telling everyone that doesn't belive in Him that He will inflict endless suffing upon them.

I reject your vain, sadistict God of human misery...I will not praise him, but you can. Knock yourself out--it's your bithday.
Just one last thing to you, because you seem to want to say that I worship SATAN.. I believe that there is satan, however I do not worship him. You said that my God would throw you into a pit of fire because you do not believe in him. Well if you say that you have read the bible, that your God is the same that my bible teaches about, I ask that you read John 3:16, It states "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not parish, but have everlasting life."
It states here that you must believe in Jesus to have everlasting life. If you do not, then you are to parish. I am not judging here, just stating what it says. So why would you say that because I believe in God, and read the bible, and believe what the bible says, that I worship satan? You are clearly wrong for saying that, and should recant your lie about me. .

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