Do you believe or not believe in God?

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  • Agnostic

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  • Atheist

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  • Theist

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  • Other

    Votes: 10 27.8%

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Except I'm not threatening anyone with eternal fire.

Your vain, sadistic, bloodthirsty God is though.

You think believers believe because they're afraid.

They are. They believe that the God of human suffering is supreme because they fear Him and his depraved wrath.

I think non-believers don't believe because the devil interferes with their brains.

There's no Devil involved--the God of love and peace does not need people to believe in Him, or make sacrifices to Him, or worship Him, or glorify Him, or pray to Him; He is not validated by us in any way--what he'd like is that you behave decently during your life, and maybe that His name not be smeared by Satan's terrorizing propaganda campaign.

BTW, my faith is not motivated by fear of hell.

Of course not--faith is Satan's tool for shutting your mind--it takes some effort to understand God; claiming to "know" is much easier.

I actually believed in Jesus as my savior long before I completely understood the fate of the unsaved.

If you think you need to be "saved" to avoid being put in the fire pit by the one who already loves you, then you've already bought into Satan's lie.

I believe because I believe in God and love him.

God loves you too. :) But you believe in Satan too--the question is, which one are you appeasing? Whose side are you really on?

Not because I fear hell.

You fear hell, or you wouldn't hope to be saved from it by the God of torture and Human suffering, that you clearly hold supreme.

Satan fears hell but he won't be in heaven.

And he'll happily roast you forever in that place you both fear.
In some cases, it is better to be feared than to be loved.

Here's a good example that this guy gave me: If we are in a boat and you give 2 people a life jacket. You tell the first person nicely, here take this life jacket just in case. That person will most likely ignore you; they might hold on to it but then get annoyed by it and throw it down. However, if you tell the second person, if you do not put this life jacket on you are going to die if we crash! This person is going to take you more seriously and hold on dear to that life jacket.

So maybe believers have been too nice, only revealing God's love and not revealing any of His wrath. To each his own.

If you tell a third that, "If you don't take this life-jacket, I will throw you into firey pit, that I made for the purpose of making others suffer, so you can suffer forevever", that person is going to (rightly) take that as threat.

And such is the nature of your God's sadistic and depraved wrath.
If you tell a third that, "If you don't take this life-jacket, I will throw you into firey pit, that I made for the purpose of making others suffer, so you can suffer forevever", that person is going to (rightly) take that as threat.

And such is the nature of your God's sadistic and depraved wrath.

Loki, PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION!! What are you talking about?? lol I mean seriously. It appears you believe in hell, yet you think God is making everyone suffer and hurt on earth followed by sending them to hell???? I really don't understand why you think God is the cause of people suffering. We all have a choice, and each choice comes with a consequence. I would actually say, people are suffering because they don't have God, people are in pain and lost and mad and frustrated and hurt and angry because they DO NOT HAVE GOD (all of these things are NOT OF GOD)

Satan is not your friend. He will make things look good, look godly, he might even perform a few tricks, however, you must keep in mind Satan is working to your demise. So maybe you should be mad at Satan, the Devil for trying to distract you and camouflage evil , the Devil with good, with God.
That's ONE example of the Bible holding truth: Historical records. There are more examples.

Furthermore, if you believe the history books, the archaeologists and the museums then the Bible should be added to your list of things you believe in. You might not have faith, but then again, you know we breathe air but can you see the air?

Wikia, no one is doubting that some of the stuff in the bible is true. That isn't proof that God exists.
I would actually say, people are suffering because they don't have God, people are in pain and lost and mad and frustrated and hurt and angry because they DO NOT HAVE GOD (all of these things are NOT OF GOD)


So god like some kind of pain killing drug. Be careful that stuff is highly addictve and can cause you to have impaired judgement.

Go back and read the it until you understand it, and can follow it--pretty, pretty, pretty, please.

lol I mean seriously. It appears you believe in hell,...

This is beside the point that Jimmy28031 clearly believes in hell, and you apparently do too.

...yet you think God is making everyone suffer and hurt on earth followed by sending them to hell????

I never made this assertion. I pointed out the obvious fact that the God who throws people, that do not beleive in Him, into a firey pit to endure unimaginable agony forever, is a vain, sadisitc, bloodthirsty, God. That this God is the God of human suffering and misery.

I really don't understand why you think God is the cause of people suffering.

Not God...YOUR God--the one you insists would throw you into hell for not beleiving in Him.

We all have a choice, and each choice comes with a consequence.

Free-will is a lie in a reality where a perfectly omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient God, who creeated that reality, exists. Yet that is also beside the point--YOUR God also has choices...if YOUR God chose to create hell for the purpose of the suffering of others, and chooses to torture people that do not stroke his divine vanity etrnally, the "consequence" is that I am his enemy, and so is any decent loving God who loves me and you.

I would actually say, people are suffering because they don't have God,...

Having no God is better than trying to appease YOUR God. They are far betteroff without any God than to try to find mercy form YOUR God. No divine love, is better than the cruel injustice, and dehumanizing sadism that YOUR God demands.

...people are in pain and lost and mad and frustrated and hurt and angry because they DO NOT HAVE GOD (all of these things are NOT OF GOD)

YOUR God of human suffering and misery is entirely responsible for these things.

Satan is not your friend.

I understand this--he is my enemy.

He will make things look good, look godly,...

LOL! Is that so? Does he make throwing you into the firey pit for not glorifying, and believing in him to be something you deserve? A sin, perhaps? A "consequence" of your free-will?

Would a loving God do this?

...he might even perform a few tricks, however, you must keep in mind Satan is working to your demise.

Is some of that work inspiring people to engage in holy wars, and kill each other in the name of God? Is some of that work inspiring the faithful to stone the faithless to death at the city gates?

Pretty tricky.

So maybe you should be mad at Satan, the Devil for trying to distract you and camouflage evil , the Devil with good, with God.

I am mad at Satan...YOUR God is Satan.
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If someone tells you, God loves you, you say No he doesn't, he's not real! If someone tells you, you are living a lifestyle of destruction which will lead you to hell (or death), then you say oh now you are threatening me! If someone says, science goes with the notion that their is a creator, you say show me the source!

I can provide you with all of the proof in the world and you still would be reluctant to listen. But I have good news for you Mr. Shogun, most believers were once like you too. They rejected anything that had to do with God. They didn't understand why all of this bad stuff was going on and why God didn't stop it, they didn't understand why people who "believed" were just as shady as nonbelievers. However, when they had NO ONE ELSE TO RELY ON. No Family, no friends, no internet with message board friends, no food to eat, no job, no car, bad health and science couldn't help them? They decided to look into this God thing, really search, and when they found God, their life changed. They saw things differently.

They understood some of those questions they once had. They still had questions and struggles, but now they knew how to deal with them. They knew when the storm came they would have shelter. They knew that belief in God came with a lot of trials that would prove their faith genuine (i.e. people pushing your buttons trying to get you to act out). However, how they responded to such situations resulted in glorifying God. Instead of cursing somebody out that you know deserves it, you don't, you listen to God and be kind to your enemies. Instead of cheating on that test or at your job, you don't, you work hard and trust God will maneuver in your life. Instead of doing drugs or getting drunk to feel good like all of your friends do on Friday after work, you go home with your family or go out to eat or to the movies with other friends.

Your decisions now, reflect your belief and trust in God, you now know that He is going to direct you down the right path IF you listen.

In short Shogun. We can not force you or anybody else on here to believe a word we say/type. But when it's your time to know, you will know. :D
I could not have said it any better myself. I would like for you to know however Mr. shogun and Mr. Loki, God dose still love you no matter what you do. He will always be there for you when even your closest friends and family members wont be. All you have to do is ask for his help and open your heart and you will feel his love for you. Your problems in life wont haunt you anymore because you have the Lord that will help you thru any thing that may come up in your life. He will always be there for you, And just when you need him most will you find that out. Till then while you try to live this life without him and wonder why you are having so many troubles, Just remember that he is always there waiting for you. Anything built with the foundation of God will last forever, with out God however it is domed to fail.
I could not have said it any better myself. I would like for you to know however Mr. shogun and Mr. Loki, God dose still love you no matter what you do. He will always be there for you when even your closest friends and family members wont be. All you have to do is ask for his help and open your heart and you will feel his love for you. Your problems in life wont haunt you anymore because you have the Lord that will help you thru any thing that may come up in your life. He will always be there for you, And just when you need him most will you find that out. Till then while you try to live this life without him and wonder why you are having so many troubles, Just remember that he is always there waiting for you. Anything built with the foundation of God will last forever, with out God however it is domed to fail.

That is blind faith, nothing more nor less.
Now here is what I think.There is no God or Gods, never has been.The God you believe in so fervently will never help you, will never be there for you because it doesn't exist.When you die you are dead and gone, all that will remain of you is whatever legacy you have left behind, so get cracking in that department.
um, yea.. eternal fire seems pretty clear to be a threat to me. Wrap it up in whatever you need to; you believe because you fear. nothing more, nothing less.
Here’s the truth for you. Hell was not created for us here on earth, it was created for stain himself. However because satin knows what will become of him, he tries to prevent others from coming to Christ by doing evil, and making you believe it came from God. And because you have not read the bible to know the truth of what is really going on, you believe the lie stain put before you. We Christians are here to tell you what’s happing and hope that you will not take our word for it, but read the bible and pray to know the truth. That is what God told us to do, we are to testify where ever and whenever we can. That is our job. Being the satin dose control some of your minds so well, You will not read the bible nor pray for the truth, therefore you are destined to the same future that satin is. That is why God has given to you so many opportunity’s to know the truth, and made a way for your sins to be forgiven. Because he know what satin is doing, But HE LOVES YOU and wants you to have the chance to go to heaven. However he wants it to be your choice, God wants you to come to him because you want to, not because he makes you. God is all powerful and can do anything he wants, he created you so he could make you believe, But he gives you that choice, and will reward you for the right choice should you make it.
Not the existence of ancient tribes. The existence of God. If such proof existed, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
There is proof of God. The proof is that God told the people of the old testament that the son of God would be born to a virgin mother, and that he would be sent to die for the sins of the people, so that they would be able to go to heaven. Then a man was born to a virgin mother, and his name was Jesus. Jesus walked the earth and proved time and again that he was the son of God. But you wont believe that because you say that you cant see, hear, or touch him. You say that God is only a myth for that reason. You say that if we had proof we would not be having this conversation. Well if that were the case, why don’t we question the fact that George Washington existed? The only proof of him was what people wrote. Your answers for putting our God down are not good enough. He has proved to us he is the Lord, and he proved it to you also, But satin has closed your eyes to see it, and made you deaf to hear it. May God open your eyes and ears soon so that you will know the truth.
Your vain, sadistic, bloodthirsty God is though.

They are. They believe that the God of human suffering is supreme because they fear Him and his depraved wrath.

There's no Devil involved--the God of love and peace does not need people to believe in Him, or make sacrifices to Him, or worship Him, or glorify Him, or pray to Him; He is not validated by us in any way--what he'd like is that you behave decently during your life, and maybe that His name not be smeared by Satan's terrorizing propaganda campaign.

Of course not--faith is Satan's tool for shutting your mind--it takes some effort to understand God; claiming to "know" is much easier.

If you think you need to be "saved" to avoid being put in the fire pit by the one who already loves you, then you've already bought into Satan's lie.

God loves you too. :) But you believe in Satan too--the question is, which one are you appeasing? Whose side are you really on?

You fear hell, or you wouldn't hope to be saved from it by the God of torture and Human suffering, that you clearly hold supreme.

And he'll happily roast you forever in that place you both fear.
I have a question for you, You keep speaking of this god of love and peace, But you say that my God is bloodthirsty, and a God of human suffering and misery. What is it that your god of love and peace would do with child molesters? Is you god of love and peace all-powerful? If so then would he allow those who commit murders and other awful crimes on his people into his kingdom? what ever or where ever that is. You see, my God is of love and peace, but he gives you choices and if you are evil and turn your back on him, you have in fact placed yourself in that pit of fire, he did not send you there. So if your so called god of love and peace exists, tell me about him. I would love to know what other god people have made up to compare with the one and only true God, the God of Gods and King of Kings, My God Jesus Christ.
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If you tell a third that, "If you don't take this life-jacket, I will throw you into firey pit, that I made for the purpose of making others suffer, so you can suffer forevever", that person is going to (rightly) take that as threat.

And such is the nature of your God's sadistic and depraved wrath.
God did not make that firey pit, satin did.
There is proof of God. The proof is that God told the people of the old testament that the son of God would be born to a virgin mother, and that he would be sent to die for the sins of the people, so that they would be able to go to heaven. Then a man was born to a virgin mother, and his name was Jesus. Jesus walked the earth and proved time and again that he was the son of God. But you wont believe that because you say that you cant see, hear, or touch him. You say that God is only a myth for that reason. You say that if we had proof we would not be having this conversation. Well if that were the case, why don’t we question the fact that George Washington existed? The only proof of him was what people wrote. Your answers for putting our God down are not good enough. He has proved to us he is the Lord, and he proved it to you also, But satin has closed your eyes to see it, and made you deaf to hear it. May God open your eyes and ears soon so that you will know the truth.

God protect me from sanctimonious twits. Show me where I put "your" God down, if you can, and where "satin" is closing my eyes.
Here’s the truth for you. Hell was not created for us here on earth, it was created for stain himself. However because satin knows what will become of him, he tries to prevent others from coming to Christ by doing evil, and making you believe it came from God. And because you have not read the bible to know the truth of what is really going on, you believe the lie stain put before you. We Christians are here to tell you what’s happing and hope that you will not take our word for it, but read the bible and pray to know the truth. That is what God told us to do, we are to testify where ever and whenever we can. That is our job. Being the satin dose control some of your minds so well, You will not read the bible nor pray for the truth, therefore you are destined to the same future that satin is. That is why God has given to you so many opportunity’s to know the truth, and made a way for your sins to be forgiven. Because he know what satin is doing, But HE LOVES YOU and wants you to have the chance to go to heaven. However he wants it to be your choice, God wants you to come to him because you want to, not because he makes you. God is all powerful and can do anything he wants, he created you so he could make you believe, But he gives you that choice, and will reward you for the right choice should you make it.

dude.. SATIN? Is he like some silky smooth fabric or something? Does that come in an EVIL shade of mauve? It's not even MY mythology and I could do a better job than that, dude. do me a favor and take your goofy fucking tripe back to square one where it crashed on launch, ok?
There is proof of God. The proof is that God told the people of the old testament that the son of God would be born to a virgin mother, and that he would be sent to die for the sins of the people, so that they would be able to go to heaven. Then a man was born to a virgin mother, and his name was Jesus. Jesus walked the earth and proved time and again that he was the son of God. But you wont believe that because you say that you cant see, hear, or touch him. You say that God is only a myth for that reason. You say that if we had proof we would not be having this conversation. Well if that were the case, why don’t we question the fact that George Washington existed? The only proof of him was what people wrote. Your answers for putting our God down are not good enough. He has proved to us he is the Lord, and he proved it to you also, But satin has closed your eyes to see it, and made you deaf to hear it. May God open your eyes and ears soon so that you will know the truth.


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