Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

It's pretty easy to see that they don't.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

The innerweb irony meter just exploded to infinity. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
where is freedom FROM religion guaranteed?

accountability of leaders?

odd comment from a Democrat.

Do I love my country?

I spent 20+ years in the military.

I refuse to vote for candidates like Trump, Biden, or Hillary.

That should be sufficient proof I like my country.

What's YOUR proof?
Separation of church and state is fundamental. You know that.

I love this country. I have tons of threads and posts on here talking about how great this country is. Do you?

Thank you for your service.
I appreciate your response. Honestly crime is at an all time low so if you hate it now when did you like it? In the 90’s when crime was 100% higher? The 80’s at 70% higher? When there was 50% more crime in the 70’s?

When did you love it?

By the way cancel culture, which is practiced extensively on the right (Disney etc) is actually free speech. Love free speech or dont that is your choice but America is based on it.

Cancel culture and wokeness is not a part of free speech. Screaming and shouting down conservative speakers at college campuses is suppressing free speech. Major companies at Hollywood having minority hiring quotes is not a part of freedom. Why not just have a meritocracy.?

The left-wing is hypocritical today. They talk a lot about the problems of American history, but not the history of every other country in the world which experienced the same things that we did ie slavery discrimination you name it. The USA seems like one of the more liberal countries of world history.

It is honest and accurate to say that there are crime surges in big cities in the USA.

Furthermore, for some years now we have had the issues of mass school shootings. That is a relatively recent phenomenon in American history that did not exist and say the 1950s even the 1980s. It really all started with columbine.

Here’s another point that you did not address yet. The price of homes under Joe Biden have doubled, the price of loans have tripled under Biden.

The average American cannot afford a home in this country.

I would like a return to how the middle-class prospered in the post World War II economic boom. I’d love to see America today be like America in the 1950s without segregation. But even back in those days, segregation was not included throughout the entire country only in parts of it.

Even a return to say how things were in the 1980s or early 1990s at least then we did not have mass school shootings. By that time we did have the crack cocaine epidemic, but there were still no cancel culture or wokeness. Black or white didn’t matter what one skin color was even in the 1950s the middle-class was stronger and inclusive of black-and-white people.

But again, even when we talk about segregation and slavery we had to look at it from a worldwide perspective from a global perspective and we can then realize that America was a very liberal and honorable country in the 1800s and in the 1900s.
Nativism is nothing new. Nativists were as opposed to the Irish, German, Polish, Italian and other European immigrants 150 years ago as they are to Mexicans and Central Americans today.

The editorial cartoons from that period reflect the very same hatred. Crime by immigrants, immigrants stealing elections, immigrants stealing jobs, and so forth.

I did you not. Their complaints were identical!

"America First" is also nothing new. Charles Lindbergh led the America First movement all the way up to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The America First dumbasses felt Hitler should be allowed to invade other European nations at will. They opposed Lend Lease for Britain. Those old timey Republicans were no different than today's ignorant isolationist Republicans.

Did the nativists of old hate America? Yes, they hated what they saw America becoming and they didn't like it.

And yet we became the greatest nation on Earth. We are a nation of mutts who kicked Aryan ass. Wide variation in the gene pool is GOOD.

That America Trump wants to make great again? That's the America the old nativists hated us becoming!
What makes America Great in your opinion?
volunteer military, and those that volunteer.
the Constitution, except when it's abused by those that misread it.
voting rights, when it's not abused.
We aren't the one's blocking roadways and bridges and burning buildings and the American flag as we wave the Hamas flag and go around beating people up because they are not like them....
You have it backwards pal....
I’m pretty sure that, unless you convince me it was ANTIFA, Jan 6 was a right wing operation to piss on this countries democratic process and I am pretty sure the summer of protests in 2020 was brought on by visceral examples of the police abusing its citizens rights - a tenet of democracy is law and order and choking citizens, criminal or not, is reviled.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

Right wingers don't like what Democrat progressive communists have turned America into. We want to make America great again. So, all those bullet points are not great:
Diversity: No, we are all Americans in one America.
People: We love people that can follow the law starting with entrance into America then following the laws on the books
Great cities: You mean the ones that are going broke, have high homelessness, large ghettos of poor people, have high increase in smash and grab crimes, crimes and murder in general and many other bad, bad things happening.
Unparalleled art: What does that even mean? Why is that great?
Roaring industry: It was roaring under Trump. Now, high inflation, high taxation and high interest rates have destroyed industry.
Unmatched Federal Park System: Which is broke. Who cares too? No money to pay for gas to get to the Parks.
Freedom of, and from Religion: From Religion? That is not in the constitution. It's not a freedom to not have a religion. Stupid Democrat.
Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other's speech: 95% of all media is liberal Democrats who don't report both sides of anything in a matter that promotes free speech. Trump is being attacked in a court of law, the Judge and DA can say anything to the leftwing media but Trump has been silenced. He's also being not allowed to get out and do speeches for his campaign. There is no freedom in Democrat run Washington and Democrat controlled big cities.
Rule of law: Like the summer of love in Portland or all the crime in cities, at the boarder and so many other laws not enforced. And, the criminals get out free without bail, get to do crimes over and over without going to jail? Are you serious?
Accountability of Leaders: Who is holding Biden and his communist AG leaders accountable? Obama had the IRS go after Republicans. Trump's house was raided and so were others in his administration in the wee hours of the morning. Biden"s? Nope. He had classified materials from when he was a Senator which is completely illegal and nothing happened to him. Why not? Democrats get away with everything.

You are an idiot. America was getting back on track from 2017 to 2021 until Biden stole the election. Where's the justice for the stolen elections?
I appreciate your response. Honestly crime is at an all time low so if you hate it now when did you like it? In the 90’s when crime was 100% higher? The 80’s at 70% higher? When there was 50% more crime in the 70’s?

When did you love it?

By the way cancel culture, which is practiced extensively on the right (Disney etc) is actually free speech. Love free speech or dont that is your choice but America is based on it.
Cancel culture is a unique phenomenon among the left. What the right does is boycott things like Budweiser. That is entirely different from somebody being canceled or fired from their job because of perceived racism or something blm doesn’t like. ie Roseanne Barr was fired from her TV show. That is a part of the evil cancel culture. Why not just let the American public decide maybe some people can boycott the TV show Roseanne if they don’t like Roseanne Barr on there. But no the network caves in to a minority BLM mob.

Movies being removed from channels is a part of cancel culture. That is entirely different from the freedom to simply not watch that movie. So that is the massive difference. It is left wingers who promote cancel culture, not right wingers.

Cancel culture is a very modern thing and it’s a net negative for the country.

Today’s left is an insult to the American Democratic Party of the 20th century that stood for the working man
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Separation of church and state is fundamental. You know that.

I love this country. I have tons of threads and posts on here talking about how great this country is. Do you?

Thank you for your service.
Show me where “Separation of church and state“ appears in the US Constitution.

Ya know, that FUNDAMENTAL founding document if the USA.


I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

/——-/ The convoluted bullshyt that comes out of you libtards’pie holes is simply amazing.
As Trump soars in the polls you clowns get more hysterical.
It’s quite funny to watch.
Separation of church and state is fundamental. You know that.

I love this country. I have tons of threads and posts on here talking about how great this country is. Do you?

Thank you for your service.
Separation of church and state is fundamental.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; "

do you think it's wrong to have the 10 commandments in a school?

it doesn't violate the First.

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