DESPICABLE: Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

Once AGAIN ---- linkie?

I know you linked the image. I followed it all the way to the video. None of it showed me any evidence of political party affiliations.

So again --------- Linkie??

Wtf is wrong with you that you think you can get away with an Ass-ociation Fallacy IMMEDIATELY after your last one has been called out for the same flaw of lack of evidence?

You ask for links to articles / evidence provided many times before in the past, as you know. Hillary's campaign was busted paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Don't try to act like this is suddenly news to you.


WHAT did I just tell you??

I busted your OP wide open with its lack of any evidence proving its implication, then you turned around and tried it AGAIN. And you *DID* link it, whether you knew it or not, and that link went --- ONCE AGAIN --- to ZERO evidence for your claim. This time you didn't just suggest it and expect a leap --- you came right out and declared a "fact" for which you have no evidence.

In other words you just dug yourself DEEPER into the pit of mendacity.

You're looking pretty stupid, I've already proven she is indeed a Dem. Go play with the kids down the hall.

Once AGAIN ---- nobody except me "proved" jack shit. I proved that Denver doesn't involve political parties in elections. I also proved that your OP is fallacious bullshit. And NOBODY proved what the fuck it would mean if she DID have a political party.

You lose, chump.

She does and I showed it. You lose every battle with me kid, every single on. Word games don't work with me. She is a Demcrat and she did tweet it. Shall I change your diaper too?
You showed me NOTHING. You showed us a fake-news article with, as I pointed out an IMPLICATION that had no bridge, and you took its bait, hook, line and sinker. And I showed you exactly how they caught you.

And what did you learn from that little exercise? NOTHING. Because you then tried to do it AGAIN, and AGAIN got your ass slapped on the same leap. Expecting, I dunno, different results? "Every single on"?

You lose, chump.
You ask for links to articles / evidence provided many times before in the past, as you know. Hillary's campaign was busted paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Don't try to act like this is suddenly news to you.


WHAT did I just tell you??

I busted your OP wide open with its lack of any evidence proving its implication, then you turned around and tried it AGAIN. And you *DID* link it, whether you knew it or not, and that link went --- ONCE AGAIN --- to ZERO evidence for your claim. This time you didn't just suggest it and expect a leap --- you came right out and declared a "fact" for which you have no evidence.

In other words you just dug yourself DEEPER into the pit of mendacity.

You're looking pretty stupid, I've already proven she is indeed a Dem. Go play with the kids down the hall.

Once AGAIN ---- nobody except me "proved" jack shit. I proved that Denver doesn't involve political parties in elections. I also proved that your OP is fallacious bullshit. And NOBODY proved what the fuck it would mean if she DID have a political party.

You lose, chump.

She does and I showed it. You lose every battle with me kid, every single on. Word games don't work with me. She is a Demcrat and she did tweet it. Shall I change your diaper too?
You showed me NOTHING. You showed us a fake-news article with, as I pointed out an IMPLICATION that had no bridge, and you took its bait, hook, line and sinker. And I showed you exactly how they caught you.

You lose, chump.

LOL, your ego clouds you brain kid. Shis IS a Dem, she DID tweet it and my Source makes it clear.
You lose.It's funny how every souce that slaps you down is "fake".

WHAT did I just tell you??

I busted your OP wide open with its lack of any evidence proving its implication, then you turned around and tried it AGAIN. And you *DID* link it, whether you knew it or not, and that link went --- ONCE AGAIN --- to ZERO evidence for your claim. This time you didn't just suggest it and expect a leap --- you came right out and declared a "fact" for which you have no evidence.

In other words you just dug yourself DEEPER into the pit of mendacity.

You're looking pretty stupid, I've already proven she is indeed a Dem. Go play with the kids down the hall.

Once AGAIN ---- nobody except me "proved" jack shit. I proved that Denver doesn't involve political parties in elections. I also proved that your OP is fallacious bullshit. And NOBODY proved what the fuck it would mean if she DID have a political party.

You lose, chump.

She does and I showed it. You lose every battle with me kid, every single on. Word games don't work with me. She is a Demcrat and she did tweet it. Shall I change your diaper too?
You showed me NOTHING. You showed us a fake-news article with, as I pointed out an IMPLICATION that had no bridge, and you took its bait, hook, line and sinker. And I showed you exactly how they caught you.

You lose, chump.

LOL, your ego clouds you brain kid. Shis IS a Dem, she DID tweet it and my Source makes it clear.
You lose.It's funny how every souce that slaps you down is "fake".

it's funny they rag on trump for anything and everything yet didn't dare do it to obama when his responses were poor (esp in comparison).

In April 2009, H1N1 Became a Pandemic; 6 Months Later, After 1,000 U.S. Deaths, Obama Finally Declared it a Public Health Emergency
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

A stunning example of both Fake News and the gullibility of idiots who can't read past their own headlines.

Notice the wording here.

>> As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19. <<
-- followed immediately by:

>> Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca .... etc etc <<​

Notice that they never actually come out and claim the Councilwoman "IS" a Democrat. Rather, they juxtapose a strawman claim in the first sentence with an immediate reference to a specific person, AS IF they're connected. The reader is expected to make that leap. And fools rush in.

In the world of Reality here on earth, though, the city of Denver's elections are, like most municipalities, nonpartisan. They don't run with political parties.

More of the divisive shit shoveled by fake news mongers to feed their own fake face.

ALWAYS read past the headline.


You are as predictable as it gets. Intelligent people don't try and play word games, it's you do. I'll sawat your stupidity down every time I see it.

Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters

Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters

@ Pogo

Polvrecito Juerito.

Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters

Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters

Same thing here Chuckles. What you have there is a headline. What you don't have there is evidence. And no, I'm afraid what some blogger chooses to plop into his headline or what some klown posts on Tweeter falls juuuuuuuuuust a bit outside of "evidence".

What you also don't have, because nobody does because it doesn't exist, is any reason that would matter even if you did know.
You ask for links to articles / evidence provided many times before in the past, as you know. Hillary's campaign was busted paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies. Don't try to act like this is suddenly news to you.


WHAT did I just tell you??

I busted your OP wide open with its lack of any evidence proving its implication, then you turned around and tried it AGAIN. And you *DID* link it, whether you knew it or not, and that link went --- ONCE AGAIN --- to ZERO evidence for your claim. This time you didn't just suggest it and expect a leap --- you came right out and declared a "fact" for which you have no evidence.

In other words you just dug yourself DEEPER into the pit of mendacity.

You're looking pretty stupid, I've already proven she is indeed a Dem. Go play with the kids down the hall.

Once AGAIN ---- nobody except me "proved" jack shit. I proved that Denver doesn't involve political parties in elections. I also proved that your OP is fallacious bullshit. And NOBODY proved what the fuck it would mean if she DID have a political party.

You lose, chump.

She does and I showed it. You lose every battle with me kid, every single on. Word games don't work with me. She is a Demcrat and she did tweet it. Shall I change your diaper too?
You showed me NOTHING. You showed us a fake-news article with, as I pointed out an IMPLICATION that had no bridge, and you took its bait, hook, line and sinker. And I showed you exactly how they caught you.

And what did you learn from that little exercise? NOTHING. Because you then tried to do it AGAIN, and AGAIN got your ass slapped on the same leap. Expecting, I dunno, different results? "Every single on"?

You lose, chump.


Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters

Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

A stunning example of both Fake News and the gullibility of idiots who can't read past their own headlines.

Notice the wording here.

>> As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19. <<
-- followed immediately by:

>> Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca .... etc etc <<​

Notice that they never actually come out and claim the Councilwoman "IS" a Democrat. Rather, they juxtapose a strawman claim in the first sentence with an immediate reference to a specific person, AS IF they're connected. The reader is expected to then make that leap. And fools rush in with their wallets out.

In the world of Reality here on earth, though, the city of Denver's elections are, like most municipalities, nonpartisan. They don't run with political parties.

More of the divisive shit shoveled by fake news mongers to feed their own fake face.

ALWAYS read past the headline.

shit dude, i seldom read past your name.


OMIGOD wait, I gotta write this down this is SO important.... "Iceberg..... seldom.... reads...". There, that's enough.
There are probably already coronavirus-infected people at every political rally. Sanders rallies, Trump rallies, Biden rallies.

Not deliberate, just actuarial.

But since Trump voters are heavily weighted toward seniors and fat people, their mortality rate will be high enough to tip the election! :lol:
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

A stunning example of both Fake News and the gullibility of idiots who can't read past their own headlines.

Notice the wording here.

>> As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19. <<
-- followed immediately by:

>> Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca .... etc etc <<​

Notice that they never actually come out and claim the Councilwoman "IS" a Democrat. Rather, they juxtapose a strawman claim in the first sentence with an immediate reference to a specific person, AS IF they're connected. The reader is expected to then make that leap. And fools rush in with their wallets out.

In the world of Reality here on earth, though, the city of Denver's elections are, like most municipalities, nonpartisan. They don't run with political parties.

More of the divisive shit shoveled by fake news mongers to feed their own fake face.

ALWAYS read past the headline.

shit dude, i seldom read past your name.


OMIGOD wait, I gotta write this down this is SO important.... "Iceberg..... seldom.... reads...". There, that's enough.
yea, til you can comprehend 4 words in a row, it's best to stop at a struggle point and regroup.
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

A stunning example of both Fake News and the gullibility of idiots who can't read past their own headlines.

Notice the wording here.

>> As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19. <<
-- followed immediately by:

>> Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca .... etc etc <<​

Notice that they never actually come out and say the Councilwoman *IS* a Democrat. Rather, they juxtapose a strawman claim in the first sentence with an immediate reference to a specific person, AS IF they're connected. The reader is expected to make that leap. And fools rush in.

In the world of Reality here on earth, though, the city of Denver's elections are, like most municipalities, nonpartisan. They don't run with political parties.

More of the divisive shit shoveled by fake news mongers to feed their own fake face.

ALWAYS read past the headline.


We are all dumber for having read that.....

Of course the Democrats who perpetrated THIS.....

View attachment 310094

would NEVER joke about infecting Trump supporters with Corona Virus....


Once AGAIN ---- linkie?

I know you linked the image. I followed it all the way to the video. None of it showed me any evidence of political party affiliations.

So again --------- Linkie??

Wtf is wrong with you that you think you can get away with an Ass-ociation Fallacy IMMEDIATELY after your last one has been called out for the same flaw of lack of evidence?

We all know how extremely STUPID you are, no need to keep proving it moron. Read her comment (in your case have mommy read it to you). By that comment alone, anybody with a brain (that leaves you out obviously) can rightfully come to the proper conclusion that this idiot is one of you libtards. Then again, actual thought isn’t something you participate in........
WHAT did I just tell you??

I busted your OP wide open with its lack of any evidence proving its implication, then you turned around and tried it AGAIN. And you *DID* link it, whether you knew it or not, and that link went --- ONCE AGAIN --- to ZERO evidence for your claim. This time you didn't just suggest it and expect a leap --- you came right out and declared a "fact" for which you have no evidence.

In other words you just dug yourself DEEPER into the pit of mendacity.

You're looking pretty stupid, I've already proven she is indeed a Dem. Go play with the kids down the hall.

Once AGAIN ---- nobody except me "proved" jack shit. I proved that Denver doesn't involve political parties in elections. I also proved that your OP is fallacious bullshit. And NOBODY proved what the fuck it would mean if she DID have a political party.

You lose, chump.

She does and I showed it. You lose every battle with me kid, every single on. Word games don't work with me. She is a Demcrat and she did tweet it. Shall I change your diaper too?
You showed me NOTHING. You showed us a fake-news article with, as I pointed out an IMPLICATION that had no bridge, and you took its bait, hook, line and sinker. And I showed you exactly how they caught you.

And what did you learn from that little exercise? NOTHING. Because you then tried to do it AGAIN, and AGAIN got your ass slapped on the same leap. Expecting, I dunno, different results? "Every single on"?

You lose, chump.


Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters

Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters
Being In writing or on tape (Biden extortion)is Not evidence enough for liberals if it doesn’t match their feelings
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

A stunning example of both Fake News and the gullibility of idiots who can't read past their own headlines.

Notice the wording here.

>> As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19. <<
-- followed immediately by:

>> Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca .... etc etc <<​

Notice that they never actually come out and say the Councilwoman *IS* a Democrat. Rather, they juxtapose a strawman claim in the first sentence with an immediate reference to a specific person, AS IF they're connected. The reader is expected to make that leap. And fools rush in.

In the world of Reality here on earth, though, the city of Denver's elections are, like most municipalities, nonpartisan. They don't run with political parties.

More of the divisive shit shoveled by fake news mongers to feed their own fake face.

ALWAYS read past the headline.


We are all dumber for having read that.....

Of course the Democrats who perpetrated THIS.....

View attachment 310094

would NEVER joke about infecting Trump supporters with Corona Virus....


Once AGAIN ---- linkie?

I know you linked the image. I followed it all the way to the video. None of it showed me any evidence of political party affiliations.

So again --------- Linkie??

Wtf is wrong with you that you think you can get away with an Ass-ociation Fallacy IMMEDIATELY after your last one has been called out for the same flaw of lack of evidence?

We all know how extremely STUPID you are, no need to keep proving it moron. Read her comment (in your case have mommy read it to you). By that comment alone, anybody with a brain (that leaves you out obviously) can rightfully come to the proper conclusion that this idiot is one of you libtards. Then again, actual thought isn’t something you participate in........

Here's a wag who falls into the thread and goes "Okay if Association Fallacy won't work let's go with the old
'Everybody Knows'".

"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus
What's the problem? It's just a hoax....

Yep, I'm sure it would be a hoax if you were infected...dumbass.
It's all a need to pay attention to the Orange Chosen One when he speaks his truth.
Another burrito babe ragging on Americans who pay for all the freebie shit her people lap up
Even dogs rarely bite the hand that feeds them
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

I'd say she deserves the rabid dog treatment, shoot the bitch before she spreads the disease.
The inherent violence of the trumpanzee.
"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

A stunning example of both Fake News and the gullibility of idiots who can't read past their own headlines.

Notice the wording here.

>> As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19. <<
-- followed immediately by:

>> Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca .... etc etc <<​

Notice that they never actually come out and claim the Councilwoman "IS" a Democrat. Rather, they juxtapose a strawman claim in the first sentence with an immediate reference to a specific person, AS IF they're connected. The reader is expected to then make that leap. And fools rush in with their wallets out.

In the world of Reality here on earth, though, the city of Denver's elections are, like most municipalities, nonpartisan. They don't run with political parties.

More of the divisive shit shoveled by fake news mongers to feed their own fake face.

ALWAYS read past the headline.


The only thing stunning here is your support for vile behavior.

But you're a progressive.
And yet, no comment about this, eh? DESPICABLE: Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus
Is she a colored or a taco???

All the above.... unfuckable and a posterchild for the marxist Dims..... could be sporting a dick.... could be sporting an unshorn gash..... who knows, or cares.....


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