The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
I was stunned to see the story of Maddie de Garay featured on Fox News Morning just now. They are much, much more moderate than Tucker Carlson, who featured Maddie's story 18 months ago.

In short, Maddie was signed up for the Pfizer vaccine trial and suffered a severe systemic reaction shortly after. Since, she has been in a wheelchair and on a feeding tube. Her mother says Pfizer has not been in touch with them.

This vaccine should have NEVER been cleared for children and young adults--and is highly questionable for anyone.

Man, the dam is breaking fast. Thank God.

I was stunned to see the story of Maddie de Garay featured on Fox News Morning just now. They are much, much more moderate than Tucker Carlson, who featured Maddie's story 18 months ago.

In short, Maddie was signed up for the Pfizer vaccine trial and suffered a severe systemic reaction shortly after. Since, she has been in a wheelchair and on a feeding tube. Her mother says Pfizer has not been in touch with them.

This vaccine should have NEVER been cleared for children and young adults--and is highly questionable for anyone.

Man, the dam is breaking fast. Thank God.

You mean if you vaccinate hundreds of millions of people, you will find some who have unrelated medical issues? Um. Yeah. Still better than hundreds of thousands dying of the disease.

The mother reached out to multiple doctors who said the vaccine was not the cause...and what? The vaccine is not the cause.
Shh.... Sue is an anti-vax crazy.
Why would any mother allow a healthy child be a part of clinical trials? If they had a rare cancer and would die without the possibility of a new drug? O.K. but why would a mother ever allow a healthy child do so?

She will never forgive herself, I'm sure.

The article in the OP said they were paid for it. She has three daughters.
So she pimped her healthy daughter out.

Would I have done it? No. But you're going to completely blame this on the mother and not, say the pharma cos or better yet, the agencies who are supposed to watch over these things? FDA? CDC?

The mistrust is rampant. I went out to lunch with friends this week. All four of us completely distrust the medical establishment now. We all go to functional med/alternative providers. All four of us have advanced degrees.
I was talking to a way back at the local Rural King when the vaccines were new, he refused to get one because he was concerned about becoming magnetic.

Yeah that's nuts. So is the claim that they have some kind of tracking things in the vaccines.

What is not nuts:

Increased cancer
sudden deaths
heart issues
Neurological issues
Autoimmune issues
Would I have done it? No. But you're going to completely blame this on the mother and not, say the pharma cos or better yet, the agencies who are supposed to watch over these things? FDA? CDC?

As a parent would I trust big pharma at all? No, absolutely not.

Do I trust those who are suppose to regulate all of this? No.

Hence my healthy daughter never would have participated.

My daughter has auto immune issues. She didn't get the vaccine at all. Luckily it wasn't all that much of a hassle for her.

The mistrust is rampant. I went out to lunch with friends this week. All four of us completely distrust the medical establishment now. We all go to functional med/alternative providers. All four of us have advanced degrees.

Do I trust medicine? Yes. I know doctors that do really great things for people.
Yeah that's nuts. So is the claim that they have some kind of tracking things in the vaccines.

What is not nuts:

Increased cancer
sudden deaths
heart issues
Neurological issues
Autoimmune issues
Still no causation. To say the vaccine caused something you have to find a link. Like the storks in Denmark delivering babies (or somewhere like that, college was long ago) correlation does not equal causation. The problem with the supposed side effects you have listed they might not even be correlated. How many people had these diseases before the vaccines? Is there a statistically significant correlation between them? And even if so, what is the cause of that increase. Science.
Notice all the sheep that took the clot shot coming here to claim it wasn't the vaccines?

Deep down, they know they made a huge mistake when they trusted that evil little troll Fauxi but their own ego won't let them admit it.
They know we know the clot shots are killing people so at this point they are just trying to convince themselves
Would I have done it? No. But you're going to completely blame this on the mother and not, say the pharma cos or better yet, the agencies who are supposed to watch over these things? FDA? CDC?

As a parent would I trust big pharma at all? No, absolutely not.

Do I trust those who are suppose to regulate all of this? No.

Hence my healthy daughter never would have participated.

My daughter has auto immune issues. She didn't get the vaccine at all. Luckily it wasn't all that much of a hassle for her. She did get Covid but overall it was pretty mild.

The mistrust is rampant. I went out to lunch with friends this week. All four of us completely distrust the medical establishment now. We all go to functional med/alternative providers. All four of us have advanced degrees.

Do I trust medicine? Yes, I know doctors that do really great things for people.
As a parent would I trust big pharma at all? No, absolutely not.

Do I trust those who are suppose to regulate all of this? No.

Hence my healthy daughter never would have participated.

My daughter has auto immune issues. She didn't get the vaccine at all. Luckily it wasn't all that much of a hassle for her.

Do I trust medicine? Yes. I know doctors that do really great things for people.

Autoimmune issues is really the biggest reason I too did not get the vaccine. Look at my signature for the thing Leftists had to say about that. That's first.

Secondly, yes, we can ask the mother why she would have done this. But we NEED to hold the medical establishment, pharma companies and our "institutions" to account too.

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