DESPICABLE: Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus

Being in print or on video(Biden extortion) is not enough evidence for liberals when their feelings tell them it should be otherwise
Being in print or on video(Biden extortion) is not enough evidence for liberals when their feelings tell them it should be otherwise

Sticking the word "Democrat" into a blogger headline or a fucking tweet does not constitute "evidence", no.

NOR, again, have any of these knuckledraggers even attempted to explain what the significance would be if they could determine it, if there's anything there to determine in the first place. Which I already know but I want them to say it because I like to watch the dishonest squirm.
"Important statistic: In NY state, more people have died from the Democrats new ‘no bail’ reform than from Corona Virus"
We all know how extremely STUPID you are, no need to keep proving it moron. Read her comment (in your case have mommy read it to you). By that comment alone, anybody with a brain (that leaves you out obviously) can rightfully come to the proper conclusion that this idiot is one of you libtards. Then again, actual thought isn’t something you participate in........

Here's a wag who falls into the thread and goes "Okay if Association Fallacy won't work let's go with the old
'Everybody Knows'".


Well idiot, you were shown an article clearly stating Democrat and then cried that it was fake. Just because you’re an uneducated illiterate whiner doesn’t mean everybody will pity you and excuse your idiocy. Critical thinking is a foreign concept to you. Then again, you’ve lost every argument you ever made,

Ah, we're back to this lost cause again?

No Tweedles, I was shown an article with a fake headline that couldn't back itself up, and I said so. ONCE AGAIN I could write a headline describing myself as a fucking brain surgeon, it doesn't give me a medical degree. For fuck's sake THINK. And quit just gulping shit down whole whenever you're told to.

You are truly pathetic you lifelong loser. Lost on Kavanaugh, lost on Sandmann, lost on well, everything you’ve ever opened your uninformed mouth about. You’ve been shown proof time and again and your only reaction is to cover your eyes and scream.

Still not evidence, is it.

You lose.

Yes it is fuckwit. She is stated as a Dem and nobody has said she isn’t or demanded correction have they? No. You still lose. Making you still 0 for your life.
Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,”

yeah well, that would be a step up considering the trumpster virus most of his supporters suffer from

"As we’ve seen many Democrats politicize coronavirus in an effort to hurt President Trump, others appear to be taking things quite a bit further, praising the idea of infecting Trump supporters with COVID-19.

Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca retweeted a graphic from her government Twitter account that says, “For the record, if I do get the coronavirus I’m attending every MAGA rally I can,” along with a comment of her own that reads: “#solidarity Yaaas!!”


Denver City Councilwoman Supports Idea of Infecting Trump Supporters with Coronavirus
Here's a wag who falls into the thread and goes "Okay if Association Fallacy won't work let's go with the old
'Everybody Knows'".


Well idiot, you were shown an article clearly stating Democrat and then cried that it was fake. Just because you’re an uneducated illiterate whiner doesn’t mean everybody will pity you and excuse your idiocy. Critical thinking is a foreign concept to you. Then again, you’ve lost every argument you ever made,

Ah, we're back to this lost cause again?

No Tweedles, I was shown an article with a fake headline that couldn't back itself up, and I said so. ONCE AGAIN I could write a headline describing myself as a fucking brain surgeon, it doesn't give me a medical degree. For fuck's sake THINK. And quit just gulping shit down whole whenever you're told to.

You are truly pathetic you lifelong loser. Lost on Kavanaugh, lost on Sandmann, lost on well, everything you’ve ever opened your uninformed mouth about. You’ve been shown proof time and again and your only reaction is to cover your eyes and scream.

Still not evidence, is it.

You lose.

Yes it is fuckwit. She is stated as a Dem and nobody has said she isn’t or demanded correction have they? No. You still lose. Making you still 0 for your life.

Hear that? Now it's up to "the world" or perhaps "nobody" to prove a nonpositive negative. Ipse Dixit rules.

Well idiot, you were shown an article clearly stating Democrat and then cried that it was fake. Just because you’re an uneducated illiterate whiner doesn’t mean everybody will pity you and excuse your idiocy. Critical thinking is a foreign concept to you. Then again, you’ve lost every argument you ever made,

Ah, we're back to this lost cause again?

No Tweedles, I was shown an article with a fake headline that couldn't back itself up, and I said so. ONCE AGAIN I could write a headline describing myself as a fucking brain surgeon, it doesn't give me a medical degree. For fuck's sake THINK. And quit just gulping shit down whole whenever you're told to.

You are truly pathetic you lifelong loser. Lost on Kavanaugh, lost on Sandmann, lost on well, everything you’ve ever opened your uninformed mouth about. You’ve been shown proof time and again and your only reaction is to cover your eyes and scream.

Still not evidence, is it.

You lose.

Yes it is fuckwit. She is stated as a Dem and nobody has said she isn’t or demanded correction have they? No. You still lose. Making you still 0 for your life.

Hear that? Now it's up to "the world" or perhaps "nobody" to prove a nonpositive negative. Ipse Dixit rules.


Look stupid, YOU s manned proof. It was provided by another poster. YOU then claimed it was fake. YOUR assertion. Better come up with some proof of that moron. Get to it boy. Chop chop.
Ah, we're back to this lost cause again?

No Tweedles, I was shown an article with a fake headline that couldn't back itself up, and I said so. ONCE AGAIN I could write a headline describing myself as a fucking brain surgeon, it doesn't give me a medical degree. For fuck's sake THINK. And quit just gulping shit down whole whenever you're told to.

You are truly pathetic you lifelong loser. Lost on Kavanaugh, lost on Sandmann, lost on well, everything you’ve ever opened your uninformed mouth about. You’ve been shown proof time and again and your only reaction is to cover your eyes and scream.

Still not evidence, is it.

You lose.

Yes it is fuckwit. She is stated as a Dem and nobody has said she isn’t or demanded correction have they? No. You still lose. Making you still 0 for your life.

Hear that? Now it's up to "the world" or perhaps "nobody" to prove a nonpositive negative. Ipse Dixit rules.


Look stupid, YOU s manned proof. It was provided by another poster. YOU then claimed it was fake. YOUR assertion. Better come up with some proof of that moron. Get to it boy. Chop chop.

"You s manned proof" huh.

No wonder.

I made no assertion here, ESL-boi. I noted that the one that WAS made, has no basis.
And it STILL doesn't.
And I also posed the question as to what it would mean if it did exist. No one dared touch that question.

I'm just sittin' here watchin' the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll.
You are truly pathetic you lifelong loser. Lost on Kavanaugh, lost on Sandmann, lost on well, everything you’ve ever opened your uninformed mouth about. You’ve been shown proof time and again and your only reaction is to cover your eyes and scream.

Still not evidence, is it.

You lose.

Yes it is fuckwit. She is stated as a Dem and nobody has said she isn’t or demanded correction have they? No. You still lose. Making you still 0 for your life.

Hear that? Now it's up to "the world" or perhaps "nobody" to prove a nonpositive negative. Ipse Dixit rules.


Look stupid, YOU s manned proof. It was provided by another poster. YOU then claimed it was fake. YOUR assertion. Better come up with some proof of that moron. Get to it boy. Chop chop.

"You s manned proof" huh.

No wonder.

I made no assertion here, ESL-boi. I noted that the one that WAS made, has no basis.
And it STILL doesn't.
And I also posed the question as to what it would mean if it did exist. No one dared touch that question.

I'm just sittin' here watchin' the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll.

Hey asshole, you just claimed the article had no basis. That is an assertion dipshit. One that YOU must now prove. Need we point out your innumerable typos moron? Watching you make a fool of yourself never gets old. Learn proper use of commas ESL-retard. Better run along, your mommy will want her computer back when she realizes you’re embarrassing yourself again.
Still not evidence, is it.

You lose.

Yes it is fuckwit. She is stated as a Dem and nobody has said she isn’t or demanded correction have they? No. You still lose. Making you still 0 for your life.

Hear that? Now it's up to "the world" or perhaps "nobody" to prove a nonpositive negative. Ipse Dixit rules.


Look stupid, YOU s manned proof. It was provided by another poster. YOU then claimed it was fake. YOUR assertion. Better come up with some proof of that moron. Get to it boy. Chop chop.

"You s manned proof" huh.

No wonder.

I made no assertion here, ESL-boi. I noted that the one that WAS made, has no basis.
And it STILL doesn't.
And I also posed the question as to what it would mean if it did exist. No one dared touch that question.

I'm just sittin' here watchin' the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll.

Hey asshole, you just claimed the article had no basis. That is an assertion dipshit. One that YOU must now prove. Need we point out your innumerable typos moron? Watching you make a fool of yourself never gets old. Learn proper use of commas ESL-retard. Better run along, your mommy will want her computer back when she realizes you’re embarrassing yourself again.

NO IT AIN'T, Fireplug, and again learn how to read ---- what I said was the ASSERTION has no basis, that assertion being some political party attributed to the subject on the basis of NOTHING.

***THAT*** was the assertion from the beginning. I don't assert a negative --- the OP and his fellow travellers asserted that positive, which --- ONCE AGAIN --- has no basis in fact, and is further undermined by the fact that the city of the subject doesn't use political parties in its elections in the first place.

Of course, that's simple three-second research the hack writer of a click-bait headline COULD HAVE done, and maybe did do --- and it's also simple three-second research the reader could have done in what should be a routine exercise of healthy skepticism. BUT THEY DIDN'T DO THAT, DID THEY. Because attracting the gullible like so many barnacles SELLS PAGE VIEWS, and that makes them money. And here we go right back to the old adage: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the America public". And here you are jumping up and down to demonstrate that. They used weasel words to set a trap, and y'all Gullibles rushed right into what you wished to be factual but was never actually stated. Again --- that's back in post 14 where it remains unchallenged.

Speaking of which, for the 849th time, nobody dares to try to make the case for what, if anything, it would mean if they COULD hang a political party on her. And we all know why they won't do that, don't we.
Yes it is fuckwit. She is stated as a Dem and nobody has said she isn’t or demanded correction have they? No. You still lose. Making you still 0 for your life.

Hear that? Now it's up to "the world" or perhaps "nobody" to prove a nonpositive negative. Ipse Dixit rules.


Look stupid, YOU s manned proof. It was provided by another poster. YOU then claimed it was fake. YOUR assertion. Better come up with some proof of that moron. Get to it boy. Chop chop.

"You s manned proof" huh.

No wonder.

I made no assertion here, ESL-boi. I noted that the one that WAS made, has no basis.
And it STILL doesn't.
And I also posed the question as to what it would mean if it did exist. No one dared touch that question.

I'm just sittin' here watchin' the wheels go round and round
I really love to watch them roll.

Hey asshole, you just claimed the article had no basis. That is an assertion dipshit. One that YOU must now prove. Need we point out your innumerable typos moron? Watching you make a fool of yourself never gets old. Learn proper use of commas ESL-retard. Better run along, your mommy will want her computer back when she realizes you’re embarrassing yourself again.

NO IT AIN'T, Fireplug, and again learn how to read ---- what I said was the ASSERTION has no basis, that assertion being some political party attributed to the subject on the basis of NOTHING.

***THAT*** was the assertion from the beginning. I don't assert a negative --- the OP and his fellow travellers asserted that positive, which --- ONCE AGAIN --- has no basis in fact, and is further undermined by the fact that the city of the subject doesn't use political parties in its elections in the first place.

Of course, that's simple three-second research the hack writer of a click-bait headline COULD HAVE done, and maybe did do --- and it's also simple three-second research the reader could have done in what should be a routine exercise of healthy skepticism. BUT THEY DIDN'T DO THAT, DID THEY. Because attracting the gullible like so many barnacles SELLS PAGE VIEWS, and that makes them money. And here we go right back to the old adage: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the America public". And here you are jumping up and down to demonstrate that. They used weasel words to set a trap, and y'all Gullibles rushed right into what you wished to be factual but was never actually stated. Again --- that's back in post 14 where it remains unchallenged.

Speaking of which, for the 849th time, nobody dares to try to make the case for what, if anything, it would mean if they COULD hang a political party on her. And we all know why they won't do that, don't we.

You guys have spent half this thread arguing about her voter registration. It's clear you're not going to convince each other so STFU about it already and move on. The subject matter is about the tweet. If that's not what you're here to discuss then it's time to go.

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