Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives

Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

Current law says otherwise, however I do believe that it should be allowable to do this, as long as your business does not affect insterstate commerce, or if it is banned consitutionally by your state.

On the other hand, if you took that position, you would probably go out of business in a week.
Fine...but they should make sure they put this in big letters at their pharmacy so people don't bother to go there. Let the market determine.

A "We do not carry Plan B" sign won't make a dent in their business.


which is why there are laws and we don't rely on economics for that type of thing.

So because a place doesnt want to sell a morning after pill, it should go out of buisness?

One pill out of thousands?
PHARMACIST: Good morning!

LIBBIE: The hell it is! I slept with half the cocktail lounge last night and I need the morning after pill.

PHARMACIST: We don't carry that.


DELI CLERK: Welcome to Saul's Kosher Deli!

LIBBIE: Gimme a ham sammich!

DELI CLERK: We don't sell pork products.


CLERK: Welcome to Barnes and Noble.

LIBBIE: Where can I find Bukkake Girls XXIV?

CLERK: We do not sell pornography.

LIBBIE: You should hang a sign that says so!!!!

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Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

You can start a Book store and refuse to sell Bibles.
You can have a bakery and refuse to make Hot Cross buns at Easter.
You can have a knick knack store selling decorations and not have a single cross in your store.
You can have a candle shop and not carry one single solitary candle of The Lady of Guadalupe.

In fact there is no other form of business that mandates that anyone carry a particular product line. Not one. Many drug stores have refused to sell perfectly legal cigarettes for years.
A "We do not carry Plan B" sign won't make a dent in their business.


which is why there are laws and we don't rely on economics for that type of thing.

So because a place doesnt want to sell a morning after pill, it should go out of buisness?

One pill out of thousands?

If enough people refuse to patronize that business because of its choice of product line, it will go out of business. There just isn't that many people who care.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

Seeing that you live down under, my guess is that the answer to that is no. I would also guess that anyone who came into your business and had to prove they were not Christians would be a lot more upset about your rigamarole than the Christians you are trying to keep out.

But its my business, I should be able to deny service to anyone I like.

You can't refuse to serve blacks or whites or reds or asians or Christians or Muslims. You can refuse to serve pork if it's against your religion or you can refuse to serve meat if you are a vegetarian, but you cannot refuse to serve people who eat meat or pork outside your restaurant just because you yourself find it offensive. The pharmacists don't have to give out the morning after pill but they cannot stop you from buying anything else in their pharmacy or from going elsewhere to get it.
because in the world of message boards when you make the assertion you may need to back up that claim. It helps provide substance to your post, instead of you just shouting out unclaimed crap.

In the real world, which includes internet message boards, people pay attention to things other than internet message boards. I keep over estimating your intelligence and your interaction with real people, and you keep acting like I am insulting yo when I do. Frankly, you should take it as a compliment.

I was wondering if you where going to link to the 2008 non-binding U.N resolution Which we don't actually see as law.

I see what you are doing here. You are taking the U.N resolution and Obama condemning the movie maker and making it into one giant issue. You see them as linked when really they are not. [/quote]

What I am doing here is pointing to the fact that, for the first time in history, the US voted in support of said resolution under Obama. For some reason, you end up talking about something that happened when Bush was president. What's the connection?

Again no laws have been made here in the United states ( U.N doesnt count as an authority here) no has The president restricted the mans freedom of speech.

You certainly have the straw man argument down, don't you. By the way, just to prove that actual laws have been passed while Obama is president that restrict constitutionally protected speech, I will point to the Honoring American Veterans Act which was signed by Obama on 6 August 2012. Being that we both live in the real world, unless you are actually a sotware bot that exist only on USMB, I will let you look it up for yourself.

Come to think of it, you being a bot would explain a lot.

So again what laws have been passed that will make what this man said illegal?
What things has Obama done to restrict this man freedom of speech?

I never said any of that, which makes this entire line of questioning a logical fallacy.

You could finally just admit you have nothing but your bias opinion and loose ended connect the dots ala Political Chic pathetic threads.

You think the fact that, for the first time in history, the US voted to support a blasphemy resolution in the UN is not evidence that the government thinks Islam should be protected from insult? Can you explain that, or are you going to default back to the argument about laws?

I doubt you will, your not that type to admit you are wrong. You will either punt, deflect, or just ignore the questions like usual.

Its amusing when people link shit and i actually take a moment to read it. The difference from what actually is happening and the spin is also fun stuff.

You keep on trying with that non-binding resolution.

My guess is I have admitted I was wrong more often this year than you have the entire time you nave been a bot on this board. The rest of your post would be projection if you were a human being.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

Seeing that you live down under, my guess is that the answer to that is no. I would also guess that anyone who came into your business and had to prove they were not Christians would be a lot more upset about your rigamarole than the Christians you are trying to keep out.

But its my business, I should be able to deny service to anyone I like.

Funny, I don't recall saying you couldn't. I am just pointing out the government thinks you can't.
You can't deny your business services to anyone you don't like. But you CAN intentionally not carry a product that you don't like. Even if you don't like the product based on the people who buy it.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

What kind of ridiculous comparison are you trying to make here?

How is a pharmacist 'discriminating against' someone by NOT selling a particular product? I'm sure the products he does sell are equally available to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Seeing that you live down under, my guess is that the answer to that is no. I would also guess that anyone who came into your business and had to prove they were not Christians would be a lot more upset about your rigamarole than the Christians you are trying to keep out.

But its my business, I should be able to deny service to anyone I like.

You can't refuse to serve blacks or whites or reds or asians or Christians or Muslims. You can refuse to serve pork if it's against your religion or you can refuse to serve meat if you are a vegetarian, but you cannot refuse to serve people who eat meat or pork outside your restaurant just because you yourself find it offensive. The pharmacists don't have to give out the morning after pill but they cannot stop you from buying anything else in their pharmacy or from going elsewhere to get it.

But remember, refusing to cater to a liberal's slightest whim oppresses him.

They have a Constitutional right to have their butts kissed.

Or so they think.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

You can start a Book store and refuse to sell Bibles.
You can have a bakery and refuse to make Hot Cross buns at Easter.
You can have a knick knack store selling decorations and not have a single cross in your store.
You can have a candle shop and not carry one single solitary candle of The Lady of Guadalupe.

In fact there is no other form of business that mandates that anyone carry a particular product line. Not one. Many drug stores have refused to sell perfectly legal cigarettes for years.

Why can't I have a store and refuse to serve Christians?
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

What kind of ridiculous comparison are you trying to make here?

How is a pharmacist 'discriminating against' someone by NOT selling a particular product? I'm sure the products he does sell are equally available to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs.

They are not selling the pill because of their religious beliefs. Therefore, they are forcing their religion on their customers.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

What kind of ridiculous comparison are you trying to make here?

How is a pharmacist 'discriminating against' someone by NOT selling a particular product? I'm sure the products he does sell are equally available to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs.

They are not selling the pill because of their religious beliefs. Therefore, they are forcing their religion on their customers.
Then so are kosher and halal delis. Yet the way you keep running away from that, apparently you don't mind.

Your objection seems to be that ONLY Christians make business decisions based on their faith. It's okay for everyone else.

Is that true?
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

What kind of ridiculous comparison are you trying to make here?

How is a pharmacist 'discriminating against' someone by NOT selling a particular product? I'm sure the products he does sell are equally available to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs.

They are not selling the pill because of their religious beliefs. Therefore, they are forcing their religion on their customers.

If that were the case they would have to force people to BE their customers FIRST.

Are they holding guns to people's heads forcing them into their store?
What kind of ridiculous comparison are you trying to make here?

How is a pharmacist 'discriminating against' someone by NOT selling a particular product? I'm sure the products he does sell are equally available to all people, regardless of their religious beliefs.

They are not selling the pill because of their religious beliefs. Therefore, they are forcing their religion on their customers.
Then so are kosher and halal delis. Yet the way you keep running away from that, apparently you don't mind.

Your objection seems to be that ONLY Christians make business decisions based on their faith. It's okay for everyone else.

Is that true?

I think it is more simple that that, she wants to impose her beliefs on others, and those of us who refuse to go along are only doing so because we want to impose our beliefs on her.
Can I start a business and refuse to sell my products to Christians? Or would they bitch and complain about being discriminated against?
I guess its okay for Christians to discriminate, but not okay for anyone to do the same to them.

You can start a Book store and refuse to sell Bibles.
You can have a bakery and refuse to make Hot Cross buns at Easter.
You can have a knick knack store selling decorations and not have a single cross in your store.
You can have a candle shop and not carry one single solitary candle of The Lady of Guadalupe.

In fact there is no other form of business that mandates that anyone carry a particular product line. Not one. Many drug stores have refused to sell perfectly legal cigarettes for years.

Why can't I have a store and refuse to serve Christians?

Because then you are being prejudice to that group of people. You are going back to the Jim Crow days except against Christians. Aren't you even reading these posts? You can have a book store and not sell Bibles but you cannot have a bookstore and refuse to sell to Christians. You can have a restaurant and serve pork but you cannot have a restaurant and refuse to sell to Jews or Muslims. You have control over what you sell, not who you sell it to.....

BTW, you can refuse to sell to people not wearing shoes, or shirts....I do not know if you can refuse to sell to someone wearing a Burka, I would guess not, but I would think you could refuse to sell to someone wearing a bikini. Sometimes our laws really don't make a lot of sense to me.
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Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives
CHICAGO, Ill.— An Illinois appellate court has ruled in favor of two pharmacists who objected to providing emergency contraception because they said it infringed upon their religious beliefs.

A lawsuit by Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog challenged a 2005 executive order by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich requiring all pharmacists to fill prescriptions for the so-called morning-after pill.

They argued they were protected by the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act. That law says health professionals cannot be punished if they refuse to offer a service because of their conscientious convictions.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Friday's ruling applies only to the two pharmacists. But their lawyer, Francis Manion, says the precedent means the state cannot go after other pharmacists who similarly refuse to provide the pill.​

The pharmacy will still dictate. They just won't hire people who don't want to abide by their policies.

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