atheists will love this.....

Atheists aren't the ones who invented "turn the other cheek", "do unto others...". I'd like to see any of you at your mass and next time the pastor/priest/muslim cleric/ rabbi says something a little suspect that you'd stand up and shout at him: YOU FUCKING IGNORANT RETARD, PROVE IT OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Now wonder the world is in such a pathetic state morally and spiritually.
Atheists aren't the ones who invented "turn the other cheek", "do unto others...". I'd like to see any of you at your mass and next time the pastor/priest/muslim cleric/ rabbi says something a little suspect that you'd stand up and shout at him: YOU FUCKING IGNORANT RETARD, PROVE IT OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Now wonder the world is in such a pathetic state morally and spiritually.

Hmm ... I am none of the religions you posted and since you don't know my beliefs I'll inform you, we don't believe in "turn the other cheek" or any other forgiveness nonsense. We do believe in being the best you can be and tolerate everyone even when you disagree ...

... but here's a hint, my computer is my most religious symbol.

But still, you are saying that atheists are allowed to be rude but no one else is?
"But still, you are saying that atheists are allowed to be rude but no one else is?"

lol, I'm not sure about that, but people of religion have to abide by a certain strict code of conduct, otherwise you're a sinner..., and not really a fully religious person, just an anal smoke blower.

"... but here's a hint, my computer is my most religious symbol." ok, I'll bite, what does that mean? Atheist? agnostic? Realist? Bill Gates-ian?
"But still, you are saying that atheists are allowed to be rude but no one else is?"

lol, I'm not sure about that, but people of religion have to abide by a certain strict code of conduct, otherwise you're a sinner..., and not really a fully religious person, just an anal smoke blower.

"... but here's a hint, my computer is my most religious symbol." ok, I'll bite, what does that mean? Atheist? agnostic? Realist? Bill Gates-ian?

No ... you are making the same error many christians, muslims, etc. do, there are hundreds of religions, though most are wrongfully categorized as "pagan". Mine is Pharonic ... from the ancient times of Egypt. Science is the law, technology the greatest tool. We have only one moral code which has not changed, live the best you know how and never stop learning. Pretty simple moral there, no strict code, actually most religions do not have a strict code. You are ignorant on religion, just as ignorant as those who spend their whole life in one religion and never study others.
Define pagan:
# heathen: a person who does not acknowledge your god
# a person who follows a polytheistic or pre-Christian religion (not a Christian or Muslim or Jew)
heathen: not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam

It's the neoxtian equivalent of the jewish 'gentile', Nazi 'subhuman' or german 'auslander'- a catch-all for anyone who is 'else' or 'other'
"You are ignorant on religion, just as ignorant as those who spend their whole life in one religion and never study others." Of course I am, everyone here is right and everyone else is ignorant, that's a given after reading posts here for about 3 minutes.

Are you talking about the religion that has a ton of deities and the dead get buried with their belongings to have something to spend or eat in the afterlife? The religion that enslaved lots of people to build their pyramids? Where did they "learn" that? In sunday school? Actually, one theory says it was from aliens, lol.
Are you talking about the religion that has a ton of deities and the dead get buried with their belongings to have something to spend or eat in the afterlife? The religion that enslaved lots of people to build their pyramids?

as opposed to the religion that enslaved virgin girls and killed men, women, and screaming children, slaughtered the animals, burned the villages, and commited multiple genocides in the name of 'EL/YHWH?' - or opposed to the one that spread by sword, served as the whore of Rome, enforced by the gladius, to keep Constantine and his followers in power- prior to burning women as 'witches', crushing men beneath stones, and destroying science, ushering the Christian Dark Ages... Or the numerous religions that worshiped the 'spirit' in rocks, leaves and everything save friggin' cow dung? - or the convoluted pantheons that are somehow all still Brahm (why no just worship Brahm, then?)... or Zeus and Mars,who brought war to the world...

If people must find a philosophical crutch, please let it be Buddhism... gotta be the most peaceable philosophy to ever spread across the Earth...
Soon our country won't be the one you grew up in, it already isn't the one I grew up in.

Lol! Anyone who wants to grow up in a country that doesn't change throughout their lifetime should move to one of the third world countries. Afghanistan would be a good choice. It hasn't changed in a thousand years!

On the other hand, progress means change.

great...i can't wait for america to become an islamic caliphate! progress means change....
sounds like scaremongering racism... How is this video any different from the KKK holding signs saying 'America for Americans'?

If the french want to remain french- then it's on them to start getting to business, yes? Islam is spreading much like xtianity did, as the jews did when carrying out their genocidal wars- buddhism, hinduism- all religions start small and spread. Like it or not, this is how the world has come to be as it is- look at the Aryan conquests and European colonialism. To expect history not to repeat itself would be foolish. The oppose the spread of islam and support xtianity is hypocrisy. Keep in mind that your ancestors were all viewed the same way at some point

now, answer me this: what does racist nativism have to do with atheism?

well if one group has an increasing birth rate and the other a declining birthrate won't one culture disapear and the other take its place.....

explain how that is racist.....not to mention you aren't using the word correctly....

Well, that equation isn't racist - the video just had scaremongering racist tones... there was no call to action, only ominous music and statistics, I guess the video has power if you happen to hate/fear Muslims... otherwise it's pretty dull and weak.

The world WE inherited is different than the ones our grandparents grew up in...OOOOoohhhh scary. So f*cking what?

Love the pseudo-science history stuff, populations faced different factors throughout the ages, and if you lived in a certain era, yeah - not enough kids would end your culture... but that does not necessarily relate equally now.

What does this have to do with Athiests again?
Convenient, isn't it, how your history teacher left out the part of the Muslims taking over 1/2 of Europe before the Christians started pushing back. I'm not condoning the Crusades because of my religion, but because in many ways it was right. Stop reading the PC version and read some real versions. The Europeans marched into Jerulselum because after centuries of being able to worship at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (the supposed burial place of Christ), the Christians were kicked out of the city and no longer allowed to worship there.

The Spanish Inquisition, now THAT was wrong...

Why shouldn't I worry about the fanatical muslims? They took town the WTC. What's more, many muslims were seen dancing in the street, not punishing or shunning those responsible, but actually glorifying them. Not quite the way you think it went down, why do you think it went down the way you do? Who has put a revised version of history into your head? Weren't you here on 9/11/01? Didn't you see it for yourself?

The fanatical muslims have been using force for thousands of years, and no one has stopped them. They will execute a woman for the crime of being raped and no one has stopped them. The countries where Islam is in the majority are being ruled by fanatical muslims and the world isn't stopping them and very few muslims are speaking out against the crimes that are happening in those countries, against women, against Christians, etc.

Oh, and I haven't read every post in this thread, but I saw the threat of burning down their mosques and I want to state right now that I would not put up with that at all. Everyone has the right to their religion. They don't have the right to force it on others, but I will defend to the death their right to worship in their mosques. As you say, not all of them are fanatical. For now, this is still America.

No--it was not "Conviently" left out. It was to make one simple point
Christians are not the "SAINTS" that they think they are!!!

Change one group of fanatics for another, how does this benefit me again. I have a better idea:Let you religious fruit cakes fight until you figure the "Truth" out.

Let us not forget--the person that wins is the one that this god bieng favors, so make a good show of it.

For years, before people became half-educated about the true history of Islam, Muslim apologists would screech, "they're just getting us back for what Christians did during the Crusades!"

Well now that people are better educated you don't hear that much anymore. What the Christians did during the Crusades was attempt to rescue the middle east (and in fact Europe) from a bloody onslaught of Muslims.

Of course Muslim defenders don't want to remind us of that, because to do so is also to remind us that in Islam, one does NOT concede defeat. Once a land has been conquered by Islam, Muslims are honor-bound to reclaim it. Which means they have no intention of confining their restrictive, abusive, and vile religion to their "homelands". The Koran demands that they go out and use any means necessary to conquer the world..and particularly to re-capture any land that they have inhabited at any time. That means France, Spain and any other country they were driven out of after invasion.

To do this, they are given permission by the Koran to use ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Muslims are permitted to lie to save their lives, to reconcile a husband and wife, to persuade a woman into a bedroom and to facilitate one on his journey. Muslims are even permitted to disavow Islam and Mohammed if it is not a genuine heart-felt rejection, in order to attain access to positions and status they would be denied otherwise. Muslims will tell you that concealment of a truth is not an abandonment of that truth if it benefits Islam.

Mohammed himself gave permission for a follower to lie in order to kill a Jewish poet who had offended Mohammed. Mohommed himself decapitated women and children.

It is NOT a religion of peace, and the Koran is inwritten with permission to lie about anything at all in order to further the cause of dominating the world and slaughtering infidels. Period.

3 things

1) I am not muslim.

2) I am not a defendert of Islam--find a muslim to do that

3) Remember--I do not like any religious fanatics.

By the way, when you guys start justifying "Destroying GOD's fine art" because it does not let you pray at your favorite dirt mound, do you really think you are being rational?
Atheists aren't the ones who invented "turn the other cheek", "do unto others...". I'd like to see any of you at your mass and next time the pastor/priest/muslim cleric/ rabbi says something a little suspect that you'd stand up and shout at him: YOU FUCKING IGNORANT RETARD, PROVE IT OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!

Now wonder the world is in such a pathetic state morally and spiritually.

Meh. I'm assuming this is more or less directed at me. If somebody makes claims about my religious beliefs that are disgusting and blatantly untrue, and if that person refuses to substantiate any of his or her ridiculous statements, don't expect me to respond civilly. If some imam repeatedly stated that my religious beliefs compelled me to lie, if he made claims about Muhammad ﷺ "personally decapitating women and children," I'd probably call him an ignorant fucking retard as well. I'm an honest person and I won't act as if I like you if I don't.
kalam, nothing in your religion is true, just read the koran, it's all crap, written by a dude who was just trying to catch up to the bible (which is also a load of crap). Islam was invented to keep women down and treated like chattel. If it was really a religion of peace, you wouldn't have jihad, 72 ugly virgins... and you wouldn't be forcing your women to wear a black sheet over themselves in a desert country. That anyone would even marry off their 9 year old is just plain as sick as it gets.
Atheism is increasing faster than the Muslim faith is. But regardless that is irrelevant. :lol:

The point is that Atheism being built upon logic and reason...can't be undermined by a religious faith...unless by physical force or by law.

History has shown that regardless of religious control Atheism still remains...because of the simple concept that god cannot be proved physically through the scientific method. If the world got rid of science...then Atheism would die...and all modern civilization* with it. ;)

*Meaning the world would turn Armish like :lol:
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Atheism is not the bastion of logic and reason nor is it the bastard child of science. The minute science claims to have an answer to 'is there at least one God', then you can start calling dibs on the religion brought to you by science.

Every religion is unprovable without godly intervention and that includes atheism.

Remember that before you get into a pointless 'my spaghetti monster is better than your God' thread.
kalam, nothing in your religion is true, just read the koran, it's all crap, written by a dude who was just trying to catch up to the bible (which is also a load of crap). Islam was invented to keep women down and treated like chattel. If it was really a religion of peace, you wouldn't have jihad, 72 ugly virgins... and you wouldn't be forcing your women to wear a black sheet over themselves in a desert country. That anyone would even marry off their 9 year old is just plain as sick as it gets.

Actually... the Koran is far better in its treatment of women than the Bible or Torah... actually (sounds odd in this day and age) it was the most progressive religious text (of the 'big three'). Compared to now, obviously it is archaic and sexist (IMO) but if one actually lived according to the Bible it would be FAR worse. It is just that there are so few die-hard Christians, while there seem to be many die-hard Muslims.

All religions (except maybe Taoism) are pretty violent, read the bible it's pretty colonialist and and sexist and violent and advocates slavery, says rape is ok... I mean come on, how many Christians treat their slaves according to the good book's rules? How many actually treat their children and wives according to its rules?
kalam, nothing in your religion is true, just read the koran, it's all crap, written by a dude who was just trying to catch up to the bible (which is also a load of crap). Islam was invented to keep women down and treated like chattel. If it was really a religion of peace, you wouldn't have jihad, 72 ugly virgins... and you wouldn't be forcing your women to wear a black sheet over themselves in a desert country. That anyone would even marry off their 9 year old is just plain as sick as it gets.

Actually... the Koran is far better in its treatment of women than the Bible or Torah... actually (sounds odd in this day and age) it was the most progressive religious text (of the 'big three'). Compared to now, obviously it is archaic and sexist (IMO) but if one actually lived according to the Bible it would be FAR worse. It is just that there are so few die-hard Christians, while there seem to be many die-hard Muslims.

All religions (except maybe Taoism) are pretty violent, read the bible it's pretty colonialist and and sexist and violent and advocates slavery, says rape is ok... I mean come on, how many Christians treat their slaves according to the good book's rules? How many actually treat their children and wives according to its rules?

None that I've ever met.
Atheism is not the bastion of logic and reason nor is it the bastard child of science. The minute science claims to have an answer to 'is there at least one God', then you can start calling dibs on the religion brought to you by science.

Every religion is unprovable without godly intervention and that includes atheism.

Remember that before you get into a pointless 'my spaghetti monster is better than your God' thread.

rare is the atheist who actually claims there is no God(s). That is an unscientific view-point and unprovable. Most of us apply the same analysis to all claims, religious or otherwise in a consistent logical manner. Thus, I think there could be God(s), there could be a lot of things ...but I will only believe they exist when I am convinced, not just because someone told me to believe it, or because they have a book (even if it's a really, really old one).
Atheism is not the bastion of logic and reason nor is it the bastard child of science. The minute science claims to have an answer to 'is there at least one God', then you can start calling dibs on the religion brought to you by science.

Every religion is unprovable without godly intervention and that includes atheism.

Remember that before you get into a pointless 'my spaghetti monster is better than your God' thread.

rare is the atheist who actually claims there is no God(s). That is an unscientific view-point and unprovable. Most of us apply the same analysis to all claims, religious or otherwise in a consistent logical manner. Thus, I think there could be God(s), there could be a lot of things ...but I will only believe they exist when I am convinced, not just because someone told me to believe it, or because they have a book (even if it's a really, really old one).

Isn't that agnosticism then?

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