Zombie Movies: A Disturbing Look into the Future?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I just watched "World War X," which I had hoped was a legitimate scientific thriller. Instead, it was little more than repetitive scenes of dehumanized zombies running amok and being slaughtered by the thousands. The popularity and proliferation of these movies makes me wonder if the deaths of millions in WW2 is likely to be repeated in the not too distant future.

The consistent theme in these movies (and video games) is the "dehumanization" of other people, thus removing any moral qualms about exterminating them. Didn't this also happen in the mass killings of civilians in WW2?

This is not a new idea, but it seems that we are becoming so numbed by the sheer volume of these images that their frightening implications are becoming increasingly portentous.
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zombies do what zombies do...
now we have to make zombie movies politically correct.
they need to be more warm and fuzzy?
Read the book.

The book is quite a bit better than the shitty movie was.

How can you make a PG-13 zombie movie? It doesn't work.

They wasted some great source material in an effort to make an action film for Pitt and capitalize on the name of a very popular book. The only thing the book and movie have in common is the title.

I could easily see a series of films based on the material in the book. The interview starts, fade to black, flashbacks with narration by the interviewee...
A big "THANKS" to The Democrat National Committee for their cooperation in allowing their members to take bit roles in this production without payment (which might have screwed up their welfare checks anyway)!
I kept hearing all these great things about the movie - that it was gonna be more cerebral, along the lines of Children Of Men, and all these awesome things.

Then the movie was delayed another year, and I started to hear bad things - that they tore it apart trying to make a blockbuster out of it.
I kept hearing all these great things about the movie - that it was gonna be more cerebral, along the lines of Children Of Men, and all these awesome things.

Then the movie was delayed another year, and I started to hear bad things - that they tore it apart trying to make a blockbuster out of it.

I didn't hear anything until I saw the first trailers. My initial reaction was, "that ain't the book..."
Zombies aren't people so it's okay to dehumanize them.

Zombie movies more and more reflect a would increasingly resorting to drugs. Someone on bath salts turns into a cannibal. Users have dug the eyeballs out of victims and eaten them. Krokodil causes the users flesh to rot off their bodies.

World war Z is the future. One in which those still human must put an end to drug use in the worst ways possible.
Read the book.

The book is quite a bit better than the shitty movie was.

How can you make a PG-13 zombie movie? It doesn't work.

However, a movie with actual similarities to the book besides the nomenclature would likely be less interesting than the already terrible movie. The book wasn't meant to be adapted for theaters, in my opinion. The "I know how you feel. You have no idea how I feel" cliché at the World Health Organization added insult to injury.
During times of government enforced political correctness and media self censorship the only logical enemy or villain is ourselves. Zombies make the best villains because they used to be human but have lost their status and little kids can cheer without guilt as the creatures get their heads blown off.
Zombies are the future! They are telling you what the country will look like once drugs are legalized.
We already are overrun with zombies. Walk down the street and see how many people are glued to their smart phones, if you yourself aren't already glued to yours. This is why I just keep a regular flip phone. I'm trying not to feed the beast too much and not distract myself as much as I can. Although I'm still in line to be assimilated.
We have two pot shops in one block. They don't walk down the street. They shuffle as far as the bus stop.

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