The High Cost of Wokeness. Disney's "Strange World" was a record-setting Flop (no pun intended), "Lightyear" was almost as bad

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I know there have been threads about this. But USMB advised me to start a new one:


I haven't seen either movie in full, so maybe I'm not qualified to judge them. On the other hand, very few people have seen it according to the box office results, so I am qualified to comment on the group of "did not see them."

It was not just the gay characters. It was the wokeness of publicizing that there were gay characters, and same-sex romance.

They could have sold it as a good movie about explorers, taking place in some distant future, but whose characters' lives follow some of the conventions of historical dramas. By that I mean the wagon-like vehicles, the farming, etc. Much like Star Wars which takes place in a high tech time, but the characters are required to sword fight. "Lightyear" should have sold itself, it was the most recent in a very popular series. Don't advertise the same-sex married characters and the movie would have drawn an audience.

Watching the "gay scenes" of Strange World and they seem to be the same "aw shucks, I'm so shy, my dad's so dorky," attempted cuteness that nearly all Disney romances have. It's kind of OK that they are repetitive, because they are each for a young audience that may not have seen the earlier version so that they would call out its lack of originality.

It wasn't gay porn. Public schools are noted for featuring far more explicit gay material. I would say that the message of "Lightyear," with its build up to the same-ex kiss was "it's ok to be gay." The message of "Strange World" was "it's so OK to be gay, that this movie is not even noticing that the characters are gay."

I agree that it is OK to be gay. Or more to the point, I agree that it isn't for me to say whether it's OK to be gay. No one gay or thinking about being gay needs my permission or approval. But, rightly or wrongly, plenty of Americans do not accept that it is OK to be gay, especially not for their kids. They know that kids often go through a phase of confusion about sex and sexuality, and they like the idea that their kids will be restrained from experimenting with same-sex by disapproval of gayness.

Do I agree that it's OK to parent that way? Here again, it isn't up to me to agre or disagree. No parent needs my permission or approval to raise their kids that way.

Disney's losses were entirely predictible. I get that they might be surprised that they are losing so badly and so expensively in their fight against DeSantis. He is excoriated in the media, they must have felt that he would crumble under pressure and loss of support. Now, he will almost certainly win the WH in 2024 or 2028, during which time they may go through several CEO's trying to get them back on track.
Even among most of those who are generally tolerant of fucked-up sexual perverts, as long as they keep their perversions to themselves, pushing these perversions on children is just a bridge way too far. This is where the LGBpbiWTF mob is going to lose all the acceptance that they have gained up to this point, and go back to being a class of untouchables with which sane mainstream people want nothing to do.

It would do the LGBpbiWTF bunch a great deal of goodm, it a prominent portion of them would publicly repudiate, the pedophilic elements that have infested their community.
Here is the frightening question, were there such messaging efforts in Disney movies when we were kids? I remember going to the theatre with my family to watch Bambi, it didn't seem focused on anything but entertainment but who knows (Ive never seen it since). Is this just a new phenomenon or was there always some underlying culture of creeps involved? Think about what MIGHT draw some to such productions. Think of what Cory Haim and others went through (MANY young stars). It is time to start protexting the vulnerable, whatever their situation. I'm not referring to gay efforts,.I am talking about messaging to the young issues that are in fact adult issues and constructs.
Even among most of those who are generally tolerant of fucked-up sexual perverts, as long as they keep their perversions to themselves, pushing these perversions on children is just a bridge way too far. This is where the LGBpbiWTF mob is going to lose all the acceptance that they have gained up to this point, and go back to being a class of untouchables with which sane mainstream people want nothing to do.

It would do the LGBpbiWTF bunch a great deal of goodm, it a prominent portion of them would publicly repudiate, the pedophilic elements that have infested their community.
Meanwhile everyday the only people actually caught raping kids are the religious groups and leaders so adamantly announcing that it's all because of gay people
Here is the frightening question, were there such messaging efforts in Disney movies when we were kids? I remember going to the theatre with my family to watch Bambi, it didn't seem focused on anything but entertainment but who knows (Ive never seen it since). Is this just a new phenomenon or was there always some underlying culture of creeps involved? Think about what MIGHT draw some to such productions. Think of what Cory Haim and others went through (MANY young stars). It is time to start protexting the vulnerable, whatever their situation.
If Disney's run of 90's movies were released today imagine the outrage. Aladdin would be attacked as some kind of terrorist or satanic propaganda, Pocahantas attacked as woke environmental propaganda, A Bug's Life attacked as socialist propaganda, Mulan attacked as Chinese communist propaganda, and on and on
'Restructuring' corporations......

Restructure Your Organization to Actually Advance Racial Justice​

For diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practitioners like me, the influx of interest we’re seeing from organizations that want to both support their Black employees and upskill their workforce around racism, bias, and inclusivity is unprecedented.

Restructure Your Organization to Actually Advance Racial Justice

This^^^^^ Is the shit going on right now. Note the loaded words.....diversity, equity, inclusion, 'upskill', inclusivity.......These words denote tyranny. Also note that there is big money involved: "DEI budgets that had disappeared are now back."

This is some really scary stuff folks. Someone is paying organizations like Disney to put out this crap. Wanna bet the root is Soros?
I know there have been threads about this. But USMB advised me to start a new one:

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I haven't seen either movie in full, so maybe I'm not qualified to judge them. On the other hand, very few people have seen it according to the box office results, so I am qualified to comment on the group of "did not see them."

It was not just the gay characters. It was the wokeness of publicizing that there were gay characters, and same-sex romance.

They could have sold it as a good movie about explorers, taking place in some distant future, but whose characters' lives follow some of the conventions of historical dramas. By that I mean the wagon-like vehicles, the farming, etc. Much like Star Wars which takes place in a high tech time, but the characters are required to sword fight. "Lightyear" should have sold itself, it was the most recent in a very popular series. Don't advertise the same-sex married characters and the movie would have drawn an audience.

Watching the "gay scenes" of Strange World and they seem to be the same "aw shucks, I'm so shy, my dad's so dorky," attempted cuteness that nearly all Disney romances have. It's kind of OK that they are repetitive, because they are each for a young audience that may not have seen the earlier version so that they would call out its lack of originality.

It wasn't gay porn. Public schools are noted for featuring far more explicit gay material. I would say that the message of "Lightyear," with its build up to the same-ex kiss was "it's ok to be gay." The message of "Strange World" was "it's so OK to be gay, that this movie is not even noticing that the characters are gay."

I agree that it is OK to be gay. Or more to the point, I agree that it isn't for me to say whether it's OK to be gay. No one gay or thinking about being gay needs my permission or approval. But, rightly or wrongly, plenty of Americans do not accept that it is OK to be gay, especially not for their kids. They know that kids often go through a phase of confusion about sex and sexuality, and they like the idea that their kids will be restrained from experimenting with same-sex by disapproval of gayness.

Do I agree that it's OK to parent that way? Here again, it isn't up to me to agre or disagree. No parent needs my permission or approval to raise their kids that way.

Disney's losses were entirely predictible. I get that they might be surprised that they are losing so badly and so expensively in their fight against DeSantis. He is excoriated in the media, they must have felt that he would crumble under pressure and loss of support. Now, he will almost certainly win the WH in 2024 or 2028, during which time they may go through several CEO's trying to get them back on track.
Aside from openly grooming children, Disney is way to expensive and overrated, especially with run away inflation

When I think of Disney I think of really long lines, bad food, hot weather, and lame rides.

No thanks.
Most parents are not going to take their kids to see a movie featuring a gay character.

The only purpose to these gay movies is to promote gayness as mainstream, since there are too few gay people to make any such movie really a commercial success.

If you want to see what the REAL WORLD really thinks of this crap, you need look no farther than Bud Lite and Target.
Disney officials have openly stated that they want to insert more LGBT characters into their movies. That they make for kids.

Openly stating that a company is going to groom kids is disqualifying IMO.

My patience is completely gone for this whole "movememt" that is now increasingly openly targeting children.
Little Mermaid--5th largest opening wknd ever!!!

Wrong. Utterly and completely wrong.

In fact, it was the 79th largest opening weekend ever.

Unless you are claiming somehow it brought in over $220 million domestically. Which is of course a lie, it did not even make that much Internationally.

And globally, it has brought in only $326 million, so it is still over $200 million in the hole.
Wrong. Utterly and completely wrong.

In fact, it was the 79th largest opening weekend ever.

Unless you are claiming somehow it brought in over $220 million domestically. Which is of course a lie, it did not even make that much Internationally.

And globally, it has brought in only $326 million, so it is still over $200 million in the hole.
Disney’s live-action remake of the iconic animated film is headed for an estimated four-day domestic debut of $118.6 million, the holiday’s fifth-biggest opening of all time, according to final weekend actuals. The three-day gross is an estimated $96 million-plus. (On Saturday, the film looked to earn north of $120 million over the long holiday weekend, but domestic estimates shifted.)

Should have clarified...fifth largest Memorial day.

Film already turned a profit. You're just lying your ass off.
Film already turned a profit. You're just lying your ass off.

No, actually I am not. It is nowhere close to making a profit.

Here is the truth. The production budget for this movie is over $250 million. The marketing budget is a staggering $250-350 million. The House of Mouse has been amazingly silent on how much they actually spent to market it, so let's go with the smaller number of $250 million. That means it need to bring them over $500 million to make a profit.

Yes, as of this time it has made more than $300 million globally, but I will use the numbers from last weekend of $327 million. That is nowhere even close to what it needs to make to break even. And here is why.

When it comes to box office, the company does not get all of that. Domestically, they get only 60% of the box office, the rest goes to cover distribution costs and to the theaters. That means that of the $186 million it made domestically, Disney gets $111.6 million. But to be generous, I will round that up to $112 million.

Now overseas, it is worse. That is because they only on average get between 30-40% of that box office. But I will once again be generous and call it 35%. And with an overseas box of $141 million, that means that Disney will see $49.35 million. But I will once again round up, just to keep the numbers easy.

So that means as of last weekend, Disney has made $162 million dollars in money coming in, from a movie that cost them over $250 million to produce and another $250 million to market.

So no, that is not a profit, they are still hundreds of millions of dollars in the hole.

What, do you actually think that the studio gets all of the money that the theaters take in at the box office? Even if that were true, the movie would still be in the hole because of the huge amount of money they spent on marketing.

The fact is, Disney had not had a profitable movie in years. That is why the studio is in a state of panic at the moment because their next releases are already being panned, and they have nothing in the pipeline at the moment that anybody thinks will turn the trend around.

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