You want to know the real reason people don't want to be liberals?

"I used to be a liberal. 25 years ago. Now liberals are just closed minded ass holes, they remind me of communist close minded fools. Oprikitia. "

Funny. As a former business owner I thought being a staunch conservative was the only way to go. THen I saw the world beyond myself.
understand the current situation over there... I guess that explains some things. Liberals always were ones for having the strongest opinions about that with which they're least familiar.
I wouldn't crow too much. Using absolutes like "always" is a dangerous thing. All one has to do is find ONE exception and you'll be made to be the fool.
What did liberals do that was so offensive to the conservatives? Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor. -Lawrence O'Donnell Jr.

And yes, Republicans used to be liberal.
You're a moron.

You never fail to elevate the discussion.
"I used to be a liberal. 25 years ago. Now liberals are just closed minded ass holes, they remind me of communist close minded fools. Oprikitia. "

Funny. As a former business owner I thought being a staunch conservative was the only way to go. THen I saw the world beyond myself.

I was a liberal until the mid 80's. I had my own business, listened to the liberal KGO in San Francisco, started to question more and more. I'm a fiscal conservative now.
Founding fathers were rebels, libturds never rebel, they just seek more and more goverment regulation of our personal lives.

Oh my God. You can't be this stupid.

The definition of conservatism is to keep things at the status quo. That's why they are CONSERVATIVES because they want to CONSERVE the establishment. To keep things the same.

Liberals are always the rebellious ones challenging the preconceived notions of the day.

Liberalism wins in the end. Slavery, Jim Crow, Gay Rights. All issues that liberals challenged the status quo and won. It's inevitable.
If Joeb131 were a liberal, you might have something, but from what I've seen of him, he's closer to Neo Nazi than liberal as well as being extremely irrational and unintelligent .

The problem in perception is that the word liberal is too often applied to those who aren't the least bit liberal.

Read some John Stuart Mill or John Rawls, and get back to me, k?
The problem with democrats is similar to the problem with islam... there is a vast shortage of those willing to eschew the radicals of their group.

Repubs have the same prob. When a really good candidate comes, along centrist Dems and Repubs abandon their loons and their party tag and cross over to elect him.
I'm not Joe. New to internet forums?
Whatever, Joe. Please address my points. Or read a Qur'an. And maybe a Bible while you're at it.

I've read both, thanks.
You've read the Qur'an? Seriously?

Yes, And amazingly, it's not the Necrominicon. Reading it did not unleash the Great Old Ones to Destroy the world.

We have a problem with the Islamic world because we've MADE a problem. We created Saddam. We created Bin Laden. We whine when they turned on us, but what were we expecting, really?
If Joeb131 were a liberal, you might have something, but from what I've seen of him, he's closer to Neo Nazi than liberal as well as being extremely irrational and unintelligent .

The problem in perception is that the word liberal is too often applied to those who aren't the least bit liberal.

Read some John Stuart Mill or John Rawls, and get back to me, k?
The problem with democrats is similar to the problem with islam... there is a vast shortage of those willing to eschew the radicals of their group.

Oh puh-leeeze. The radicals on the right want to monitor your bedroom activity, deny any immigration even though their ancestors in the last 200 years were ALL immigrants, give every tax break they can possibly find to the 1% and but cut spending for public schools, allow energy companies to pollute your drinking water and don't give a flying fuck if a train full of crude oil burns your damn town down.

YOUR radicals are a bunch of plutocrats who don't live ANYWHERE near you because they won't tolerate the stench of middle class America.
What kind of lying propaganda bull shit is this?
On immigration, we support legal ones
On water? ,what a joke
on trains dumping crude?

Excuse me we support the keystone, while you libs support trains derailing

And btw my neighbors on either side of me are retired millionaires, we get along fine, even helped the retired college professor build his shed last year
"I used to be a liberal. 25 years ago. Now liberals are just closed minded ass holes, they remind me of communist close minded fools. Oprikitia. "

Funny. As a former business owner I thought being a staunch conservative was the only way to go. THen I saw the world beyond myself.

I was a liberal until the mid 80's. I had my own business, listened to the liberal KGO in San Francisco, started to question more and more. I'm a fiscal conservative now.

What made you decide to become a fiscal conservative during the Reagan Administration? It must have been his rhetoric, the reality is, no fiscally responsible person would support his agenda. Fiscal conservatism can be responsible or irresponsible and the latter is the form taken by today's fiscal conservatives in the H. of Rep. and too many state houses across the nation.
"I used to be a liberal. 25 years ago. Now liberals are just closed minded ass holes, they remind me of communist close minded fools. Oprikitia. "

Funny. As a former business owner I thought being a staunch conservative was the only way to go. THen I saw the world beyond myself.

I was a liberal until the mid 80's. I had my own business, listened to the liberal KGO in San Francisco, started to question more and more. I'm a fiscal conservative now.

What made you decide to become a fiscal conservative during the Reagan Administration? It must have been his rhetoric, the reality is, no fiscally responsible person would support his agenda. Fiscal conservatism can be responsible or irresponsible and the latter is the form taken by today's fiscal conservatives in the H. of Rep. and too many state houses across the nation.
You're forgetting the Dems didn't give him the cuts he was asking for so you're either ignorant or just a habitual liar.
And btw my neighbors on either side of me are retired millionaires, we get along fine, even helped the retired college professor build his shed last year

And you know this how? Did they come to you for financial advice? LMAO.
You probably even believe the retired professor agrees with your politics. Right?
"I used to be a liberal. 25 years ago. Now liberals are just closed minded ass holes, they remind me of communist close minded fools. Oprikitia. "

Funny. As a former business owner I thought being a staunch conservative was the only way to go. THen I saw the world beyond myself.

I was a liberal until the mid 80's. I had my own business, listened to the liberal KGO in San Francisco, started to question more and more. I'm a fiscal conservative now.

What made you decide to become a fiscal conservative during the Reagan Administration? It must have been his rhetoric, the reality is, no fiscally responsible person would support his agenda. Fiscal conservatism can be responsible or irresponsible and the latter is the form taken by today's fiscal conservatives in the H. of Rep. and too many state houses across the nation.
You're forgetting the Dems didn't give him the cuts he was asking for so you're either ignorant or just a habitual liar.

Oh, cuts to "Welfare Queens" and billion dollar contracts for defense contractors? Ignoring the drug issue (Just say NO!) and the AIDS epidemic (hell, it's only gay men, why worry); he made avarice (It's your money) into a virtue and let's not forget his national building efforts (Iran-Contra) and support in the 80.s by the CIA for Cocaine traffickers.
"I used to be a liberal. 25 years ago. Now liberals are just closed minded ass holes, they remind me of communist close minded fools. Oprikitia. "

Funny. As a former business owner I thought being a staunch conservative was the only way to go. THen I saw the world beyond myself.

I was a liberal until the mid 80's. I had my own business, listened to the liberal KGO in San Francisco, started to question more and more. I'm a fiscal conservative now.

What made you decide to become a fiscal conservative during the Reagan Administration? It must have been his rhetoric, the reality is, no fiscally responsible person would support his agenda. Fiscal conservatism can be responsible or irresponsible and the latter is the form taken by today's fiscal conservatives in the H. of Rep. and too many state houses across the nation.
You're forgetting the Dems didn't give him the cuts he was asking for so you're either ignorant or just a habitual liar.
Oh, cuts to "Welfare Queens" and billion dollar contracts for defense contractors? Ignoring the drug issue (Just say NO!) and the AIDS epidemic (hell, it's only gay men, why worry); he made avarice (It's your money) into a virtue and let's not forget his national building efforts (Iran-Contra) and support in the 80.s by the CIA for Cocaine traffickers.
Just say no is all that happened then? I remember differently. The president doesn't decide on aids research, it wasn't very well known then. Blaming Reagan for the problem the free and easy filthy life styles of homosexual men is beyond lame. Can you tie Reagan to Iran Contra, I haven't seen the evidence. He took the blame because he was president (unlike some folks we know) but when did it become his policy? America didn't agree with it but the purpose was to defeat enemies of freedom, if you will recall.
And btw my neighbors on either side of me are retired millionaires, we get along fine, even helped the retired college professor build his shed last year

And you know this how? Did they come to you for financial advice? LMAO.
You probably even believe the retired professor agrees with your politics. Right?
We never talked politics, why?we always talked weather, gardening, the lake level, could he borrow my power tools, could I borrow his canoe. We talked about his carrier in designing old ticker tape computers and the like, his job at Michigan state, funny you should mention that
We never talked politics, why?

Because were Neighbors.
If Joeb131 were a liberal, you might have something, but from what I've seen of him, he's closer to Neo Nazi than liberal as well as being extremely irrational and unintelligent .

The problem in perception is that the word liberal is too often applied to those who aren't the least bit liberal.

Read some John Stuart Mill or John Rawls, and get back to me, k?
The problem with democrats is similar to the problem with islam... there is a vast shortage of those willing to eschew the radicals of their group.

Oh puh-leeeze. The radicals on the right want to monitor your bedroom activity, deny any immigration even though their ancestors in the last 200 years were ALL immigrants, give every tax break they can possibly find to the 1% and but cut spending for public schools, allow energy companies to pollute your drinking water and don't give a flying fuck if a train full of crude oil burns your damn town down.

YOUR radicals are a bunch of plutocrats who don't live ANYWHERE near you because they won't tolerate the stench of middle class America.
What kind of lying propaganda bull shit is this?
On immigration, we support legal ones
On water? ,what a joke
on trains dumping crude?

Excuse me we support the keystone, while you libs support trains derailing

And btw my neighbors on either side of me are retired millionaires, we get along fine, even helped the retired college professor build his shed last year

Nope; some on the left know providing for the general welfare implies more than just bailing out one private sector; where is the right on that point; or, do they only complain when "welfare" is handed out to the least wealthy.

In any case, state-of-the-art infrastructure could provide for mass transit of goods and services, not just fossil fuels.

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