yep no controlled demolition of bld 7 or lost libertys since 9/11 alright

Many have tried to get their work looked at, but what has America come to when the government we created to protect our rights can accuse us of lying and then prohibit us from presenting a defense in a court of law?

Defense of what? You don't seem to understand how our justice system works. Perhaps you should bone-up on it and add cyber-attorney to your cyber-physicist resume.

You have the right to form your own opinions, not your own facts. :D[/QUOTE]

I know enough about it to understand when it is not working, when information, witnesses and data are being suppressed, I know enough to know when a conflict of interest is present.
You seem to be the type of person that does not care when these instances occur. You insist
that everything you are told is true because the fabricators who are in positions of authority say so. You are so obtuse that even when your fellow citizens are being treated unfairly by a system of checks and balances that were designed to protect them are not present, you don't care or even care to know.

I have facts and evidence of instances to back up my position, theory and opinion, while all you can muster is the same old line claiming there is none while never addressing what we present with any of your own that discount them.
I don't use my own facts all the time either, I use credible sources with verifiable documentation, while you have nothing, and hide under the false assumptions, non provable theories and a wild CT that we show does not physically make any sense.

You claim that you can't discount our facts because you aren't smart enough to even understand them, yet somehow think this is a valid reason for saying they don't exist or that they aren't credible.....You don't even make any sense, in the reasoning you state that our positions don't? You are a fucking loon who hides behind any excuse you can find to avoid directly establishing and verifying your own reasoning...
If you have nothing to offer, and our theories and opinions have been "debunked" why are you still hanging around? Have you not made a big enough fool of yourself already?
We've known this all along idiot. It was obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

Your continued shrill and silly postings on this thread prove otherwise, Princess. If the NIST findings were so easily debunked, real scientists and engineers (not you pompous cyber warriors) and their professional associations would have been all over it. Instead only an insignificant % have been involved in the CT movement and in 11 years they haven't made a dent. It's Feb 16, 2013 and still no evidence of demo rigging or controlled demo, no evidence of a gov't conspiracy, none of a media conspiracy and none that your condition will improve anytime soon. Carry on. :D

You can't prove anyone thing that substantiates your opinion on any of these false points.
Where are you getting your false information from twinkie? I see that you never post anything that substantiates your views, you simply repeat what you hear from conspiracy sites..
"Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, 'kill the messenger.'

"Why do so many people respond this way?

"As discussed by psychology experts, one explanation involves the issue of 'nationalist faith.' What this entails, for certain Americans, is the steadfast view that the U.S. government is always 'the good guy,' and that anyone not in sync with this view is 'anti-American' and not to be trusted.

"Those who blindly cling to nationalist faith simply cannot entertain the idea that America’s leaders would do anything wrong."

Are you silly enough to believe US leaders would never do anything wrong?
Are you one of those "Americans" who believes his government is "always the good guy?"
Sure you are.

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

The question isn't whether all who doubt the 9/11 CT movement believe US leaders would never do anything wrong (that's a classic baseless, self-serving, Straw Man argument) but rather is there real evidence they did so on 9/11?
The more honest question is: are you actually stupid enough to leave critique of the 9/11 "truth" movement's critics to the 9/11 "truth" movement?
Are all those who doubt your "facts" either part of what you deem to be a conspiracy or just blind sheeple or are you CT Nutters just plain nutters? :D
"Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, 'kill the messenger.'

"Why do so many people respond this way?

"As discussed by psychology experts, one explanation involves the issue of 'nationalist faith.' What this entails, for certain Americans, is the steadfast view that the U.S. government is always 'the good guy,' and that anyone not in sync with this view is 'anti-American' and not to be trusted.

"Those who blindly cling to nationalist faith simply cannot entertain the idea that America’s leaders would do anything wrong."

Are you silly enough to believe US leaders would never do anything wrong?
Are you one of those "Americans" who believes his government is "always the good guy?"
Sure you are.

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

that last paragraph describes Montrovent.He only sees what he wants to see and doesnt believe our us leaders can do no wrong.the handlers of sock puppet troll sayit love him because he is the kind that they know will listen to his lies and propaganda his handlers have sent him here to troll and post.
Defense of what I ask? You are truly the poster girl for raving CT loons, Princess, but I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. My challenge was absolutely facetious. Real experts have always had the option of hiring law firms to take their cases to court yet none have. This thread was intended to get nutters like you to realize you are just engaged in cyber-masterbation. Most did and slithered away. Desperate, shrill, fools like you tried futilely to bait me into some half-assed pseudo-scientific debate. Neither of us are scientists but you like to pretend to be one.
In fact, you seem to do a lot of pretending about a lot of things. Clearly reality just isn't for you. :cuckoo:
I knew you'd pussy out! It was just a matter of time. Princess.

what are you talking about? he did that several months back when he first started trolling these boards refusing to address these facts only coming back posting patheitc one liners as his rebutalls like he always does when he is cornered.

Like all paid shills,he always runs off everytime he is cornered by these facts.

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And who exactly dictates who this outer fringe is? Let me guess...the people in the "news" and the MSM in general..There are many worldwide who believe that the 9-11 fable and theory is not correct. If you would read some history you would soon find many instances of powerful people vying for control of the masses, but you limit yourself to looking at only the superficial or micro level of things, you wont understand. Don't expect things to pop out at you, there are many instances where the hidden "daggers" and agendas are obvious but only after one takes on a sincere effort to understand. You also must be aware of who the source of information is, what their involvement is, and who benefits etc. IOW, vetting your sources.
The story of the Fed Reserve is a good example, among many that one can undertake to understand about hidden agendas, and conspiracies.

Information that proves this is available, but again government is supposed to be a tool for the benefit and orderly function of the citizens of a nation, but many times it is infiltrated by those that special interests tab and help "elect" for their goals and outcomes. It may be to control monetary, foreign ,business , military, or to subvert the constitution. A nations government has and can be controlled by these and criminal interests as well.
The concept of a fair government as the US is supposed to be, has been infiltrated by criminal elements, that involve outside states and entities.

It equates a subverted and infiltrated government, that does not benefit the people that it is designed to serve. There are safeguards the framers of the US constitution put in place for these reasons, and why an oath to it is required, but there are many instances where this oath and respect to it and what it stands for has been trampled. They are obvious and taking place everyday. Our own elected officials actually challenge and fight against it
instead of preserving it and the principles it was designed to uphold.

Well, there are instances regarding the 9-11 attacks where this is obvious. Asses are being covered to hide murder of Americans, There is evidence of criminal activity before during and after 9-11.

This is another area where you generalize "THE Jews" Not all Jews are Zionist nationals. Not all who claim to be Jews are really Semites either. The history is intriguing, and would take too much time to discuss, but suffice it to say that Judaism has itself been infiltrated and replaced by fanatical Zionist nationalism. The Jewish people have been fed the line that they are a "chosen" people and a mentality that
the world and Gentiles especially hate them, when in fact ill will is because of the Zionist policies and Nazi tactics that are used in their name.
America is also hated in the Muslim world because of the Zionist policy that it is directly connected to.
But as far as the 9-11 attacks are concerned, many Zionist were in control of sensitive positions in the Bush cabinet and administration, who had the means and authority to facilitate the attacks, that were only of benefit to Israel, just ask Nutty Yahoo. Follow the Zionist connections in the white house, research who wrote the PNAC policy and who signed them. They are the Neo Cons who are trying like hell to send America to fight another war against Israel's enemy in Iran. The same peddlers of BS and policy involving Iraq. How many UN resolutions has the apartheid state of Israel ignored??
It’s the unfortunate truism about a few bad apples spoiling the entire barrel. The FEW – very few – Zionist Jews who have wreaked havoc in America and around the world have managed to foment an unsettling hatred in the hearts of those who perceive these misdeeds and then blame ALL Jews for the actions of these deranged few.

That's OK with me, it does not deter me from my duty as a citizen. I have researched all that I speak to you about in earnest, and followed trails to come to my OWN conclusion. I enjoy, and am proud of the fact I do this, instead of relying on ignorant herd mentality. Example are...The Fed Reserve is really a federal agency, Flouride is really good for you, and Alqaeda is a constant threat, and another whopper being that the OBL raid really really took place....:cuckoo:
In most cases it really is, it's obvious when discussing certain things when a person did not do any homework about what they are engaging in a debate about, and as has been shown in threads like this, they turn out to look like fools-
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”- Socrates

Ah, the truther label applied to signify a separatist, a kook, a "CT" LOL!
What credible people have done in the pertinent fields of study regarding 9-11 is offer a more scientific, logical, and physically possible alternative to the guesses, and wild conspiracy theory that do not make scientific or physical sense, when analyzed and when proper methods of evaluation, and calculations are applied. If it looks like a CD, has all the characteristics of a CD, and when the scientific methods are applied, and it is added all up, has a higher percentage....SCIENTIFICALLY,AND PHYSICALLY of being a CD....OVER OTHER THEORIES....then it is a CD. NIST has not proved otherwise, and there is much evidence that shows were and how NIST is wrong...

You speak like you only read statements regarding the opinions of these "scientist" How about you look at their body of work for yourself, compare it the body work for NIST, and make up your own mind?
It is good to see if there are opposing views, but without understanding the details, some admittingly complicated, you have nothing to make a sound decision on.
Again the sources of the information, what their vested interests may be that may be an influence on them etc...all come into play, along with the correctness of the calculations that form the basis for agreement, or disapproval.

Many have tried to get their work looked at, but what has America come to when the government we created to protect our rights can accuse us of lying and then prohibit us from presenting a defense in a court of law?

Defense of what? You don't seem to understand how our justice system works. Perhaps you should bone-up on it and add cyber-attorney to your cyber-physicist resume.

You have the right to form your own opinions, not your own facts. :D

Defense of what you ask....Are you drunk or stoned? You have not, and probably never will, understand what we are discussing in these threads. You don't address anything with a coherent or reasonable post or reply that is relevant to what is being discussed! LOL! To clarify,....My opinion is attained by the process I explained above, that you obviously intentionally missed as is evident by you only commenting on the very last sentence of my post.
Why don't you just stop making a foolish ass out of yourself already, it's shameful the way you just glance at a post and then ask a stupid question like "defense of what"?
And BTW, I'm not the one who alluded to being some kind of cyber representative or attorney, with grandiose aspirations of representing people. And since when does understanding a little physics about the WTC buildings equal being a cyber-physicist?

What we can infer from your responses is 1-You don't know anything about what you are here to discuss/debate. 2-You suffer from delusional thinking, and grandiose over estimations of your abilities. 3-You run away from any challenge that necessitates you having to assert your belief in your wild conspiracy theory with actual details and facts..
You never address what is actually in anyone's posts while slithering and sliding away
Among other shameful traits, that make you an extremely poor advocate for the OCT.
INWs.....You suck so bad you make an ass out of yourself..

whats so amazing about that ignorant post from those brainwashed Bush dupes is the majority of congress is corrupt. bought off and paid for by the zionists so we cant expect to have a reali investigation into this.also its a well known fact that not too long ago,our corrupt court system spit in the familys face when they objected to Bushs cousin being the judge in the lawsuit they filed against the government.:cuckoo:

In the ultimate insult to April Gallop in her 9/11 lawsuit against the government,the establishment has made sure her lawsuit gets sabatoged from the get go.The government has insulted Gallop by denying her appeal that Bush's cousin Judge John Walker be dismissed from the panel.

The fact that Bush's cousin is the judge of this case should raise red flags to even the most die hard 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists that defend the official version of the governments here that this is a fair trial.

Matter of fact not only have they thrown out her appeal to have Judge Walker removed,the message is clear you cant even file a lawsuit against the government without being you can see from the link below,her attorney representing her has been fined $15,000 for no good reason.

Oh and Judge Walker really IS Bush's cousin for the OCTA'S that want to say he isnt.All you got to do is look at a photo of him and just like Bush jr is a spitting image of his dad,so is Judge John Walker a spitting image of Bush.

Enjoy.tons of information with very good links
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"Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, 'kill the messenger.'

"Why do so many people respond this way?

"As discussed by psychology experts, one explanation involves the issue of 'nationalist faith.' What this entails, for certain Americans, is the steadfast view that the U.S. government is always 'the good guy,' and that anyone not in sync with this view is 'anti-American' and not to be trusted.

"Those who blindly cling to nationalist faith simply cannot entertain the idea that America’s leaders would do anything wrong."

Are you silly enough to believe US leaders would never do anything wrong?
Are you one of those "Americans" who believes his government is "always the good guy?"
Sure you are.

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

that last paragraph describes Montrovent.He only sees what he wants to see and doesnt believe our us leaders can do no wrong.the handlers of sock puppet troll sayit love him because he is the kind that they know will listen to his lies and propaganda his handlers have sent him here to troll and post.

You are absolutely right. I don't believe our leaders can do no wrong. :tongue:

Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others seeing only what they want to see. Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others believing the government can do no wrong (I assume that's what you actually meant to say) when you assume the government only does wrong.

CT posters : can only believe that people who disagree with them are government-paid trolls, or else believe the government is an infallible father-figure. It certainly couldn't be that someone simply disagrees!
"Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, 'kill the messenger.'

"Why do so many people respond this way?

"As discussed by psychology experts, one explanation involves the issue of 'nationalist faith.' What this entails, for certain Americans, is the steadfast view that the U.S. government is always 'the good guy,' and that anyone not in sync with this view is 'anti-American' and not to be trusted.

"Those who blindly cling to nationalist faith simply cannot entertain the idea that America’s leaders would do anything wrong."

Are you silly enough to believe US leaders would never do anything wrong?
Are you one of those "Americans" who believes his government is "always the good guy?"
Sure you are.

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

that last paragraph describes Montrovent.He only sees what he wants to see and doesnt believe our us leaders can do no wrong.the handlers of sock puppet troll sayit love him because he is the kind that they know will listen to his lies and propaganda his handlers have sent him here to troll and post.

You are absolutely right. I don't believe our leaders can do no wrong. :tongue:

Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others seeing only what they want to see. Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others believing the government can do no wrong (I assume that's what you actually meant to say) when you assume the government only does wrong.

CT posters : can only believe that people who disagree with them are government-paid trolls, or else believe the government is an infallible father-figure. It certainly couldn't be that someone simply disagrees!

thats where you have been brainwashed.You arent paid shill.Your just a loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth and in denial and afraid to acknowledge you dont live in a free country,that you oonly see what you WANT to see as you have proved so many times.

SAYIT troll on the other hand is a sock puppet who has been sent here by his handlers to try and derail any kind of government corruption.he defends ANY kind of government wrong doing no matter how many times he has been proven wrong.typical troll.he knows perfectly well it was an inside job.You are just afraid and in denial,big difference there.
that last paragraph describes Montrovent.He only sees what he wants to see and doesnt believe our us leaders can do no wrong.the handlers of sock puppet troll sayit love him because he is the kind that they know will listen to his lies and propaganda his handlers have sent him here to troll and post.

You are absolutely right. I don't believe our leaders can do no wrong. :tongue:

Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others seeing only what they want to see. Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others believing the government can do no wrong (I assume that's what you actually meant to say) when you assume the government only does wrong.

CT posters : can only believe that people who disagree with them are government-paid trolls, or else believe the government is an infallible father-figure. It certainly couldn't be that someone simply disagrees!

thats where you have been brainwashed.You arent paid shill.Your just a loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth and in denial and afraid to acknowledge you dont live in a free country,that you oonly see what you WANT to see as you have proved so many times.

SAYIT troll on the other hand is a sock puppet who has been sent here by his handlers to try and derail any kind of government corruption.he defends ANY kind of government wrong doing no matter how many times he has been proven wrong.typical troll.he knows perfectly well it was an inside job.You are just afraid and in denial,big difference there.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, that's it. If one disagrees with the CT loons one can only be either brainwashed sheeple or has been sent here by some nefaroius handlers to torment the loons. It's just not possible that any rational person wouldn't be a CT Nutter. :D
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Defense of what? You don't seem to understand how our justice system works. Perhaps you should bone-up on it and add cyber-attorney to your cyber-physicist resume.

You have the right to form your own opinions, not your own facts. :D

Defense of what you ask....Are you drunk or stoned? You have not, and probably never will, understand what we are discussing in these threads. You don't address anything with a coherent or reasonable post or reply that is relevant to what is being discussed! LOL! To clarify,....My opinion is attained by the process I explained above, that you obviously intentionally missed as is evident by you only commenting on the very last sentence of my post.
Why don't you just stop making a foolish ass out of yourself already, it's shameful the way you just glance at a post and then ask a stupid question like "defense of what"?
And BTW, I'm not the one who alluded to being some kind of cyber representative or attorney, with grandiose aspirations of representing people. And since when does understanding a little physics about the WTC buildings equal being a cyber-physicist?

What we can infer from your responses is 1-You don't know anything about what you are here to discuss/debate. 2-You suffer from delusional thinking, and grandiose over estimations of your abilities. 3-You run away from any challenge that necessitates you having to assert your belief in your wild conspiracy theory with actual details and facts..
You never address what is actually in anyone's posts while slithering and sliding away
Among other shameful traits, that make you an extremely poor advocate for the OCT.
INWs.....You suck so bad you make an ass out of yourself..

whats so amazing about that ignorant post from those brainwashed Bush dupes is the majority of congress is corrupt. bought off and paid for by the zionists so we cant expect to have a reali investigation into this.

Enjoy.tons of information with very good links

Truth and Shadows » George Bush

That is the typical paranoid CT Nutter expanation for their inability to convince America of the "truth" of their CTs.
Circular thinking at its most perverse: there can be no investigation because the Zionists have bought and paid for our Congress. How convenient for the loons. :cuckoo:
that last paragraph describes Montrovent.He only sees what he wants to see and doesnt believe our us leaders can do no wrong.the handlers of sock puppet troll sayit love him because he is the kind that they know will listen to his lies and propaganda his handlers have sent him here to troll and post.

You are absolutely right. I don't believe our leaders can do no wrong. :tongue:

Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others seeing only what they want to see. Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others believing the government can do no wrong (I assume that's what you actually meant to say) when you assume the government only does wrong.

CT posters : can only believe that people who disagree with them are government-paid trolls, or else believe the government is an infallible father-figure. It certainly couldn't be that someone simply disagrees!

thats where you have been brainwashed.You arent paid shill.Your just a loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth and in denial and afraid to acknowledge you dont live in a free country,that you oonly see what you WANT to see as you have proved so many times.

SAYIT troll on the other hand is a sock puppet who has been sent here by his handlers to try and derail any kind of government corruption.he defends ANY kind of government wrong doing no matter how many times he has been proven wrong.typical troll.he knows perfectly well it was an inside job.You are just afraid and in denial,big difference there.

Oh, now I'm a loyal Bush dupe, eh? Is that loyal to Bush, or loyal to the country but duped by Bush, how exactly does that work?

And just what is your definition of a free country? I'll happily admit we aren't entirely free, as that would be anarchy. Compared to most other nations of the world, past and present, the US enjoys a large amount of freedom, though.

But I imagine you think anyone who doesn't believe the government perpetrated 9/11, faked the moon landing, shot JFK, hid evidence of alien life at Roswell, and any number of other conspiracy theories is either a 'loyal Bush dupe' or 'paid government troll'. It's amazing, your ability to both ferret out the truth of the most powerful, resourceful men in the history of the world, as well as so easily determine the nature of a person's personality based on some posts in the conspiracy theory section of a message board! There must be a way you can cash in on such immense talents. :tongue:
"Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, 'kill the messenger.'

"Why do so many people respond this way?

"As discussed by psychology experts, one explanation involves the issue of 'nationalist faith.' What this entails, for certain Americans, is the steadfast view that the U.S. government is always 'the good guy,' and that anyone not in sync with this view is 'anti-American' and not to be trusted.

"Those who blindly cling to nationalist faith simply cannot entertain the idea that America’s leaders would do anything wrong."

Are you silly enough to believe US leaders would never do anything wrong?
Are you one of those "Americans" who believes his government is "always the good guy?"
Sure you are.

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

The question isn't whether all who doubt the 9/11 CT movement believe US leaders would never do anything wrong (that's a classic baseless, self-serving, Straw Man argument) but rather is there real evidence they did so on 9/11?
The more honest question is: are you actually stupid enough to leave critique of the 9/11 "truth" movement's critics to the 9/11 "truth" movement?
Are all those who doubt your "facts" either part of what you deem to be a conspiracy or just blind sheeple or are you CT Nutters just plain nutters? :D
The question is whether you're too stupid to know the difference between "often" and "all:"

"Often, the negative responses to the evidence presented by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subtext that could be fairly titled, 'kill the messenger.'”

The question was never about "all who doubt" the truth about 911.
Those who doubt the OCT call for an independent and public investigation.
Those who embrace the "nationalist faith" are afraid to look for any "real evidence."
Maybe you're chicken-shits?
You are absolutely right. I don't believe our leaders can do no wrong. :tongue:

Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others seeing only what they want to see. Oh, the irony of you CT posters talking about others believing the government can do no wrong (I assume that's what you actually meant to say) when you assume the government only does wrong.

CT posters : can only believe that people who disagree with them are government-paid trolls, or else believe the government is an infallible father-figure. It certainly couldn't be that someone simply disagrees!

thats where you have been brainwashed.You arent paid shill.Your just a loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth and in denial and afraid to acknowledge you dont live in a free country,that you oonly see what you WANT to see as you have proved so many times.

SAYIT troll on the other hand is a sock puppet who has been sent here by his handlers to try and derail any kind of government corruption.he defends ANY kind of government wrong doing no matter how many times he has been proven wrong.typical troll.he knows perfectly well it was an inside job.You are just afraid and in denial,big difference there.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, that's it. If one disagrees with the CT loons one can only be either brainwashed sheeple or has been sent here by some nefaroius handlers to torment the loons. It's just not possible that any rational person wouldn't be a CT Nutter. :D

But you are a CT nutter. You believe in one of the most outrageously nutty CT, and whats worse is that you have no solid proof that substantiates it!
Defense of what you ask....Are you drunk or stoned? You have not, and probably never will, understand what we are discussing in these threads. You don't address anything with a coherent or reasonable post or reply that is relevant to what is being discussed! LOL! To clarify,....My opinion is attained by the process I explained above, that you obviously intentionally missed as is evident by you only commenting on the very last sentence of my post.
Why don't you just stop making a foolish ass out of yourself already, it's shameful the way you just glance at a post and then ask a stupid question like "defense of what"?
And BTW, I'm not the one who alluded to being some kind of cyber representative or attorney, with grandiose aspirations of representing people. And since when does understanding a little physics about the WTC buildings equal being a cyber-physicist?

What we can infer from your responses is 1-You don't know anything about what you are here to discuss/debate. 2-You suffer from delusional thinking, and grandiose over estimations of your abilities. 3-You run away from any challenge that necessitates you having to assert your belief in your wild conspiracy theory with actual details and facts..
You never address what is actually in anyone's posts while slithering and sliding away
Among other shameful traits, that make you an extremely poor advocate for the OCT.
INWs.....You suck so bad you make an ass out of yourself..

whats so amazing about that ignorant post from those brainwashed Bush dupes is the majority of congress is corrupt. bought off and paid for by the zionists so we cant expect to have a reali investigation into this.

Enjoy.tons of information with very good links

Truth and Shadows » George Bush

That is the typical paranoid CT Nutter expanation for their inability to convince America of the "truth" of their CTs.
Circular thinking at its most perverse: there can be no investigation because the Zionists have bought and paid for our Congress. How convenient for the loons. :cuckoo:
Israel controls the US congress, as evidenced by their attacking Hagel during the nomination hearings for starters. These treasonous congressmen have displayed more loyalty to Israeli interests then to the nation they are supposed to be working for.
The evidence of this loyalty is pervasive throughout "our" government, courts, and media.
You wouldn't bother to notice or care tho..
Anyone who thinks we haven't lost Liberties since 911, is truly living life in ignorant Goose Stepper Bliss. Definitely Red Pill time for them.
The various pieces of legislation depriving Americans of rights they were born with are all in place, just waiting for the right "crisis" for deployment:

"The fate of the nation, we understood, could be decided by the three judges who will rule on our lawsuit against President Barack Obama for signing into law Section 1021(b)(2) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

"The section permits the military to detain anyone, including U.S. citizens, who 'substantially support'—an undefined legal term—al-Qaida, the Taliban or 'associated forces,' again a term that is legally undefined.

"Those detained can be imprisoned indefinitely by the military and denied due process until 'the end of hostilities.' In an age of permanent war this is probably a lifetime. Anyone detained under the NDAA can be sent, according to Section (c)(4), to any 'foreign country or entity.'

"This is, in essence, extraordinary rendition of U.S. citizens. It empowers the government to ship detainees to the jails of some of the most repressive regimes on earth."

Chris Hedges: The NDAA and the Death of the Democratic State - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

When this economy crashes loudly enough to focus US attention spans the same way 911 did...
Anyone who thinks we haven't lost Liberties since 911, is truly living life in ignorant Goose Stepper Bliss. Definitely Red Pill time for them.

You keep sayin' that but everytime you are asked to describe how your freedoms have been dented you slither away. Is it a prob for you that you can no longer carry a bomb or a boxcutter aboard a commercial airliner? :D
Anyone who thinks we haven't lost Liberties since 911, is truly living life in ignorant Goose Stepper Bliss. Definitely Red Pill time for them.

You keep sayin' that but everytime you are asked to describe how your freedoms have been dented you slither away. Is it a prob for you that you can no longer carry a bomb or a boxcutter aboard a commercial airliner? :D

As I understand it, the Patriot Act allowed for easier surveillance by the government on US citizens. The rules for beginning various types of surveillance were loosened.

I can't remember the exact circumstances of incidents at the moment, but I also seem to recall more than one occurrence of innocent citizens being detained for long periods without representation based on the Patriot Act.

And more, I am pretty sure there have been complaints that law enforcement has used provisions of the Patriot Act in pursuing other criminals, not just terrorists.

So I would agree that some liberties have been lost, or at least degraded, since 9/11. Have I felt that personally? The closest I personally have come that I know of is having to get a new ID for my little local bank, because the one I had been using was expired. No loss of liberty, just a minor inconvenience. However, the fact that I have not personally experienced any of the negative effects does not mean I am immune to them or that my freedoms haven't been at all lessened. If it were to become illegal to travel from the east coast to the west coast I would have lost some freedom, but since I never have and never expect to do such traveling, I wouldn't experience it personally. :tongue:

Paulitician may be a crazy CT nut, but he's not always completely wrong. :lol:

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