Wow... $3.5 billion for the post office to handle 235 million eligible votes... or over $60/ ballot returned by mail...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
$14 per ballot for the US Post office to handle the Junk Mail voting.
The US has 332,527,548 people of which 255,533,643 are over age 18 BUT only 235,096,816 are eligible to vote...i.e. prisoners, etc..

Now how many people WILL actually be voting?
In 2016 138,847,000 votes cast out of 250,056,000 population

So using the same number of votes cast the cost of the JUNK-Mail voting JUST from the USPost office... $25 per mail in ballot.

Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.
But PILF obtained voter data from Oregon, the first state to adopt voting by mail exclusively, for the 2012 and 2018 elections and checked it against census data. Of the 7 million ballots the state sent out in those two elections, some 871,000 ballots are totally unaccounted for.
57.2 million in 2016,
So based on the above number 57.2 million mail in ballots or at the cost of $3.5 billion divided by 57.2 million or a cost of $60.55 per mailed in ballot.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
Handling absentee ballots is probably about 1/10th the volume of Christmas cards. So WTF is the problem?
and its even smaller compared to the political mail that goes out at election time and they pay next to nothing to mail their bullshit and that eats up a lot of OT....
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
As opposed to letting them use your own money to cheat an election right?
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$14 per ballot for the US Post office to handle the Junk Mail voting.
The US has 332,527,548 people of which 255,533,643 are over age 18 BUT only 235,096,816 are eligible to vote...i.e. prisoners, etc..

Now how many people WILL actually be voting?
In 2016 138,847,000 votes cast out of 250,056,000 population

So using the same number of votes cast the cost of the JUNK-Mail voting JUST from the USPost office... $25 per mail in ballot.

Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.
But PILF obtained voter data from Oregon, the first state to adopt voting by mail exclusively, for the 2012 and 2018 elections and checked it against census data. Of the 7 million ballots the state sent out in those two elections, some 871,000 ballots are totally unaccounted for.
57.2 million in 2016,
So based on the above number 57.2 million mail in ballots or at the cost of $3.5 billion divided by 57.2 million or a cost of $60.55 per mailed in ballot.
Simple solution: don't allow mail-in voting.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
Mail-in voting is fraud, not democracy.
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Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
As opposed to letting them use your own money to cheat an election right?
Trump and the right have yet to produce compelling evidence that mail-in voting is actually prone to abuse on the scale necessary to makethe slightest difference in the outcome of a national election. They just say shit and you believe it.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
As opposed to letting them use your own money to cheat an election right?
Trump and the right have yet to produce compelling evidence that mail-in voting is actually prone to abuse on the scale necessary to makethe slightest difference in the outcome of a national election. They just say shit and you believe it.
Every single honest report on mail in ballots shows it’s ripe for fraud. Dead people getting ballots, people who moved getting ballots, lost mail, he’ll found mail after the counting should be done.

You’re an idiot. Actually no, you just want the fraud because you’re sure you can’t win without it.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
As opposed to letting them use your own money to cheat an election right?
Trump and the right have yet to produce compelling evidence that mail-in voting is actually prone to abuse on the scale necessary to makethe slightest difference in the outcome of a national election. They just say shit and you believe it.
Every single honest report on mail in ballots shows it’s ripe for fraud. Dead people getting ballots, people who moved getting ballots, lost mail, he’ll found mail after the counting should be done.

You’re an idiot. Actually no, you just want the fraud because you’re sure you can’t win without it.
What fraud? The only irregularity involving mail-in ballots anyone can see is Trump sabotaging the postal service.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
You too lazy to go to the polls on election day?
I live in a tiny Florida county where I will not have to stand in line for hours in the cold like people in certain neighborhoods always seem to end up doing. That was the old way of suppressing the vote. Just make sure people who have to work all day did not have enough voting machines and make them wait an insultingly long time. Then there was early voting and it helped. Republicans fought that one too. The long history of suppressing the minority vote makes this latest angle just more of the same terribly familiar tactic.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
You too lazy to go to the polls on election day?
I live in a tiny Florida county where I will not have to stand in line for hours in the cold like people in certain neighborhoods always seem to end up doing. That was the old way of suppressing the vote. Just make sure people who have to work all day did not have enough voting machines and make them wait an insultingly long time. Then there was early voting and it helped. Republicans fought that one too. The long history of suppressing the minority vote makes this latest angle just more of the same terribly familiar tactic.
Excuses for the lazy, like I said if you can riot. You can stand in line to vote.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
You too lazy to go to the polls on election day?
I live in a tiny Florida county where I will not have to stand in line for hours in the cold like people in certain neighborhoods always seem to end up doing. That was the old way of suppressing the vote. Just make sure people who have to work all day did not have enough voting machines and make them wait an insultingly long time. Then there was early voting and it helped. Republicans fought that one too. The long history of suppressing the minority vote makes this latest angle just more of the same terribly familiar tactic.

You are a lazy person who is either too dumb or too lazy to do the voting via ABSENTEE!

That is total bullcrap! I've lived in Florida for 25 years and voted ABSENTEE in over a dozen elections and never had a problem.
Here is what you do...

Now I know that the below Florida Absentee voting process is a bit tedious (for your lack of acumen..tedious being hard to comprehend...)
but here is the very complicated process that Trump and I have had to do for several years in voting absentee in Florida.
And of course here is the link to substantiate the STEPS:

Below are the actual regulations regarding Absentee voting in Florida.
It is a two step process far more complex and secure that "Junk Mail-Voting"
First you have to request to vote Absentee and comply with these requirements:
Request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot
Requests for vote-by-mail ballots must be received in your local Supervisor of Elections office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day before an election.

Contact your local Supervisor of Elections to request a vote-by-mail ballot.
You may request a vote-by-mail ballot in person, by mail, email, fax or by phone.
Only the voter or a designated member or his or her immediate family or legal guardian can request a vote-by-mail ballot for the voter.
Immediate family means the designee’s spouse, parent, child, grandparent or sibling of the designee or of the designee’s spouse.
As a voter requesting a vote-by-mail ballot you must provide your:
date of birth
signature (written requests only)
If an immediate family member or legal guardian is requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for you, that person must provide above information about the voter as well as the following:
Requester's name
Requester's address
Requester's driver's license number (if available)
Requester's relationship to voter
Requester's signature (written requests only)
Now once you have qualified for an Absentee vote:
The Voting a Mail Ballot Procedures
Your marked ballot must be mailed or delivered in person, reaching the Supervisor of Elections’ office not later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election.
Do not return your voted mail ballot to a polling place.*
You may designate someone to pick up your vote-by-mail ballot on Election Day or 9 days before Election Day.
The designee may only pick up 2 vote-by-mail ballots per election, other than his or her own ballot or ballots for members of his or her immediate family.
Designees must have written authorization from the voter, present a picture I.D. and sign an affidavit.
Candidates may pick up vote-by-mail ballots only for members of their immediate family.
If you decide to go to the polls to vote instead of voting by mail, you should bring the vote-by-mail ballot (marked or not) with you so that it can be cancelled at the polls.
If you come to the polls without the vote-by-mail ballot, you can vote a regular ballot if the Supervisor of Elections' office can confirm that it has not received the vote-by-mail ballot. If it is confirmed that the Supervisor of Elections office has received the vote-by-mail ballot or it cannot be determined, you cannot vote a regular ballot at the polls.
However, if you believe that you have not already voted, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.
A vote-by-mail ballot can be dropped off at designated secure drop boxes located at early voting sites during the election.
Please contact your local Supervisor of Elections or refer to their website for the locations of all the vote-by-mail ballot secure drop boxes in your county.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
You too lazy to go to the polls on election day?
I live in a tiny Florida county where I will not have to stand in line for hours in the cold like people in certain neighborhoods always seem to end up doing. That was the old way of suppressing the vote. Just make sure people who have to work all day did not have enough voting machines and make them wait an insultingly long time. Then there was early voting and it helped. Republicans fought that one too. The long history of suppressing the minority vote makes this latest angle just more of the same terribly familiar tactic.
TOO COLD????? You have to be kidding! Florida...?
North Florida
North Florida temperatures are for weather stations in the counties of Alachua, Baker, Columbia, Duval, Hamilton, Madison, Marion, St Johns and Suwannee.
Normal temperatures for November
High °FLow °FPlaceHigh °CLow °C
7448Glen St. Mary239
7357Jacksonville Beach2314
7451Lake City2311
7650Live Oak2510
7557St. Augustine2414
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
You too lazy to go to the polls on election day?
I live in a tiny Florida county where I will not have to stand in line for hours in the cold like people in certain neighborhoods always seem to end up doing. That was the old way of suppressing the vote. Just make sure people who have to work all day did not have enough voting machines and make them wait an insultingly long time. Then there was early voting and it helped. Republicans fought that one too. The long history of suppressing the minority vote makes this latest angle just more of the same terribly familiar tactic.

You are a lazy person who is either too dumb or too lazy to do the voting via ABSENTEE!

That is total bullcrap! I've lived in Florida for 25 years and voted ABSENTEE in over a dozen elections and never had a problem.
Here is what you do...

Now I know that the below Florida Absentee voting process is a bit tedious (for your lack of acumen..tedious being hard to comprehend...)
but here is the very complicated process that Trump and I have had to do for several years in voting absentee in Florida.
And of course here is the link to substantiate the STEPS:

Below are the actual regulations regarding Absentee voting in Florida.
It is a two step process far more complex and secure that "Junk Mail-Voting"
First you have to request to vote Absentee and comply with these requirements:
Request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot
Requests for vote-by-mail ballots must be received in your local Supervisor of Elections office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day before an election.

Contact your local Supervisor of Elections to request a vote-by-mail ballot.
You may request a vote-by-mail ballot in person, by mail, email, fax or by phone.
Only the voter or a designated member or his or her immediate family or legal guardian can request a vote-by-mail ballot for the voter.
Immediate family means the designee’s spouse, parent, child, grandparent or sibling of the designee or of the designee’s spouse.
As a voter requesting a vote-by-mail ballot you must provide your:
date of birth
signature (written requests only)
If an immediate family member or legal guardian is requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for you, that person must provide above information about the voter as well as the following:
Requester's name
Requester's address
Requester's driver's license number (if available)
Requester's relationship to voter
Requester's signature (written requests only)
Now once you have qualified for an Absentee vote:
The Voting a Mail Ballot Procedures
Your marked ballot must be mailed or delivered in person, reaching the Supervisor of Elections’ office not later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election.
Do not return your voted mail ballot to a polling place.*
You may designate someone to pick up your vote-by-mail ballot on Election Day or 9 days before Election Day.
The designee may only pick up 2 vote-by-mail ballots per election, other than his or her own ballot or ballots for members of his or her immediate family.
Designees must have written authorization from the voter, present a picture I.D. and sign an affidavit.
Candidates may pick up vote-by-mail ballots only for members of their immediate family.
If you decide to go to the polls to vote instead of voting by mail, you should bring the vote-by-mail ballot (marked or not) with you so that it can be cancelled at the polls.
If you come to the polls without the vote-by-mail ballot, you can vote a regular ballot if the Supervisor of Elections' office can confirm that it has not received the vote-by-mail ballot. If it is confirmed that the Supervisor of Elections office has received the vote-by-mail ballot or it cannot be determined, you cannot vote a regular ballot at the polls.
However, if you believe that you have not already voted, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.
A vote-by-mail ballot can be dropped off at designated secure drop boxes located at early voting sites during the election.
Please contact your local Supervisor of Elections or refer to their website for the locations of all the vote-by-mail ballot secure drop boxes in your county.
I walk in the supervisor of elections office and I vote in a matter of minutes. If you had to stand in line for two or more hours to vote you'd be a pissed off MFer.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
You too lazy to go to the polls on election day?
I live in a tiny Florida county where I will not have to stand in line for hours in the cold like people in certain neighborhoods always seem to end up doing. That was the old way of suppressing the vote. Just make sure people who have to work all day did not have enough voting machines and make them wait an insultingly long time. Then there was early voting and it helped. Republicans fought that one too. The long history of suppressing the minority vote makes this latest angle just more of the same terribly familiar tactic.
TOO COLD????? You have to be kidding! Florida...?
North Florida
North Florida temperatures are for weather stations in the counties of Alachua, Baker, Columbia, Duval, Hamilton, Madison, Marion, St Johns and Suwannee.
Normal temperatures for November
High °FLow °FPlaceHigh °CLow °C
7448Glen St. Mary239
7357Jacksonville Beach2314
7451Lake City2311
7650Live Oak2510
7557St. Augustine2414
You people need to learn to read. Good God it's like talking to mental patents on thorozine sometimes.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
You too lazy to go to the polls on election day?
I live in a tiny Florida county where I will not have to stand in line for hours in the cold like people in certain neighborhoods always seem to end up doing. That was the old way of suppressing the vote. Just make sure people who have to work all day did not have enough voting machines and make them wait an insultingly long time. Then there was early voting and it helped. Republicans fought that one too. The long history of suppressing the minority vote makes this latest angle just more of the same terribly familiar tactic.

You are a lazy person who is either too dumb or too lazy to do the voting via ABSENTEE!

That is total bullcrap! I've lived in Florida for 25 years and voted ABSENTEE in over a dozen elections and never had a problem.
Here is what you do...

Now I know that the below Florida Absentee voting process is a bit tedious (for your lack of acumen..tedious being hard to comprehend...)
but here is the very complicated process that Trump and I have had to do for several years in voting absentee in Florida.
And of course here is the link to substantiate the STEPS:

Below are the actual regulations regarding Absentee voting in Florida.
It is a two step process far more complex and secure that "Junk Mail-Voting"
First you have to request to vote Absentee and comply with these requirements:
Request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot
Requests for vote-by-mail ballots must be received in your local Supervisor of Elections office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day before an election.

Contact your local Supervisor of Elections to request a vote-by-mail ballot.
You may request a vote-by-mail ballot in person, by mail, email, fax or by phone.
Only the voter or a designated member or his or her immediate family or legal guardian can request a vote-by-mail ballot for the voter.
Immediate family means the designee’s spouse, parent, child, grandparent or sibling of the designee or of the designee’s spouse.
As a voter requesting a vote-by-mail ballot you must provide your:
date of birth
signature (written requests only)
If an immediate family member or legal guardian is requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for you, that person must provide above information about the voter as well as the following:
Requester's name
Requester's address
Requester's driver's license number (if available)
Requester's relationship to voter
Requester's signature (written requests only)
Now once you have qualified for an Absentee vote:
The Voting a Mail Ballot Procedures
Your marked ballot must be mailed or delivered in person, reaching the Supervisor of Elections’ office not later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election.
Do not return your voted mail ballot to a polling place.*
You may designate someone to pick up your vote-by-mail ballot on Election Day or 9 days before Election Day.
The designee may only pick up 2 vote-by-mail ballots per election, other than his or her own ballot or ballots for members of his or her immediate family.
Designees must have written authorization from the voter, present a picture I.D. and sign an affidavit.
Candidates may pick up vote-by-mail ballots only for members of their immediate family.
If you decide to go to the polls to vote instead of voting by mail, you should bring the vote-by-mail ballot (marked or not) with you so that it can be cancelled at the polls.
If you come to the polls without the vote-by-mail ballot, you can vote a regular ballot if the Supervisor of Elections' office can confirm that it has not received the vote-by-mail ballot. If it is confirmed that the Supervisor of Elections office has received the vote-by-mail ballot or it cannot be determined, you cannot vote a regular ballot at the polls.
However, if you believe that you have not already voted, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.
A vote-by-mail ballot can be dropped off at designated secure drop boxes located at early voting sites during the election.
Please contact your local Supervisor of Elections or refer to their website for the locations of all the vote-by-mail ballot secure drop boxes in your county.
I walk in the supervisor of elections office and I vote in a matter of minutes. If you had to stand in line for two or more hours to vote you'd be a pissed off MFer.
I actually did to vote for McCain, not my proudest moment.
Well there's a new one in the history of authoritarianism. Apparently democracy is now too expensive. Letting politicians pick their voters turns out to be pretty expensive too.
As opposed to letting them use your own money to cheat an election right?
Trump and the right have yet to produce compelling evidence that mail-in voting is actually prone to abuse on the scale necessary to makethe slightest difference in the outcome of a national election. They just say shit and you believe it.
Actually the chinese have snagged sending over tens of thousands driver licenses-----think voter fraud is their main goal.

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