Would You Support War With Iran?

Would You Support War With Iran?

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And if one of Iran's Nukes you allowed them to procure ended up in a Container at, say the Port of Newark... You are willing to accept that as a risk, over dealing with the problem Militarily? I'm NOT.
Why don't you post the evidence they're trying to get a nuke, before shooting your irresponsible mouth off?

Oh please. They're definitely trying to build a nuclear weapon.
Those ok with Iran having nuclear weapons need to explain why?

Why would it be ok for them to own nukes to attack Israel, us or their neighbors.....or just blackmail their Arab neighbors into making us pay out the nose for oil?

Last time I checked the US and Israel haven't attacked Iran or made threats against them like they've done against us....so what is their excuse for owning nukes???

We cut Iraq's balls off, so they can't fear Iraq. They can't fear the Afghans or the Tajiks, etc.

Why do they want nuclear bombs.....

It's not a matter of being okay with it. It's about seeing the harm from war as being greater than the risk posed by a nuclear Iran.

Why do they nukes? Prestige is a big factor. Protection is another.

And if one of Iran's Nukes you allowed them to procure ended up in a Container at, say the Port of Newark... You are willing to accept that as a risk, over dealing with the problem Militarily? I'm NOT.

Would I be willing to take the chance that my dog is secretly a serial killer? It's equally likely.
No war just rentlessly carpet bomb all nuke sites and that's it. And nobody would do Jack to help them? lol at the ww3 fear mongers. Nobody's going to help them! They are the violent puppet, funding terror that Russia and China hope goes off on us and hurts us somehow. So I should say yes I support it but just the nuclear site bombings no ground war.

You realize they've built most of the facilities underground, so a bombing run would be a whole bucket of nothing?
Science should drill a hole in your head to see how you live without a brain.

Some dickheads here need to read and heed....

State Sponsors: Iran - Council on Foreign Relations
Maybe you need to read your own links before you post them?

Here's your evidence...

The United States has accused Iran of sponsoring terrorist organizations for decades, but in the post-9/11 era, the allegations have taken on added significance.
...note the operative word, "allegations".

That's your evidence, more rhetoric!

But your link did offer some insight. Even when Iran helped the US oust the Taliban, they were still accused of supporting terrorism in Afghanistan.

Despite Iran's assistance following the U.S.-led campaign to oust the Taliban from Afghanistan, Iran was labeled part of an axis of evil--which also included Iraq and North Korea--by President George W. Bush in 2002.
So even when they do what we ask them to do, they get nothing in return.

You're just a fucked human being!
So Russia and China are going to start WWIII over us bombing Iran's nuke facilities and their military....:cuckoo:

Yeah, they're going to end mankind over us trying to stop Iran from wiping the Jews off the face of the Earth in your fucked up mind.

Russia likes to harm us by supporting Iran, terrorists, etc but they're not willing to get their own country turned into a ball of fire over Iran, dumbfuck.

Oh, Russia and China would have a hardtime dealing with the Arabs if they sent their military to protect Iran, because Iran is HATED by the Jews and Arabs.....kinda like you're hated by both sides here.

Yeah you're right, IRan isnt trying to get the bomb, it's only for power. And yeah IRan is a very stable and normal country, nukes in their hands would be great. I know I'll sleep better knowing Iran has nukes. I say lets give them to syria too or Egypt, WOOOHOO
All I'm asking is that you provide proof their nuclear program has been weaponized and no one seems to be able to do that. Even when the last 3 NIE's and Israeli intelligence officials say they have not weaponized their program, you still talk as if they did. With something as potentially serious as this, you would think you'd be very sure of your facts. But your not.

You're trying to provoke a war with a country that is one of Russia's ally's. What do you think they are going to do, if we attack Iran? They've already warned us not to do it. If you don't think that warning is worth its salt, then ask yourself this, "What do we do, when someone attacks our ally's?"

Are you prepared to start a war that will come to this country and barbacue our cities? Do you want to shoot it out with Russia and China? Because if you do, this will leave no time to fight the Islamic threat.
You're a fucking scumbag with your lies, you should be dragged by your skull through the streets.

We went into Beruit to stop their civil war and protect the innocent caught in the middle. Reagan should've wiped LH and Iran off the face of the Earth for their attack on the Marines.

Iran has been at war with us since the they took over our Embassy. They killed our Marines in Beruit in the 80s and have been fighting us through terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If they get nukes, they will use them on Israel, us and others.

When their religious wackos believe some leader will rise from the dead in chaos on Earth......you need to pay attention.

So YES....we need to bomb the hell out of Iran's nuclear program and military.

And in retaliation, we simply invaded their nation by proxy, and had Iraq use chemical weapons against them that we supplied.

I'd say that the Marines in Beirut have long been avenged, 1000 times over.
Absolutely. The country is lead by a mad man who has destabilized the region and the world, and they are working on nuclear weapons. We should have bombed them into the stone ages 10 years ago. We should have used nuclear weapons. And yes, I am being completely serious.
No war just rentlessly carpet bomb all nuke sites and that's it. And nobody would do Jack to help them? lol at the ww3 fear mongers. Nobody's going to help them! They are the violent puppet, funding terror that Russia and China hope goes off on us and hurts us somehow. So I should say yes I support it but just the nuclear site bombings no ground war.

You realize they've built most of the facilities underground, so a bombing run would be a whole bucket of nothing?

You do realize we have an entire arsenal of "bunker buster" bombs, don't you?
It's not a matter of being okay with it. It's about seeing the harm from war as being greater than the risk posed by a nuclear Iran.

Why do they nukes? Prestige is a big factor. Protection is another.

And if one of Iran's Nukes you allowed them to procure ended up in a Container at, say the Port of Newark... You are willing to accept that as a risk, over dealing with the problem Militarily? I'm NOT.

Would I be willing to take the chance that my dog is secretly a serial killer? It's equally likely.

That's the exact ignorant attitude that lead to Al Qaeda killing 3,000 American's in a coordinated attack on September 11, 2001. Some people just never learn I guess....
You're a fucking scumbag with your lies, you should be dragged by your skull through the streets.

We went into Beruit to stop their civil war and protect the innocent caught in the middle. Reagan should've wiped LH and Iran off the face of the Earth for their attack on the Marines.

Iran has been at war with us since the they took over our Embassy. They killed our Marines in Beruit in the 80s and have been fighting us through terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If they get nukes, they will use them on Israel, us and others.

When their religious wackos believe some leader will rise from the dead in chaos on Earth......you need to pay attention.

So YES....we need to bomb the hell out of Iran's nuclear program and military.

And in retaliation, we simply invaded their nation by proxy, and had Iraq use chemical weapons against them that we supplied.

I'd say that the Marines in Beirut have long been avenged, 1000 times over.

Ronald Reagan wrote in his memoirs, that Lebanon was his biggest regret. We should have never been there. It was a tragic blunder. And to his credit, he owned up to it. He was real class. They'll never be another Ronald Reagan.
If a POTUS puts the military in harm's way then he'd better be ready to defend them and avenge their deaths, both of which Reagan and Clinton failed in their humanitarian missions overseas.

The US military isn't really a humanitarian organization when bullets are flying, especially when the ROE is to not shoot until shot at, which is stupid. If the military is put into a situation where they might get shot, then they better get the right to shoot first when threatened.

The US military is designed to take out specific targets like found in Iran to maintain the peace and security of a region, not roll into a war zone with blue helmets and play "police" between militaries.

You're a fucking scumbag with your lies, you should be dragged by your skull through the streets.

We went into Beruit to stop their civil war and protect the innocent caught in the middle. Reagan should've wiped LH and Iran off the face of the Earth for their attack on the Marines.

And in retaliation, we simply invaded their nation by proxy, and had Iraq use chemical weapons against them that we supplied.

I'd say that the Marines in Beirut have long been avenged, 1000 times over.

Ronald Reagan wrote in his memoirs, that Lebanon was his biggest regret. We should have never been there. It was a tragic blunder. And to his credit, he owned up to it. He was real class. They'll never be another Ronald Reagan.
If a POTUS puts the military in harm's way then he'd better be ready to defend them and avenge their deaths, both of which Reagan and Clinton failed in their humanitarian missions overseas.

The US military isn't really a humanitarian organization when bullets are flying, especially when the ROE is to not shoot until shot at, which is stupid. If the military is put into a situation where they might get shot, then they better get the right to shoot first when threatened.

The US military is designed to take out specific targets like found in Iran to maintain the peace and security of a region, not roll into a war zone with blue helmets and play "police" between militaries.

You're a fucking scumbag with your lies, you should be dragged by your skull through the streets.

We went into Beruit to stop their civil war and protect the innocent caught in the middle. Reagan should've wiped LH and Iran off the face of the Earth for their attack on the Marines.

Ronald Reagan wrote in his memoirs, that Lebanon was his biggest regret. We should have never been there. It was a tragic blunder. And to his credit, he owned up to it. He was real class. They'll never be another Ronald Reagan.

I would prefer we stop playing the World's Policeman/Referee. Enough is enough. Time for a change.
If the threat is legit like Iran, then ignoring it only makes it worse when they finally strike us.

Compared to Vietnam, Iran is a legit target for us. Vietnam had no impact on the US or our allies, whereas Iran affects us and our allies.

If a POTUS puts the military in harm's way then he'd better be ready to defend them and avenge their deaths, both of which Reagan and Clinton failed in their humanitarian missions overseas.

The US military isn't really a humanitarian organization when bullets are flying, especially when the ROE is to not shoot until shot at, which is stupid. If the military is put into a situation where they might get shot, then they better get the right to shoot first when threatened.

The US military is designed to take out specific targets like found in Iran to maintain the peace and security of a region, not roll into a war zone with blue helmets and play "police" between militaries.

Ronald Reagan wrote in his memoirs, that Lebanon was his biggest regret. We should have never been there. It was a tragic blunder. And to his credit, he owned up to it. He was real class. They'll never be another Ronald Reagan.

I would prefer we stop playing the World's Policeman/Referee. Enough is enough. Time for a change.
So Russia and China are going to start WWIII over us bombing Iran's nuke facilities and their military....:cuckoo:

Yeah, they're going to end mankind over us trying to stop Iran from wiping the Jews off the face of the Earth in your fucked up mind.

Russia likes to harm us by supporting Iran, terrorists, etc but they're not willing to get their own country turned into a ball of fire over Iran, dumbfuck.

Oh, Russia and China would have a hardtime dealing with the Arabs if they sent their military to protect Iran, because Iran is HATED by the Jews and Arabs.....kinda like you're hated by both sides here.
I got news for you, skippy, because of big-mouth American's like yourself, we're hated from all sides. For someone who claims to be part of the IC, you have a very simplistic view of complex problems. WWIII, isn't going to all start at once. It might not start at all. But it is one of the real consequences we may face, if pricks like you don't stop making irresponsible statements. Like saying "Iran is trying to wipe out the jews", when there's no evidence of this.

Both Leon Panetta (and his counterpart in Israel) have both publically admitted that they don't believe Iran is a threat, that has weaponized it's program. And the only proof you've provided, is nothing more than rhetoric.

If we (or Israel) run a sortie on Iran, it will be the 6th country in the last 10 years we've made up reasons to invade. We have over 800 bases around the world. So for a majority of the world population, the only contact they have with American's, is with our base in their country. Now, for the last 6 years, we've been ramping up arms and troops in that area. Stationing some in Israel. Running manuevers in the Persian Gulf. It's pretty obvious what we intend to do.

If we hit them, Iran will start sending missles into Iraq, Saudi, Afghanistan, etc. All it's neighbors that are under US puppet regimes. So we hit them, they fire back, we hit them again, they close the "straight" (or make it impossible to do business as usual), we escalate the response, and it just keeps going back and forth, getting more violent and destructive to the point where we start blaming Russia for selling them arms, then Russia tells us to fuck off!, so we hit one of their ships bringing in arms to Iran, then they hit one of ours, then we hit two of theirs, then they wipe out a whole carrier fleet with the help of the Chinese, and on and on and on...with the end result, being the unthinkable.

Why would Iran want to start trouble, they're surrounded on all sides by US ally's?
I wanted to see which kind of complete idiots thought a War with Iran was a good idea...

"Bigfoot, Duped, GoneBezerk, Rottweiler, tjvh, Too Tall, yidnar"

Okay, kind of the sort of people you'd expect to say this was a good idea. I doubt a one of the will go down and sign up to actually fight such a war.

Especially Gone Bezerk, who claimed on another thread to be a former Army officer, and didn't know what a VHA was.
So Russia and China are going to start WWIII over us bombing Iran's nuke facilities and their military....:cuckoo:

Yeah, they're going to end mankind over us trying to stop Iran from wiping the Jews off the face of the Earth in your fucked up mind.

Russia likes to harm us by supporting Iran, terrorists, etc but they're not willing to get their own country turned into a ball of fire over Iran, dumbfuck.

Oh, Russia and China would have a hardtime dealing with the Arabs if they sent their military to protect Iran, because Iran is HATED by the Jews and Arabs.....kinda like you're hated by both sides here.

The question for not crazy people is, why should we risk nuclear armageddon over Israel in the first place.

The Iranians might not be liked by the Arabs but the Arab on the street hates the Zionists even more.

If Iran gets a nuke, it's not really that big of a deal. Everyone else in the region already has them.
You're a fucking scumbag with your lies, you should be dragged by your skull through the streets.

We went into Beruit to stop their civil war and protect the innocent caught in the middle. Reagan should've wiped LH and Iran off the face of the Earth for their attack on the Marines.

And in retaliation, we simply invaded their nation by proxy, and had Iraq use chemical weapons against them that we supplied.

I'd say that the Marines in Beirut have long been avenged, 1000 times over.

Ronald Reagan wrote in his memoirs, that Lebanon was his biggest regret. We should have never been there. It was a tragic blunder. And to his credit, he owned up to it. He was real class. They'll never be another Ronald Reagan.

"There never be another Ronald Reagan" - amen
So Russia and China are going to start WWIII over us bombing Iran's nuke facilities and their military....:cuckoo:

Yeah, they're going to end mankind over us trying to stop Iran from wiping the Jews off the face of the Earth in your fucked up mind.

Russia likes to harm us by supporting Iran, terrorists, etc but they're not willing to get their own country turned into a ball of fire over Iran, dumbfuck.

Oh, Russia and China would have a hardtime dealing with the Arabs if they sent their military to protect Iran, because Iran is HATED by the Jews and Arabs.....kinda like you're hated by both sides here.
I got news for you, skippy, because of big-mouth American's like yourself, we're hated from all sides. For someone who claims to be part of the IC, you have a very simplistic view of complex problems. WWIII, isn't going to all start at once. It might not start at all. But it is one of the real consequences we may face, if pricks like you don't stop making irresponsible statements. Like saying "Iran is trying to wipe out the jews", when there's no evidence of this.

Both Leon Panetta (and his counterpart in Israel) have both publically admitted that they don't believe Iran is a threat, that has weaponized it's program. And the only proof you've provided, is nothing more than rhetoric.

If we (or Israel) run a sortie on Iran, it will be the 6th country in the last 10 years we've made up reasons to invade. We have over 800 bases around the world. So for a majority of the world population, the only contact they have with American's, is with our base in their country. Now, for the last 6 years, we've been ramping up arms and troops in that area. Stationing some in Israel. Running manuevers in the Persian Gulf. It's pretty obvious what we intend to do.

If we hit them, Iran will start sending missles into Iraq, Saudi, Afghanistan, etc. All it's neighbors that are under US puppet regimes. So we hit them, they fire back, we hit them again, they close the "straight" (or make it impossible to do business as usual), we escalate the response, and it just keeps going back and forth, getting more violent and destructive to the point where we start blaming Russia for selling them arms, then Russia tells us to fuck off!, so we hit one of their ships bringing in arms to Iran, then they hit one of ours, then we hit two of theirs, then they wipe out a whole carrier fleet with the help of the Chinese, and on and on and on...with the end result, being the unthinkable.

Why would Iran want to start trouble, they're surrounded on all sides by US ally's?

Like saying "Iran is trying to wipe out the jews", when there's no evidence of this. Son, what world do you live in? Perhaps you should first know what you're talking about before commenting...

October 27, 2005 - TEHRAN — Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Wednesday that Israel must be "wiped off the map"


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