1941 France Falls to The Germans The German military has successfully liberated France from their own elitist ilk. The efficiency of the NAZI regime should be able to bring about the full potential of the French people.
Pearl Harbor After the United States cut of their oil supply the Empire of Japan driven by desperation has done the only thing they could do and attacked the United States. They have destroyed our navy. We can only hope that negotiations can bring about a peace in the Pacific.
Stalingrad The German army has the Soviet city of Stalingrad surrounded. The people have been reduced to eating rats. The Soviet government should capitulate for the good of their own people. The war is lost in the east and Soviets should start negotiations.
D-Day June 6, 1944 Well entrenched German army is cutting our young men into shreds. It is an utter failure. Just watch this footage of a landing craft and the poor men in it. The liberation of Europe is impossible in such a volatile region of the world. Ted Kennedy states that the war is not winnable.
The Battle of Berlin The fanatical NAZI army will fight to the last man in Berlin. It will take years for the Soviets to root out the German army. Stalin and Roosevelt should sue for peace.
The Battle of Tarawa The American army has suffered over 3,000 casualties in the last 72 hours. The well defended island is impossible for the Americans to liberate. Why are we there anyway? Japan no longer posses a threat to the United States. We should negotiate a peace with the Empire of Japan.
Post War Japan nor Germany has ever known a democracy. It is highly unlikely that the United States can force one upon them. We should cut and run and let the powers that be decide the fate of the two nations.
I bring this up because we have never faced an enemy as fanatical as the Japanese. They threw themselves off cliffs or committed suicide before being captured by the U.S. Compared to the Japanese of the Empire, the Islamic fascist fundamentalists are reasonable people. We need to stay the course in Iraq and make it an example for the region. Also killing Al-Queda there appeals to more then killing them here. Also our media is all about sensationalism, the prison abuse is repugnant and embarrassing it doesnt describe our effort in Iraq. Those few are being punished. The one question that needs to be asked, Are we the same kind of men as our fathers and grandfathers? Those were some true men.
Pearl Harbor After the United States cut of their oil supply the Empire of Japan driven by desperation has done the only thing they could do and attacked the United States. They have destroyed our navy. We can only hope that negotiations can bring about a peace in the Pacific.
Stalingrad The German army has the Soviet city of Stalingrad surrounded. The people have been reduced to eating rats. The Soviet government should capitulate for the good of their own people. The war is lost in the east and Soviets should start negotiations.
D-Day June 6, 1944 Well entrenched German army is cutting our young men into shreds. It is an utter failure. Just watch this footage of a landing craft and the poor men in it. The liberation of Europe is impossible in such a volatile region of the world. Ted Kennedy states that the war is not winnable.
The Battle of Berlin The fanatical NAZI army will fight to the last man in Berlin. It will take years for the Soviets to root out the German army. Stalin and Roosevelt should sue for peace.
The Battle of Tarawa The American army has suffered over 3,000 casualties in the last 72 hours. The well defended island is impossible for the Americans to liberate. Why are we there anyway? Japan no longer posses a threat to the United States. We should negotiate a peace with the Empire of Japan.
Post War Japan nor Germany has ever known a democracy. It is highly unlikely that the United States can force one upon them. We should cut and run and let the powers that be decide the fate of the two nations.
I bring this up because we have never faced an enemy as fanatical as the Japanese. They threw themselves off cliffs or committed suicide before being captured by the U.S. Compared to the Japanese of the Empire, the Islamic fascist fundamentalists are reasonable people. We need to stay the course in Iraq and make it an example for the region. Also killing Al-Queda there appeals to more then killing them here. Also our media is all about sensationalism, the prison abuse is repugnant and embarrassing it doesnt describe our effort in Iraq. Those few are being punished. The one question that needs to be asked, Are we the same kind of men as our fathers and grandfathers? Those were some true men.