Wisdom Versus Knowledge


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The is the old saw that explains the difference: knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

2. When it comes to choosing a candidate, the choice is persons vs policies.
An example.....
Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Toro: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”
Why We Lost America…. post #21

Just look at the result of the Democrat policies since the election.


3. A recent article [5 factors Christians should consider when casting their vote] outlines the sort of things that voters should carefully consider, not who the parties run for office:

a. "Protecting unborn life in the womb should be one of the primary motivating factors..." No matter how the Left manipulates terms about life, the truth is that their position is pro-murder.

b. "Religious liberty What good is religious liberty if you can’t exercise it in a public place?" The Democrats work tirelessly to prevent the promise of religious liberty stated in the Constitution. The Supreme Court underscored this in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District. But pastors are still refused freedom of speech.

c. "School choice In Carson v. Makin, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Maine, if it is going to subsidize tuition costs for private schools, cannot freeze out faith-based schools from receiving funds as well.
“That is discrimination against religion,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote."

d. "Separation of powers ...tyranny is averted because power is not centralized in any one form of government; it’s decentralized, or it should be anyway. That’s the road to freedom.

But that’s not how Washington, D.C., has functioned lately.
Americans have lost a great deal of their freedoms to unelected bureaucrats who populate the administrative state. No-name pencil pushers are imposing vast regulations on American society by decree, making a mockery of our Constitution’s commitment to “checks and balances.”

A seismic correction, however, could be in the works, thanks to the ruling in West Virginia v. EPA. Here the Supreme Court blocked the Environmental Protection Agency, and, by extension, other government agencies, from snatching power that was never delegated to them by Congress in the first place. As Neil Gorsuch underscored in a concurring opinion, any federal agency endeavoring to regulate “‘a significant portion of the American economy’” must be given an overt mandate by the legislative body. The same determination applies if an agency is trying to “require ‘billions of dollars in spending’ by private persons or entities,” the justice added."

4. Remember this warning from before the election......and how it has come to pass?


It is always policies that count.......not persons.

You don't have to stick to your 'favorite team' ......you are voting for the future of your nation, and your family.

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