Wind Turbines Contributing to Man Made Global Warming

One? Thank you for understating the facts.

Thank god we have your scientific opinion. I did post stuff from MIT, the same people that gave us wind turbine technology, so this information comes from the Wind Turbine industry, not opponents.
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Pardon my scientific ineptitude, but I fail to see how wind, insignificantly reduce in speed as it flows across wind turbine blades will actually increase global warming. Great engineering school, but not always correct in every doctrinal thesis published, so I'll wait for the consensus to catch up with their brilliance. Thanks.
Pardon my scientific ineptitude, but I fail to see how wind, insignificantly reduce in speed as it flows across wind turbine blades will actually increase global warming. Great engineering school, but not always correct in every doctrinal thesis published, so I'll wait for the consensus to catch up with their brilliance. Thanks.
I will pardon your ineptitude and educate you so that it does not happen again.
Studies go back to 2010, this is not the first, nor the last.

Data from the field campaign show that near-surface air temperatures downwind of the wind farm are higher than upwind regions during night and early morning hours, whereas the reverse holds true for the rest of the day (Fig. 2A). Thus, this wind farm has a warming effect during the night
I could not make this up if I tried, while looking at the effects of wind turbines on local wind power I discovered that researchers have found that Wind Turbines actually cause Global Warming by redistributing heat and moisture in the air.

Scientists have no idea the effects they are having on the planet by building across hundreds of miles of the earth. From Solar Panels reflecting heat into the atmosphere and Wind Turbines redistributing heat, the problem is little understood. If we add the creation of the new Heavy Industry that pollutes while manufacture square miles of Green Energy Plants, the effects are tremendous.

The core problem is that wind turbines generate electricity by extracting energy out of the air, slowing down wind and otherwise altering “the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere,” the study explains. That can produce some level of warming. Previous studies also pointed out the effect, but they generally looked at either small-scale or global impacts. The new study sought to explore a “plausible scale” of wind power in a single large country. It compared model results against direct observations at wind farms, finding that they matched.

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You didn't read the whole article, or if you did you ignored the parts that didn't support your bias.

That was everything except the first paragraph, BTW.
Better looking than a Strip Mine or Oil Refinery

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The actual effects of strip mining. Horrendous isn't it:

While the UN climate police allow this at our expense:

And now, stupid Americans, no wood burners for you, fossil fuel and all, because we all know burning wood, also called biomass, releases lots of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas. And yet:

Europe Is Burning U.S. Wood As Climate-Friendly Fuel

They shut down our clean coal usage and sent our coal to China for pennies on the dollar. And now we are cutting down our forests for everyone else to use but us...

Welcome to Hemisphere 1. We are for sale, and don't even know it...
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They shut down our clean coal usage and sent our coal to China for pennies on the dollar. And now we are cutting down our forests for everyone else to use but us...

Welcome to Hemisphere 1. We are for sale, and don't even know it...

That is 100% accurate, and nothing costs more than Wind and Solar energy.
You didn't read the whole article, or if you did you ignored the parts that didn't support your bias.

That was everything except the first paragraph, BTW.
of course, I choose the parts of the article that makes a point that I am concerned with. If you follow the link and compare where I cut and paste, it is very apparent. But that does not distract that the report does say that Wind Turbines contribute to warming. Is that global, certainly considering that wind turbines are located across the world.

Certainly I can say I am biased, I have studied the science and arguments of both sides, and have determined when the solution is to create a heavy industry that pollutes as much if not more than anything else before, that industry certainly shows that the solution is no different than the problem.

To create more, to manufacture more, and produce less electricity despite using more natural resources, is waste. To be more wasteful and to think that is the solution contradicts what you state the problem is, we must manufacture more creating more pollution to save the world?

I do not know how to put this into proper words, you waste trillions claiming to save hundreds?
of course, I choose the parts of the article that makes a point that I am concerned with. If you follow the link and compare where I cut and paste, it is very apparent. But that does not distract that the report does say that Wind Turbines contribute to warming. Is that global, certainly considering that wind turbines are located across the world.

Certainly I can say I am biased, I have studied the science and arguments of both sides, and have determined when the solution is to create a heavy industry that pollutes as much if not more than anything else before, that industry certainly shows that the solution is no different than the problem.

To create more, to manufacture more, and produce less electricity despite using more natural resources, is waste. To be more wasteful and to think that is the solution contradicts what you state the problem is, we must manufacture more creating more pollution to save the world?

I do not know how to put this into proper words, you waste trillions claiming to save hundreds?
I think that is what the Brits meant when they said that such thinking was "penny wise and pound foolish."
But every other study contradicts that, and even the study you're quoting shows how it's less than greenhouse gasses, especially over longer term.
There is no study showing that these studies are wrong. The fact is, the wind industry scientists themselves, are admitting that wind turbines simply being installed, increases warming by the affect they have on winds.

Over the long term, they claim more studies are needed.
I could not make this up if I tried, while looking at the effects of wind turbines on local wind power I discovered that researchers have found that Wind Turbines actually cause Global Warming by redistributing heat and moisture in the air.

Scientists have no idea the effects they are having on the planet by building across hundreds of miles of the earth. From Solar Panels reflecting heat into the atmosphere and Wind Turbines redistributing heat, the problem is little understood. If we add the creation of the new Heavy Industry that pollutes while manufacture square miles of Green Energy Plants, the effects are tremendous.

The core problem is that wind turbines generate electricity by extracting energy out of the air, slowing down wind and otherwise altering “the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere,” the study explains. That can produce some level of warming. Previous studies also pointed out the effect, but they generally looked at either small-scale or global impacts. The new study sought to explore a “plausible scale” of wind power in a single large country. It compared model results against direct observations at wind farms, finding that they matched.

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“If your perspective is the next 10 years, wind power actually has—in some respects—more climate impact than coal or gas,” coauthor David Keith, a professor of applied physics and public policy at Harvard, said in a statement. “If your perspective is the next thousand years, then wind power is enormously cleaner than coal or gas.”

Specifically, the “avoided warming” achieved by eliminating fossil-fuel sources could surpasses any warming from wind in about a century in the studied scenario, as emissions reductions accumulate.

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