Will The Economy Be Barack Obama's "Vietnam?"...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
I know many now believe Afghanistan will be Barack Obama's Vietnam but i actually think that the Economy will be Obama's Vietnam in the end. His policies seem to be sinking himself deeper & deeper into a Depression-like Quagmire. I know by next year just in time for the elections,they are going to be telling us that the economy is in full recovery and everything is just rosy but the reality will be something much different. His policies seem to be very dangerous and short-sighted. Unfortunately our children will be the ones who will suffer the most and pay the price in the future. In the end Barack Obama's Economic Quagmire will be far more damaging to our nation than any Wars we are currently engaged in. Lets hope i'm wrong but i don't think i will be.
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I know many now believe Afghanistan will be Barack Obama's Vietnam but i actually think that the Economy will be Obama's Vietnam in the end. His policies seem to be sinking himself deeper & deeper into a Depression-like Quagmire. I know by next year just in time for the elections,they are going to be telling us that the economy is in full recovery and everything is just rosy but the reality will be something much different. His policies seem to be very dangerous and short-sighted. Unfortunately our children will be the ones who will suffer and pay the price in the future. In the end Barack Obama's Economic Quagmire will be far more damaging to our nation than any Wars we are currently engaged in. Lets hope i'm wrong but i don't think i will be.

Well, IF Hussien is the true believer that he's always claimed to be; and as a result he continues to advance Socialist Economic policy, then the US Economy is DOOMED... and as is always the case where such radical applications of idiocy are tried... IF Hussein does not aquire SUBSTANTIALLY greater power... his would-be reforms will result in his being cast aside in 2012, and most if not all of what he manages to implement will be rescinded in his wake...

So I have to agree with the above idiots and say "NO"... The US Economy will not be Hussein's Vietnam.

His ideology is his Vietnam... As noted above, the ONLY thing that makes his policy initiatives viable, is the ability to remain in power; and THAT will be his Vietnam...

Leftists feel that government power is unlimited... That once on power, that the El Presidente will have the means to order the Military or Cilivian Law enforcement to carry out his Leftist dictates... as with everything else; they're completely wrong.
The poor bloke's doing his best to rescue capitalism from the crooks who broke it and all you can do is whine about "socialism." Yah fucking dope, using a word that you don't understand.
Let me check my Magic 8 Ball......

"Outlook not so good"
The poor bloke's doing his best to rescue capitalism from the crooks who broke it and all you can do is whine about "socialism." Yah fucking dope, using a word that you don't understand.

ROFL... yet ANOTHER 'Independent, Moderate, Centrist' coming to inform the board that the word 'Socialism' is being misused... This the the second time I've seen this very assertion in as many threads this afternoon.

And what's most notwworthy about it, is that in BOTH instances, the speaker making the assertion never gets around to demonstrating where the position to which they're responding is in error... They desperately need to imply that "Socialism" is a complex concept, which their opposition doesn't even understand... Hell, as far as can be discerned, "Socialism" can't even BE DEFINED...

When in truth, Socialism is about as simple a concept as has ever come down the pike... It's nothing more than the notion wherein, Individuals and their unalienable rights are subjugated to the State; OKA: "The People"; AKA: The Collective... Individual Rights are not recognized beyond whatever the Collective; The State says that they are... and what the state ALWAYS says that they are, IS that they are is irrelevant... As human rights under socialism are only relevant to the Collective... or to that ethereal entity, known as 'The People'...

Under Socialist schemes Rights to property is the first thing which is challenged... Which includes anything which is secured through the fruits of one's labor; and it gets worse from there.

That there are numerous schemes; numerous 'perspectives' taken on socialism, does not make socialism impossible or even difficult to understand... such is merely the natural result of the consistent failure of socialism and the attempts by the sychophant advocates of such to 'reinvent it... but it's the same in every form... with the exception of the rhetorical jerseys being the only distinction.

With regard to the above point by the inhouse Australian... Capitalism isn't damaged; capitalism hasn't failed... capitalism doesn't need fixing... and Capitalism is not, at any level, responsible for the economic catastrophe which the world and in particular the US is presently suffering...

The economic crisis was created, IN TOTAL... meaning that the FULL responsibility for the catastrophe lies with the Socialists, who implemented Socialist policy upon the Mortgage markets and in so doing caused a run on Mortgages; artificially running the value of real-Estate beyond the means of the Market to sustain those prices; and inevitably, the Government guarantess which pushed that bubble... were woefully inadequate to even BEGIN to sustain the liabilities against which such were set... CRASHING THE WORLD ECONOMY...

What is broken, is the very concept of Socialism... as Socialism is designed around innumerable fatal flaws...

It cannot work; it has never worked; and it will never work... and all that will happen during periods where such is being implemented is that bad will go to worse... until it becomes SO bad, that those subjected to it turn to War, as Nature implements her cure for such idiocy.
The economy is improving. The stimulus is working. Jobs are being created or saved. Just ignore the rising unemployment because there is a lag and those numbers represent the unemployment rate during the Bush years.

Unions work....our big three auto companies are prime examples of how unions make the world run green.
There is a very good chance it will ruin him.

The stimulous is not working, nor could it ever work as it was simply political payback to supporters, not a true effort to help the economy.

All Obama talks about is spending more and more money, and how 'some day' he will create all these jobs.

The government has real trouble 'creating jobs' as it can do it only two ways directly, by increasing the size of government (BAD idea) or creating short term construction projects that will only last a few years at best.
There is a very good chance it will ruin him.

The stimulous is not working, nor could it ever work as it was simply political payback to supporters, not a true effort to help the economy.

All Obama talks about is spending more and more money, and how 'some day' he will create all these jobs.

The government has real trouble 'creating jobs' as it can do it only two ways directly, by increasing the size of government (BAD idea) or creating short term construction projects that will only last a few years at best.

We need to increase their taxes...bring green jobs. Have a government option for health care.
We need to increase their taxes...
Suicidal in a recession.

bring green jobs.
Define these 'green jobs' WITHOUT generalities, where are they, what states, doing what, where and how.

Have a government option for health care.
The government can't run medicaid and you think increasing their scope is a good idea.

What's wrong with this picture.
We need to increase their taxes...
Suicidal in a recession.

bring green jobs.
Define these 'green jobs' WITHOUT generalities, where are they, what states, doing what, where and how.

Have a government option for health care.
The government can't run medicaid and you think increasing their scope is a good idea.

What's wrong with this picture.

I have no clue...whatever Barack Obama says. He is my leader and i will obey his teachings as if they were a religious calling. I have blind faith and trust. He has created or save millions of jobs as his second in command Joe Biden has preached. We should let the government do everything since it is no longer in the hands of the Bush Administration.

Reality, if 2012 is true, we are certainly doomed. Damn you Mayans! <--Stewey from Family Guy would say if i wrote the script
The economy is improving.

The Economy will always work around what ever impediments are in it's way....

The stimulus is working.
What stimulus is that? Cite a specific bill, which you can correlate to a Specific positive economic effect... Your failure to do so, will constitute a default concession on your part that you've no actual facts to rest this baseless bilge.

Jobs are being created or saved.
Name one job which was created by the Stimulus... Name one job which was saved and the correlating SPECIFIC POLICY which saved it... AGAIN: Your failure to do so will be your default concession that you're full of shit...

Just ignore the rising unemployment because there is a lag and those numbers represent the unemployment rate during the Bush years.

The 8 years of the Bush administration averaged 5% unemployment... even the most ridiculously optimistic employment data recognizes that the Present US Unemployment rate is double that.

Unions work....
Yeah, if the goal is to destroy the competitiveness of whatever industry the Union is being implemented, Unions work GREAT! So far unions have managed to drive the US Textile, Steel and soon, the US Automobile industry into extinction...

our big three auto companies are prime examples of how unions make the world run green.

Well THAT'S TRUE... Except there are only TWO US automakers, as Chrysler is no longer owned by Americans... But let's not quibble... Your point, is that the Unions who have infected the US Automobile manufacturers are 90% responsible for those comapanies being completely incapable of competing with companies who use non-union, free-market labor; with the other 10% being the fault of the management of those companies allowing their companies to become infected by such.
The economy is improving.

The Economy will always work around what ever impediments are in it's way....

The stimulus is working.
What stimulus is that? Cite a specific bill, which you can correlate to a Specific positive economic effect... Your failure to do so, will constitute a default concession on your part that you've no actual facts to rest this baseless bilge.

Name one job which was created by the Stimulus... Name one job which was saved and the correlating SPECIFIC POLICY which saved it... AGAIN: Your failure to do so will be your default concession that you're full of shit...

The 8 years of the Bush administration averaged 5% unemployment... even the most ridiculously optimistic employment data recognizes that the Present US Unemployment rate is double that.

Unions work....
Yeah, if the goal is to destroy the competitiveness of whatever industry the Union is being implemented, Unions work GREAT! So far unions have managed to drive the US Textile, Steel and soon, the US Automobile industry into extinction...

our big three auto companies are prime examples of how unions make the world run green.

Well THAT'S TRUE... Except there are only TWO US automakers, as Chrysler is no longer owned by Americans... But let's not quibble... Your point, is that the Unions who have infected the US Automobile manufacturers are 90% responsible for those comapanies being completely incapable of competing with companies who use non-union, free-market labor; with the other 10% being the fault of the management of those companies allowing their companies to become infected by such.

But, but..butt. Yes, butt. What i am hearing is that the last eight years spurred the unemployment rate to 10% (somewhere around 13% but the cost outweighs the benefits of finding the exact number). Biden came out saying that the stimulus is working and is saving jobs. I can't find the exactly speech, i saw it somewhere on television but i'm preoccupied on being a delusional partisan hack who is spouting BSs. I'm what the media created. Uninformed...must believe in what they preach.
One thing is for sure. By next year they are going to claim that the economy is in full recovery and everything is just rosy whether it's true or not. Gee go figure? That's also election time no? :(
The larger question will be "Will the economy become the republicans Viet Nam?"

The majority of economists are predicting an end to the recession sometime in the fall. By 2010 with the economy stabilized and the panic of 2008, will the voting public still remember that every republican lined up to vote no? Will they remember the gloom and doom predictions? Will they remember that republicans staked their political futures on blocking the recovery?

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