Will Republicans boycott the Super Bowl and send a political message...Can they be activists for a day?

For the record:

I am NOT boycotting the Superbowl.

That's easy to do because I have never attended nor have I ever watched the comedy on TV nor even listened to it on radio.

So, though hard as you panty-waist liberals may find it to understand, it's not a boycott. It's just that I don't give a flying fuck about it.
That's the whole premise of this thread. Conservatives always have an excuse, a reason they can't or won't take a stand....whereas the Left is always looking for a reason to protest something.
From the OP...
"Notoriously, Conservatives are TERRIBLE activists, they almost refuse to unite, mobilize and take a stand against anything as they hate to be inconvenienced by compromising their personal desires."

Conservative's are not disciplined, they have no self control...it's how the Left has owned their asses for decades.

I don't know about never. I remember the Chick-fil-A mobs that stormed the restaurants to support the company when the leftists called for a boycott for their stance on normal marriages.

Football is a different animal. People are addicted to it for some reason. They can't crack the habit no matter what.
Christ! Let people have some fun for a freaking day. Most people work pretty hard. They deserve to have fun every once in a while. Why the hell ya wanna deprive them of some joy. You wanna boycott and be miserable go ahead. Let the rest of us enjoy life.

He's not stopping anybody from doing what they want. He's merely pointing out that if you break down and support industries like the NFL, you encourage them to support their political position. The only way to stop them is a drastic financial loss.
No you don't. I run fishing charters. You go fishing do you support my politics? There are conservatives in the NFL also. I tell people who get on my boat the dang cell phone rings swim home. We are fishing here. Most of life ain't about politics.
NFL is nothing but politics. If you think it is not, you are naive.
What I am is generally happy. You should try it sometime.
You assume much. I am a very happy person--I don't know what a kids game has to do with my emotions.
Ya ,you wouldn't.
Sounds to me like you are the one that is conflicted. You get upset when someone disagrees with what you feel is a distraction. You boot people off of your boat if they bring a cell phone? My, My, My, I believe you have some deep seated problems.
Never had to boot any one off the boat. They turn it off and have a good time. You on the other hand are just a miserable bastard it shows in everything you write. You can lie to yourself but I ain't buying your shit.
Wow, you sure trigger easily and I always heard that fishing was relaxing. You just sound like another democrat POS, that believes that anyone who doesn't share your limited view of life has a problem. That's why you like running a fishing boat because you can be king for a bit. Go crawl your myopic insignificant ass back into your podunk crawdad hole. HaHaHa.
Sad but true.
Self proclaimed conservatives will ‘indirectly’ support another Leftist movement yet again.
You watch, these same spinless pukes with no self control will bitch later about the Left gaining ground. When they do; tell them they have no credibility, tell them their opinion carries no weight.
These ‘conservatives’ are pathetic, they should be ashamed of themselves.
I'm beginning to think that you are the only True Conservative.
Oh blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzz

One can pick one's battles in a way that will actually have some impact. Taking back football as a sport instead of a political cause wouldn't hurt. The Lefties are attacking The Chiefs for their mascot. I'm supporting The Chiefs.

They took away our Indians logo and mascot too. No more Indians games for me.
Don't know where the left is going with that. Here in WA, we have a Paiute "Greta" who is pressing to do away with any image of NA used as a sports mascots. That is huge in WA. They have 29 tribes and almost every town has at least one school mascot that will be cancelled. SJW.
I know, I know...the Super Bowl isn’t “political”.....BUT IT IS.
Notoriously, Conservatives are TERRIBLE activists, they almost refuse to unite, mobilize and take a stand against anything as they hate to be inconvenienced by compromising their personal desires.
What will today’s ratings look like?

Conservative Americans at large—although generally law-abiding, hard working people—tend to want to cling to the "good old days" when such and such whatever was the way of things, sort of drown themselves in warm, fuzzy nostalgia, than even think of fighting back to stop radical, harmful, anti-American change. One of the worst philosophies of the American Conservative is summed up in the following, oft heard sentiment, "Things change, there's nothing anyone can do about it."


Wrong headed and weak.

Conservative Americans at large will never boycott the Super Bowl because professional sports, for many of them, effect them like a giant fucking baby's pacifier. So many conservatives we know were for months up in arms about COVID lockdowns and the stolen presidential election. But then, as soon as professional sports returned to their televisions, you didn't really hear much more protest out of them about any of the ongoing assaults against our American civilization. Why? Because their little baby's pacifier had been shoved back into their mouths.

I know, I know...the Super Bowl isn’t “political”.....BUT IT IS.
Notoriously, Conservatives are TERRIBLE activists, they almost refuse to unite, mobilize and take a stand against anything as they hate to be inconvenienced by compromising their personal desires.
What will today’s ratings look like?

Conservative Americans at large—although generally law-abiding, hard working people—tend to want to cling to the "good old days" when such and such whatever was the way of things, sort of drown themselves in warm, fuzzy nostalgia, than even think of fighting back to stop radical, harmful, anti-American change. One of the worst philosophies of the American Conservative is summed up in the following, oft heard sentiment, "Things change, there's nothing anyone can do about it."


Wrong headed and weak.

Conservative Americans at large will never boycott the Super Bowl because professional sports, for many of them, effect them like a giant fucking baby's pacifier. So many conservatives we know were for months up in arms about COVID lockdowns and the stolen presidential election. But then, as soon as professional sports returned to their televisions, you didn't really hear much more protest out of them about any of the ongoing assaults against our American civilization. Why? Because their little baby's pacifier had been shoved back into their mouths.

Aw, your just upset because some people are going to have fun and be happy today while your fucking pathetic ass is fucking miserable. Lol Enjoy that misery bitch.
I know, I know...the Super Bowl isn’t “political”.....BUT IT IS.
Notoriously, Conservatives are TERRIBLE activists, they almost refuse to unite, mobilize and take a stand against anything as they hate to be inconvenienced by compromising their personal desires.
What will today’s ratings look like?

Conservative Americans at large—although generally law-abiding, hard working people—tend to want to cling to the "good old days" when such and such whatever was the way of things, sort of drown themselves in warm, fuzzy nostalgia, than even think of fighting back to stop radical, harmful, anti-American change. One of the worst philosophies of the American Conservative is summed up in the following, oft heard sentiment, "Things change, there's nothing anyone can do about it."


Wrong headed and weak.

Conservative Americans at large will never boycott the Super Bowl because professional sports, for many of them, effect them like a giant fucking baby's pacifier. So many conservatives we know were for months up in arms about COVID lockdowns and the stolen presidential election. But then, as soon as professional sports returned to their televisions, you didn't really hear much more protest out of them about any of the ongoing assaults against our American civilization. Why? Because their little baby's pacifier had been shoved back into their mouths.

Aw, your just upset because some people are going to have fun and be happy today while your fucking pathetic ass is fucking miserable. Lol Enjoy that misery bitch.

Yeah, totally miserable...I went for a six mile run on the beach with my kids...played with my Labs in the surf, barbecued for some good friends, shared a bottle of Macallan 25 year, played some cornhole, watched an amazing sunset...playing cards now....so miserable huh?
Yeah, totally miserable...I went for a six mile run on the beach with my kids...played with my Labs in the surf, barbecued for some good friends, shared a bottle of Macallan 25 year, played some cornhole, watched an amazing sunset...playing cards now....so miserable huh?

Maybe that's the problem. Most people in other parts of the country can't do that. All we can do is sit inside and watch TV. :auiqs.jpg:
I know, I know...the Super Bowl isn’t “political”.....BUT IT IS.
Notoriously, Conservatives are TERRIBLE activists, they almost refuse to unite, mobilize and take a stand against anything as they hate to be inconvenienced by compromising their personal desires.
What will today’s ratings look like?
I fucking hate this piece of shit country!!!

Every aspect of American Culture has become one giant semen coated virtue signal.

Fuck Americal!!!!

TEXIT, bitches.
I dont give a damn about watching grown men playing with their balls, plus my television hasnt been connected to cable in years, so I'm not watching anything
Here we are, another year later and another Super Bowl upon us….NFL ratings are soaring as Conservatives continue to tune in. Pretty sad that people will bitch about wokeism yet send their money to the puppet masters.
Most people have very short memories and our overseers count on that

Gretchen Whitmer is counting on the average Michigan voter to forget her covid edicts and the nursing home deaths by November, and they probably will
Here we are, another year later and another Super Bowl upon us….NFL ratings are soaring as Conservatives continue to tune in. Pretty sad that people will bitch about wokeism yet send their money to the puppet masters.

I haven't watched a game this season and don't plan to start now.


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