Wife of Ousted President Sitting on Death Row Drops Bombshell About Hillary


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The Hillary scandals just keep rolling in:

Wife of Ousted President Sitting on Death Row Drops Bombshell About Hillary

The current front-runner for Democrat nomination for the 2016 presidential election is looking decidedly less electable almost daily. And this new revelation isn’t going to help her case any.

A complaint filed with Attorney General Hisham Barakat of Egypt argued that Naglaa Ali Mahmoud, the wife of imprisoned former Egyptian President and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi, admitted to collaborating with Hillary Clinton to oust current Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah Al-Sissi. But it gets better — although probably not from Clinton’s point of view.

In an interview granted to Turkey’s Anatolia news agency, Mahmoud allegedly made a number of statements that could lead to Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes looking a lot like my hopes of fitting back into my old Army uniforms — theoretically possible, but not terribly realistic.

“I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath,” Mahmoud reportedly said.
The Hillary scandals just keep rolling in:

Wife of Ousted President Sitting on Death Row Drops Bombshell About Hillary

The current front-runner for Democrat nomination for the 2016 presidential election is looking decidedly less electable almost daily. And this new revelation isn’t going to help her case any.

A complaint filed with Attorney General Hisham Barakat of Egypt argued that Naglaa Ali Mahmoud, the wife of imprisoned former Egyptian President and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi, admitted to collaborating with Hillary Clinton to oust current Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah Al-Sissi. But it gets better — although probably not from Clinton’s point of view.

In an interview granted to Turkey’s Anatolia news agency, Mahmoud allegedly made a number of statements that could lead to Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes looking a lot like my hopes of fitting back into my old Army uniforms — theoretically possible, but not terribly realistic.

“I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath,” Mahmoud reportedly said.

I have no doubt whatsoever that if the "allies" of Hillary could sit down and talk without repercussion, there would be stories about that monster that would curl even MY hair - and after my career - that would be hard to do.
I have no doubt whatsoever that if the "allies" of Hillary could sit down and talk without repercussion, there would be stories about that monster that would curl even MY hair - and after my career - that would be hard to do.

Guy, I find it amazing that you really think that there is something about Hillary that would get you to not vote for her when you'd have never voted for her.

It's like you guys never learn. You've been after this woman for, what, 25 years now, and you are no closer to stopping her than you were when you started mumbling about Cattle Futures and Vince Foster.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling us some fanciful reason to not vote for Hillary, give me a good reason to vote for your guys (who is probably going to be Jeb Bush, even though most of you don't want him.)
It's all because Obama switched sides and supported the Muslin Brotherhood and Jihad

No, it's that we recognized Mubarek wasn't going to survive.

so we let the Muslim Brotherhood have a go at it, they failed, and they probably aren't going to be a problem in Egypt.

It's all part of leftist hate for Israel

egypt was working with them and helping to keep the peace. So Mubarek had to go, leaving a power vacuum in an unstable area, setting the region up for more suffering and one less ally for israel
I have no doubt whatsoever that if the "allies" of Hillary could sit down and talk without repercussion, there would be stories about that monster that would curl even MY hair - and after my career - that would be hard to do.

Guy, I find it amazing that you really think that there is something about Hillary that would get you to not vote for her when you'd have never voted for her.

It's like you guys never learn. You've been after this woman for, what, 25 years now, and you are no closer to stopping her than you were when you started mumbling about Cattle Futures and Vince Foster.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling us some fanciful reason to not vote for Hillary, give me a good reason to vote for your guys (who is probably going to be Jeb Bush, even though most of you don't want him.)

I have not voted for a democrat since JFK. Here's an idea - tell me what in your world has Hillary done that would cause you to vote for her worthless ass? What the HELL has she EVER done, that would make you throw the future of your country down the tube with a vote for a person with no accomplishments except to say that she lived with her husband in the White House and threw tantrums on a regular basis?

I have not studied the myriad of republican candidates, but I will promise you one thing - 90% of them have more accomplishments (on a State, Federal or business level) that she will EVER have. Nearly every candidate currently running would be a more preferable President than she could ever hope to be. But, I guess after voting for a community organizer, Hillary must look like the Messiah to folks like you, right?

It's all part of leftist hate for Israel

egypt was working with them and helping to keep the peace. So Mubarek had to go, leaving a power vacuum in an unstable area, setting the region up for more suffering and one less ally for israel

so, yeah, that's the thing. The majority of the Egyptian People didn't WANT peace with Israel. The vast majority of Egyptians want the Zionists sent packing back to Europe.

The reason Mubarek had to go was that he couldn't manage the economy. Of course, neither could Morsi, which is why he went. And neither will al-Sisi, so he's probably going to go, too.
I have not voted for a democrat since JFK. Here's an idea - tell me what in your world has Hillary done that would cause you to vote for her worthless ass? What the HELL has she EVER done, that would make you throw the future of your country down the tube with a vote for a person with no accomplishments except to say that she lived with her husband in the White House and threw tantrums on a regular basis?

I won't vote for Hillary because of what she has done. Because frankly, any candidate is a team, not an individual. Since hillary will just be Team Clinton come back, I'm kind of okay with that because I did pretty okay under Clinton's watch.

My vote is still up in the air, btw. I might consider Walker or Rubio, but Bush is out. Not going to give that bunch a third chance to fuck it all up.

I I have not studied the myriad of republican candidates, but I will promise you one thing - 90% of them have more accomplishments (on a State, Federal or business level) that she will EVER have. Nearly every candidate currently running would be a more preferable President than she could ever hope to be. But, I guess after voting for a community organizer, Hillary must look like the Messiah to folks like you, right?

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008, and if you clowns hadn't let the Mormon Cult hijack your nomination, I might have voted against him in 2012. But the sad thing about 2012 was that the guy who thought he was wearing magic underwear was the LEAST crazy candidate you had.

But you didn't answer the question. Let's cut to the chase and assume Bush is your nominee, because he probably will be.

What compelling reason would I have for voting in Team Bush (Three Wars, Three Recessions, major city wiped out due to incompetence) over Team Clinton (Peace, Prosperity)
I think Republicans need a congressional investigation on this one

BENGHAZI is getting stale
I have no doubt whatsoever that if the "allies" of Hillary could sit down and talk without repercussion, there would be stories about that monster that would curl even MY hair - and after my career - that would be hard to do.

Guy, I find it amazing that you really think that there is something about Hillary that would get you to not vote for her when you'd have never voted for her.

It's like you guys never learn. You've been after this woman for, what, 25 years now, and you are no closer to stopping her than you were when you started mumbling about Cattle Futures and Vince Foster.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling us some fanciful reason to not vote for Hillary, give me a good reason to vote for your guys (who is probably going to be Jeb Bush, even though most of you don't want him.)

I have not voted for a democrat since JFK. Here's an idea - tell me what in your world has Hillary done that would cause you to vote for her worthless ass? What the HELL has she EVER done, that would make you throw the future of your country down the tube with a vote for a person with no accomplishments except to say that she lived with her husband in the White House and threw tantrums on a regular basis?

I have not studied the myriad of republican candidates, but I will promise you one thing - 90% of them have more accomplishments (on a State, Federal or business level) that she will EVER have. Nearly every candidate currently running would be a more preferable President than she could ever hope to be. But, I guess after voting for a community organizer, Hillary must look like the Messiah to folks like you, right?

YAY! So we're all agreed? There is no one worth voting for this time around, so we all stay home in protest? Wow, see, you guys agree on much more than you thought! Fuck the elites. :beer:

Here, let me help you study.
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP American Free Press
It's all because Obama switched sides and supported the Muslin Brotherhood and Jihad

The Israelis warned Team Obama not to abandon Mubarak and that Mubarak's opposition was radical in nature. Obama and his foreign policy team ignored the Israeli warning.
It's all because Obama switched sides and supported the Muslin Brotherhood and Jihad

The Israelis warned Team Obama not to abandon Mubarak and that Mubarak's opposition was radical in nature. Obama and his foreign policy team ignored the Israeli warning.
Terrible when people to get to elect who they want for president eh? Well, often enough it is for us, like in the Middle East.
“I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath,” Mahmoud reportedly said.

Scares me......must have Hillary shaking in her boots
It's all because Obama switched sides and supported the Muslin Brotherhood and Jihad

The Israelis warned Team Obama not to abandon Mubarak and that Mubarak's opposition was radical in nature. Obama and his foreign policy team ignored the Israeli warning.
Terrible when people to get to elect who they want for president eh? Well, often enough it is for us, like in the Middle East.

Worse when our President switches sides and actively supports the people and organizations we were fighting against
“I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath,” Mahmoud reportedly said.

Scares me......must have Hillary shaking in her boots
Just like Benghazi, which GOP icons claimed would hand Romney the election.
Now that was funny. Still remember hearing Republicans on the street struggling to comprehend how Romney lost against Obama. :popcorn:

If they think that some 'scandal' is going to sink Hillary Clinton, they will be severely disappointed.
Quite possibly one of the many "mysterious" donations to a Clinton trust was a grant from the Brotherhood. (with the Clintons you never know)

The kindest remark that can be made either about Clinton or for that matter Obama is that they are both mediocrities who disastrously for the world, lack any understanding about foreign affairs and are so incompetent that they are not even fit to be minor community leaders.

If Clinton becomes President (heaven forbid) she will just as catastrophic for the world as is the current horror, Hussein.

Sad times for USA.
I have no doubt whatsoever that if the "allies" of Hillary could sit down and talk without repercussion, there would be stories about that monster that would curl even MY hair - and after my career - that would be hard to do.

Guy, I find it amazing that you really think that there is something about Hillary that would get you to not vote for her when you'd have never voted for her.

It's like you guys never learn. You've been after this woman for, what, 25 years now, and you are no closer to stopping her than you were when you started mumbling about Cattle Futures and Vince Foster.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of telling us some fanciful reason to not vote for Hillary, give me a good reason to vote for your guys (who is probably going to be Jeb Bush, even though most of you don't want him.)
Shoot if Rudy hadn't had to drop out of senate race she wouldbe gone long ago,had to go to new York,couldn't even dream of winning back home.she hasn't won anything that wasn't in the bag already,oh wait 2008 that was in the bag also right?

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