Why Would Holocaust Deniers Lie.

read the last few posts coyote-----sunni has endorse your post because he interprets it as an endorsement of the legitimacy of Nazi genocide of jews and
Islamic denial thereof. Your comment is-----typically vulgar

You are certainly the fount of knowledge when it comes to vulgar so I suppose I should respect your assessment :lmao:

I am a fount of knowledge in many fields------I do really well ----guessing ----
while watching JEOPARDY-----at home

sorry----not fount-----FONT (I think----must I google?)

Start living dangerously Rosie - take a google!

I prefer MY FONT--------

Be bold....think...a fount of fonts...
You are certainly the fount of knowledge when it comes to vulgar so I suppose I should respect your assessment :lmao:

I am a fount of knowledge in many fields------I do really well ----guessing ----
while watching JEOPARDY-----at home

sorry----not fount-----FONT (I think----must I google?)

Start living dangerously Rosie - take a google!

I prefer MY FONT--------

Be bold....think...a fount of fonts...

a whole fountain of them------topped by a figure of a little chubby baby
boy-----"WATERING" the large basin below? ---------I AM DELIGHTED
Oh lots of money made from WWII for the jews. Lots of sympathy as well. What a racket. Any of your distant relatives die in WWII. I think everyone alive has some. Hitler got a bad rap.

Ya....he killed 2/3 of the Jews in Europe and got a bad rap.

did you see any of the German jews stay , no. The German jews were Zionist and didn't want the religious jews in Israel. The only Polish jews the Zionist wanted were the ones who could fight. Hitler locked them up as he should, called concentration camps and work camps. The Zionist has made WWII about them and well it is really, their ideology , Hitler and Stalin, neither wanted global communism. How do you think Hitler and the Germans felt when the Jews declared sanctions on Germany, a country that had opened its doors to the Jews, same way I imagine the Iraqis and Iranians felt. Now the US is the hated country, because you got the jews running the US. As many Poles died in the war, but who gives a rip.
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the 6 mil figure was an est of the number of Jews on the continent when the war started. the actual number was much higher considering all the new camps founds.
So you force me to do it here. Fine. I will include a picture of a couple of plaques. The old one on the left used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. The one on the right appears there now. The old one says that 4 million Jews died at Auschwitz. Though it is a little hard to read, the new one says that only 1.5 million died there. And even that is probably an overestimate. Because there is probably a limit as to how far you can push your luck with the U.S. victors and its Jewish masters.

Now if the original estimates of the deaths at Auschwitz were so overblown, you can bet your ass that the original death estimates at all of the other Jewish internment camps were overblown as well. If you want to continue this debate, please do so in my thread "The holocaust. What a lie!"

View attachment 54600
Wow man! I ain't sayin' your wrong. But if your thread didn't get any traffic... You just gotta let it go. Say it here.
What would you like me to tell you. How about the fact that Jews weren't gassed.
What was the zyclon b used for then? Lemme guess... Agriculture, right?
Are you sure you want to know? Really really know? There is a documentary out there you need to see. It's called, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." As to your question, enter the title into your browser. Click on the first website that comes up. Scroll down the page and you will see all the parts of the documentary. Go to, "Part 21, The Leuchter Findings." That part is mostly about a Jew named Cole who did his own investigation of what went on at Auschwitz. You should find it very interesting.

In that segment, you will find out that the gas chambers at Auschwitz were made to look like gas chambers by the Russians after the war. Tests were done at those "gas chambers" and no trace of Zyklon-B were found. Though Zyklon-B was used to disinfect clothing. There was a room known to have been used for that purpose. In it, the readings for residue of Zyklon-B went off the chart. Gas wasn't used at Buchenwald either. And if Jews weren't gassed in either of those places, it is extremely unlikely that they were gassed anywhere.

I suggest you watch the whole documentary. There is incredible information to be found here and there throughout it. Though I would suggest that you start at the end and work your way back from there. That way, you can get to all the jucy parts first.
I guess this is where we start pretending that Hitler was provoked by the Jews, didn't intend on killing them but only expelling them (because he kindly wanted to keep the families intact), that there was no extensive documentation by the Germans and all the Jews that survived the concentration camps were lying and...

I know that you get along just fine being brainwashed beyond all recognition. But take the red pill. Also, if it would have helped sell the allied version of events, they would have uncovered shitload of German documents talking about unicorns. When they say that history is written by the victors, that is the sort of thing they are talking about.

You need to watch the documentary, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Enter the title into your browser. Click on the first website that comes up. Then scroll down that page. You will see all the parts of the documentary listed. In particular, watch "Part 21, The Leuchter findings." See if you can handle watching a Jew investigate what really went on at Auschwitz. If you think you can handle more, I suggest that you start at the end and work your way back from there. That way you can get to much of the really jucy stuff first.
im outta here. fuck this lyin' ass freemind, deadmind, nomind, malignantmind asswipe
If you can't handle what is written in stone, there is no chance of you believing what I say. So go ahead and leave. Run Away!!! Run Away!!!
Because 6 mil is a magic no. quoted before 1922 when in Russia. No doubt a few million jews probably died in WWii, but they say over 65 million people died. Its time to quit making it about Jews, and frankly I do not believe there were large gas chambers. The wealthy Jews in Germany got out fine, they cared less about the Polish Jews, who by they way had their own partisan groups fighting . To make WWII about Jews is to decreased the value of life of non jews. Also Judea declared war on Germany when Hitler got elected.

2/3 of the Jewish population of Europe were exterminated - because they were Jews. Can you get your mind around that figure?
What you can't seem to get your mind around is that you have bought into a load of horse shit. There are Red Cross documents that say that 271,000 Jews died in the holocaust. There are more thouroughly researched findings that put the numbers at 300,000 to 600,000. Also, if you watch the documentary I mentioned, they will SHOW you several newspaper articles that appeared in various newspapers between the years of 1915-1938. They talked about something bad happening to 6 million Jews. How much of a sucker are you to believe the same bullshit number about the holocaust.
Why? Because it is so horrifying to acknowledge, it is best to deny it ever happened.

It did. Be horrified.
I KNOW for an absolute fact that there is something that horrifies holocaust promoters far more. Finding that they have been played for saps! That they have been suckered, hoodwinked, duped, deluded and turned into patsys. The holocaust was largely a hoax. Deal with it.
Imagine that, can't debate the death of Jews in WWII , just non debatable. Thank Goodness I live in the USA and everything is debatable. When they tell you just believe, makes you wonder why. It has been so programed into people, most do not question it. Who in the heck cares, how many Germans died.

You can believe whatever you want to believe. You can believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter bunny, but doesn't make them a fact. You just come across as ill-informed with nothing to back up your claims.
Spielberg's Schindler's list is as good a source as any. based on survivor accounts and testimony
Fooled again I see. The book Schindler's List was a work of FICTION. According to one website, it was only "LOOSLY" (That is just how they spelled it) based on facts. And even then, that "LOOSELY" would depend on the holocaust happening as it is generally believed to have happened. There actually was a person named Schindler. But that is about as factual as the whole story is. Everything else is BULLSHIT. At the time that Schindler was supposed to be doing whatever the movie said, he was actually in jail.
Who would have reason to lie about the holocaust and why. If the holocaust happened as is generally believed, why would there be those who would deny it. Let's list the reasons.
1. To make money. There are people who write books or give lectures to make money by supporting all sorts of conspiracy theories. I imagine holocaust denial would fit right in.
2. To cover the guilt of having killed so many "innocent" people. Which is no reason to me. There are people out there who would say that even if 6 million Jews were killed, it wasn't nearly enough.
3. To help sell the idea of White patriotism not being so bad by saying White patriots didn't kill as many Jews as is generally believed.
4. Those who don't like the Jews would likely be interested in slandering them by saying that the Jews mostly made up the whole holocaust thing.

Now let's say that the holocaust was largely a fabrication. Why would people lie by saying that 6 million Jews were killed. Let's list those reasons.
1. For the victors to demonize their enemies is a tactic that is probably as old as mankind. A holocaust story would help do that.
2. In 1933, a London newspaper headline read, "Judea declares war on Germany." And in war it is said that truth is the first casuality. The Jews controlled the movie industry. They may have also had a major influence in the raido industry. This gave them a huge "soapbox" from which to spread their lies.
3. Jews probably sought revenge against the Germans for having dared to deport or force out the "chosen of GOD!"
4. Reparations were made by Germany for the whole holocaust thing. As far as I know, they're still being made. If the holocaust was shown to largely have been a fraud, those reparations would dry up. Jews may even have to pay most of them back.
5. The U.S. might lessen its funding of Israel. A country that it already gave nuclear weapons to.
6. By playing the "pity" card, Jews can get away with far more.
7. For many Christians, a good way to prove the power of their imaginary god is to support the Jewish people.
8. If the holocaust was ever disproved, Jews might again be persecuted.
9. National Socialism was economically sucessful. Capitalism wasn't and still isn't. To support "The American Way," it would be very helpful to discredit National Socialism in any way possible.
10. Stalin was the real monster. The holocaust and other things could be supported so the U.S. doesn't look so bad for having supported Stalin.
11. If the holocaust was shown to largely be a fraud, most people would feel extrmemly suckered. They would lose even more faith in the U.S. government.
12. German National Socialism wasn't into the whole multiethnic society thing that is constantly being shoved down Americans throats. So to support their multiethnic society, they have to discredit the White patriot national socialist party. Etc.

Keep in mind that history is written by the victors. Consider the power the U.S. government and the jews have to see that their version of history prevails. Compare to that to the power of the few who seek the truth for the truth's sake. Holocaust deniers vs holocaust promoters. Holocaust promoters have much more reason to lie.

Holocaust DENIAL is part and parcel of the CREED OF NAZISM just as hatred
and vilification of "capitalism" is part and parcel of the creed of communism.
Holocaust denial propaganda was injected in to the basic Nazi beliefs at the
time that Nazi persecution of jews BEGAN ------it did not develope denovo after world war II . Eager Nazis and Islamo-nazis in general embraced the concept
WORLD WIDE way back in the mid 1930s. The reason is simple-----Nazism and islamo Nazism are supposed to be UNIVERSAL UTOPIAN ideologies which
when FULLY IMPLEMENTED lead to a world EVERYONE wants. Nazis are
not the only deniers. There are catholics even today who insist that the
Inquisition caused virtually no deaths or human suffering. "maybe a few thousand" . Russian communism was "cleansed" by purging STALIN----
out of the system
Fuck the holocaust and Jews in general. They have nothing to do with National Socialism. If every single filthy Jew went flying off into space like gravity failed to work on their bodies, it wouldn't cause a hair to move on my head. It would mean about as much to me as a single drop of rain during a rainstorm hitting the ground. If I never hear the word Jew again, I would love it.

As to German National Socialism, it has nothing at all to do with islam. German culture is German culture. Islamic culture is islamic culture. You would get about as far by trying to equate German culture with Pigmy culture. Next, the inquisition did do some pretty messed up things. But it was overblown by the Protestants.
BTY its against German law to deny it in public. a big fine and 5 years in the gray bar motel

Imagine that, can't debate the death of Jews in WWII , just non debatable. Thank Goodness I live in the USA and everything is debatable. When they tell you just believe, makes you wonder why. It has been so programed into people, most do not question it. Who in the heck cares, how many Germans died.
BTY its against German law to deny it in public. a big fine and 5 years in the gray bar motel

Imagine that, can't debate the death of Jews in WWII , just non debatable. Thank Goodness I live in the USA and everything is debatable. When they tell you just believe, makes you wonder why. It has been so programed into people, most do not question it. Who in the heck cares, how many Germans died.

all decent people care how many germans died and how many jews died and how many have died in the civil wars in Syria and in Yemen. Both denial and indifference are indicators of serious personality disorder. Indifference to massive genocide is the stuff of which islamo Nazis are made or more generally
it is the stuff of which the scum of humanity is made. I was a child in town full
of penelopianesque scum. Lots of "DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION" who insisted African blacks who were slaves on Plantations
were LUCKY to have been rescued from Africa. Histories of massive genocides
were ignored in the history classes-----especially those committed by the glorious
"EXPLORERS OF THE NEW WORLD" who came to the Americas seeking
You sure do talk a lot of crap. I doubt if you could find very many negros here in the U.S. who would rather be living in Africa. If it came to a choice between their ancestors having been slaves or them now living in Africa, I bet most would choose the their ancestors having been slaves alternative.
Spielberg's Schindler's list is as good a source as any. based on survivor accounts and testimony
Fooled again I see. The book Schindler's List was a work of FICTION. According to one website, it was only "LOOSLY" (That is just how they spelled it) based on facts. And even then, that "LOOSELY" would depend on the holocaust happening as it is generally believed to have happened. There actually was a person named Schindler. But that is about as factual as the whole story is. Everything else is BULLSHIT. At the time that Schindler was supposed to be doing whatever the movie said, he was actually in jail.

actually your a work of fiction
Who would have reason to lie about the holocaust and why. If the holocaust happened as is generally believed, why would there be those who would deny it. Let's list the reasons.
1. To make money. There are people who write books or give lectures to make money by supporting all sorts of conspiracy theories. I imagine holocaust denial would fit right in.
2. To cover the guilt of having killed so many "innocent" people. Which is no reason to me. There are people out there who would say that even if 6 million Jews were killed, it wasn't nearly enough.
3. To help sell the idea of White patriotism not being so bad by saying White patriots didn't kill as many Jews as is generally believed.
4. Those who don't like the Jews would likely be interested in slandering them by saying that the Jews mostly made up the whole holocaust thing.

Now let's say that the holocaust was largely a fabrication. Why would people lie by saying that 6 million Jews were killed. Let's list those reasons.
1. For the victors to demonize their enemies is a tactic that is probably as old as mankind. A holocaust story would help do that.
2. In 1933, a London newspaper headline read, "Judea declares war on Germany." And in war it is said that truth is the first casuality. The Jews controlled the movie industry. They may have also had a major influence in the raido industry. This gave them a huge "soapbox" from which to spread their lies.
3. Jews probably sought revenge against the Germans for having dared to deport or force out the "chosen of GOD!"
4. Reparations were made by Germany for the whole holocaust thing. As far as I know, they're still being made. If the holocaust was shown to largely have been a fraud, those reparations would dry up. Jews may even have to pay most of them back.
5. The U.S. might lessen its funding of Israel. A country that it already gave nuclear weapons to.
6. By playing the "pity" card, Jews can get away with far more.
7. For many Christians, a good way to prove the power of their imaginary god is to support the Jewish people.
8. If the holocaust was ever disproved, Jews might again be persecuted.
9. National Socialism was economically sucessful. Capitalism wasn't and still isn't. To support "The American Way," it would be very helpful to discredit National Socialism in any way possible.
10. Stalin was the real monster. The holocaust and other things could be supported so the U.S. doesn't look so bad for having supported Stalin.
11. If the holocaust was shown to largely be a fraud, most people would feel extrmemly suckered. They would lose even more faith in the U.S. government.
12. German National Socialism wasn't into the whole multiethnic society thing that is constantly being shoved down Americans throats. So to support their multiethnic society, they have to discredit the White patriot national socialist party. Etc.

Keep in mind that history is written by the victors. Consider the power the U.S. government and the jews have to see that their version of history prevails. Compare to that to the power of the few who seek the truth for the truth's sake. Holocaust deniers vs holocaust promoters. Holocaust promoters have much more reason to lie.

Holocaust DENIAL is part and parcel of the CREED OF NAZISM just as hatred
and vilification of "capitalism" is part and parcel of the creed of communism.
Holocaust denial propaganda was injected in to the basic Nazi beliefs at the
time that Nazi persecution of jews BEGAN ------it did not develope denovo after world war II . Eager Nazis and Islamo-nazis in general embraced the concept
WORLD WIDE way back in the mid 1930s. The reason is simple-----Nazism and islamo Nazism are supposed to be UNIVERSAL UTOPIAN ideologies which
when FULLY IMPLEMENTED lead to a world EVERYONE wants. Nazis are
not the only deniers. There are catholics even today who insist that the
Inquisition caused virtually no deaths or human suffering. "maybe a few thousand" . Russian communism was "cleansed" by purging STALIN----
out of the system
Fuck the holocaust and Jews in general. They have nothing to do with National Socialism. If every single filthy Jew went flying off into space like gravity failed to work on their bodies, it wouldn't cause a hair to move on my head. It would mean about as much to me as a single drop of rain during a rainstorm hitting the ground. If I never hear the word Jew again, I would love it.

As to German National Socialism, it has nothing at all to do with islam. German culture is German culture. Islamic culture is islamic culture. You would get about as far by trying to equate German culture with Pigmy culture. Next, the inquisition did do some pretty messed up things. But it was overblown by the Protestants.

can't prove what you say huh?? put up or STFU
Fuck the holocaust and Jews in general. They have nothing to do with National Socialism. If every single filthy Jew went flying off into space like gravity failed to work on their bodies, it wouldn't cause a hair to move on my head. It would mean about as much to me as a single drop of rain during a rainstorm hitting the ground. If I never hear the word Jew again, I would love it.

What have you got against Jews?
Freemind's 87-year-old German Neo-Nazi grandmother has been sentenced to 10 months in prison after being found guilty of denying the Holocaust.

Fuck the holocaust and Jews in general. They have nothing to do with National Socialism. If every single filthy Jew went flying off into space like gravity failed to work on their bodies, it wouldn't cause a hair to move on my head. It would mean about as much to me as a single drop of rain during a rainstorm hitting the ground. If I never hear the word Jew again, I would love it.

What have you got against Jews?

he's a Muslim raghead. simple as that
Who would have reason to lie about the holocaust and why. If the holocaust happened as is generally believed, why would there be those who would deny it. Let's list the reasons.
1. To make money. There are people who write books or give lectures to make money by supporting all sorts of conspiracy theories. I imagine holocaust denial would fit right in.
2. To cover the guilt of having killed so many "innocent" people. Which is no reason to me. There are people out there who would say that even if 6 million Jews were killed, it wasn't nearly enough.
3. To help sell the idea of White patriotism not being so bad by saying White patriots didn't kill as many Jews as is generally believed.
4. Those who don't like the Jews would likely be interested in slandering them by saying that the Jews mostly made up the whole holocaust thing.

Now let's say that the holocaust was largely a fabrication. Why would people lie by saying that 6 million Jews were killed. Let's list those reasons.
1. For the victors to demonize their enemies is a tactic that is probably as old as mankind. A holocaust story would help do that.
2. In 1933, a London newspaper headline read, "Judea declares war on Germany." And in war it is said that truth is the first casuality. The Jews controlled the movie industry. They may have also had a major influence in the raido industry. This gave them a huge "soapbox" from which to spread their lies.
3. Jews probably sought revenge against the Germans for having dared to deport or force out the "chosen of GOD!"
4. Reparations were made by Germany for the whole holocaust thing. As far as I know, they're still being made. If the holocaust was shown to largely have been a fraud, those reparations would dry up. Jews may even have to pay most of them back.
5. The U.S. might lessen its funding of Israel. A country that it already gave nuclear weapons to.
6. By playing the "pity" card, Jews can get away with far more.
7. For many Christians, a good way to prove the power of their imaginary god is to support the Jewish people.
8. If the holocaust was ever disproved, Jews might again be persecuted.
9. National Socialism was economically sucessful. Capitalism wasn't and still isn't. To support "The American Way," it would be very helpful to discredit National Socialism in any way possible.
10. Stalin was the real monster. The holocaust and other things could be supported so the U.S. doesn't look so bad for having supported Stalin.
11. If the holocaust was shown to largely be a fraud, most people would feel extrmemly suckered. They would lose even more faith in the U.S. government.
12. German National Socialism wasn't into the whole multiethnic society thing that is constantly being shoved down Americans throats. So to support their multiethnic society, they have to discredit the White patriot national socialist party. Etc.

Keep in mind that history is written by the victors. Consider the power the U.S. government and the jews have to see that their version of history prevails. Compare to that to the power of the few who seek the truth for the truth's sake. Holocaust deniers vs holocaust promoters. Holocaust promoters have much more reason to lie.

Why would racists hate? Hate's irrational and serves no useful purpose. So asking what irrational people do those irrational things is asking why are they irrational? Hate like that is learned and taught. If you're raised with it it's all you know and you never consider anything else. Racial hatred is akin to the people of DPRK who love their Dear Leader because they've been conditioned to love him. The thought of not loving him and supporting his even to their detriment doesn't even occur to them as an option. Same with racists. That hate is comforting because it's familar.

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