Why Vegas is a complete hell hole !!!

In case you’re relocating ??

1) most of the population is very anti intellectual. Vast majority of the population never went passed HS .they love to roar their motorcycle at 4 am to wake you up

2) Drivers - most careless pieces of human filth . Cars will literally just cut in front of you or turn into you

3) psychopathic culture- folks here tend to be mostly low life street trash . So many genetically damaged losers

4) Drug addicts - city has drug addicts in every direction and you can’t avoid them

5) Violence- random violence all the time

6) zero manners and crude behavior- zero class and sophistication of any kind

I can name more
I know California and NM are even far worse
So leave.
Yes, but most of VEGAS are chasing their addictions.....chasing their addictions is why people chose to move to vegas generally speaking.
i chased an addiction to move here.....do you realize how stupid that sounded.....how about i moved here because its a hell of lot cheaper than fucking California...hows that for an addiction?...
I am a good guy with a frustrating life
I don’t do drugs or gamble
I always pay my debts
I am very well behaved and well mannered
I am not a Jewish Bolshevik !!!

This city will break you down into sushi rolls very fast
In 4 yrs I will be in Arizona or dead

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