black cop slams white child

...yes, ANOTHER black on white crime ..not headline news---mmmmm?
not headline news? how did you find out about it, vegetable?

you could have read all about it in the washington post in 2019, e.g.

He was fired and is facing charges so the correct things happened. When things go as they should they rarely make major news. It's when things go wrong that it's news.
The problem is most cops are just the same lot as the street thugs
They have such low standards at the recruiting office

Cops today ARE nothing but thugs, goons, and political mafia enforcers.
They don't KNOW any laws. Hell, I know more laws than 1,000 of THEM put together!!
They have NO interest in serving the public, unless it suits their false image needs for the media.
They have NO qualms about breaking laws that serves their political masters' interests.
They are corrupt beyond corrupt.
A Black cop was suspended without pay for assault and finally brought to justice two years later. Nothing unusual about that but they are blaming Disantis for the delay in prosecution. The guy can't catch a break. Who 'ya gonna blame for the lack of prosecution regarding the 10,000 nursing home residents who died as a result of an executive order issued by Cuomo? It's going on two years.
L.K.Eder stop the stupid shit..whenever a black is even looked at wrong, they scream it all over the MSM for weeks!!! -UNDENIABLE
..and--this story is 2 years old!!!!!!!!!!! no, I did not see this before--hahhahahaha--you fkd up
..and RACE is not mentioned...but if races were reversed--RACE RACE RACE
==we are not stupid--the blacks are the racists/etc ...they MURDER whites at ten times the rate of vice versa....the MSM is a bunch of lies/bullshit
WAPO is anti- white and leftist--no mention of RACE

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