Why Trump Can't Admit That Wealthy, Mostly White, Educated Suburbanites Is Why He Lost


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The entire “voter fraud” shtick emanating from the White House is already rancid well beyond its shelf-life, but this needs to be pointed out, if it hasn’t already. Despite pointing his fat little fingers and squealing about “fraud” at the cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, Trump didn’t lose this election by twice the number of votes that he lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016 because of these cities. In fact. he did better in Detroit and Philadelphia, the two biggest targets of his accusatory, much-ballyhooed, ire, than he did in 2016.

As Holly Otterbein, writing for Politico notes, it was not the big cities at all--but the largely whiter, wealthier suburbs around these cities that sealed Trump’s fate.

The overwhelming majority of the country can't stand you, and that includes a majority of the white ones to. It's easy to see why the magats are having a hard time dealing with it.
The entire “voter fraud” shtick emanating from the White House is already rancid well beyond its shelf-life, but this needs to be pointed out, if it hasn’t already. Despite pointing his fat little fingers and squealing about “fraud” at the cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, Trump didn’t lose this election by twice the number of votes that he lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016 because of these cities. In fact. he did better in Detroit and Philadelphia, the two biggest targets of his accusatory, much-ballyhooed, ire, than he did in 2016.

As Holly Otterbein, writing for Politico notes, it was not the big cities at all--but the largely whiter, wealthier suburbs around these cities that sealed Trump’s fate.

The overwhelming majority of the country can't stand you, and that includes a majority of the white ones to. It's easy to see why the magats are having a hard time dealing with it.

Is it Carl?
The entire “voter fraud” shtick emanating from the White House is already rancid well beyond its shelf-life, but this needs to be pointed out, if it hasn’t already. Despite pointing his fat little fingers and squealing about “fraud” at the cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, Trump didn’t lose this election by twice the number of votes that he lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016 because of these cities. In fact. he did better in Detroit and Philadelphia, the two biggest targets of his accusatory, much-ballyhooed, ire, than he did in 2016.

As Holly Otterbein, writing for Politico notes, it was not the big cities at all--but the largely whiter, wealthier suburbs around these cities that sealed Trump’s fate.

The overwhelming majority of the country can't stand you, and that includes a majority of the white ones to. It's easy to see why the magats are having a hard time dealing with it.

The bullshit about Trump not appealing to "college educated" voters is getting on my nerves.

I have a law degree (doctorate), and 80% of my college educated friends support(ed) Trump, enthusiastically. It's not even close. These are men I meet at church, bowling, golfing, people I've worked with, relatives, neighbors, etc. Men and women. The Biden supporters are outliers.

But I'm talking mainly about college educated white men and women who work (or worked) productively in the private sector.

While I realize that my microscopic circle of friends, relatives, and acquaintances does not constitute a scientific study, I have a difficult time accepting the idea that "we" are the oddballs.

Where are these college-educated, suburban white guys who support Biden?
Please, Trumps tweets...Trump has NEVER done anything as egregious as standing by race rioters, burning down businesses. I am shocked, that Democrats did that, let alone Americans side with those that vote along those lines. Democrats sided with people that burned down cities. This is who the democrats are. America lost.
I have a law degree (doctorate), ... Where are these college-educated, suburban white guys who support Biden?
I can't really say I envy your position. You're saying you have a law degree and are not good standing with the Democratic Party, to argue a case before a Democrat judge without getting in trouble with the Democrat bar? That's Kraken territory right alongside Sidney Powell.
The entire “voter fraud” shtick emanating from the White House is already rancid well beyond its shelf-life, but this needs to be pointed out, if it hasn’t already. Despite pointing his fat little fingers and squealing about “fraud” at the cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, Trump didn’t lose this election by twice the number of votes that he lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016 because of these cities. In fact. he did better in Detroit and Philadelphia, the two biggest targets of his accusatory, much-ballyhooed, ire, than he did in 2016.

As Holly Otterbein, writing for Politico notes, it was not the big cities at all--but the largely whiter, wealthier suburbs around these cities that sealed Trump’s fate.

The overwhelming majority of the country can't stand you, and that includes a majority of the white ones to. It's easy to see why the magats are having a hard time dealing with it.
Yeah, all those wealthy white educated fucks, could only put 1 dot on a ballot in Joe XiBiden's name but couldnt fill out the rest of the ballots, all 180,000 of those stupid fucks.....Nope, only prog slaves believe what their masters tell them, just for that welfare check...
The bullshit about Trump not appealing to "college educated" voters is getting on my nerves.

I have a law degree (doctorate), and 80% of my college educated friends support(ed) Trump, enthusiastically. It's not even close. These are men I meet at church, bowling, golfing, people I've worked with, relatives, neighbors, etc. Men and women. The Biden supporters are outliers.

But I'm talking mainly about college educated white men and women who work (or worked) productively in the private sector.

While I realize that my microscopic circle of friends, relatives, and acquaintances does not constitute a scientific study, I have a difficult time accepting the idea that "we" are the oddballs.

Where are these college-educated, suburban white guys who support Biden?
Burning Looting and Murdering in the guise of BLM/ANFTIFA.
The bullshit about Trump not appealing to "college educated" voters is getting on my nerves.

I have a law degree (doctorate), and 80% of my college educated friends support(ed) Trump, enthusiastically. It's not even close. These are men I meet at church, bowling, golfing, people I've worked with, relatives, neighbors, etc. Men and women. The Biden supporters are outliers.

But I'm talking mainly about college educated white men and women who work (or worked) productively in the private sector.

While I realize that my microscopic circle of friends, relatives, and acquaintances does not constitute a scientific study, I have a difficult time accepting the idea that "we" are the oddballs.

Where are these college-educated, suburban white guys who support Biden?

Yeah, I pretty much saw though that BS from the start. I have both an Associate's and a Bachelor's degree, was a former Democrat, and worked in the academic field for 12 years.

They're not really fooling everyone.
The entire “voter fraud” shtick emanating from the White House is already rancid well beyond its shelf-life, but this needs to be pointed out, if it hasn’t already. Despite pointing his fat little fingers and squealing about “fraud” at the cities of Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, Trump didn’t lose this election by twice the number of votes that he lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016 because of these cities. In fact. he did better in Detroit and Philadelphia, the two biggest targets of his accusatory, much-ballyhooed, ire, than he did in 2016.

As Holly Otterbein, writing for Politico notes, it was not the big cities at all--but the largely whiter, wealthier suburbs around these cities that sealed Trump’s fate.

The overwhelming majority of the country can't stand you, and that includes a majority of the white ones to. It's easy to see why the magats are having a hard time dealing with it.
Oh yeah, i have met plenty of "educated" people who have no common sense at all. Progs are such people, because with wisdom and common sense, you learn from your mistakes, while progs...

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job - NaturalNews.com

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
And why insane asylums need to be opened up again.

The bullshit about Trump not appealing to "college educated" voters is getting on my nerves.

I have a law degree (doctorate), and 80% of my college educated friends support(ed) Trump, enthusiastically. It's not even close. These are men I meet at church, bowling, golfing, people I've worked with, relatives, neighbors, etc. Men and women. The Biden supporters are outliers.

But I'm talking mainly about college educated white men and women who work (or worked) productively in the private sector.

While I realize that my microscopic circle of friends, relatives, and acquaintances does not constitute a scientific study, I have a difficult time accepting the idea that "we" are the oddballs.

Where are these college-educated, suburban white guys who support Biden?

Yeah, I pretty much saw though that BS from the start. I have both an Associate's and a Bachelor's degree, was a former Democrat, and worked in the academic field for 12 years.

They're not really fooling everyone.
Only themselves...
The bullshit about Trump not appealing to "college educated" voters is getting on my nerves.

I have a law degree (doctorate), and 80% of my college educated friends support(ed) Trump, enthusiastically. It's not even close. These are men I meet at church, bowling, golfing, people I've worked with, relatives, neighbors, etc. Men and women. The Biden supporters are outliers.

But I'm talking mainly about college educated white men and women who work (or worked) productively in the private sector.

While I realize that my microscopic circle of friends, relatives, and acquaintances does not constitute a scientific study, I have a difficult time accepting the idea that "we" are the oddballs.

Where are these college-educated, suburban white guys who support Biden?

Many degrees = Trump voter.

Unless... you are talking about the worthless gender studies degrees.

If you look at Trump voters vs Biden voters, it's actually the people who produce everything vs. the people who consume.
It's rather ironic that the post outlines high education and election fraud.

Pretty much anyone with above room temperature IQ is questioning the results of the selection election. To not do so when the irregularities are so big, is to be taken in by pure dogma.

Then again, the university system is training more sheep these days than ever. It's not what it used to be.

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